How to get ranking easily?

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I have a website and still not getting better keywords ranking. Please help me to get fast keywords ranking easily..
#easily #ranking #seo #seo services #smo services
  • Profile picture of the author jessikaload
    This is a general question and there is no any specific information regarding your problem. So answer is the general one.

    Create fresh quality content and build quality backlinks from authority sites
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  • Profile picture of the author nettiapina
    Originally Posted by William Smit View Post

    Please help me to get fast keywords ranking easily..
    This one is easy. Hire a competent SEO. However, do you have at least $1000/mo to put in this project?
    Links in signature will not help your SEO. Not on this site, and not on any other forum.
    Who told me this? An ex Google web spam engineer.

    What's your excuse?
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  • Profile picture of the author uday11
    How old is ur website? No enough data to give you inputs. General suggestion would be, make your website error free and acquire some QUALITY links via content marketing, few other link baiting techniques.
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  • Profile picture of the author pawansingh
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    • Profile picture of the author SMworkcafe
      Originally Posted by pawansingh View Post

      try black hat SEO for instant result but after some time your site will be banned by Google...
      And how exactly did you contribute on this thread?


      - Sana.

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  • Profile picture of the author mriollchwen
    Yes, this is the common question for all SEO Expert, but you need to create quality and attractive contents and build quality back links.Also today need to buildup Brand through Social Media..
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  • Profile picture of the author dewalds86
    I think you first need to do research on the keywords you use. It is a good idea to choose your keywords wisely before you target them.
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  • Profile picture of the author uditsh
    Originally Posted by William Smit View Post

    I have a website and still not getting better keywords ranking. Please help me to get fast keywords ranking easily..
    Start PPC campaign with your target keyword or set of target keywords. By using this method, your keywords will rank higher (easily,fast).
    There is no any other method if you are looking for organic keyword ranking in short time.
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  • Profile picture of the author NilimaSarasvati
    It's not easy to get rank a newly build website. Initially you need to select an appropriate keyword and select low competition keyword to get rank your website. Here are the few tips which will help you to get rank your website. Create account in Quora and Create keyword relevant topic and add suitable description relevant to your site and add link on keyword while doing this keyword start ranking in SERP with in 10 days to get rank in First page in SERP you need to work more start discussion in Quora and use those link in Discussion.

    Hopefully this information helps.....
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    • Profile picture of the author SonuSharma
      Do the quality wise seo work and build the high quality backlinks , you can also follow the competitor's website related to your keywords which ranked on the first page.
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      • Profile picture of the author KylieSweet
        Originally Posted by SonuSharma View Post

        Do the quality wise seo work and build the high quality backlinks ,
        How can you implement quality wise SEO? How to build high quality links?

        Your post is not specific and too broad so how can you help the thread like this.
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  • Profile picture of the author Okoji
    This is the same issue everyone is having. To me it seems the traffic technology we all have is failing us.
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  • Profile picture of the author Thaniya
    Do ethical SEO in getting your keywords ranked in top SERP's
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  • Profile picture of the author Simeon Tuitt
    Originally Posted by William Smit View Post

    I have a website and still not getting better keywords ranking. Please help me to get fast keywords ranking easily..

    Hi William, as uditsh said, start a PPC keyword campaign, that is the fastest way to get the keyword traffic you need, there is no FAST short cuts for long term keyword rankings. If your PPC campaigns convert, then use some of the cash from that to get someone to rank your site organically for the keywords you used in your PPC keyword campaign.

    You don't want to rank yourself for a bunch of keywords that don't have searches or convert into some form of return for you, PPC will let you test how profitable your keyword selection is for you.

    Simeon Tuitt Is A Digital Product Creator And Publisher Since 2006. Search Simeon Tuitt In The Alexa Skills Store To Listen On Your Echo, Echo Dot Or Watch On Your Echo Show Or Echo Spot Device.

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    • Profile picture of the author themebounce
      Originally Posted by Simeon Tuitt View Post

      Hi William, as uditsh said, start a PPC keyword campaign, that is the fastest way to get the keyword traffic you need, there is no FAST short cuts for long term keyword rankings. If your PPC campaigns convert, then use some of the cash from that to get someone to rank your site organically for the keywords you used in your PPC keyword campaign.

      You don't want to rank yourself for a bunch of keywords that don't have searches or convert into some form of return for you, PPC will let you test how profitable your keyword selection is for you.
      This is definitely the way to go. That way you know the keywords convert and aren't a waste of resources. Then, just make sure you are creating top quality content (none of the spun junk) and building good backlinks. Look into getting some content syndicated if you can to other sites. Building a business the right way takes time but is the only way to stick around. Otherwise you are asking to get it banned.

      Using WordPress? Check Out Our Super Fast Loading, Ad Optimized, Mobile Responsive WordPress Themes made just for marketers. Theme Bounce

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  • Profile picture of the author chrisjohn93
    High quality backlinks and unique content are the best way to get ranking easier in Google SERP.
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  • Profile picture of the author pinkwhale
    Put original content,analysed SEO on page factor and create high quality backlinks.
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    • Profile picture of the author stevenhendricks28
      • Initially set the keywords you want to target. Then optimize the on-page of the site for the keywords. You have to keep unique meta title, description and content for the web pages. You can use keywords in the URL structure of sub pages.
      • Create a PPC campaign for the keywords you want to target. Hopefully you will get some initial traffic and a customer base through this method.
      • Start a link building campaign and create links in relevant sites. Try to get more do follow links. No follow links is also fine to get traffic but it's not going to help in ranking your keyword.
      Uber clone script - Developing a successful taxi-hailing app like Uber in 48 hours. Try now!
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  • Profile picture of the author AadhyaMehra
    Use unique contents for building quality backlinks so that your website rank better in the search engine.Implement some off page seo techniques like microblogging,web2.0,guest posting,article submission.
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  • Profile picture of the author medstock
    Unique contents and use high PR site.
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    • Profile picture of the author saifuddin
      At first you need to do keyword research. Specific perfect keyword is important. keyword must be relevant of the subject of you site. your site must be reach & quality and unique content. After than you do perfectly on-page SEO then you use technique of off-page SEO.
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  • Profile picture of the author SandraDLaurean
    Implement off page seo techniques towards your website.Build quality back links by using unique contents .
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  • Profile picture of the author SMworkcafe
    Originally Posted by William Smit View Post

    I have a website and still not getting better keywords ranking. Please help me to get fast keywords ranking easily..
    Initially, there are 3 ways:

    1. By using any of the following to see the current status of your keyword competition:

    Google Adwords, Moz, Jaaxy, Traffic Travis.

    2. Building do-follow + permanent backlinks

    3. Buy a WSO.


    - Sana.

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    • Profile picture of the author DABK
      2... those are called backlinks.... The default backlink is followed. There is, therefore, no need, to say do-follow.... Because what you're saying when you say do-follow is that the OP should add the tag rel="dofollow" and that doesn't exist. Only rel="nofollow" exists and links without rel="dofollow."

      3. Buying a WSO (without specifying a good one on topic) is useless advice. Even if you specified, it might be useless... But without.... Oh, me; oh my.

      Originally Posted by SMworkcafe View Post

      Initially, there are 3 ways:

      1. By using any of the following to see the current status of your keyword competition:

      Google Adwords, Moz, Jaaxy, Traffic Travis.

      2. Building do-follow + permanent backlinks

      3. Buy a WSO.
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      • Profile picture of the author SMworkcafe
        Originally Posted by DABK View Post

        2... those are called backlinks.... The default backlink is followed. There is, therefore, no need, to say do-follow.... Because what you're saying when you say do-follow is that the OP should add the tag rel="dofollow" and that doesn't exist. Only rel="nofollow" exists and links without rel="dofollow."

        3. Buying a WSO (without specifying a good one on topic) is useless advice. Even if you specified, it might be useless... But without.... Oh, me; oh my.
        I'm trying to understand in what mental state are you writing all this down...

        2. First of all, I have stated the words 'backlinks' haven't I? Secondly, you are wrong. If someone needs to search more on this ranking technique, they can by either using the search bar of this forum or going to the search engines - themselves.

        3. Why should I specify a certain WSO here? 'You' have a useless take on this - sorry. I have never bought a WSO for link building purposes. I have my own full-time assistant who does this for me. What are we discussing right now? How to rank - right? Bingo!


        - Sana.

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10218213].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author DABK
          Mental state: normal, slightly cheerful.

          2. You did state the word 'backlinks' and 'do-follow" and the issue is your use of the words 'do-follow' in this context. You missed that I was pointing out that the default position with links is 'do-follow' therefore the words 'do-follow' are redundant, if not incorrect.

          Find a 'do-follow' links, right click, look at the the source... You will not see a 'do-follow' tag. Do the same for no-follow links and you will see a 'no-follow' tag.

          3. Why should you specify a WSO? You shouldn't. However, if you suggest a WSO would help the OP get ranking easily but do not say which one, you're just wasting pixels.


          Originally Posted by SMworkcafe View Post

          I'm trying to understand in what mental state are you writing all this down...

          2. First of all, you are wrong. Secondly, I have stated the words 'backlinks' haven't I? If someone needs to search more on this ranking technique, they can by either using the search bar of this forum or going to the search engines - themselves.

          3. Why should I specify a certain WSO here? 'You' have a useless take on this - sorry. I have never bought a WSO for link building purposes. I have my own full-time assistant who does this for me. What are we discussing right now? How to rank - right? Bingo!
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  • Profile picture of the author henary21
    I think Create quality content and build quality backlinks from authority sites whose PA DA are also good
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  • Profile picture of the author AuthorityBuilder
    There's no shortcut to getting rankings easily. Build links. Do outreach.
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  • Profile picture of the author ToBeFree
    There are many things you could do in getting quality backlinks to your site to increase your trust flow and citations. Are you sending any social signals? Do you use a private blog network and syndicate your links with the likes of SocialADR, Onlywire or Syndwire back to your money site? I personally like the juice from using Google properties, especially linking Hangouts with existing videos. This method ranks fast and is very sticky, not to mention its future proof as they are, well...Google properties.
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  • Profile picture of the author MRseo007
    chose right keyword then research and use proper seo..
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  • Profile picture of the author lostcyclist
    Ok, wow. I'm not sure where "Buy WSO" or "stuff keywords" became a helpful tip (In fact, keep your on-page keywords under 3%)

    But then "fast" and "seo" probably shouldn't be used in the same sentence! Seo is the "long game". PPC is the "fast" one.

    1. Keyword Research. You need to find keywords that are not too competitive to rank for.
    2. Social build a few social profile pages and promote your stuff on them daily for 2-3 months. Make sure you are actively building a following.
    3. High quality press release.
    4. PBNs (Private Blog Networks). These things work nicely and give you very stable rankings. You could also try guest posting or infographics if you want to avoid PBNS. Backlinko (Brian Dean) has some good training on these "white hat" methods (all SEO is "black hat", but we can debate that another day)

    There's a half-dozen nuances you can insert to that formula to make your rankings more secure, but that should get you off to a good start.

    Making $15k/Month with Amazon Affiliate Sites. Follow along or start your own escape:

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  • Profile picture of the author RikiTTotal
    I'm fairly new to SEO but just after getting my first site ranked on page one :-)
    If you want I can talk you through the whole process and it would be nice for me as a case study. PM me if you are interested.
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  • Profile picture of the author deepakrajput
    use white hat SEO link-building to get long time results.
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  • Profile picture of the author kazimuhith
    Unique contents and use high PR back links with a mix of edu , govt and social media links ..
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  • Profile picture of the author Hemanth Malli
    First do perfect on page and take long tail keywords to get fast ranking in Google.
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  • Profile picture of the author tbsnetworks
    Update unique post daily at least 1 post per day. And build some quality backlinks from high authority websites and do social media promotion for your website. That are really helps to improve your rank quickly on search engine.
    TBSNetworks - For helpdesk support | Outsourced Helpdesk Support

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  • Profile picture of the author richasharma
    do off page SEO properly, which include:
    blog post
    edu blog post
    image back linking
    and many other task
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  • Profile picture of the author janardan
    Implement off page seo activities for your website. Create quality content for build back links from high PR article and social bookmarking sites. That are really help your site to get good ranking search engines.
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  • Originally Posted by William Smit View Post

    I have a website and still not getting better keywords ranking. Please help me to get fast keywords ranking easily..

    Ok here are a few keywords you should be able to rank easily.

    "bunny eating potatoes quickly"
    "found a bear smoking tobacco"
    "learn the magically snake train"
    "thomas told me the squid bus"

    You should be able to make a free blog then write a few articles with the above keywords in mind. Guaranteed #1 on google
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    • Profile picture of the author SMworkcafe
      Originally Posted by TotalWebsiteControl View Post

      Ok here are a few keywords you should be able to rank easily.

      "bunny eating potatoes quickly"
      "found a bear smoking tobacco"
      "learn the magically snake train"
      "thomas told me the squid bus"

      You should be able to make a free blog then write a few articles with the above keywords in mind. Guaranteed #1 on google
      Just for fun I researched. Seems like the first one is actually being searched

      Made my day!


      - Sana.

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  • Profile picture of the author stackman
    Competition is your biggest hurdle in keyword ranking. There are few if any keywords worth considering that don't already have hundreds if not thousands of quality web sites dominating the high rankings. Your goal is to climb that mountain and get yourself on or near the top. It is not easy.

    I suggest not focusing so much on keywords but on the questions that someone might ask, and the different ways of asking, that might lead them to your site, where you would provide high quality authoritative answers to those questions.

    For example if your niche and area of personal expertise is Search Engine Optimization, you would offer content that answers common questions, such as:

    "How to get keyword ranking easily?"
    "How to find high ranking keywords?
    "How to boost my keyword ranking?"
    "What can I do to improve my keyword ranking?"
    "What is the best way to get great keyword ranking?"

    If you can't offer authoritative answers to those questions on your site, you'll find it difficult to get quality backlinks, social referrals, and returning visitors. Too many sites out there are amateurish and poorly written, even though they have great keywords, and will never get ranked, regardless of SEO.
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  • Originally Posted by William Smit View Post

    I have a website and still not getting better keywords ranking. Please help me to get fast keywords ranking easily..
    Well we have no idea what your niche is so how can we help you?
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  • Profile picture of the author massiveray
    Forget ranking quickly as an aim, it is an outdated concept...

    Concentrate on traffic first, ranking will come as a lovely little side effect.

    Step 1 - Who do you want to visit your site? what are their other interests that cross over with yours?
    Step 2 - Where are they? which sites do they visit regularly? Make a list of these
    Step 3 - Create something cool/of interest to the visitors of those sites that overlaps with whatever it is that your site is about
    Step 4 - Contact the sites and show them what you have, if it is good enough and relevant enough they will either link to it on your site or allow you to publish it on their site (whatever your aim is with what you have created).

    This sort of over simplified strategy (it's a lot harder than this makes it sound) has 2 major benefits:
    1) direct click through to your site from targeted potential buyers
    2) you are getting links on busy, relevant and authoritative sites, which in the long term will beat out most other types of link strategies

    Join my private strategy group on Facebook or find out how I made £2000 recurring in 2 weeks.

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  • Profile picture of the author madlee
    What is the url of your website and also keyword you want to rank??
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  • Profile picture of the author kobir1115
    you didn't mention your website topic and age. Unique topic and posts are very helpful to get rank easily. Unique post will attract much visitors.
    Beside that you have to spread your website's link in different social bookmarking websites such as facebook, yahoo answers, diigo, tumbler etc.
    And lastly you have to create some backlinks in high page ranked websites whose are related to your website topic.
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  • Profile picture of the author st0nec0ld
    Originally Posted by William Smit View Post

    I have a website and still not getting better keywords ranking. Please help me to get fast keywords ranking easily..
    There are no fast way to rank but the best way to rank is to get your site onpage optimized first. Make sure that the url structure, site navigation, keywords, metas, content, sitemap, page loading are properly optimized.

    12BET | Live Casino Malaysia

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  • Profile picture of the author smallseotoolz
    There is no shortcut to getting rank easily. You need a proper work to rank your website. Another way hire some SEO experts.
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  • Profile picture of the author jahmeld
    I've had success with the process below

    1. Use google keyword planner to identify good traffic keywords
    2. Get an exact match domain .com preferably
    3. Setup wordpress blog and set permalinks to read as the title of your post and make sure to add the Google xml sit map plugin
    4. Add unique quality content that relates to you keyword with an about us and privacy policy page
    5. Add images and name those images your traffic keywords
    6. Create a youtube video and add your keyword in the title with your blog link in the description with a short description.
    7. Create a blogger page with unique content and add your blog link and youtube link
    8. Create a facebook fan page and title the page your main keyword and add your blog and youtube links.
    9. Create a twitter page and try to include all or part of your keyword in the title of page and add your blog, youtube and facebook links.
    10. Crate a google plus page and title that page your main keyword and add all of your links to the page
    11. Go to fiverr and get some local citations for your site and also get your youtube video distributed throught traffic geyser
    12. Go to pingler and ping all of your properties you set up
    13. Track your rankings. This process has allowed me to make it through various google updates. I hope this helps and good luck on your SEO journey.
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  • Profile picture of the author Zack Russel
    Originally Posted by William Smit View Post

    I have a website and still not getting better keywords ranking. Please help me to get fast keywords ranking easily..
    You have already got lots of suggestions here . So you might get your answer. I want to share you one thing- whatever you do should be legit, it will give you sustainable result (it may takes time).
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  • Profile picture of the author sameera
    If you have knowledge about website SEO then you can try these things to improve keyword ranking of your website:

    Keyword Research: This is the initial yet important step in any website SEO. You can find good keywords, their competition in Google Adword keyword planner and the next thing you can do is to check manually for the keywords in Google and analyzed websites that are appearing on top search results on Google.

    SEO friendly URL: While creating web pages, one should take care of SEO friendly URLs. It means, you can add target keywords in urls.

    Website title, optimization & meta keywords: Add proper title, meta description, meta keywords and heading tags in content. Avoid keyword stuffing.

    Do internal linking: Try to inter link web pages on some relevant queries.

    Navigation Structure: Add more targeted terms in Navigation. Navigation should be clean and precise.

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  • Profile picture of the author Hudson White
    Originally Posted by William Smit View Post

    I have a website and still not getting better keywords ranking. Please help me to get fast keywords ranking easily..
    You should take care of both on-page as well as off-page optimization of your website. I would suggest before going into on-page factors you should have quality content on your website.

    Here's some off-page activities you can do for your website:

    1. you can use Questions/Answers sites and share your website link as reference link.
    2. You can write some Guest posts and give reference links of your website in Guest Blog content.
    3. Leverage Local Business Listings
    4. Share your website link as reference link on good article sites like
    5. Leverage social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter etc. for sharing your posts their
    6. Post some Infographics on your blog and share them on sites like etc.
    7. Leverage video syndication platforms like youtube etc.
    8. Share your PDF/Whitepapers if any

    Hope this will help you.

    Here's a good read for you:
    Top 10 Online Marketing Trends That Will Dominate 2015 - DigitalSuccessAgency
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