How much time needs to get SEO Traffic?

by enjamulahsan Banned
38 replies
  • SEO
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HOW much time it does takes to get the effect of SEO traffic. People used to say SEO traffic are the best source, but how much time may take it get good amount of visitors from GOOGLE? -If you have good keyword and targeted contents as well.
#seo #time #traffic
  • Profile picture of the author Tmill
    There is no way to give you a straight answer. There are so many factors in ranking a website.

    It depends what keywords you are targeting, how strong your links are, your on-page SEO, how strong the competition link profile is and more.

    Contact me and I can analyze competition for you if you like
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    • Profile picture of the author Netway
      Hi there,
      Many factors Google consider for SEO. It will take normally 3-6 month for getting rank in google.
      It depends upon many thing like keywords, content quality, back links to your website many more.
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  • Profile picture of the author tami9191
    An old domain can rank faster compared to new one. This is a basic one you should know and there are lots more factors to be taken in to consideration like authority, TF, RD etc.

    Tamil arasan - Thanks you.

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    • Profile picture of the author enjamulahsan
      Originally Posted by tami9191 View Post

      An old domain can rank faster compared to new one. This is a basic one you should know and there are lots more factors to be taken in to consideration like authority, TF, RD etc.
      How many time may take for a new domain?
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      • Profile picture of the author sparrow
        your asking something no one really can answer

        it all depends that is the best anyone can give you

        do your work test and test some more then you will know

        Originally Posted by enjamulahsan View Post

        How many time may take for a new domain?
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  • Profile picture of the author jamesjennifer
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    • Profile picture of the author rafiq27ar
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  • Profile picture of the author mahender424
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  • Profile picture of the author nettiapina
    Are you saying that you don't have any backlinks that you know of? That's going to be a problem.

    As others have said, it's a nonsensical question. Depends on your niche, competition, what you're doing, etc. You sort of described the last of these, except that didn't really post any details.
    Links in signature will not help your SEO. Not on this site, and not on any other forum.
    Who told me this? An ex Google web spam engineer.

    What's your excuse?
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  • Profile picture of the author Enterprisemonkey
    Organic traffic depends on number of high searched keywords ranked on Google SERP. And for getting top position in SERP, you need to build natural links.
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  • Profile picture of the author Securex
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  • Profile picture of the author gauravmorwal
    For new website seo traffic depend on your on page and off page submission and where to create your back link if your back link comes from with good DA and PA site then with in 3 months your site optimize.
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  • Profile picture of the author yukon
    Lol, OP is banned.
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  • Profile picture of the author naffynaff
    There's no specific time for that. But in a span of 2-3 month you can assess how your site is doing. You can already tell if it's doing good or you need some improvement.
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  • Profile picture of the author enjamulahsan
    Thanks all of your for the answers.
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  • Profile picture of the author josoftech
    If you have well managed your website from seo point of view, just start working on content promotion it can help you in getting good rank in limited time.
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  • Profile picture of the author Anita Solomon
    If you want to get SEO traffic, you have to keep on posting fresh, unique content on your site regularly. You also, want to diversify your content and offer videos, images, podcasts in addition to article content.

    Make your site socially engaging, this is definitely a non starter - your traffic can be very encouraging and google will love to send more people our way if your site is causing people to engage, by commenting and sharing.
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    • Profile picture of the author yukon
      Originally Posted by Anita Solomon View Post

      If you want to get SEO traffic, you have to keep on posting fresh, unique content on your site regularly. You also, want to diversify your content and offer videos, images, podcasts in addition to article content.

      Make your site socially engaging, this is definitely a non starter - your traffic can be very encouraging and google will love to send more people our way if your site is causing people to engage, by commenting and sharing.

      Yet doesn't do any of that and still ranks pages all day long for 15 years.

      Hint: The backlinks.
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  • Profile picture of the author dynodan
    I have optimized every aspect of my website possible. How important are backlinks really?
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  • Profile picture of the author SahaayNisha
    p { margin-bottom: 0.25cm; line-height: 120%; }a:link { } Its totally depends upon the your quality work and the targeted keywords of your website. If your targeted keywords having more competition then it will take more time to rank on the Google and traffic will get delayed. Need to work on more for those keywords.
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  • Profile picture of the author makemoneyinlife
    If you have great content with right keywords and you do social media promotion of the content. You could get traffic instantly, especially from twitter.
    Good luck
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  • Profile picture of the author onehalf
    Unfortunately, there is no straightforward answer to this since there are a lot of parameters that play a role and many things that you cannot control in Search Engine Optimization.
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  • Profile picture of the author webby0031
    if its a new site, prepare for a long wait.

    Best thing to do is buy an expensive expired domain and put your site on that.
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  • Profile picture of the author prakashmalhotra
    Traffic doesn't relates with the SEO tasks. SEO is basically done for augmenting the rank of a website in Google search engine. By doing quality work at the time of making backlinks you can easily reach at the top of Google without putting much effort on it.
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  • Profile picture of the author SEONinjaa
    If you are running any campaign and looking for better SEO traffic on search engine, then there are lots of things work behind traffic. If you have a old domain and you are doing SEO for that domain, then it is very easy to drive traffic on search engine within 2 - 2.5 months. But suppose if you buy a new domain and you started doing SEO, then it will not easy to drive traffic within 2 - 2.5 months, it may take time around 5 - 6 months.
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  • Profile picture of the author AmarInfotech
    There is no perfect answer for this question but it may take about 3 to 5 months to rank well. It must require proper on page and off page techniques for doing this.

    AmarInfotech is an iPhone application development company in India which allows mobile app development for the global clients.

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  • its totally depend on your website domain and your dedication towards work. if you work hard for your website you will definitely get good and quality traffic for your website in 6 months.
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  • Profile picture of the author prakashmalhotra
    No one can expect how much time your site will take to get immense traffic from Google. It depends on the niche of your website & the way of your marketing. The keywords must be of low competition so that it can get the visibility of online viewers quickly. Getting traffic from SEO is just waiting for your job interview. It checks patience. Work better & use good quality content and make your ON Site better as per Google algorithm. It will respond you quickly.
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  • Profile picture of the author heliius
    If you want instant trafic on your website than place an ad and get traffic but if you want traffic from organic search than it will take 4-6 months.
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  • Profile picture of the author himaja
    In General, SEO takes time to get traffic to the website. But it will definitely reward in leaps and bounds when we do quality work in SEO by using White-Hat Techniques.(We must Follow Google Guidelines). We have to write a fresh and unique content which will describe the products of our company/Business and we have to do build quality back-links from good authority and Trust-flow websites.
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  • Profile picture of the author SEONinjaa
    If you are doing SEO, so for better SEO traffic for your website it might take around 3-5 months and it also depends on domain age and product type. For instant result like 1 months you can also do PPC and CPC for that.
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  • Profile picture of the author Zohaib Jahan
    Dear though it's very difficult to answer but I try.

    You can rank a blog in 4-6 weeks following strategy;
    Making Daily 2 Quality/Unique posts
    Should be 600+ (Better to have 1000+) words
    Sharing such posts with proper description to social media (Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Pinterest enough)
    Engaging with other relevant blogs, comments/guest posting (Backlinks)

    If you stick to this plan, your will start getting a handsome traffic

    Let us build success,
    Engr Zohaib Jahan | The Best Findings

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  • Profile picture of the author Manish Shah
    It is actually a permutation & combination effect of lot of things. I would like to put it down in the below 3 points -

    (1) On Page & Off Page SEO - This is a critical deciding factor, even if your website has good content in it. Your "On Page" SEO shall determine almost 50 % of organic searches, and your "Off Page" SEO techniques, shall determine your back linking techniques - to help building up your link base - over a period of time. If done properly - two softwares can get you decent back links in a span of 3 months. They are - Ultimate demon, and GSA Search Engine Ranker.

    (2) The second point is your link building technique. "Tiered Linking" is the most scientific approach to link building, that i have come across till date. What this means, is that all Web 2.0 properties, should be connected directly to your "Money Site", and all other less important links, should be connected to your web 2.0 Properties, and so on. There are lot of good material out there on the web, you can search for "Tiered Link Bulding", and get a indepth knowledge on tthem. It is a deep subject.

    (3) Last, but not the least - is the "User Experience" of your website. Ultimately, if you have all the good content, and lot of links as well, but if the overall experience of your site, is not user friendly, or the site does not have good browsing experience, and if the people are not reading your pages, in depth (because they are not liking to stay on your site, due to bad reading experience), i believe Google, shall not hold you high on SEO, at the end of the day. While lot of Internet Gurus will not talk about it, but this is a crutial & important fact.

    Hi there - You can visit me at

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  • Profile picture of the author netbull
    1) Invest in good advertising with Online search engines.

    Google’s Adwords and Yahoo’s Advertising offer fantastic advertising schemes that are incredibly really popular and assures fantastic traffic. Even though with this surefire technique to increase your traffic would price some cash . Although some would stay away from spending cash to increase traffic, it can be imperative in this case to do this simply because Adwords and Overture is the best surefire technique to increase your traffic.

    2) Trade Links with other sites.

    With exchanging links with other sites, both of you will advantage from the efforts each of you do these days to boost your sites traffic. When a site features another sites link, they might offer the other individual with the traffic this site generates. The attempts are doubly beneficial since it would appear like both you are operating to create more traffic. The much more links traded with much more sites the much more traffic could be anticipated. three) Use Viral Marketing.

    Viral marketing enables you to spread the word about your business and product with out the expenses or maybe if ever low costs only. This is really a marketing technique that could be very sneaky; you can attach your company’s name, product or link to your certain media such as an interesting video, entertaining game, an interesting post or possibly a gossip or buzz. With this method, individuals get infected with the creativity and entertainment of the medium that they will complete it onto a lot of people.
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  • Profile picture of the author phenomix
    The time it takes will be influenced by the keywords you are targeting and how well you are doing it in addition to the off-page SEO, if any, that you perform on it. There is no straight answer to your question.
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  • Profile picture of the author sreejanniyogi
    No person - living or dead can answer that question!
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  • Profile picture of the author James Clifton
    Just like you, a lot of entrepreneurs ask the same question. However, what you really want to know is how long it would take for SEO to generate profits for your site. Remember, not all traffic can convert and gain you sales and income.

    If we are on the same page and you are curious about how long you should wait for an income, it depends. On an average, sales start rising during the 4th or 6th month of an online business. Even with an ideal budget for SEO, success is rare during the first 3 months, so dont be discouraged. Just be patient and continue your online strategies.
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  • Profile picture of the author Dabby Rouse
    Honestly, it depends on the market, and competitiveness of the serps for that market. Generally SEO is a slower process that pays big dividends down the road. However, I have seen some brand new sites that climbed the serps quickly because their was little to no "optimized" competition for their particular keywords.

    Like Scott said, building quality links to the site is going to be a major thing to do. My only warning is to build your link portfolio as natural as possible. If you start spamming your site with a ridiculous amount of low quality links, you'll probably hurt your site and have a harder time climbing up.

    Start with social profile sites, local listings (if possible), and a good press release. Like I said, keep it natural.

    The last note is to blog like crazy and keep a good flow of new content. Here is a good goal: blog for 30 days straight, It's hard, but blogging makes a HUGE difference.
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  • Profile picture of the author luciesmazanska
    Generally websites can see results in 4 to 8 months. Many SEO firms will tell you that it takes 4 to 6 months to start seeing results. That's generally accurate, but bear in mind this is when you start seeing results, and SEO results grow over time.
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  • Profile picture of the author josoftech
    Min 3-4 month, if you are planning to get traffic through SEO then you have to wait min 3-4month. It's long term process but yes it's much effective than other services, if you will be hire a experience SEO webmaster they can do it asap and better.

    Originally Posted by enjamulahsan View Post

    HOW much time it does takes to get the effect of SEO traffic. People used to say SEO traffic are the best source, but how much time may take it get good amount of visitors from GOOGLE? -If you have good keyword and targeted contents as well.
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  • Profile picture of the author umakant13
    I have wait 2-3 months to see the results, approx that much time it take before ranking
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  • Profile picture of the author BAC
    SEO is not depended on time it depends on quality of your website content if it is unique and informative then all existing websites then google will put it at top of all within few days of launch!

    Get Content Targeted Super Real Traffic to Boost your Adsense Revenue!

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