disable all Yoast SEO options except sitemap

by elsoar
18 replies
  • SEO
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(Personally) All-in-one plugin is the best, but Yoast SEO have a great advantage in the sitemap, which includes links and images.

Can I disable everything in Yoast SEO except sitemap.? and make both plugins still installed.
#disable #options #seo #sitemap #yoast
  • Profile picture of the author Nabaleka
    I don't know why you will want to have the two active on the site, to answer your question; Yes you can achieve what you want but be sure to get warnings from Yoast plugin...\

    If I were you I would install Google Sitemaps Plugin instead of Yoast
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10210596].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Azlan.MY
    Why not just pick Yoast plugin? Or you can install All-In-One SEO but at the same time install G image sitemap and G XML Sitemap.


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  • Profile picture of the author elsoar

    after install and activate Google XML Sitemap for Images

    you see: bulkimages-1422147501
    what's this?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10210624].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author deepakrajput
    I also use Yoast WordPress plugins for better results.
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  • Profile picture of the author vishwa
    I suggest you to use one plugin at a time. Because using two plugins for one purpose create conflict and doesn't provide good result.
    Bloggershook.com- Blogging, and Digital Marketing
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10211280].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author FarNext
    Originally Posted by elsoar View Post

    (Personally) All-in-one plugin is the best, but Yoast SEO have a great advantage in the sitemap, which includes links and images.

    Can I disable everything in Yoast SEO except sitemap.? and make both plugins still installed.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10211405].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author elsoar
      Originally Posted by FarNext View Post


      tell me... How?
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10211410].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author FarNext
        Originally Posted by elsoar View Post

        tell me... How?
        You can do that if you know enough PHP.

        Simply edit SEO Yoast plugin files to disable any of the plugin files (or functions) you don't want.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10212968].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author nettiapina
    Originally Posted by elsoar View Post

    Can I disable everything in Yoast SEO except sitemap.? and make both plugins still installed.
    I would not even try. Just get a sitemap plugin instead.

    Originally Posted by FarNext View Post

    Simply edit SEO Yoast plugin files to disable any of the plugin files (or functions) you don't want.
    This is bad advice. You will completely lose all the future development and updates that go into the plugin, and potentially expose yourself to a whole set of problems that are very hard to debug. Also, there's nobody to help you because it's not Yoast SEO any more.
    Links in signature will not help your SEO. Not on this site, and not on any other forum.
    Who told me this? An ex Google web spam engineer.

    What's your excuse?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10213024].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author FarNext
      Originally Posted by nettiapina View Post

      I would not even try. Just get a sitemap plugin instead.

      This is bad advice. You will completely lose all the future development and updates that go into the plugin, and potentially expose yourself to a whole set of problems that are very hard to debug. Also, there's nobody to help you because it's not Yoast SEO any more.
      Bad advice for those who don't know programming.
      For those who know what are they doing, everything becomes as smooth as butter
      There are some good reasons that Wordpress allows to play with the Plugin source files
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10214925].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author nettiapina
        Originally Posted by FarNext View Post

        Bad advice for those who don't know programming.
        For those who know what are they doing, everything becomes as smooth as butter
        Do you really think that some random bloke on a generic marketing forum asking newbie-level questions is secretly a code wizard?

        And even if he/she was it isn't the best idea. You're taking a small part of someone else's plugin which may have all sort of weird structures and dependencies. It may take quite a lot of effort to get an understanding what Joost's team has done, and for what? You're just outputting a bit of XML based on the documents in the DB. All it takes is a XML library, and perhaps a query for every individual document type. Maybe also input boxes for sitemap priority and exclusions if you want to get fancy.

        If you're hell-bent to do your own XML plugin for some odd reason you should not reduce an existing plugin, but build your own. At least in name so that you prevent accidental updates. Does that prevent you from spying on Joost's code? Of course not.

        Originally Posted by FarNext View Post

        There are some good reasons that Wordpress allows to play with the Plugin source files
        Those reasons don't really have anything to do with this. They're Open Source, and PHP. The latter is compiled run-time so the code is usually just sitting on the server.
        Links in signature will not help your SEO. Not on this site, and not on any other forum.
        Who told me this? An ex Google web spam engineer.

        What's your excuse?
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10214995].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author FarNext
          Originally Posted by nettiapina View Post

          Do you really think that some random bloke on a generic marketing forum asking newbie-level questions is secretly a code wizard?

          And even if he/she was it isn't the best idea. You're taking a small part of someone else's plugin which may have all sort of weird structures and dependencies. It may take quite a lot of effort to get an understanding what Joost's team has done, and for what? You're just outputting a bit of XML based on the documents in the DB. All it takes is a XML library, and perhaps a query for every individual document type. Maybe also input boxes for sitemap priority and exclusions if you want to get fancy.

          If you're hell-bent to do your own XML plugin for some odd reason you should not reduce an existing plugin, but build your own. At least in name so that you prevent accidental updates. Does that prevent you from spying on Joost's code? Of course not.

          Those reasons don't really have anything to do with this. They're Open Source, and PHP. The latter is compiled run-time so the code is usually just sitting on the server.

          "They're Open Source... "
          That's why I am saying, people who know what they are doing are free to make full use of the code
          If you, yourself don't like to play with the code, doesn't mean others should also stay away. It's totally up to you. You are NOT FORCED to do anything
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10216933].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author nettiapina
            Originally Posted by FarNext View Post

            1] "Maybe" in your reply tells that you either don't know the stuff or are afraid of code complexity, before you take any action.
            Dude, you've provided absolutely no reason to expect that you know programming from your own bunghole. Not a single word. Do you even have any real-world coding experience? Because you sure don't sound like it.

            Did you miss my description of a basic XML plugin?

            Do you think that throwing something like "afraid of code complexity" makes you sound cool or something? You just seem more detached from reality. Who the heck wants code complexity? As I've pretty clearly said I'm interested in continuity, and keeping your own code as clean as possible.

            Originally Posted by FarNext View Post

            If you, yourself don't like to play with the code, doesn't mean others should also stay away. It's totally up to you. You are NOT FORCED to do anything
            Again, let's not forget the context. You're suggesting that newbies start messing with plugin code, and put that code to production sites. If you don't seem anything wrong with that - well, I don't really know what to say to you.
            Links in signature will not help your SEO. Not on this site, and not on any other forum.
            Who told me this? An ex Google web spam engineer.

            What's your excuse?
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10217035].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author FarNext
              Originally Posted by nettiapina View Post

              Dude, you've provided absolutely no reason to expect that you know programming from your own bunghole. Not a single word. Do you even have any real-world coding experience? Because you sure don't sound like it.

              Did you miss my description of a basic XML plugin?

              Do you think that throwing something like "afraid of code complexity" makes you sound cool or something? You just seem more detached from reality. Who the heck wants code complexity? As I've pretty clearly said I'm interested in continuity, and keeping your own code as clean as possible.

              Again, let's not forget the context. You're suggesting that newbies start messing with plugin code, and put that code to production sites. If you don't seem anything wrong with that - well, I don't really know what to say to you.

              Come on man... If you see, the guy who was seeking our help has been silent.
              I agree, that playing with code could be a disaster for a newbie (again, subject to
              many factors, since we don't have any scale to measure and Elsoar didn't mention
              that he was a newbie).

              Something that is easy for me (or for you) is not necessarily easy for another guy
              and something that is difficult for me (or for you) is not necessarily difficult for another guy.

              All we can do on forums is to give our opinions/advice. How well that advice helps
              another person is unknown. The only way to know that is the feedback.

              I think, Elsoar has already decided what he would do! Lets leave it up to him.

              Thanks for your participation though...

              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10217238].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author nettiapina
    That sounds more rational and level-headed.

    Went back and searched for the "maybe" in my comment that spawned the "afraid of code complexity" line. Did you happen to hear a sound a moment ago? Yeah, that was me facepalming.

    I apologize for my words that were harsher than needed be. I see that reading comprehension simply failed a bit on the sentence starting with "maybe". IF you want to get fancy, then MAYBE consider adding editing fields. It's something that's optional for the minimum viable product.
    Links in signature will not help your SEO. Not on this site, and not on any other forum.
    Who told me this? An ex Google web spam engineer.

    What's your excuse?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10217369].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author FarNext
      Originally Posted by nettiapina View Post

      That sounds more rational and level-headed.

      Went back and searched for the "maybe" in my comment that spawned the "afraid of code complexity" line. Did you happen to hear a sound a moment ago? Yeah, that was me facepalming.

      I apologize for my words that were harsher than needed be. I see that reading comprehension simply failed a bit on the sentence starting with "maybe". IF you want to get fancy, then MAYBE consider adding editing fields. It's something that's optional for the minimum viable product.

      I apologize for any of my harsh words, especially for "Maybe". I have removed it.

      I had realized that our discussion was turning into an argument

      Best wishes ..

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10217557].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author dewalds86
    At the end of the day both Yoast and all in one SEO do the same thing. You are not going to rank better by using the one or the other. It is all about how you set them up and which keywords, meta titles and headings you use that will get you ranked. Both of them allow you to do just that.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10219514].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author OmerFaruk
    Originally Posted by elsoar View Post

    (Personally) All-in-one plugin is the best, but Yoast SEO have a great advantage in the sitemap, which includes links and images.

    Can I disable everything in Yoast SEO except sitemap.? and make both plugins still installed.
    For same work but 2 plugins. I mean its effected for seo. Because when search engine crawled your site, then see one post but 2 meta

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