What is the best way to do SEO for a blog.

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What is the honest and correct way of SEO.
I have come across many companies which claim to be masters of SEO, but when the time to prove comes they start peeing in their pants.

Can someone guide please.
#blog #seo
  • Profile picture of the author irawr
    Originally Posted by havefunoo7 View Post

    I am looking for an honest and effective way of SEO.
    I have come across many companies which claim to be masters of SEO, but when the time to prove comes they start peeing in their pants.

    Can someone guide please.
    Pick one first, honest or effective.
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    • Profile picture of the author havefunoo7
      Originally Posted by irawr View Post

      Pick one first, honest or effective.
      Honest comes first.
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      • Profile picture of the author irawr
        Originally Posted by havefunoo7 View Post

        Honest comes first.
        Then go to backlinko.com
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  • Profile picture of the author mahedi
    You Can Do Inbound and Outbound Link
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  • Profile picture of the author alopicatso
    build good contents and quality backlinks will help increase rank of your website
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    • Profile picture of the author havefunoo7
      Originally Posted by alopicatso View Post

      build good contents and quality backlinks will help increase rank of your website
      Can you suggest the best ways to build quality backlinks.
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  • Profile picture of the author fakhar
    do proper on page seo and interlink you article
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  • Profile picture of the author KylieSweet
    Originally Posted by havefunoo7 View Post

    I have come across many companies which claim to be masters of SEO, but when the time to prove comes they start peeing in their pants.
    Most of them, but few are proven.

    Every blog post is optimized according to its target audience needs and not for the search engine.
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  • Profile picture of the author KylieSweet
    Most of them, but few.
    Every blog post must be optimize for the target audience needs and not for the search engine.
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  • Profile picture of the author Sara20
    Originally Posted by havefunoo7 View Post

    I am looking for an honest and effective way of SEO.
    I have come across many companies which claim to be masters of SEO, but when the time to prove comes they start peeing in their pants.

    Can someone guide please.
    Hello, I think that very important in SEO it is nature backlinks! Also, try to follow and interact with other sites and blogs. Use social networks for your traffic, and increase your content!
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  • Profile picture of the author Nouman Mirrza
    Friend, you should try the following steps by yourself if you want to avoid the Pais SEO and have a Website or Blog of your own:
    1.join backlinks more as possible.
    2.Do forum submissions
    3.Do Social bookmarking;
    4. guest blogging & gust commenting.
    5. Empower your articlle's content and stengthen your Keywords,that are representing the niche of your Website etc.
    May you consider this helpful. Thanks!
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  • Profile picture of the author nextmashup
    You should do off-page SEO to get good backlinks. In off-page SEO, Blog commenting, Forum posting, Social bookmarking and guest posting. These all methods are still effective to get optimize in search engine results.
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  • You can do some effective off page techniques of SEO like Blogging,Forum ,Q & A ,Press release and social media marketing for get better results.
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  • Profile picture of the author chrisjohn93
    There are huge website which provides information about SEO... Here are the some of one..
    search engine land
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  • Profile picture of the author HayleyS
    If you want to get a full answer to this question, I suggest you to read this article Search Engine Optimization for Blogs - SEO! Hope this information will be useful for you and helps you to learn the main aspects of doing SEO for your blog!
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  • Profile picture of the author qamaruzzaman90
    Google considers hundreds of factors to rank a site. You should work on all factors to get sure success. If you miss any factor you are always at risk of ignoring by Google. You may rank or may not. So complete all requirements. And completing all requirements takes months not days.
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  • Profile picture of the author kartherma
    How about this idea:
    Focus so singularly on the readers that essentially everything else is either forgotten or neglected.
    Put the visitors first, last, always.
    Make the blog so well written, so entertaining, so informative that readers stay on the website page for longer than a few seconds, and when they leave they go to another page on the blog.

    Try blowing the socks of the readers and not even looking at the search engines outfit.

    Seriously, the engines are far more intelligent today than ever before.
    They track how long your visitors stay on your site and how they interact with your site.
    (do visitors come and bounce right out? where do they bounce to if they leave the page they landed on? did they just 'x' out of the site? did they read a bunch of pages on the site? how long did they read each page? did they leave a comment on the site? did they click a buy button?)

    Worry about building the best blog you can. Stop worrying about the other stuff (mostly).
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  • Profile picture of the author freepricecompare
    Dear Gaurav,
    There is nothing a secret but a large volume of quality posts will boost your blog's SEO performance. For Blog, you should focus on publishing more and more Quality blog posts and also interlink them(as my friend stated above).
    Don't underestimate the Google webmaster tool for SEO success. After publishing a post, send an index request to Google using Fetch as Google in Crawl section.
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  • Profile picture of the author hqwriter
    Do proper ONPAGE SEO with target keywords and build backlinks with natural anchor text distribution. Get some social signals and BOOM!
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  • Profile picture of the author saurabhthakur12
    Yes, there are numerous companies that claim they are best SEO companies in the world. But in reality they not.

    Firstly focus on website's on page work and do proper all page work.

    Good content & quilty link are best for SEO. You can write quantity links & post it on blogs, high DA sites. Guest posting & blog commenting is the right solution to drive traffic & branding your business across the web.

    After publishing the content, you can share it on the social channel. Join the communities & FB groups. Make connection with other users.
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  • Profile picture of the author chenbui
    I think the best way to seo for blog is fresh content and internal link.
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  • Profile picture of the author kartherma
    Just a thought...
    Does anyone actually think a multi-billion dollar revenue company whose (nearly) entire business is based on providing the most accurate search results to their customers would not actively strive to prevent low class buttheads from gaming their search engine results?

    Is it not crystal clear that these guys are better funded and more motivated to protect their product (search results)?

    Does anyone think that the army of hundreds of wicked smart computer guys they employ are so dense as to not have already thought through of most (if not all) of the juvenile methods the hordes of clowns would attempt at 'tricking' their search engines?

    You want 'great' search positioning, I get it. We all do.
    But just because you want it doesn't mean you deserve it.
    Get in line.

    You want 'great' search positioning, earn it.

    No buying links.
    No spamming social media likes.
    No clowning around.
    (sure, some of this stuff might just work temporarily)

    Once again, I stress the need to focus on your web visitors.
    Take care of them, and things start to happen.
    Natural links start to show up- with the associated comments that go along with them.
    Links appear in a natural pattern.
    People stay on your site longer.
    People interact with your site in a deeper way.

    Are there still people who think that the search engines aren't already tracking these sorts of things- and then using that data in developing their search results?

    It seems an entire class should be developed on just understanding the search engines, their business model, and what that means for the garden variety webmaster.

    Happy to discuss.
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  • Profile picture of the author MikeFriedman
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  • Profile picture of the author ShawnLim
    Aim to build quality content. And then build links.
    You can do it through blog comments, forum postings, guest blog, social media, email outreach, etc.
    Many ways to do link building. Try to aim for authority website to build links too.

    The 3 INSANELY Effective Methods To Achieve Your Goals, GO HERE.

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  • Profile picture of the author beingfreelancer
    I think guest posting and social bookmarking and also quality backling can be a great way in SEO
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  • Profile picture of the author vipinnayarseo
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  • Profile picture of the author zooel
    Thanks for your excellent question.Now everyone seeking this question`s answer in the marketplace.If you have few time to read my response.Then i have to say On page optimization is the most important part of SEO with fresh and unique contents.For More i suggest you to follow this blog for better understand 21 Actionable SEO Techniques You Can Use Right Now
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  • Profile picture of the author swordmaster
    It is like choosing a partner - needs to be both good looking and good character! Which means, your product needs to be VERY good quality, unique, and have VERY high quality backlinks, i.e. Niche Relevant backlinks from Web2.0 high PR sites. (Check my "CBTube SEO Hunter" if you'd like to see why)
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  • Profile picture of the author gihan
    first don't try to do seo .first try to build site which impress visitors. clean site with good quality articles and good insite logical linking to facilitate easy surfing. always think as natural don't try to be bot.
    backlinks are things that prove other peoples around interested in your ideas. so try to keep things that way . if you have site with 10 articles and you have 10k backlinks what a mess. can that happen in real world unless you are Albert Einstein or some other Bigg Boss.
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  • Profile picture of the author seoedith
    Set your keywords, make an audit, build backlinks; see fromentireworld.blogspot.com/2016/05/seo-link-building-misapplications-20.html to avoid seo mistakes
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  • If you use Proper method it will take some time and if you want quick temporary result then Black hat Technique is Best But i Not recommend any one to use it.
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  • Profile picture of the author themebounce
    The absolute best starting point is your content. You want to do high quality content that is not a duplicate of anything out there. No copy and paste or spun stuff. Interlink your pages of your site. And I can never emphasize enough the importance of on site SEO. Doing good on site SEO just makes the link building and all that so much more powerful. If you are using WordPress a good plugin to use is Yoast. It will help guide you to good on site SEO. I was looking for a good blog topic so I think I'll write a post on our blog for this. I'll post it here when it's done.

    Using WordPress? Check Out Our Super Fast Loading, Ad Optimized, Mobile Responsive WordPress Themes made just for marketers. Theme Bounce

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  • Profile picture of the author Shenpen
    About "honest" SEO:

    Most people have a vague idea about how good content will make people link to your blog and that a vicious circle will start where interest and traffic motivates you do produce more good content. I would love this to be a reality, but sadly we are not even close to that.

    Good or at least decent content is a bare necessity for getting trafic, but a lot of other factors are a non-negotioble if you want traffic. Backlinks are perhaps the most important of all.

    You can beg, steal, cheat or bribe your way to backlinks, but unless you are as beautiful as Susan Boyle or can sing like Alessandra Ambrosio you wont get many links in a "natural way". If it was easy to get a nice juicy link from huffpost to our nice blogposts we would all be concentrating more on writing content. Sadly the world is a bit more sinister and you will have to negotiate your level of "honesty" with your desire for traffic and attention.

    That said, I do find that it is easy to get lost in working for ranking and that it is healthier to devellop content that is actually usefull or even original. Im just saying that there needs to be a balance. None of us needs to be angels yet.
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