GSA Ranker - Stuck at page 5

4 replies
  • SEO
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I've been trying to rank my webiste for 3 days using links from blog comments, articles, social bookmarks and networks with no less than pr of 1.

It was ranking prior to those 3 days and I got to rank all the way to the 5th page. And it's highly unlikely that im hit by some google algorithm, theres no notice on my webmaster tools page.

Ive been using gsa to rank myself and I used to be on the second page until my hosting expired and hat to do it all again
#gsa #page #ranker #stuck
  • Profile picture of the author nettiapina
    Originally Posted by tayyab123 View Post

    I've been trying to rank my webiste for 3 days using links from blog comments, articles, social bookmarks and networks with no less than pr of 1.
    You answered your own question.
    Links in signature will not help your SEO. Not on this site, and not on any other forum.
    Who told me this? An ex Google web spam engineer.

    What's your excuse?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10443430].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author MikeFriedman
    You are using GSA SER and there is no chance you have been hit by a Google penalty? LOL. Yeah sure.

    It can take weeks or longer to receive a message in WMT. You can also get hit by Penguin or Panda and never receive a message.

    You have no idea what the PR of any page on the internet is right now. That data has not been publicly updated in 2 years.

    You should not use GSA to point links to a site you care about. It creates junk links. It is highly unlikely you will ever rank doing that. And if you do, it won't be for long.

    On top of all that, why in the world would you think you should be ranking in 3 days? Google probably is not even aware of 90% of the spam that GSA has spit out so far.
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  • Profile picture of the author yukon
    You can never have enough social bookmarks, or strawberry pop tarts.
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