TIL: Start a Google+ Page Named With Your Keyword And You Might Get On Page 1 Easily

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  • SEO
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Never saw this method here before.

Let's say your keyword is "Blue Widgets"

Go to Google+. Start a new page called "Blue Widgets".

Regularly post content to your "Blue Widgets" website and push that content to the Google+ page called "Blue Widgets."

When people Google "Blue Widgets", they might see a couple of your Google+ posts right there on page 1. Make sure your content is relevant.

I had no idea this was a method but I found out by accident. I Googled my keyword and found two posts from Google+ staring right at me on Page 1. My Google+ page is named after my keyword.

It has the added benefit of being pure white hat, too.

Give it a try and let me know if it works for you.
#easily #google #keyword #named #page #start #til
  • Profile picture of the author yukon
    Originally Posted by spurge0n View Post

    Never saw this method here before.

    Let's say your keyword is "Blue Widgets"

    Go to Google+. Start a new page called "Blue Widgets".

    Regularly post content to your "Blue Widgets" website and push that content to the Google+ page called "Blue Widgets."

    When people Google "Blue Widgets", they might see a couple of your Google+ posts right there on page 1. Make sure your content is relevant.

    I had no idea this was a method but I found out by accident. I Googled my keyword and found two posts from Google+ staring right at me on Page 1. My Google+ page is named after my keyword.

    It has the added benefit of being pure white hat, too.

    Give it a try and let me know if it works for you.
    Was you logged in to a Google account or have browser history/cookies while searching?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10044818].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author nettiapina
    Originally Posted by spurge0n View Post

    When people Google "Blue Widgets", they might see a couple of your Google+ posts right there on page 1. Make sure your content is relevant.
    Google often shows content from your Google+ circles on the first page of search results. This is just another form of personalized search results, but you can certainly use it to your advantage.

    It's rare to see a Google+ post that isn't from your own circles, but I guess that might happen occasionally.
    Links in signature will not help your SEO. Not on this site, and not on any other forum.
    Who told me this? An ex Google web spam engineer.

    What's your excuse?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10044931].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author MikeFriedman
    Originally Posted by spurge0n View Post

    Never saw this method here before.

    Let's say your keyword is "Blue Widgets"

    Go to Google+. Start a new page called "Blue Widgets".

    Regularly post content to your "Blue Widgets" website and push that content to the Google+ page called "Blue Widgets."

    When people Google "Blue Widgets", they might see a couple of your Google+ posts right there on page 1. Make sure your content is relevant.

    I had no idea this was a method but I found out by accident. I Googled my keyword and found two posts from Google+ staring right at me on Page 1. My Google+ page is named after my keyword.

    It has the added benefit of being pure white hat, too.

    Give it a try and let me know if it works for you.
    Here is something you should try Googling... Personalized Results.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10044934].message }}

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