No More MicroNicheFinder --- what should I use

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HI folks, well, the demise of Micronichefinder is upon me, and god bless James Jones for supporting it for so many years.

What should I use to replace it --- what's everybody use? Market Samurai?
Long Tail Pro?

I need to be able to see competition etc.
  • Profile picture of the author razorhound
    I would suggest to try out Keysearch, it's a very good keyword research tool and has a similar KC function to check out competition. I own Long Tail Pro platinum too but it's just too buggy to use recently so I switched to keysearch (which is web-based).
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    • Profile picture of the author jadesource
      Thanks I'll check it out!
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    • Profile picture of the author jadesource
      Thanks everyone! I really love Ahrefs and have been watching their vids with the Tim the Russian guy (well, speaks Russian but not sure which country he hails from)

      Great, I'll look into them. My niches are very narrow, only a few sites to hammer. So it's not as hard as multi niche sites of yesteryear.

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      • Profile picture of the author irawr
        Originally Posted by jadesource View Post

        Thanks everyone! I really love Ahrefs and have been watching their vids with the Tim the Russian guy (well, speaks Russian but not sure which country he hails from)

        Great, I'll look into them. My niches are very narrow, only a few sites to hammer. So it's not as hard as multi niche sites of yesteryear.

        SEMRush and Ahrefs are pretty much universally accepted as #1 and #2 by SEOs. Ahrefs got a lot better with it's latest update, but both tools still have pretty unique features so it really does just depend on what you're working with exactly. Pure SEO, I think Ahrefs is leading a bit, but you get a lot of other data with SEMRush like PPC and display advertising, which to be clear, that's actually more towards what SEMRush is geared towards anyways.
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  • Profile picture of the author BrownBeard
    Originally Posted by jadesource View Post

    HI folks, well, the demise of Micronichefinder is upon me, and god bless James Jones for supporting it for so many years.

    What should I use to replace it --- what's everybody use? Market Samurai?
    Long Tail Pro?

    I need to be able to see competition etc.
    SEMRush, Microsoft Excel, Moz Bar (Register at Moz to get OSE), Browser Window, and your brain.

    Ahrefs for more involved competition analysis.

    Note: the SEMRush difficulty tool does not factor relevancy at all and the only thing I do with that tool is compare my site to competition when using various reports for keyword discovery.

    I be a t' pirate captain Brown Beard

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  • Profile picture of the author fpforum
    I like SEMrush myself, but have seen others mention Market Samurai around the forum before. It might not be a bad choice from what I've seen others say!
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    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10643648].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author BrownBeard
      Originally Posted by fpforum View Post

      I like SEMrush myself, but have seen others mention Market Samurai around the forum before. It might not be a bad choice from what I've seen others say!
      Waste of time.

      So old, nothing new. It wasn't that great even when it was new.

      If you can't figure out what to do with SEMrush, I guess I can understand, there's lots of things going on, and it seems complicated, but it poops out reports you can look at in Excel and it's definitely the best tool out there for many things. It was designed to be a swiss army knife for search marketers so it's not going to be easy to work with if you want to do something specific, but it pretty much does it all, and with PR totally dead, nothing is completely accurate anymore. If you work with SR data long enough, you will be able to make educated guesses, especially if you have another tool to line the data up (experience, or your own site to compare to, help here massively.) Moz OSE is free, it's not bad, but I highly suggest Ahrefs.

      Once in a while you will see a site "ranking out of nowhere" it's probably a site ranked off PBNs using a tool to hide the network from bots. With experience, these sites stick out like a sore thumb.

      I be a t' pirate captain Brown Beard

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