Road to Adsense Success

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Hey guys,

I have been on this forum for the past 4 months, was on DP before. I have learnt soo much and feed off the positive atmosphere here.

But like many others I get stuck in the victim state mind and decided to change that. I am creating this thread as a journal that will start my adsense revenue from $0 and hopefully lead to something great. If not, then great lessons are learnt.

The point of this thread is to get me to take ACTION, no more wanting state.

This was insipired by Xfactor's and Internetmarketer99's threads of adsense. I have ready through their threads and find that I got stuck with questions. Questions to which the only answer lies in TRYING. There is no security.

Game plan:
After much research, I have an informative niche that has at least 3000 search's a month. It's not product but rather informative. This is going to be my test site.

Goal: To make $1 in a month. I set too many high expectations. This time it I am taking baby steps.

After this I will increase it to $2 so on and so forth.

Ultimate goal: to make $100 - $300/day, but that is far away. Patience is key.

Next step: I am going to buy a domain with the keyword and get content out.

This is my journal you can call it. If you would like to join, then go ahead. The positive atmosphere would be nice.

Time to make mistakes.!!!

Mods: If this is in the wrong area, I apologize. I thought it would be good here cause its for adsense.
#adsense #road #success
  • Profile picture of the author hamburglar
    Just bought my domain and going to setup wordpress and get ideas to get content going.

    I forgot to apply for an adsense account. Of all the things! hehehe.
    Online-to-offline conversion tracking... coming soon!
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    • Profile picture of the author XFactor
      Originally Posted by hamburglar View Post

      Just bought my domain and going to setup wordpress and get ideas to get content going.

      I forgot to apply for an adsense account. Of all the things! hehehe.
      Good luck! Maybe this will also inspire other new publishers
      to take action.

      Just be sure to do something every day for your business.

      - John
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      • Profile picture of the author hamburglar
        Originally Posted by XFactor View Post

        Good luck! Maybe this will also inspire other new publishers
        to take action.

        Just be sure to do something every day for your business.

        - John
        Thanks John,

        Honestly, it was your whole thread that inspired me.

        No matter all the jewels you gave, one message that you kept repeating was: JUST GO AHEAD AND DO IT! MAKE MISTAKES!

        Thank you for the inspiration.
        Online-to-offline conversion tracking... coming soon!
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      • Profile picture of the author JakeDaly
        I wish you the best of luck, Hamburglar. I, too, have just started to build my own AdSense empire with the help of Mark(internetmarketer99) and I'm entirely committed to start earning $50/day by October 1st. I acknowledge that your $1 first-month goal is conservative on purpose but I'm afraid it's so conservative it could be deemed defeatist. Based on the 'Get to $50,000 This Month' thread awhile back by Daniel Taylor, it's best to put yourself in the mind-frame of knowing that you're going to succeed and make tons of money, you just simply have to go after it.
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        • Profile picture of the author hamburglar
          Originally Posted by JakeDaly View Post

          I wish you the best of luck, Hamburglar. I, too, have just started to build my own AdSense empire with the help of Mark(internetmarketer99) and I'm entirely committed to start earning $50/day by October 1st. I acknowledge that your $1 first-month goal is conservative on purpose but I'm afraid it's so conservative it could be deemed defeatist. Based on the 'Get to $50,000 This Month' thread awhile back by Daniel Taylor, it's best to put yourself in the mind-frame of knowing that you're going to succeed and make tons of money, you just simply have to go after it.
          Well said,

          But in the event I set a goal that is high, my expectations will never be satisfied. I know I will reach $1. It is just a mental discipline for myself to be patient and take things slowly.

          I definitely do BELIEVE I will make it. I have had great success with my regular sites that have over 100 000 competition for the same keywords (after spending around $10k in seo).

          I believe I can and vision that one day I will get a check for $5000 from adsense. The point is that this all starts from something. I rather be realistic/optimistic then set a high goal and be dejected down the road.
          Online-to-offline conversion tracking... coming soon!
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        • Profile picture of the author wordgeist
          Originally Posted by JakeDaly View Post

          I wish you the best of luck, Hamburglar. I, too, have just started to build my own AdSense empire with the help of Mark(internetmarketer99) and I'm entirely committed to start earning $50/day by October 1st. I acknowledge that your $1 first-month goal is conservative on purpose but I'm afraid it's so conservative it could be deemed defeatist. Based on the 'Get to $50,000 This Month' thread awhile back by Daniel Taylor, it's best to put yourself in the mind-frame of knowing that you're going to succeed and make tons of money, you just simply have to go after it.
          I just wondering if you reach your goal.
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    • Profile picture of the author marketseeker
      Originally Posted by hamburglar View Post

      Just bought my domain and going to setup wordpress and get ideas to get content going.

      I forgot to apply for an adsense account. Of all the things! hehehe.
      I've been experamenting with wp virsus static html. I have 6 sites in the test. followed the exact path as xfactor. 3 html sites were indexed and made money the first day. I'm still waiting for the wp press sites to break 100 in Google. two site did a two day dance and then cam back and site at pos. 6, 2, 5 for their keywords, not many searches, only 1600 approx. each but that's what I'm going for. Total about $10-12 per day began on the 21st of last month. I'm going to transfer the blog content to static, no more word press for me.
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    • Profile picture of the author madmike133
      Just on the point of a new word press site, if you apply for a Google Adsense account, chances are you will be declined unless you have some original content on your blog that is.

      Google is far more choosy about who gets adsense accounts these days. I kid ye not
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    • Profile picture of the author blesslane7
      Thanks for making me feel like I am already a success. I love the $1.00 goal - it is kind of like weight loss, people who have a goal of loosing 5 pounds have much more success than those who set the initial goal of 80 pounds. Don't misunderstand, those who set the 5 pound goal will loose the 80 pounds but in 5 pound increments. The old saying "By the inch, it's a cinch. By the yard, it's hard." fits for practically everything.
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  • Profile picture of the author hamburglar
    So far

    1) Set up wordpress, took me soo long
    2) Put up an intro article with keywords
    Online-to-offline conversion tracking... coming soon!
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  • Profile picture of the author hamburglar
    I had another website that is ranked high for a good keyword. Get about 400 uniques/month.

    I just placed my adsense on there. I hope my rank is not effected.

    Site #1
    Write one article by the end of today.
    Online-to-offline conversion tracking... coming soon!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1140057].message }}
    • Originally Posted by hamburglar View Post

      I had another website that is ranked high for a good keyword. Get about 400 uniques/month.

      I just placed my adsense on there. I hope my rank is not effected.

      Site #1
      Write one article by the end of today.
      Hey Hamburglar,

      Placing Adsense on your site won't affect your ranking.

      Great work, especially in setting goals and envisioning success!

      Keep at it; regardless of your initial earnings, this is how you go from theory to success - action.

      = = = = COMPLETE, CUSTOM ADSENSE SITE = = = =
      VERY Limited WSO. 100% Guaranteed.

      MY Expertise, YOUR Profit.
      Read the thread.
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  • Profile picture of the author jplanigan
    I understand your position on the small achievable goal. I would say though that it may be a little too low, but you need to do what works for you and what you are comfortable with.

    I am following XFactor's method. I've done a bunch of keyword research, bought a couple domains, installed WP on them, and then hit a snag with the template (which I finally got sorted out last night). I haven't been able to put much time in lately due to some personal commitments, but I have worked on one of the blogs that happens to be in a niche that I really like. I took that site from purchasing the domain, to being indexed on page one for the main keyword with 4400 monthly searches and making $1/day in under 2 weeks. If Ezine would stop being so slow to approve articles, I could get the darn thing from position 8-10 up to the top 5 and be doing much better.

    This is why I think your goal is a little low. Yes it is very achievable, but maybe setting it a little higher would give you more of a drive to get things going. Not that I don't think you will. You sound motivated and I wish you the best of luck. I will be following your progress.

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    • Profile picture of the author kimmer551
      Originally Posted by jplanigan View Post

      I understand your position on the small achievable goal. I would say though that it may be a little too low, but you need to do what works for you and what you are comfortable with.

      I am following XFactor's method. I've done a bunch of keyword research, bought a couple domains, installed WP on them, and then hit a snag with the template (which I finally got sorted out last night). I haven't been able to put much time in lately due to some personal commitments, but I have worked on one of the blogs that happens to be in a niche that I really like. I took that site from purchasing the domain, to being indexed on page one for the main keyword with 4400 monthly searches and making $1/day in under 2 weeks. If Ezine would stop being so slow to approve articles, I could get the darn thing from position 8-10 up to the top 5 and be doing much better.

      This is why I think your goal is a little low. Yes it is very achievable, but maybe setting it a little higher would give you more of a drive to get things going. Not that I don't think you will. You sound motivated and I wish you the best of luck. I will be following your progress.

      So which adsense template do you have working for you? I have BlueSense. I have a template working for a couple of days, I did not doing any tracking, found I was getting clicks, and BAM! Lost all of my data, so I am looking for a decent adsense template!
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      • Profile picture of the author sluggo
        This is a very interesting thread. Hopefully it will help and motivate me.

        I am somewhat computer illiterate, but have figured out how to place Wordpress on my domains and have found a site with 12 specific Adsense themes. The template has Adsense placed on the top and right side of the page...apparently two of the best places for Adsense.

        I am not here to advertise for someone else, but these have been very effective for me. The designer is Mark Mason. I am not going to provide the link, but if you "google" nicheadsensethemes, I am sure you will find the link.

        Good luck!

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  • Profile picture of the author hamburglar
    Thank you very much for the feedback guys. I have been working on it off and on.

    I am going to add one article from an article directory to fill it with some good content.

    Bluesense is now implemented.

    Now the important part:
    Unique content creation.
    Online-to-offline conversion tracking... coming soon!
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  • Profile picture of the author homebse
    You are certainly on the right track and I want to place my bet that you will succeed.
    It is taking EzineArticles about 2 weeks to get my articles approved, but I just keep putting them in the queue.
    I have also submitted some to ArticleBase, GoArticles and ArticleAlley. Have had 2 day turn around from ArticleBase.
    I have 4 sites up now based on John's ebook. My keywords are bouncing around on page 1 and 2 of Google. Mine are not blogs they are basic HTML built with Dreamweaver. I do have a blog that is doing pretty good with adsense but I find that I'm more of a static site person than a blog person, so I probably won't do another one that way. It is just a personal preference. Nothing wrong with making your money with a blog.
    If you keep at it you WILL do better than your $1 a month goal.
    I look forward to enjoying your success with you. Please keep posting your success to this thread.

    I Work From Home and Love It!
    Car Seats For Baby
    View Credit Report

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  • Profile picture of the author Shellaine
    I will follow your thread and hope fully you will get there which I know you can easily achieve. Actaully you putin your expectations to low. You could have aim for at least 3.00 dollars a month and then go on. this way you will be more active in fullfuling the Dream.
    I am helping a friend build her adsense empire and I put my clickbank links on her site and she is making at least 60.00 per month on one site. She started last year though.

    so good luck and all the best..

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  • Profile picture of the author hamburglar

    I greatly appreciate the support from you guys. I am truly moved. On one site I was selling leads from. So far today I have had 40 impressions on my sites.

    Static site: I fought about that a lot and wanted to start a static site but the flexibility to make it expand is a feature I want. My next site, will be for a super niche product static page.

    I am just trying to face my insecurity about writing. I always have trouble writing anything. Writing 300 words of valuable content seems like a huge burden. So far this is turning into an amazing adventure where I am facing my fears.

    So thanks guys.

    Back to work for me.
    Online-to-offline conversion tracking... coming soon!
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    • Profile picture of the author ajparker
      Originally Posted by hamburglar View Post


      I greatly appreciate the support from you guys. I am truly moved. On one site I was selling leads from. So far today I have had 40 impressions on my sites.

      Static site: I fought about that a lot and wanted to start a static site but the flexibility to make it expand is a feature I want. My next site, will be for a super niche product static page.

      I am just trying to face my insecurity about writing. I always have trouble writing anything. Writing 300 words of valuable content seems like a huge burden. So far this is turning into an amazing adventure where I am facing my fears.

      So thanks guys.

      Back to work for me.
      Insecurity about writing - that sounds like me. I'm a perfectionist and want everything to be just right. TOO often that keeps me from making forward progress. One thing that helps me is to look at some of the really incomprehensible articles I see sometimes at some of the article sites and realize that I (hopefully) can come across better than that even if it's the middle of the night and I'm on benedryl. The other fix is to "timebox" yourself and just force yourself to produce content and produce it in a short time.

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      • Profile picture of the author peter gibson
        Originally Posted by ajparker View Post

        Insecurity about writing - that sounds like me. I'm a perfectionist and want everything to be just right. TOO often that keeps me from making forward progress. One thing that helps me is to look at some of the really incomprehensible articles I see sometimes at some of the article sites and realize that I (hopefully) can come across better than that even if it's the middle of the night and I'm on benedryl. The other fix is to "timebox" yourself and just force yourself to produce content and produce it in a short time.

        This is spot on advice. Avery you rock. And lay off the cough medicine
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  • Profile picture of the author hamburglar
    Just submitted an article to Ezine. Took me an hour to write a good 260 word article.

    All in due time I will get there.

    I used the timebox method ajparker. Thank you for sharing that.
    Online-to-offline conversion tracking... coming soon!
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    • Profile picture of the author rain21
      Originally Posted by hamburglar View Post

      Just submitted an article to Ezine. Took me an hour to write a good 260 word article.

      All in due time I will get there.

      I used the timebox method ajparker. Thank you for sharing that.
      is ezine effectable, many people say that its difficult to get traffic from ezine
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  • Profile picture of the author webguru3287
    Good to c u determined...I am also going to start building my niche websites from this weekend..

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  • Profile picture of the author hamburglar
    The 2 day mark!

    I made it this far. Normally I give up when I don't see results fast, but this is a long-term commitment. So since no clicks so far, the only thing I can control is promotions and content.

    I am going to launch a new site in a niche and based off a different strategy. Just testing to see how far it gets me.
    Online-to-offline conversion tracking... coming soon!
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    • Profile picture of the author DireStraits
      Stick at it, my friend. I feel your struggle, for I'm on the same path and I also struggle with writing articles quickly, haha.

      Rest assured, though - money will follow if you take action.

      Although not much, I've earned around $6 within a few days over the last week from two small sites I've made and put online, with barely any backlinking - no articles as yet, and only about 3-4 pages of real content (Besides contact page and privacy policy) on each site.

      I expect as I add more pages, I will be found for further long tail keywords, and as backlinks are built my site will crawl up the rankings in Google and hopefully stay put with a little maintenance.

      Anyway, this is your road to success - not mine... but I just thought you might find it inspiring to hear of my (admittedly quite meager) progress so far :-)
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  • Profile picture of the author hawkeye_seo
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    • Profile picture of the author jplanigan
      @hawkeye_seo Here you go...

      XFactor's (John):

      Internetmarketer99's (Mark):

      Another you might want a look at is Steve Crook's:
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      • Profile picture of the author hamburglar
        That last one is another excellent resource. I did not find that before. I am going to reading that one tonight.

        Thank you very much for that.

        Originally Posted by jplanigan View Post

        @hawkeye_seo Here you go...

        XFactor's (John):

        Internetmarketer99's (Mark):

        Another you might want a look at is Steve Crook's:
        Online-to-offline conversion tracking... coming soon!
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        • Profile picture of the author eqalias
          If you have an ok sense on where XFactor's theories are going (I'm starting to get it. For me the big hurdle is keyword research) you will make that first dollar quick, so be prepared for your next goal. My site went live 9 days ago and none of my articles are approved with Ezines yet. I have been submitting posts using Onlywire and just today I received three visitors from Digg. 2 of the 3 clicked my ads and boom, 93 cents. I've been submitting articles to 10 different directories and found a PR3 and PR4 forum in my niche that allows dofollow backlinks that I've been slowing adding quality post too. And all my pages are indexed in Google already.
          It's starting to look like their theories are taking shape but I still expect it to be a couple months to see what sticks. Like both those guys stated, it's a lot of work, but it looks like it's going to pay off.
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      • Profile picture of the author timosai
        i'm always veering away from adsense for alternative caignpain methods, so any inspiration will help
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        • Profile picture of the author falconflier19
          What I do is choose a niche that I can slide a CPA offer into or something from CJ. I test the niche first using adsense, see how the traffic flows and then test putting up a CPA offer. Then I see how the CPA offer converts. I get the results from the 2 tests and go with the better converting.

          But at least choosing niches that you are able to slide CJ or CPA into in the event that you get shut down from google, I think is essential.
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  • Profile picture of the author hamburglar
    Today was a complete write-off due to catching a cold.

    So in the midst of being drunk of benedryl, I read the posts above. In order for this project to succeed I need to get good content and lots of it.

    More content = More market reach. Good Content = Better ranking and conversion. It is that simple.
    Online-to-offline conversion tracking... coming soon!
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    • Originally Posted by hamburglar View Post

      More content = More market reach. Good Content = Better ranking and conversion. It is that simple.
      You just summed up what some people take a year to figure out, and many never do. You get it.

      Now just add this to it and you've got all the components for reliably repeatable success:

      Keyword research = ranking possibilties. Good keyword research = more realistic ranking possibilities.

      Backlinking campaign = ranking growth. Sustained, diverse, quality backlinking campaign = faster, higher ranking.

      Flesh it out with about 10,000 words of filler, and you've got a great WSO.

      = = = = COMPLETE, CUSTOM ADSENSE SITE = = = =
      VERY Limited WSO. 100% Guaranteed.

      MY Expertise, YOUR Profit.
      Read the thread.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1145405].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author XFactor
      Originally Posted by hamburglar View Post

      More content = More market reach. Good Content = Better ranking and conversion. It is that simple.
      Yes, keeping this business as simple as possible is the best approach.

      And never try to make your sites small on purpose. Start out with a few
      pages and schedule your time to add a page per week if possible.

      Of course the more sites you have, the harder it is to do this, but
      there is never a perfect plan that unfolds as expected.

      - John
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  • Profile picture of the author hamburglar

    I earned my first dollar. I was feeling hopeless but got it:

    Clicks Page CTR Page eCPM [?] Earnings
    AdSense for Content top channels 45 4 8.89% $28.35 $1.28

    Next Goal: Aim to reach $4.

    Its an uphill battle one dollar at a time.
    Online-to-offline conversion tracking... coming soon!
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    • Profile picture of the author jplanigan
      Originally Posted by hamburglar View Post


      I earned my first dollar. I was feeling hopeless but got it:

      Clicks Page CTR Page eCPM [?] Earnings
      AdSense for Content top channels 45 4 8.89% $28.35 $1.28

      Next Goal: Aim to reach $4.

      Its an uphill battle one dollar at a time.
      I knew $1 was too low. Way to go man, congrats!

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      • Profile picture of the author hamburglar
        Keyword Analysis Technique

        Coming up with a niche is a hard thing to. Looking at the vast majority of tools online, I become even more confused. Also, most tools online are built for windows platform and not apple (so I can't even purchase them).

        I do my keyword research the old school way, plain ol time consuming google game.

        Note: This is based on my experience and results. Yours might vary.

        How do I determine keyword competition?

        One word: inanchor. I read about inanchor back in 2003 on some SEO forum. It determines how many websites are using your keyword as an anchor tag. Lets think this out. Every link carries a value. The link has greater SEO value if it has your keyword as the anchor text. Hence if a lot of websites have the same anchor text then you know that market is hard to compete in.

        One website had inanchor:"keyword" return 50K results. I thought this was very little. I learnt, the hardway, that this is quiet competitive. To get me on the first page it took me 6 months and a lot of hard SEO.

        On the other hand, inanchor:"keyword" for another website returned only 8 results. So I optimized for that keyword and one pr4 backlink. I was on page 1 within the first week. Insane!!!

        What do the results really mean?

        Taking the above method in context, sometimes the numbers do lie. For example run a the query inanchor:"keyword". View all the results (top 10 listings). Analyze the top results:

        1) How many backlinks does that page have?
        2) What is the pagerank of that page?
        3) Is it the main domain or subpage?

        I have realized that if the SERP have subpages with low pr and no backlinks, then that keyword is easily to rank high for. I placed this to test with my 3rd site and voila it worked. It took me 1 month but it got there with minimal backlink effort.

        Now these are my results and could vary for yourself. I hope this has helped you guys that are reading this. Remember TRY THIS FOR YOUR SELF (Like the bill-nye experiments).
        Online-to-offline conversion tracking... coming soon!
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        • Profile picture of the author JMartin
          Originally Posted by hamburglar View Post

          [B][COLOR="Blue"]Also, most tools online are built for windows platform and not apple (so I can't even purchase them).

          I do my keyword research the old school way, plain ol time consuming google game.
          Yeah, non-Mac devs suck.

          Acutally, Market Samurai is built on Adobe Air (finally someone with a little tech know how), so it will run on your Mac.

          Not endorsing the product or anything, just pointing it out. I know there's a 2 week trial and it's $150.

          However, I honestly prefer the old way. Might be just because I'm so used to it. But I feel more flexible this way and I already have a feel for what to ignore, so the research process isn't too long--plus I enjoy it.

          Good luck on your success. I love AdSense.
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    • Profile picture of the author warforum
      Congrats Hamburglar!

      Keep up the good work.
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  • Profile picture of the author kumkum
    Congratulations on your reach of your first step...
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  • Profile picture of the author hamburglar
    I am searching through yahoo answers to find out what makes my market tick.

    I have just created one new article wohoo! A total of 2 articles on my website.

    My adsense for today is $.16

    I also am developing another niche website related to travel. It is a bit competitive but with good content I can become dominating.

    I have outsourced the articles approx about 20. I have set up 10 categories and aim to get at least 60 articles by the end of the month.
    Online-to-offline conversion tracking... coming soon!
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  • Profile picture of the author masterbis
    Thank you guys. I have never profoundly inspired by any discussion in the forum, like Iam in here. I feel that I am so lucky to find this place. And in particular, I like to thanks Hamburglar for posting his journal to Adsense success, I hope all the best for you. I've been wanting to do the same path myself. Ideas loaded my head, but no single real step taken. About couple days ago, I found some very interesting fact. I was googling using one of my niche keyword, and I stunned by the fact that no.1 website is still using as its domain name. I went into research for this blog, and found out that, nothing really special had been taken, except that he had hanging around for more than 2 years, and more than 20,000 website linkback to his.

    I realized that time, I must do something -now or never-, coz this one is so easy to follow. No need my own hosting, no need domain. Just stick with blogspot and its monetize tab. So i started to pitch several domain name in blogspot. And I plan to make more in other different niche (to make sure, nobody gotten it 1st). Now all i need to do is to write the content, and make some link building effort all together.

    Inspired more by Hamburglar' journal, I think, my baby step will start today. If only, I wish, I have faster internet connection.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1160758].message }}
    • Originally Posted by masterbis View Post

      Thank you guys. I have never profoundly inspired by any discussion in the forum, like Iam in here. I feel that I am so lucky to find this place. And in particular, I like to thanks Hamburglar for posting his journal to Adsense success, I hope all the best for you. I've been wanting to do the same path myself. Ideas loaded my head, but no single real step taken. About couple days ago, I found some very interesting fact. I was googling using one of my niche keyword, and I stunned by the fact that no.1 website is still using as its domain name. I went into research for this blog, and found out that, nothing really special had been taken, except that he had hanging around for more than 2 years, and more than 20,000 website linkback to his.

      I realized that time, I must do something -now or never-, coz this one is so easy to follow. No need my own hosting, no need domain. Just stick with blogspot and its monetize tab. So i started to pitch several domain name in blogspot. And I plan to make more in other different niche (to make sure, nobody gotten it 1st). Now all i need to do is to write the content, and make some link building effort all together.

      Inspired more by Hamburglar' journal, I think, my baby step will start today. If only, I wish, I have faster internet connection.
      Welcome to the Warrior Forum! You've got *exactly* the right attitude and realistic enthusiasm. Read through the forum, ask questions, take baby steps, read some more, ask some more, and you'll find you're on your own road to success!

      = = = = COMPLETE, CUSTOM ADSENSE SITE = = = =
      VERY Limited WSO. 100% Guaranteed.

      MY Expertise, YOUR Profit.
      Read the thread.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1161294].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author hamburglar
    I have been very sick as of late, so there are no updates except that my current site has earned me $2.68 so far this month. Past the 50% goal to $4.

    The only thing is that my conversion rate is sitting at 4% or lower. Gotta find ways to increase that.
    Online-to-offline conversion tracking... coming soon!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1166041].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author hamburglar
    I finally feel better, after one week in lying around in bed.

    My sites are up and getting a lot of traffic but no conversion into clicks so far.

    Account is sitting at $2.68 this month. Bahumbug. Time to pump out more juicy content.
    Online-to-offline conversion tracking... coming soon!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1172722].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author HCLee
      Good luck on your adsense challenge and I'm very sure you will succeed. I could see you are very determined and that means a lot. Most of the time, people procrastinate too much and never take action. You did!
      Electric Foot Warmers -End your cold feet days now.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1172887].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author hamburglar

    I have reached my goal of $4!! Yay! I am actually $5.16 something. This is exciting. I am $5 richer yay!

    The key concept to making this prosper is having content. Moreover just not any content, having content that provides VALUE to the end user. That is what ultimately people want.

    Just got my 20 articles for my other niche and its now time to put them to good use.

    I am just not too sure about bluesense, comes of too spammy. I will have to look for other WP themes.
    Online-to-offline conversion tracking... coming soon!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1180368].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Rhett
    Congrats! I too am about to launch my own Adsense campaign, and was also considering using Wordpress as the CMS instead of static html.

    Be sure to let us know if you find a better layout or template! If I find one that converts well I'll be sure to pass it on.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1180726].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Rhett
    Back again; I was recommended (by a fellow Warrior) this free layout for Wordpress; it's supposedly based off of a recent "heat map" study done by Google for their Adsense.

    Adsense and Ads Ready WordPress Theme - HeatMap Theme
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1180767].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author hamburglar
    Time to amp my goals:

    I wanna aim for the $10 mark by the end of this month. I am half way there.
    Online-to-offline conversion tracking... coming soon!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1182695].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author kimmer551
    I just downloaded the Heatmap theme, perhaps a better choice, we will see. Wish you lots of luck!
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  • Profile picture of the author hamburglar
    I greatly appreciate all the above posters sending me their support.

    I also cannot believe internetmarketer, Xfactor and Steve Crooks followed this thread.

    Definitely means a lot.
    Online-to-offline conversion tracking... coming soon!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1190692].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author hamburglar
    In the past 2 weeks, I have gone from excited to calm to dead. Dead in the sense of trying to push through the downtimes.

    I have gotten around $6 now in my adsense and am working towards more. I bought MNF and started 3 more sites to play around with.

    I am now facing what the other 98% IM's get stuck in. (Fear, procrastination etc...) On one end, deep down inside I feel I can do this. But when I see slow results I get dejected from moving forward. The risk of failing or I would like to call fear of failing. I see this everywhere and with everyone. Some people on this forum can admit to this bravely and some cannot. The point is that fear of failing does exist. Failing in the measurement of monetary value. The dreams we get sold about auto-pilot money making etc...

    Here's the catch to get through this. JUST PUSH THROUGH. You will fail. Its part of life. But no matter what you have to keep going. Anything I have done has never panned out the way it should. But in hindsight, I needed to go through them to learn a better way. Yea yea, I know you think this is all jazzed up and what not, but trust me on this. You just have to push through it.

    I am in the midst of my low state right now. Nothing is working, trying to make something out of nothing, staying positive and burning out. It happens.
    Deep down I know this will work, I just have to be patience. Things always balance out.

    So I hope this post gives you some insight on what you will face. Nothing is done within a day, watch any Tony Robbins video and you will see that things take time. Heck it took him 10 years I think or so.

    My friends don't let the fear control you, I hope this post helps you push through your fears as it is mine.

    Online-to-offline conversion tracking... coming soon!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1204634].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author latinoman231982
      Great Thread Hamburglar

      I too have posted my success so far on this forum, and i too felt times when I felt i was fighting a losing battle. But each day, pennies turned into more pennies, then a dollar into dollars.

      Now im inbetween 32-40 dollars daily, in a period of 2 months, and just by reading what you have posted in this thread I know you will make something of this. And that goes for anyone, doing anything. Stick at it, and you will get there.FACT.

      Good luck buddy, i see you on the other side
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1204788].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author XFactor
        Originally Posted by latinoman231982 View Post

        Great Thread Hamburglar

        I too have posted my success so far on this forum, and i too felt times when I felt i was fighting a losing battle. But each day, pennies turned into more pennies, then a dollar into dollars.

        Now im inbetween 32-40 dollars daily, in a period of 2 months, and just by reading what you have posted in this thread I know you will make something of this. And that goes for anyone, doing anything. Stick at it, and you will get there.FACT.

        Good luck buddy, i see you on the other side
        I would like to add 2 things:

        1) Look at every site you make as nothing but SEEDS. These seeds
        take time, caring, and food to grow. Some seeds will sprout early,
        some late, others not at all. Some will die, and the few that thrive
        are the ones that will pay your bills.

        2) And second, when my forum is up soon I will have sections for
        these types of threads so a large group of you who are at the same
        level can build camaraderie and motivate each other.

        Plus a $10/day section, $20/day section, etc.

        - John
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1204821].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author d101
          Originally Posted by XFactor View Post

          ... when my forum is up soon ... a large group of you ... can build camaraderie and motivate each other...
          ... sounds great, John
          looking forward to it
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1381433].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author lselvon
          I actually built an adsense niche network of sites of up to 350 in my last project. As the sites settled with backlinking, the earnings eventually grew along with it. Some pointers for you is watch out for content duplication while doing backlinking. 3000 searches a month is an OK niche to tackle as a starting point. Read google guidelines to make sure they won't send you a nasty email after that you are not following the rules. Happened to me twice. Good luck with your task.
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2161155].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author johnben1444
          Originally Posted by XFactor View Post

          I would like to add 2 things:

          1) Look at every site you make as nothing but SEEDS. These seeds
          take time, caring, and food to grow. Some seeds will sprout early,
          some late, others not at all. Some will die, and the few that thrive
          are the ones that will pay your bills.

          2) And second, when my forum is up soon I will have sections for
          these types of threads so a large group of you who are at the same
          level can build camaraderie and motivate each other.

          Plus a $10/day section, $20/day section, etc.

          - John

          Nice advice, he needs the combination of time and effort to profit from this business.
          Grow your social media account, Spotify Streams, YT Views & IG Followers & More
          Software & Mobile APP Developer
          Buy Spotify, Facebook Bot & IG M/S Method
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2163251].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author hamburglar
            These sites are definitely like Seeds,

            I hope that everyone is having good success. As mentioned I have changed my plan from low CPC to high paying CPC.

            I have found some great keywords but the search volume is very little.

            There is one that has CPC of $13 but search volume is only 360.

            It is very hard to find high CPC and niche sites. I know my future success will lie in this area because I will find quality keywords rather than work of quantity as I did in the past.

            Lets keep going.
            Online-to-offline conversion tracking... coming soon!
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2164479].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author achong
          Today, it harder and harder getting $ from adsense. There, maybe, are so many publishers while power to buy from people in most countries are low.
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        • Profile picture of the author stevenjotello
          I'll follow your example and hope to get and I know that you can easily reach. Actaully you putin your expectations low. You could have at least $ 3.00 per month, then switch. So I will be more active in fullfuling dream.
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      • Profile picture of the author Johnn
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1224149].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author hamburglar
          Originally Posted by Johnn View Post

          hi John,
          Please help me if there is a good way to make traffic to my site to get a lot of clicks per day. If u know any good idea without google adsense do tell me plz as lot of my friends have beed depressed using google adsense. I am not familiar to any other better solution for earning more bucks per click. Please help me


          I am a bit confused in regards to your questions. Do you want to get more traffic for your website or the CTR?

          A high converting template is the bluesense wordpress design. It seems to be converting really well for me.

          How many visitors do you have coming to your site?
          Online-to-offline conversion tracking... coming soon!
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1224356].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Tammy1

      I have a suggestion for you to try if you wish along the lines of goal setting. I am a professional weight loss coach in the real world and I help clients set goals that keep them moving. One of the most important things is that they set goals that they can control. So, my clients don't set goals of "I'm going to lose X lbs. by..." because they really can't control that. What happens if they don't? They get discouraged and it can slow them down or worse.

      I also do business coaching, and after having such great success with eliminating that type of goal with my weight loss clients, I decided to incorporate the principle into my business coaching. Here is how it works in case you want to give it some thought:

      It's great to set a dollar amount that you are looking forward to, but to set it as your goal - in other words what keeps you moving, can be be defeating if you don't reach it. Instead - set behavioral goals. These you CAN control. For example, how much time you spend, how many new posts, pages, sites, etc. Keep a written list of your behavior goals along with a log of how well you are doing.

      Then, put the dollar figures, the ones you previously had as goals, instead on a "dreamboard" - special landmarks you want to reach. So, there is no penalty for not reaching the dollar by a certain day - instead there is only a good feeling when you do reach them.

      It's great to know you are after a certain amount, be it pounds lost or dollars gained - but for years I've seen how setting goals that you can control keep you motivated longer because your focus is positive and motivating.

      If you don't want to try it, of course that's fine too, I just wanted to offer an alternative that might keep your energy up. Best of luck to you!!
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1371727].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author clickbump
        Originally Posted by Tammy1 View Post


        I have a suggestion for you to try if you wish along the lines of goal setting. I am a professional weight loss coach in the real world and I help clients set goals that keep them moving. One of the most important things is that they set goals that they can control. So, my clients don't set goals of "I'm going to lose X lbs. by..." because they really can't control that. What happens if they don't? They get discouraged and it can slow them down or worse.
        Awesome post Tammy!

        Another thing that I believe is critical, particularly in the niche research phase, is to get (and stay) inspired. I find that my thoughts and actions are much more prosperous when I'm working from a position of power and strength rather than not.

        There are tons of things that make one inspired and we are all different in that regard.

        I get inspired by music. It moves me. So when that happens, I can get into an indescribable zone where things just start to open up and skies are bluer and my appreciation and receptivity to things around me are much clearer and vibrant - my focus becomes laserlike.

        I start to notice things I would otherwise be blind to, my subconcious becomes my concious. I've found some incredible niches and project ideas this way. And even on days when things didn't work out as well as I'd prefer, I'm still better for the time.

        I thought I would share these incredibly poignant and simple lyrics which sum up the feeling better than my words could do...

        So damn easy to say that life's so hard
        Everybody's got their share of battle scars
        As for me, I'd like to thank my lucky stars that I'm alive and well...

        It'd be easy to add up all the pain
        And all the dreams you sat and watched go up in flames
        Dwell on the wreckage as it smolders in the rain
        But not me...I'm alive

        And today you know that's good enough for me
        Breathin' in and out's a blessing can't you see
        Today's the first day of the rest of my life and I'm alive
        And well...I'm alive and well

        Stars are dancin' on the water here tonight
        It's good for the soul and there's not a soul in sight
        This boat has caught its wind and brought me back to life now I'm alive and well

        -I'm alive < YouTube (Kenny Chesney/Dave Matthews)
        "This boat has caught its wind and brought me back to life now I'm alive and well"

        Hard to say those words without being anything but inspired...
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  • Profile picture of the author Wednesday
    "I have an informative niche that has at least 3000 search's a month. "

    Just a quick question... How do you get the data to make these determinations? I am an 'ideal generator' type. I got involved with a nudge from FK and have sat down and drawn up about 10 ideas that I think have potential... I need a little advice in the market research front.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1204840].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author hamburglar
      Originally Posted by Wednesday View Post

      "I have an informative niche that has at least 3000 search's a month. "

      Just a quick question... How do you get the data to make these determinations? I am an 'ideal generator' type. I got involved with a nudge from FK and have sat down and drawn up about 10 ideas that I think have potential... I need a little advice in the market research front.
      The data IMO is from most free keyword tools. The top keyword tool is the google adwords tool.

      Now when you search a phrase, ensure that you have selected sorting by either exact or phrase. This allows you to guestimate how well the demand is in that market.

      Others use wordtracker, overture etc... but I stick to google keywords. Now remember that any of these numbers that result from these tools MUST BE TAKEN WITH A GRAIN OF SALT. Just because there is a high search volume does not necessarily mean more clicks for you.

      So for this look at the top 10 websites on the first page of google results.
      1) How is their page rank?
      2) How many links do those pages have?
      3) Are they strong or weak backlinks (based on PR) ?

      Another cool tool I use (free ofcourse) is keywordspy( This tools enables you to digress what keywords are profitable for companies that use PPC. (Pay per click i.e. paying to rank high)

      Hope this helps.
      Online-to-offline conversion tracking... coming soon!
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1205225].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author hamburglar
    I am going to bounce back.

    The recent purchase of MNF has got my mind going in all directions. I am expanding my network of sites from 2 to 5 in the coming weeks. I have 2 active sites and working on a 3rd one.

    However, I am a bit confused as to how to use and understand MNF. I guess this will be trial and error ways. I have been reading threads and have come to a basic understanding on how to determine an amazing keyword.

    Hope this works out. Time to keep pushing forward.
    Online-to-offline conversion tracking... coming soon!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1208138].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Wednesday
    Thanks Burg!

    Looking for the TY button...?!?!
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  • Profile picture of the author hamburglar
    I got site #3 launched.

    I have bought 3 backlinks and submitted the paged to digg. I am in the process of working on site #4. Site #5 will be my test from Xfactors book, I will purchase it this weekend.

    I am avging about $.5 a day. I am on the right track but I have to build more and higher ranking sites. So far all traffic is coming from site, which I feel uneasy about.

    Two most important element I have learnt.

    1) Keyword research is crucial. Prior to MNF I chose keywords which I thought were easy to rank high in, well I guess I was proven wrong. I am waiting for the one month mark to see how well the sites do.

    2) Tracking. I have kept no track of each project. So tomorrow morning I am going to write down exactly what made me do those niches and what results I get.

    Hope this helps others.
    Online-to-offline conversion tracking... coming soon!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1215528].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author kamlajoshi
    I have just joined this forum. Quite new to online earning/adsense . trying to earn since last year my account just reached 8$. quite frustrated .can anyone help me step by step .

    will be greatful
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1216478].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Jenie0109
    here's a list of informations you want to know ...guidelines and utilities

    Google Adsense Tips and Tools Collection | SEO Consultant
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1216510].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author hamburglar
    Hey Kamlajoshi,

    Here are some other great resources.
    XFactor's (John):

    Internetmarketer99's (Mark):

    Another you might want a look at is Steve Crook's:

    So I am excited. I earned another $1 today. I am at $8 this month.

    Now I just have to get my other 2 sites to rank high and I will start developing my hunch for adsense sites.

    This is exciting.
    Online-to-offline conversion tracking... coming soon!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1218085].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author JMartin
    That's great Hamburglar. Just keep building.
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  • Profile picture of the author hamburglar
    Goal #2 reached. I have officially earned $10 this month from Google Adsense.

    This is amazing. At first I started with $1 then moved my way up. My perspective has changed on adsense sites, I thought they were just fluff. Well most of them are, that I see anyways because they do not provide unique valuable content. For any adsense site to work, I am learning that I have write write write and write some more. I use to hate writing but now I actually like it.

    Now to revamp my goals.

    Next goal: $15.

    If anyone has questions or requires help, feel free to post them.
    Online-to-offline conversion tracking... coming soon!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1223587].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author discrat
      Originally Posted by hamburglar View Post

      Goal #2 reached. I have officially earned $10 this month from Google Adsense.

      This is amazing. At first I started with $1 then moved my way up. My perspective has changed on adsense sites, I thought they were just fluff. Well most of them are, that I see anyways because they do not provide unique valuable content. For any adsense site to work, I am learning that I have write write write and write some more. I use to hate writing but now I actually like it.

      Now to revamp my goals.

      Next goal: $15.

      If anyone has questions or requires help, feel free to post them.
      Nice going , ham ! I remember over a year ago in August 2008 I was excited when I broke $7 for the month. And in September this year I hit $264 !!

      So just be patient and you will get there !!

      Nothing to see here including a Sig so just move on :)

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1246256].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Kael41
    As i've said all along, the time is now to make money with adsense. It's almost TO easy once you've done the keyword research. Congrats Hamburglar!
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  • Profile picture of the author Sebulba
    I have a quick question.

    I am using the great XFactor Adsense method, started Labor day, doing one site a week. Seems to be working.

    I am looking at a niche Keyword phrase. .net .com are taken, but it looks like a great phrase. .com is parked, .net i pathetic site, nothing over PR 2 on page 1. what do you think about .biz, .us domains?

    Thanks a bunch all

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1226183].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author hamburglar

    I am also using Xfactors course now. I personally do not like using .biz or .us rather .net or .com

    Have you looked at .org?
    Online-to-offline conversion tracking... coming soon!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1226333].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Sebulba
      Thanks for your input Hamburglar. I guess I kinda like .us and .biz. Why do you like .net and of course I am asking cuz the .com is not available for a great phrase.

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1226355].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author hamburglar
        Originally Posted by Sebulba View Post

        Thanks for your input Hamburglar. I guess I kinda like .us and .biz. Why do you like .net and of course I am asking cuz the .com is not available for a great phrase.

        I guess the reason is because .biz and .us sound to fluffy. I have always been used to the .com,.net,.org that their brand-ability are engrained in my head.

        I could definitely be wrong on this because I have no way to proving otherwise.

        I feel good knowing that you are succeeding as well. $1 at a time. We will get their brother.
        Online-to-offline conversion tracking... coming soon!
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1226435].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Sebulba
          Originally Posted by hamburglar View Post

          I guess the reason is because .biz and .us sound to fluffy. I have always been used to the .com,.net,.org that their brand-ability are engrained in my head.

          I could definitely be wrong on this because I have no way to proving otherwise.

          I feel good knowing that you are succeeding as well. $1 at a time. We will get their brother.

          Thanks for your input, it would be easy if the .com's were all available, but they aren't

          Buck at a time, rinse and repeat.

          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1226759].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author kevinpotts
    What a great to push yourself toward the road of success....

    One tip:

    Find subjects about the new ways people are using to create traffic to their websites. May be you'll find new tips that are useful.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1226361].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author hamburglar
    I have about 5 site brewing in google.

    2 of them are pre MNF, one is with MNF and the remaining 2 are using Xfactors guidance.

    Only 2 sites of the above have broken the google SERP in the 100's. No where near the top but I hope it will change.

    An important element of ranking high in google is backlinks. Not just any backlinks but quality backlinks. I personally have only known to buy backlinks from TLA or digitalpoint. Coming on this forum I have been exposed to article marketing, squidoo, and other a billion methods that I am overwhelmed.

    I honestly have no idea how to build good backlinks. I tried Angela's method but I honestly do not see the value in it. The websites they provide do have HIGH PR but that is only for the main page. Not the page where your link is displayed. This is just my opinion. I tried Angela's and I think its no value for me. Could be proven otherwise.

    There are so many services and methods that one could get lost. So I am going to just concentrate on what I know and write great content.

    This a lot more hard work than someone would first assume. Its a good kind of hard work. No hard work = No success.

    I am for now going to wait and see the google dance for these sites because I want to see some form of SERP jump around before I start building new sites. This way I can test the numbers from MNF and link building strategies employed.

    But most importantly, I want to build my GUT feeling on SEO. I thought I knew what it was but definitely this form has shaken that up
    Online-to-offline conversion tracking... coming soon!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1233326].message }}
  • You've got exactly the right idea. AdSense is a slow build any way you cut it, but it's great once you get it going. If you double every two months, you'll be getting a check every month in no time.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1233658].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author HCLee
      I am following your progress very closely and sharing with you all the excitement. I too have purchased Xfactor's ebook, MNF and xsite pro and I now have 2 micro niche websites to my credit. The first is on Google #1 position and yes I'm getting clicks, while the second site is new and awaiting to be indexed. Good luck.
      Electric Foot Warmers -End your cold feet days now.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1236490].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author hamburglar
        Originally Posted by HCLee View Post

        I am following your progress very closely and sharing with you all the excitement. I too have purchased Xfactor's ebook, MNF and xsite pro and I now have 2 micro niche websites to my credit. The first is on Google #1 position and yes I'm getting clicks, while the second site is new and awaiting to be indexed. Good luck.

        That is excellent.

        I am still waiting for my ranks to pull through. I Just started this in September so I am waiting mid October to see rankings.

        I think I have to work on a better backlink building strategy.
        Online-to-offline conversion tracking... coming soon!
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1236897].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author tntrader
    Hey Hamburglar,

    Congrats on your success so far. I assume you're using a similar template to X-Factor. If not, I highly recommend that you do as increase in CTR could easily be the difference between $1 per day and $5 or $10 per day.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1236599].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author hamburglar
      Originally Posted by tntrader View Post

      Hey Hamburglar,

      Congrats on your success so far. I assume you're using a similar template to X-Factor. If not, I highly recommend that you do as increase in CTR could easily be the difference between $1 per day and $5 or $10 per day.


      I am using his template layout. Thus far, I have to conquer ranking high in google. That is what my patience is running slow on or getting me really anxious. Sorta like waiting in the dark to see how well it does.

      I guess I have to occupy myself with other items I can work on rather than on google rankings. But its so hard not to when its your only source.
      Online-to-offline conversion tracking... coming soon!
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1236904].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author nettech
        Originally Posted by hamburglar View Post

        I am using his template layout. Thus far, I have to conquer ranking high in google. That is what my patience is running slow on or getting me really anxious. Sorta like waiting in the dark to see how well it does.

        I guess I have to occupy myself with other items I can work on rather than on google rankings. But its so hard not to when its your only source.
        Hey Hamburglar,

        Love the thread, its an excellent read, if you;re struggling with your SERPS then it may be worth you revisiting some of the initial keyword research you did as the KWs may be too competitive. If thats the case then you could just use MNF, find some gems and just integrate them into the pre MNF sites that are not ranking. I'm assuming here that the pre MNF sites are not ranking.

        Are you following John's (XFactor) recommended numbers?

        Good luck


        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1237885].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author hamburglar

          Now I am following John's number.

          The 2 PRE MNF/Xfactor sites rank as follows:

          Site 1: 56
          Site 2: 67

          This is after 2 weeks or so of getting some backlinks.

          Now the 2 sites with MNF and Xfactor are only a week old and started to submit them to social bookmarking early last week. So I am expecting them to get indexed and rank somewhere with in the next 2 weeks.

          My expectations are a bit out of whack I guess, I thought they would rank faster and higher.

          The hunt for good niche's never end eh. hehhe

          Originally Posted by nettech View Post

          Hey Hamburglar,

          Love the thread, its an excellent read, if you;re struggling with your SERPS then it may be worth you revisiting some of the initial keyword research you did as the KWs may be too competitive. If thats the case then you could just use MNF, find some gems and just integrate them into the pre MNF sites that are not ranking. I'm assuming here that the pre MNF sites are not ranking.

          Are you following John's (XFactor) recommended numbers?

          Good luck
          Online-to-offline conversion tracking... coming soon!
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1237911].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author nettech
            Tell me about it, I've been stuck on MNF ever since Ive bought it. Just established about 12 niches so hopefully can make a start on these.

            We're alike, I like to aim high as well. Those numbers arent bad, you just need a lot more backlinking thats all. I also use Bookmarking Demon for my social bookmarking it does save a lot of time.

            Good luck with it mate!

            Originally Posted by hamburglar View Post


            Now I am following John's number.

            The 2 PRE MNF/Xfactor sites rank as follows:

            Site 1: 56
            Site 2: 67

            This is after 2 weeks or so of getting some backlinks.

            Now the 2 sites with MNF and Xfactor are only a week old and started to submit them to social bookmarking early last week. So I am expecting them to get indexed and rank somewhere with in the next 2 weeks.

            My expectations are a bit out of whack I guess, I thought they would rank faster and higher.

            The hunt for good niche's never end eh. hehhe


            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1238194].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author hamburglar
              Originally Posted by nettech View Post

              Tell me about it, I've been stuck on MNF ever since Ive bought it. Just established about 12 niches so hopefully can make a start on these.

              We're alike, I like to aim high as well. Those numbers arent bad, you just need a lot more backlinking thats all. I also use Bookmarking Demon for my social bookmarking it does save a lot of time.

              Good luck with it mate!
              The key to ranking high is getting great backlinks. By great I mean relevant and high quality.

              I also have got some bad keywords from MNF but its all part of the learning curve. Nothing will be easy. It takes time to get used to MNF and get a click for keyword ideas.
              Online-to-offline conversion tracking... coming soon!
              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1238514].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Richnana
      Went to your blog. I agree SEO ebooks and etc are just that. The problem is even when the product is not as promised. you have to stay quiet cause maybe they are somebody's friend. good post
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  • Profile picture of the author 3vmarketing
    Way to go Hamburglar.....
    Just keep track your game plan, it a good start...
    When your there lets us know!
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  • Profile picture of the author Richnana
    I almost never click on this discussion group.. But I am glad I did today. There are some free resources that are available to help you on your way to Adsense success.

    Scott Standke? offers a niche a day and includes key word lists that you can use. It is a free service with some niches that are quite unique.

    Also Daily Niche Idea is another site that gives you free complet niches with clickbank products and articles, header, etc. Of course this info goes to her entire list each day..But you would be surprised at how many people don't act on their dreams.

    Just some food for thought. There are a lot of Warriors who also offer Niches and ideas for fre..

    I am so inspired by the words in this thread. Great determination produces Great Result... Just keep at it. Success is at the end of the road.
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  • Profile picture of the author nomanbd
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    • Profile picture of the author hamburglar
      Originally Posted by nomanbd View Post

      I created a blog of adult material. and I add my adsense account. But after long time my current adsense balance is 1.91$.
      So I need some suggestion that what is the best category for making adsense money.
      A lot of members keep asking the questions about Niche. You will not find one nor will anyone tell you here. You just have to do due diligence and research.

      In regards to ideas, there are tons. Just look at your own life and slice up all the products you buy.

      Here is an example I will give you:

      I buy hand cream.

      Also Richnana posted some great ideas on how to find good Niche's.
      There are 100000's of different types of cream.

      I like coconut butter cream.

      That is a very specific niche.

      All you have to do is put that in the google keyword tool and see if its worth your while.

      It sounds simple because it is. Keep it simple and you will prosper.
      Online-to-offline conversion tracking... coming soon!
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1238523].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author SakeSushi
      Originally Posted by nomanbd View Post

      I created a blog of adult material. and I add my adsense account. But after long time my current adsense balance is 1.91$.
      So I need some suggestion that what is the best category for making adsense money.
      FYI, i don't think adsense is allowed on adult pages
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  • Profile picture of the author hamburglar
    So site #3 that was MNF and Xfactor is on the first page. Position #7.

    Now I will monitor the results from this site and see the true value of the keyword. Should be interesting to see the results.
    Online-to-offline conversion tracking... coming soon!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1238669].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author nettech
    With regards to finding niches, just look around you. If you're sitting in your living room or kitchen theres potentially lost of niches you can target. Just type something that you see arounf you in G AdWords tool or MNF and just take it from there. Some of them may be great niches, some of them may not but thats how you will find something.

    Scott Standke (Niche A Day) service is pretty good as he gives you ideas but if thousands of people are getting his emails then surely the market will get saturated, no? Its still a pretty good starting point to get your creative juices going.

    Good take action!


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  • Profile picture of the author hamburglar
    Some great progress.

    Site #3 from Xfactor's course has already gotten searched and clicked on. The rate for yesterday was exactly 33% just as he describes in his book. Now this is not a proper test because its only with one day of data.

    site #4 just got indexed and is at position #70. It will rise during the week.

    Site #1 and site #2 are duds. I was working on my hunches about the keyword and competition and definitely missed the mark. This was prior to MNF and XFactor.

    Very exciting results.
    Online-to-offline conversion tracking... coming soon!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1245530].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author arth
    great post! Happy to see the progress for Hamburglar, really inspires me a lot.

    I would like to know two questions:

    1. how do you get the number of backlinks to a site? Is it also included in the SEO Plugin for Firefox?

    2. How long will it normally take for google to index a new website in your 5 sites?

    Thanks in advance.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1245666].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Jojane
      Thanks for posting your efforts hamburglar, and everyone else thats joining in. I've been watching this thread since its outset, so its time i make myself accountable and join in. i've been following along and am up to site number 3. Like yourself, my first 2 were total duds. Not sure what went wrong but somehow i got the keyword research part all wrong. The numbers i recorded for my keywords originally were excellent, built the sites, submitted my articles, but nothing. So checked the competition again, and it was way out of my league! Don't know how i could have got it so wrong! Never mind, a learning curve.

      Just as a matter of interest, how are you all getting around brand names? my site number 2 only lasted a day or two of activity before i got a letter requesting me to hand over the site! good thing i hadn't spent too much time on it.

      Excited to hear how your third site is going hamburglar! here's hoping my number 3 does as well.
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    • Profile picture of the author hamburglar
      Originally Posted by arth View Post

      great post! Happy to see the progress for Hamburglar, really inspires me a lot.

      I would like to know two questions:

      1. how do you get the number of backlinks to a site? Is it also included in the SEO Plugin for Firefox?

      2. How long will it normally take for google to index a new website in your 5 sites?

      Thanks in advance.

      For your answers, I normally run the function that is provided by google in their search bar. I also use SEO quake to determine PR. I have not divested too much into yahoo backlink checker at all but it does provide insight on the link structure of a lot of websites.

      2) This is dependent on a) backlinks and b) competition. If you get grat backlinks to your site then it could take up to a week for the website to get indexed. Competition is another factor, well hmmm let me rethink this. I think it does play a role but not for indexing. So I take that statement back.

      However you should:
      1) Launch the site.
      2) Digg the pages
      3) Create and submit to google sitemaps asap.

      Hope this helps.
      Online-to-offline conversion tracking... coming soon!
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1246258].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author ronb107
      I've read XFactor's book several times, and have created a micro niche with 5 keywords and pages, plus I am writing all the articles for submission.

      I am now waiting to get Google's ok on the AdSense account.

      Just wondering: does Yahoo have a similar adsense program? Is it APT? And, is it any good?

      I have tried to join, but the webpage does not display.

      Also, are there other worthwhile adsense programs available from Google competitors?

      Thanks so much,
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1252744].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author hamburglar
    Just launched another site.

    It has 5 words as the keywords and has LSV exact of 6000. I hope it ranks well once it gets indexed.

    Time to build some backlinks.!
    Online-to-offline conversion tracking... coming soon!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1247968].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author arth
    Thank you hamburglar for your answers, now i know how to count the links of a specific site.

    And another quick one. how many backlinks in the serps would you consider too much competition and let the keyword go?

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1248281].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author hamburglar
      Originally Posted by arth View Post

      Thank you hamburglar for your answers, now i know how to count the links of a specific site.

      And another quick one. how many backlinks in the serps would you consider too much competition and let the keyword go?


      You never really know. I have outranked sites that have had 150 links. Or some sites that have 20 links and I cannot rank above them.

      It is all about quality backlinks. If they have quality then it might be hard to rank high.

      Hope this helps.
      Online-to-offline conversion tracking... coming soon!
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1248377].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author hamburglar
    I just found another site that is in my niche and has the same keyword I am going for.

    I wrote the content and already did the SEO and I just saw the other site. I am definitely not thrilled about this and feel bad. I want to take my site down out of respect but I have invested a lot of time into it. I guess we will see who goes to the top.

    In the same sense I have found 10000 similar adsense sites. Not exactly with xfactors theme but other stuff. I just have to change my layout of the site and I will rock the SEO.

    Gotta keep moving.
    Online-to-offline conversion tracking... coming soon!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1248881].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author discrat
      I think many of you Over analyze this stuff. You worry about if this Niche is too competetive, whether this Site has too many backlinks to compete against etc..etc..

      Pick a Niche that has a lot of Searches and a good CPC and just work it for the Long Term in a relentless and persistent way.

      I dont give a rats behind if it is 'Weight Loss'....If you Post 3 Articles a week in it for 5 years you better be damn straight you are going to make some serious money eventually with some good backlinking strategy. The more competition the better in the long run.

      THINK LONG TERM with this stuff and you will kick a$$ !!

      Nothing to see here including a Sig so just move on :)

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1249110].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author hamburglar
        Originally Posted by discrat View Post

        I think many of you Over analyze this stuff. You worry about if this Niche is too competetive, whether this Site has too many backlinks to compete against etc..etc..

        Pick a Niche that has a lot of Searches and a good CPC and just work it for the Long Term in a relentless and persistent way.

        I dont give a rats behind if it is 'Weight Loss'....If you Post 3 Articles a week in it for 5 years you better be damn straight you are going to make some serious money eventually with some good backlinking strategy. The more competition the better in the long run.

        THINK LONG TERM with this stuff and you will kick a$$ !!
        I think you nailed it on the head man. My perspective has changed from $x in 3 months to long term. **** I have the domain for one year = 365 days = 24 hours a day each. That means I have no choice but to think long term and work at it.

        A lot of PM' I have gotten are all about earning cash ASAP and why in one week etc... One message I always respond is with: PATIENCE.

        Just keep it at it.
        Online-to-offline conversion tracking... coming soon!
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1249226].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author JMartin
    I found 2 sites this morning using John's template for 2 KWPs I want to target. This makes me excited (not sad), because I know a 1st page listing is coming for me.

    Kind of funny how some of us gravitate towards certain items.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1249254].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author hamburglar
      Originally Posted by JMartin View Post

      I found 2 sites this morning using John's template for 2 KWPs I want to target. This makes me excited (not sad), because I know a 1st page listing is coming for me.

      Kind of funny how some of us gravitate towards certain items.
      Thanks man.

      Definitely going to push harder now.
      Online-to-offline conversion tracking... coming soon!
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1249530].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author JMartin
        Originally Posted by hamburglar View Post

        Thanks man.

        Definitely going to push harder now.
        Just keep at it.

        You'll have winners and losers.

        Since you're a long-term player, don't worry so much about the starter junk (indexed/ranking speed, etc). It really doesn't matter at all. Keep pressing on so that next year is better than this one and the year after better than the last one and so on.
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  • Profile picture of the author nettech
    With reagrds to people who want to make a quick buck, unless you have patience, don't expect much. Your loss is someone else's gain.

    Just a quick story I want to share with you all. I registered a domain just under a year ago, put a 500 word article and put up a rubbish looking adsense 468*60 banner there. In the last few days, it seems like this 1 page site has come alive, it has ABSOLUTELY no backlinks whatsoever and is ranking on Page 2 of Google Global and UK, this is a VERY competitive market and keyword, the only thing that it has is age and the fact that the keyword phrase is in the domain. Its getting a few clicks per day and earning me a few $$$s but the fact that it has come into the serps for a site with no backlinks is astounding!

    Now had I developed this (which I couldnt due to other sites being developed) I couldve made a killing. However, the moral of the story is patience is a virtue. Keep building today for tommorow, it will take time, but it will happen if you put the time in. Im not sure about John's (XFactor's) model, but my sites that are targetted (but not highly) targetted, tend to mature after about 10-12 months and this is when they show potential and rankings start to stable.

    Keep at it guys and the money will start to roll in.

    Good luck


    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1249734].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author discrat
      Originally Posted by nettech View Post

      With reagrds to people who want to make a quick buck, unless you have patience, don't expect much. Your loss is someone else's gain.

      Just a quick story I want to share with you all. I registered a domain just under a year ago, put a 500 word article and put up a rubbish looking adsense 468*60 banner there. In the last few days, it seems like this 1 page site has come alive, it has ABSOLUTELY no backlinks whatsoever and is ranking on Page 2 of Google Global and UK, this is a VERY competitive market and keyword, the only thing that it has is age and the fact that the keyword phrase is in the domain. Its getting a few clicks per day and earning me a few $$ but the fact that it has come into the serps for a site with no backlinks is astounding!

      Now had I developed this (which I couldnt due to other sites being developed) I couldve made a killing. However, the moral of the story is patience is a virtue. Keep building today for tommorow, it will take time, but it will happen if you put the time in. Im not sure about John's (XFactor's) model, but my sites that are targetted (but not highly) targetted, tend to mature after about 10-12 months and this is when they show potential and rankings start to stable.

      Keep at it guys and the money will start to roll in.

      Good luck

      Yes I know what you mean. It does seem to work that way. For me back in March it was almost to the exact week for two of my Domains to jump in the SERPs and start earning considerably after getting them one year before.

      PATIENCE and PERSITENCE. These cannot be overstated !!

      Nothing to see here including a Sig so just move on :)

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  • Profile picture of the author warmlikecoffee
    hard work always pays off, just work hard.
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  • Profile picture of the author arth
    Thank you guys for your kind answers!
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  • Profile picture of the author nettech
    There are other programs out there and Ive never really bothered with them to be honest. Somehow I doub't they'll have the volume of advertisers that AdWords has and the CPC rates. I'm just thinking from an advertisers point of view as well, if I wanted to spend my budget, it would be on Google since I can get a lot more targetted traffic. However saaying that, I do remember that Overture/Yahoo did seem to convert better but the volume just wasn't there!


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  • Profile picture of the author hamburglar
    Man, this thread is so amazing.


    Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Seriously. When I get down, I always come back here and read.

    I recently got dishearten due to seeing other people in my niche ( in their eyes I am in their niche hehehe) I feel really bad for overtaking them because they are trying to do the same as me. Man. But I have come so far. Very interesting feelings I get.

    But anywho, so far so good. Going to do a 500 directory submission on 5 of my sites soon. Hopefully that helps.
    Online-to-offline conversion tracking... coming soon!
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    • Profile picture of the author sachibhat
      I made my first penny yesterday using xfactor method
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      • Profile picture of the author kingside
        About two and a half weeks in here, averaging about $3 a day. I'm probably getting a little ahead of myself in terms of sites. I launched 5 more this weekend (not indexed yet) putting my total at around 15. I'm going to hold off on new sites for now and just focus on building up my quality sites. My revenue only comes from 3-4 sites each day.

        There's no getting around it, this method is EXPENSIVE in the beginning--whether you're talking time or money. I outsource all my articles and even get them at a super cheap price, but the numbers so far aren't pretty. I'm talking strictly in terms of ROI of course.. the overall cost isn't that much, which is why I think this method is great for beginners.

        Lots of lessons learned so far. Probably the biggest is that there so many niches out there that it pays to be extremely selective. It's a lot of fun, but at this point I'm glad it's not my main source of revenue .
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  • Profile picture of the author kumkum
    Some fellow member maybe have an experiment ?
    Is there any simple wordpress template similar to xfactor- xsitepro template.?
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  • Profile picture of the author arth
    Yeah, we should hold our pace. I remember John once said his 300 bucks/day came from his 30 or 40 sites, and he built those sites in the length of 6 month.

    That's about 5 sites each month, I really should hold my excitement and work on each site(not just register them.)haha.

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    • Profile picture of the author nettech
      I know the feeling when you should be focussing on getting your sites live and submitting and writing articles but all of a sudden, the entrepreneur or the devil inside you just opens up Micro Niche Finder and starts to find other niches, MNF can be SOOOO addictive ,its very easy to get carried away. The one thing more than anything else in this business is to keep up the discipline.

      Originally Posted by arth View Post

      Yeah, we should hold our pace. I remember John once said his 300 bucks/day came from his 30 or 40 sites, and he built those sites in the length of 6 month.

      That's about 5 sites each month, I really should hold my excitement and work on each site(not just register them.)haha.



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  • Profile picture of the author hamburglar
    I now have a pool of 4 sites from Xfactor. It is very hard to work on them when you are busy doing other jobs to pay the bills. But at the same time you must keep working at them.

    I got my plan laid out for tonight. Submit 1 article for each site.
    Online-to-offline conversion tracking... coming soon!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1255276].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author pumpfootwear
    great idea , most of the people think on earning big big amount from the starting , they dont yet have live websites and they dream of big money .. to start with 1 and 2 $ earnings is also a big task..
    Trainers, Skate shoes, Retro Trainers
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  • Profile picture of the author nettech
    Hamburglar, how you getting on? Any news on your sites? I think you'll find that lots of us are intrigued with your thread!



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    • Profile picture of the author hamburglar
      Originally Posted by nettech View Post

      Hamburglar, how you getting on? Any news on your sites? I think you'll find that lots of us are intrigued with your thread!


      Ok so some update on my thread.

      First, life is insanely busy. I run my own business and that consumes my life. Spending time on the ad sense has been very limiting but I do one article a day. No matter how tired or dead I am. I do one article a day AT LEAST.

      Now I will discuss only my Xfactor sites. I had 7 in total. 3 were duds (Prior to MNF and Xfactor)

      So the top 4.

      #1: Man this site has ranked so well. I had the keywords in reverse order because the LSV for the reverse was really good. Now it ranks #1 in for the keyword in PROPER ORDER. Some good conclusions and testing here. In regards to Return. Maybe a $1.

      However the return on the site is very poor. However I am looking past that and just developing the sites. I figure I have it for a year and see how things progress.

      #2: This site was #62 then went back to #75 now back to #62. It is doing its dance daily. This site has a direct competitor who is also using xfactor. However, he has very poor links from link exchange directories etc.. Where as I am getting all one-way PR 4 - 6 links for my site. So I will see who out ranks who.

      Again: this is all testing to learn for my future sites.

      #3: This has 5 words for the domain. Its insane! I have not done backlinking like crazy for this as it is just brewing. Its still in the work.

      #4: Not indexed as it was launched on Saturday. So again building links.

      MY focus for the next month: Just build links to these 4 sites thats it!!
      Then next month launch 4-5 sites. Sometimes its soooooo easy to get caught up to make more more more more more while if you just concentrate on selected few, they might just get there.

      Returns: Very dissapointing this month. So far I am at $2.34. Not the best but hey, I am $2 richer *does not look at the cost/investment sheet*

      Nothing so far in terms of $$ BUT in the learning curve i have HUGE HUGE RETURNS. My SEO skills are MUCH SHARPER.

      So far so great.

      Sorry for not updating a lot, just tons of deadlines on my neck.

      How is everyone else going in their journey?
      Online-to-offline conversion tracking... coming soon!
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1258307].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author nettech
    Thanks for the update, I appreciate that you had to take the time out to write all that.

    Like yourself I'm also busy with other things, I have other AdSense sites that do ok-ish so its quite tough doing Johns course. I launched a site the other day, and it still hasnt been indexed yet (although there was a previous install of WordPress on there which is showing up).

    Just added another page and about to submit to EZA and 2 to GoArticles. Im testing Johns method to the letter to see how effective it is. How long did it take you to develop your template?

    The only thing that I have changed slightly is that I'm making my About, Contact and Privacy Pages all nofollow so no PR (if it ever gets any) is passed onto these pages so it can be retained on the content pages, not sure if this will be beneficial but lets wait and see.

    Don't worry abotu the earnings, it'll happen, when you searched on MNF, did you carry out eh search for Google CA? Sorry I;m not questionning your intelligence but its something that can easily be overseen. Did you run an OCI on these keywords, I know its more affiliate marketing but it will still give you an insight into the buying power of the keyword. Are the ads that show up on the high ranking pages relevant? You need to try and see if you can maximise the site that is already ranking high as this shoudl be the site makign you money. Just give them time, you'll start making money.

    Well done for writing articles, just do it regularly and you'll see yoru work pay off.

    I'll let you kno whow I get on too.

    All the best


    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1259486].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author ronb107
      Originally Posted by nettech View Post

      Did you run an OCI on these keywords, I know its more affiliate marketing but it will still give you an insight into the buying power of the keyword.

      You may not have noticed, but OCI is not currently working. The problem lies with MSN taking two tries to get the results back.

      Apparently MSN is thwarting programs from accessing the data with long delays.
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  • Profile picture of the author nettech
    Appoloies for the typos, didnt get a chance to spell check that.... :-)


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  • Profile picture of the author WebFlip
    I think it's great to track progress like this. I set out many times to generate $100/day from one website then quickly realized the problems that involves! I found it much easier to set up 25 websites that make $2-$5 a day than 1 site making $100 a day due to the different traffic milestones you have to reach. I found it easier to get to the 200-500 hits a day range on many websites than the 20,000 hits a day range on one site.

    Nevertheless, great stuff, keep rocking and good luck!

    -Safe Travels!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1259593].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author sarasayshi
      Originally Posted by WebFlip View Post

      I think it's great to track progress like this. I set out many times to generate $100/day from one website then quickly realized the problems that involves! I found it much easier to set up 25 websites that make $2-$5 a day than 1 site making $100 a day due to the different traffic milestones you have to reach. I found it easier to get to the 200-500 hits a day range on many websites than the 20,000 hits a day range on one site.

      Nevertheless, great stuff, keep rocking and good luck!

      -Safe Travels!
      I wholeheartedly agree. I can handle creating a bunch of websites and have a few among them that might be absolute duds versus taking a chance with 2-3 websites that may also be duds or only earn pennies a day.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1259768].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author hamburglar
    I am proud of myself tonight.

    Wrote 2 articles.
    Submitted one to Goarticles and the other to buzzle.

    My account on ezine is frozen because I have reached my submission limit. Now its in for review. It takes so long to articles in ezine. I had one article in there for review for about 2 weeks. The slow process definitely halts the ranking progress.

    I like Goarticles and buzzle. The submission is right away. It could be for the bad because its not monitored but I have nothing else to loose.

    Update on the $$$
    Today I made $1.36. Yay! I actually made $1 today.
    Online-to-offline conversion tracking... coming soon!
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  • Profile picture of the author hamburglar
    Thoughts and new projects:

    I have created about a pool of 5 keywords. All have amazing exact searches. From 6000 - 27 000.

    The next sites I create will vary in design and structure. Everyone seems to be copying John's layout and quiet frankly it might catch google's eye. I know its all about information but call me a consipracy theorist, I think it might be negative as more and more get into Xfactor's course. Multiple his product a 1000's of same site.

    Not only that, it does not help differentiate the design. I am going to get a new design tomorrow with the same concept but more appealing to the eye.
    Online-to-offline conversion tracking... coming soon!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1260022].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author falconflier19
      Originally Posted by hamburglar View Post

      Thoughts and new projects:

      I have created about a pool of 5 keywords. All have amazing exact searches. From 6000 - 27 000.

      The next sites I create will vary in design and structure. Everyone seems to be copying John's layout and quiet frankly it might catch google's eye. I know its all about information but call me a consipracy theorist, I think it might be negative as more and more get into Xfactor's course. Multiple his product a 1000's of same site.

      Not only that, it does not help differentiate the design. I am going to get a new design tomorrow with the same concept but more appealing to the eye.
      I had the same response to another poster who had the same concern. I would strongly suggest coming up with your own design. There are so many template options available. John provided a great foundation, even he states that his method is not the end all, be all. Think outside the box. This method can be twisted a ton of ways.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1260726].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Retired
      Originally Posted by hamburglar View Post

      Thoughts and new projects:

      I have created about a pool of 5 keywords. All have amazing exact searches. From 6000 - 27 000.

      The next sites I create will vary in design and structure. Everyone seems to be copying John's layout and quiet frankly it might catch google's eye. I know its all about information but call me a consipracy theorist, I think it might be negative as more and more get into Xfactor's course. Multiple his product a 1000's of same site.

      Not only that, it does not help differentiate the design. I am going to get a new design tomorrow with the same concept but more appealing to the eye.
      I think you may be right about the Xfactor's layout. I had 3 sites indexed fairly quickly and they wound up on page 1. Since then I've added 3 more sites. They have been crawled several times, but Google refuses to index them. The sights which were indexed appear to have been dropped, as the Page Rank indicator is now greyed out.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1288264].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author hamburglar
        Originally Posted by Retired View Post

        I think you may be right about the Xfactor's layout. I had 3 sites indexed fairly quickly and they wound up on page 1. Since then I've added 3 more sites. They have been crawled several times, but Google refuses to index them. The sights which were indexed appear to have been dropped, as the Page Rank indicator is now greyed out.
        That is a disturbing find because my competition who was ranking #8 has been out of the SERPs for the same keyword now. The site is still up but it does not rank anywhere in the top 100.

        Very interesting.
        Online-to-offline conversion tracking... coming soon!
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1289285].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author 7_8_shortcuts
        Originally Posted by Retired View Post

        I think you may be right about the Xfactor's layout. I had 3 sites indexed fairly quickly and they wound up on page 1. Since then I've added 3 more sites. They have been crawled several times, but Google refuses to index them. The sights which were indexed appear to have been dropped, as the Page Rank indicator is now greyed out.
        Are you putting your AdSense ads on your site immediately when you actually LAUNCH your site?

        I would wait for about 2-4 weeks BEFORE putting any monetization on the site and just build some backlinks from EzineArticles and the like.

        This usually will get you indexed faster...


        Your site doesn't appear straight away to be "Made-For-AdSense" site

        but like a rather helpful content site.

        Just my opinion
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1289585].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author arth
    Ok, I will updates my sites.

    I have 5 sites, and two of them are using john's method. one of the domains was registered in Oct.2, the other is Oct.4.

    I have written 5 articles for the first one(one article each day), now the key word is appearing on the first page(No.9). But only that page is indexed in google.

    I earned my 50 cents on Oct.5 from visiters coming from SB sites, and that is all I earned.

    The second site I only wrote the home page, so far not indexed yet.

    After 5 nights work, It is a little bit tired writing articles and submit them.

    And a quick question for Ham, how did you manage your one-way backlink? how did you get all those PR 4 5 sites? Any secrets?

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1260745].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author hamburglar
    Trying out a new technique for backlinks. I am going to try some link exchanges with site #4 and see how well it ranks for the keywords.

    In regards to my high PR links, there is no strategy. I outright buy them. However I do have a procedure to assess how quality they are because some people just buy old pr domains and resell the links on ****ty sites.
    Online-to-offline conversion tracking... coming soon!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1261302].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author evertd
      Originally Posted by hamburglar View Post

      In regards to my high PR links, there is no strategy. I outright buy them. However I do have a procedure to assess how quality they are because some people just buy old pr domains and resell the links on ****ty sites.
      This is off-topic, but one way to check if a site actually has the pagerank it says it has is to do a search on google. If you get no result or a different domain name back, then you know it's fake PR. I don't know how it works exactly, but there is a way to fake PR by doing some kind of redirect to a high pagerank site.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1261328].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author m4ster
        My website was on first page of Google for targeted keyword. This morning, while I was checking rankings, I've noticed it had dropped down to page 10.

        Is that normal? Website is like one month old so that could be part of Google dance?

        Anyone else had similar experiences?

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1264148].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author mgcstrat
          That's very normal. Just part of the dance.
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1264228].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Sebulba
          Originally Posted by m4ster View Post

          My website was on first page of Google for targeted keyword. This morning, while I was checking rankings, I've noticed it had dropped down to page 10.

          Is that normal? Website is like one month old so that could be part of Google dance?

          Anyone else had similar experiences?
          I'm not a pro, but sounds like Google is doing a jig (dance) with you.
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1264771].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author 7_8_shortcuts
      Originally Posted by hamburglar View Post

      Trying out a new technique for backlinks. I am going to try some link exchanges with site #4 and see how well it ranks for the keywords.

      In regards to my high PR links, there is no strategy. I outright buy them. However I do have a procedure to assess how quality they are because some people just buy old pr domains and resell the links on ****ty sites.
      Hey there,

      I don't know the exact details of Xfactor's course, although I've heard it's fantastic!

      In regards to links...

      I think a good foundation is submitting a bunch of EzineArticles to point to each of your internal pages, but... using a VARIETY of anchor texts (containing your main keyword for the page) and NOT always using the same anchor text.


      More links to the home page, than the internal pages.

      I think you should definitely be patient with EzineArticles and get your account to the next level, because those backlinks are of high quality!

      I would post at least 2-3 EzineArticles per page on your own website over time, plus of course backlinks from other places...

      And a good clean site layout is important too -- with Ads in the top fold and not looking too much as made-for-adsense sites etc.

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1264884].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author nettech
        Excellent advice, this must be an absolute minimum. There is something similar in XFactors course. Rich, if you've got some tme on your hands Id suggest you buy it and have a read, its excellent!

        Originally Posted by RichIsSweet View Post

        Hey there,

        I don't know the exact details of Xfactor's course, although I've heard it's fantastic!

        In regards to links...

        I think a good foundation is submitting a bunch of EzineArticles to point to each of your internal pages, but... using a VARIETY of anchor texts (containing your main keyword for the page) and NOT always using the same anchor text.


        More links to the home page, than the internal pages.

        I think you should definitely be patient with EzineArticles and get your account to the next level, because those backlinks are of high quality!

        I would post at least 2-3 EzineArticles per page on your own website over time, plus of course backlinks from other places...

        And a good clean site layout is important too -- with Ads in the top fold and not looking too much as made-for-adsense sites etc.



        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1266011].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author 7_8_shortcuts
          Originally Posted by nettech View Post

          Excellent advice, this must be an absolute minimum. There is something similar in XFactors course. Rich, if you've got some tme on your hands Id suggest you buy it and have a read, its excellent!
          Hey thanks

          I think I will get it :-)

          PS. One of the advantages of adsense-sites in my opinion is that they tend to be more consistent with earnings, even if your copy sucks for example, than let's say affiliate sites. Affiliate sites have a big potential too, but you have to know what offers convert and you have to write pretty convincing copy too (in a non-salesy way).
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1268376].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Skills
    My only problem with adsense is putting in too much effort for little reward...once you get your site to rank you used hours upon hours of time and maybe only get like $8.00 out of the deal.

    I'm no longer going for the instant traffic with articles to get adsense traffic anymore, because they take alot of effort and they are spikey and then die down. So if your site isn't pulling you may have just through away an article, however with the consistent flow of traffic from a search engine you don't have to worry about that you can get to the front page and just work on your ctr, which is what makes your plan of action good.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1265280].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Tommo2007
    This is a brilliant thread. I would love to know how it's going for you now. Best of luck to you.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1265542].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author hamburglar
    To rank high for your keyword ensure that your domain has your exact KW and NOTHING else.

    I had bought a domain name ( for site #2) and it read I added the word review. In my testing so far, it has not made it to the first page.

    However, if you search "keyword phrase review" my site will come #1 in google even though I do not ever use the word REVIEW in my copy. I think this is a major breakthrough, for me at least, to rank high in google.

    My competitor site (another xfactor site) is ranking on the first page with links form link farm where as my site has one way pr 4 and pr 5 links. On top it also has ezine and go articles whereas the other does not.

    The reason I can conclude this is because the competition site is running on the same premise as I am and hence the only difference is in ranking, age and links. I have more quality links while he has more links. He has about 1 month/1.5 months on my domain. It just got indexed 2 weeks.

    Maybe I am jumping the gun, but nonetheless I can have some weak conclusions

    On the positive side, that same site is grabbing many pother unique keywords. It brings in about 10 unique a day. Very interesting.

    My adsense has been $1 yesterday and today. I hope it stays this consistent for the rest of the month.

    Will update soon.
    Online-to-offline conversion tracking... coming soon!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1268813].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author kingside
      Originally Posted by hamburglar View Post

      To rank high for your keyword ensure that your domain has your exact KW and NOTHING else.
      +1 to that. I've tried a few keywords with appended "extras" and they don't do nearly as well out of the gate. I think as time goes on and more links are built, the actual name becomes less relevant, but for those who are extremely impatient like me an exact match is a must.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1272720].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author gjd6599
        If you want to make money with adsense, you should read John's, aka XFactor's thread on adsense in this forum. I read it last saturday 10/3 and took notes. I bought a domain on 10/4, and followed his advice on the setup, except I used wordpress.

        Today 10/12 I went to my adsense account to get some code for a third site I am building, and noticed I had made 92 cents. When I checked google I am on page one, position five for that new site, and it didn't even get indexed until friday 10/9.

        The domain name has the exact keyword in it, with a .net, and two pages of content, with a couple of images. I wrote one article, different from the content on the site, spun it, and submitted it to ezine articles, blogger blog, and wordpress free blog, and that's it.

        It took me two days, but I can see me getting them done in a day as I get more organized. Maybe it was beginners luck, but I think this is a pretty good plan.

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1272843].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author hamburglar
    Just launched my 5th site. Working on the 6th site.

    Site #1 and site #4 are ranking on the first page. 2nd and 3rd are no where near the first page. I just have to spread in as many niches I can and drop the sites that do not rank well.

    Simple enough equation to follow.
    Online-to-offline conversion tracking... coming soon!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1272436].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author james kertley
    Good sharing with newbie and all warriors

    This thread is really inspire to others who really want to earn money online.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1273395].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author itmodo
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1273446].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author nettech
      Before ny of that, you need to ensure you have the quality content which will serve relevant Ads which in turn will convert better. If you have that combo, the chances of success are greater!

      Originally Posted by itmodo View Post

      Huge traffic to the website and good CTR by ad placing are the key to success in Adsense.


      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1274667].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author iworkforthem
    To get any success in Adsense, you have to be super patience... I have a blog which I posted a few posts now and then, without any other effort on SEO, promotion, etc. It generated quite a bit of $$$ from it.

    Then once you get one generating some $$$ for you, move on to setup more, especially if you dun have too much traffic. LT works quite well with Adsense..
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1273621].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author skyparc
      Action is key, and you must make mistakes in order to be successful

      Thank you hamburglar,

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1273950].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author wordgeist
        Originally Posted by skyparc View Post

        Action is key, and you must make mistakes in order to be successful

        Thank you hamburglar,

        I agree you can learn more from you mistakes and apply what you learn.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1287762].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author hamburglar
    I appreciate all the love I get on this thread.

    One thing for certain is that Adsense is a huge mental game. I wrote about this many times but I never thought it would be this challenging. Trying to stay positive and motivated is hard to do. Like Xfactor mentions, this is the most uncertain business model. You really have no idea or control over you earnings. In a drop of a second, everything can change.

    So I just launched another site and will spend this week, SEO'ing.

    Total Xfactor sites: 6
    Earnings: $5 so far.

    I have read post/threads about how some make $20-$50/day within two months. I am finding that very hard to believe as I am following the process and getting low results. To be fair, I have only started this one month ago.

    Anywho, back to writing more articles.
    Online-to-offline conversion tracking... coming soon!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1275573].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author kingside
      Originally Posted by hamburglar View Post

      I have read post/threads about how some make $20-$50/day within two months. I am finding that very hard to believe as I am following the process and getting low results. To be fair, I have only started this one month ago.
      I think it's just a matter of volume. I'm a little over 3 weeks in and am doing $10+ each day, but I've been adding 5 sites a week where as you're only doing 1 or 2 a week. Not that that's bad, it'll just take longer for you to see results.

      But I totally agree, the first couple weeks are brutal when you're spending time and money everyday only to get one 30 cent click or something.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1275624].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author hamburglar
        Wow, just in 3 weeks. That is amazing.

        I guess I have to pick up speed and get my ass a moving.
        Originally Posted by kingside View Post

        I think it's just a matter of volume. I'm a little over 3 weeks in and am doing $10+ each day, but I've been adding 5 sites a week where as you're only doing 1 or 2 a week. Not that that's bad, it'll just take longer for you to see results.

        But I totally agree, the first couple weeks are brutal when you're spending time and money everyday only to get one 30 cent click or something.
        Online-to-offline conversion tracking... coming soon!
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1276041].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author nettech've just raised the

        So correct me if I'm wrong, thats like 1 site per day? Are you also submitting articles as well? Thats a lot of work if you are!

        Originally Posted by kingside View Post

        I think it's just a matter of volume. I'm a little over 3 weeks in and am doing $10+ each day, but I've been adding 5 sites a week where as you're only doing 1 or 2 a week. Not that that's bad, it'll just take longer for you to see results.

        But I totally agree, the first couple weeks are brutal when you're spending time and money everyday only to get one 30 cent click or something.


        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1276075].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author kingside
          I made some adjustments after my first round of sites, so I'm doing things a little differently than John talks about. Probably the most important thing is that I don't submit nearly as many articles as he recommends. I'm also not slapping up additional content pages until the site proves itself out. That means rather than dedicating a ton of content to one new site, I'm spending time putting up additional sites.

          I'm only three weeks in so I certainly can't draw any conclusions. It's possible that a couple weeks or months down the road my sites will slip in the rankings because not enough backlinks were built, but I figure there's plenty of time to "fortify" the backlinks on several of my sites that are doing well out of the gate.

          Oh, and I outsource most of my article writing, which is a huge help. It'd be possible to write all the content myself, but I'd go crazy and not get more important work done .

          Originally Posted by nettech View Post

've just raised the

          So correct me if I'm wrong, thats like 1 site per day? Are you also submitting articles as well? Thats a lot of work if you are!
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1276137].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author Sowemimo Oladele
            Originally Posted by kingside View Post

            Oh, and I outsource most of my article writing, which is a huge help. It'd be possible to write all the content myself, but I'd go crazy and not get more important work done .

            Hello Kingside,

            How do you outsource your article writting and how much do you pay @ an average/article.

            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1286120].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author kingside
              I pay $2.00 for a 400-500 word article. I'm using a bit of a "proprietary" system for outsourcing my content right now (it'll be released soon), but for what it's worth I use to have good luck with Amazon mturk. If you want more details let me know, you gotta fine tune your approach.

              Originally Posted by Sowemimo Oladele View Post

              Hello Kingside,

              How do you outsource your article writting and how much do you pay @ an average/article.

              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1287446].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Rachel Zaouche
      Originally Posted by hamburglar View Post

      I appreciate all the love I get on this thread.

      One thing for certain is that Adsense is a huge mental game. I wrote about this many times but I never thought it would be this challenging. Trying to stay positive and motivated is hard to do. Like Xfactor mentions, this is the most uncertain business model. You really have no idea or control over you earnings. In a drop of a second, everything can change.

      So I just launched another site and will spend this week, SEO'ing.

      Total Xfactor sites: 6
      Earnings: $5 so far.

      I have read post/threads about how some make $20-$50/day within two months. I am finding that very hard to believe as I am following the process and getting low results. To be fair, I have only started this one month ago.

      Anywho, back to writing more articles.

      I think you are doing great - I am sure that your sites will start bringing in more $ very soon.

      Your work ethic is admirable.

      Good luck

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1277378].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author nettech

    Keep it up mate, you're doing a cracking job and educating a lot of us, even those of us who've been in the game a while. Its a time thing as well, once your sites have a bit of history just watch, they'll come alive!

    Also, how long did it take your sites to get indexed?

    Are your sites static or Wordpress based?




    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1275584].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author hamburglar
    Thank you very much Nettech,

    Normally my websites get indexed within one week. Also I am using a static design rather than wordpress.
    Online-to-offline conversion tracking... coming soon!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1275614].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author flobaby
    Kingside, how many pages on average do you have per site?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1276292].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author hamburglar
    Just Launched my 7th site.

    Getting the content together is getting very easy. Takes me about 30-50min to write up a page.

    I am also now writing content for the first page only and if the site ranks high I go further.

    My concept is this: launch many site as possible, SEO the crap out of them. Keep the ones that work.

    Its that simple.

    So I am focusing on Volume of sites I have in my portfolio now.
    Online-to-offline conversion tracking... coming soon!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1280031].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author hamburglar

    I just have to share this.

    Today's Earning: $5.28

    $5 in one day!! I think this is just for today but nonetheless amazing. I cannot believe my eyes.
    Online-to-offline conversion tracking... coming soon!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1280125].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author hamburglar
    Just Launched my 8th site.

    Really tired. Hopefully I can launch 2 more tomorrow and get my portfolio to 10. Then its all just SEO the crap outta them.
    Online-to-offline conversion tracking... coming soon!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1280256].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author kingside
    Congrats on the $5.00 day!
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  • Profile picture of the author chukwuma
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1280676].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author olamilekan2
      Originally Posted by chukwuma View Post

      Thanks for this. Is it good to put adsense on your blog asap?
      Yes u can put adsense on your site or blog immediately
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1280807].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author WadeWinger
    What do you mean by "SEO the crap out of them" ?

    The course you are following suggests just submitting articles to ezinearticles and goarticles, no other seo or linking involved.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1282870].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author hamburglar
      Originally Posted by WadeWinger View Post

      What do you mean by "SEO the crap out of them" ?

      The course you are following suggests just submitting articles to ezinearticles and goarticles, no other seo or linking involved.
      That is true the course taught that. Along side articles, I am doing social, plus blog commenting.

      I am testing everything and anything under the sun. Eliminating what doesn't work. Articles however are key but am also trying other stuff to solidify.

      Site #4 has 0 articles but maybe 1 backlink( a great one). It ranks #8 within one week.

      So I am playing around with what works for me.
      Online-to-offline conversion tracking... coming soon!
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1282890].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author WadeWinger
    Most of my sites are ranking in the top 30 just because of the domain name, nothing else. Then after about 5 article submissions to EZA, I can usually get on the first page.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1282949].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author HCLee
      May I know when you search for your niche sites what did you look for in terms of:
      a. no of searches per month:
      b. ad cost
      c. strength of competition (inanchor/intitle/inurl counts)

      to be able to rank in the top 30 solely because of your domain name. Just curious.

      Originally Posted by WadeWinger View Post

      Most of my sites are ranking in the top 30 just because of the domain name, nothing else. Then after about 5 article submissions to EZA, I can usually get on the first page.
      Electric Foot Warmers -End your cold feet days now.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1286888].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author devilishsaint
    Yeah patience is the key to success. People just start expecting a lot after making a website and adding google adsense.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1289732].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author m4ster
    I've just found another website similar to mine on first page of Google obviously built using John's method. That website was made one month after mine.

    I don't know if I should be angry or what... But at least I had a good laugh when I saw that title, in addition to keyword phrase, contains "Click here first!".

    Now, isn't that just pathetic?

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1289870].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author kingside
      That's just business. Don't get too bent out of shape

      Originally Posted by m4ster View Post

      I've just found another website similar to mine on first page of Google obviously built using John's method. That website was made one month after mine.

      I don't know if I should be angry or what... But at least I had a good laugh when I saw that title, in addition to keyword phrase, contains "Click here first!".

      Now, isn't that just pathetic?
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1290932].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Kael41
    Not only is that sound business, BUT, i don't think it really matters IMO if you put ads on sooner or later. Just my own personal testing.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1290961].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author nettech
    Oh dear, seems like Google has wised up....hmmmm maybe time to change the


    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1291108].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author arth
    Hey hamburglar and others, I met a huge problem and would like to hear what's your opinion on this.

    I found it is quite easy to get the main keyword(the one used in the domain name) indexed on the first page by google in just one week, but for other sub keywords, it is rather difficult for them to show in the first page(those pages or posts are indexed, but surely not in the first 100)

    Is there any difference of using john's method to different keywords?Did you guys met the same problem I did?

    Many thanks.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1292024].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author hamburglar
      Originally Posted by arth View Post

      Hey hamburglar and others, I met a huge problem and would like to hear what's your opinion on this.

      I found it is quite easy to get the main keyword(the one used in the domain name) indexed on the first page by google in just one week, but for other sub keywords, it is rather difficult for them to show in the first page(those pages or posts are indexed, but surely not in the first 100)

      Is there any difference of using john's method to different keywords?Did you guys met the same problem I did?

      Many thanks.

      I am a bit confused in regards to your question. I do have difficulty ranking for the sub pages. I just think they would not rank as high because the keywords are not in the domain name. Other websites that have better optimization for those keywords will rank higher. That is my assumption.

      However, I have been seeing some traffic coming from my subpages. I have no idea how they are getting there though, my analytics says 0 but yet people view them.

      Interesting findings.
      Online-to-offline conversion tracking... coming soon!
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1293244].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author digidoodles
        Are you using WP?

        If you are, install stat press. You'll be able to see what KW your visitors are coming in on.

        Originally Posted by hamburglar View Post


        I am a bit confused in regards to your question. I do have difficulty ranking for the sub pages. I just think they would not rank as high because the keywords are not in the domain name. Other websites that have better optimization for those keywords will rank higher. That is my assumption.

        However, I have been seeing some traffic coming from my subpages. I have no idea how they are getting there though, my analytics says 0 but yet people view them.

        Interesting findings.
        My niche is feeding my family... What's yours?
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        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1356543].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author nettech
      How close are your long tail keywords to your domain name? If they are very close then you shouldn't find it too hard to rank, if they aren't too relevant then you wont.

      Best thing to do in your longtail keywords is to look for at least 2 keywords that are in your domain and stem from that.

      That should give you a chance to rank at least in the top 100.

      Good luck

      Originally Posted by arth View Post

      Hey hamburglar and others, I met a huge problem and would like to hear what's your opinion on this.

      I found it is quite easy to get the main keyword(the one used in the domain name) indexed on the first page by google in just one week, but for other sub keywords, it is rather difficult for them to show in the first page(those pages or posts are indexed, but surely not in the first 100)

      Is there any difference of using john's method to different keywords?Did you guys met the same problem I did?

      Many thanks.


      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1293578].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author evertd
    I have something interesting happening. I am targeting a 3 word keyphrase, let's say "word1 word2 word3", and my domain name is "word1 word2 word3". After a couple of weeks I'm ranked in around position 32 for my 3 word phrase, but for "word1 word2" I'm ranked at 8! Really interesting.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1293684].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author RebeccaL
      Originally Posted by evertd View Post

      I have something interesting happening. I am targeting a 3 word keyphrase, let's say "word1 word2 word3", and my domain name is "word1 word2 word3". After a couple of weeks I'm ranked in around position 32 for my 3 word phrase, but for "word1 word2" I'm ranked at 8! Really interesting.
      That tends to happen when you have a good keyword domain - keeping those rankings will require work on your part though
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1293720].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author hamburglar
    Just finished writing 10 articles today.

    I am getting the hang of writing articles. It is actually really fun.

    Also. I reached my $15 mark!!! WOOOT!!!!

    Revised Goal: Reach $20 in a month now.

    Currently I am at $17.24 in my adsense account for october.

    Really exciting. I am not in the $100/day yet but I am going one step at a time.
    Online-to-offline conversion tracking... coming soon!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1293836].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author ronb107
      Originally Posted by hamburglar View Post

      Just finished writing 10 articles today.

      I am getting the hang of writing articles. It is actually really fun.

      Also. I reached my $15 mark!!! WOOOT!!!!

      Revised Goal: Reach $20 in a month now.

      Currently I am at $17.24 in my adsense account for october.

      Really exciting. I am not in the $100/day yet but I am going one step at a time.
      Thanks for the info.

      What are you earning typically per click? What CTRs are you seeing on average? And, are you strictly pushing products?

      Thanks again,
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1296328].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author hamburglar
        MY CTR is avg about 11% this month. Last month it was at 3%. The big change in the CTR came from implementing Xfactor's concept layouts.

        The hard part of all this is getting your sites to rank. That is the name of the adsense game.

        Originally Posted by ronb107 View Post

        Thanks for the info.

        What are you earning typically per click? What CTRs are you seeing on average? And, are you strictly pushing products?

        Thanks again,
        Online-to-offline conversion tracking... coming soon!
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1300203].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author ronb107
          Originally Posted by hamburglar View Post

          MY CTR is avg about 11% this month. Last month it was at 3%. The big change in the CTR came from implementing Xfactor's concept layouts.

          The hard part of all this is getting your sites to rank. That is the name of the adsense game.
          Are you driving traffic only thru Article Submissions?

          Also, if you don't mind, what is your average earnings per click? Just trying to gauge your goal of $20 per month.

          Thanks Again.
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1301255].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author hamburglar
            Originally Posted by ronb107 View Post

            Are you driving traffic only thru Article Submissions?

            Also, if you don't mind, what is your average earnings per click? Just trying to gauge your goal of $20 per month.

            Thanks Again.

            Driving traffic from article marketing is useless. I had read that somewhere and in my experience with over (35) articles submitted, it is definitely useless for ADSENSE. It works for other business models but not adsense. However the backlinks is key.

            So it is safe to say that I am earning on AVG $1.50/day. It is very exciting. I had 2 $5/day and now I do about $2.

            My goal of $20 was reached just the day after I set it. My adsense account has: $26.46 as of Today.

            So my next goal now is to bump my daily earnings. My ultimate goal is to reach $100/day. Right now I am at $1/day.

            Next milestone: Earn $5/day.

            4 of my new sites just got ranked and indexed. I will see how this will help my return.
            Online-to-offline conversion tracking... coming soon!
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1302256].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author ronb107
              Originally Posted by hamburglar View Post


              Driving traffic from article marketing is useless. I had read that somewhere and in my experience with over (35) articles submitted, it is definitely useless for ADSENSE. It works for other business models but not adsense. However the backlinks is key.

              So it is safe to say that I am earning on AVG $1.50/day. It is very exciting. I had 2 $5/day and now I do about $2.

              My goal of $20 was reached just the day after I set it. My adsense account has: $26.46 as of Today.

              So my next goal now is to bump my daily earnings. My ultimate goal is to reach $100/day. Right now I am at $1/day.

              Next milestone: Earn $5/day.

              4 of my new sites just got ranked and indexed. I will see how this will help my return.
              Hey hamburglar:

              Thanks for the response.

              Yes, I meant drive traffic from the results of backlinks in your articles; not directly. Although, talking with a friend, if the articles are on the subject of your niche, then you could get significant direct traffic from the Articles. It would have to be a popular niche, tho.

              Ok if I get just a little more detail? I understand that you are making on avg $2 per day from a site, but what is the average payout per click (ie, 20 cents or $2)? And, what is the number of impressions daily (or visitors to your site)?

              Again, just trying to put things into context.

              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1302389].message }}
              • Profile picture of the author Ibex
                Hi Hamburglar

                I'm really enjoying reading about your progress. I'm following this with interest as I am also following XFactors adsense program. Currently my earnings are nearly £9 and I still haven't completely finished my first two web sites, still need more content and articles.

                Interestingly the things I just though I would never be capable of doing have turned out to be the easiest and most enjoyable parts of the program. That is designing the websites, keyword research, organizing hosting, and finding domain names. The bit I though would be easy, creating content and articles has proved to be really difficult, still I'm going to follow the instructions to the letter for at least 10 sites just to see if the program works.

                The best of luck

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  • Profile picture of the author hamburglar
    Guide to writing articles - 'Burg Style

    People don't like writing articles. Well not all but a very few selected. As mentioned over and over again, to succeed in google Adsense you need CONTENT and LOTS of it. So for the people who struggle at writing articles I have created this guide for you. I also hate writing articles....used to hate. I never did well in english school etc... but now I love it. Here is how.

    1) Pick a topic

    Choose something you love and of interest. Go to ezine and find an article that stands out to you. Ensure the topic resonates with your soul.

    2) Click on the article

    3) Copy and paste the article in a word document.

    4) Read the first paragraph and write it back in your own words. Read it out loud, then write down whatever you understand. Your perception will always be different and have its own twist.

    5) Rinse and Repeat.

    This is exactly what I do, word for word. I rewrite the first paragraph and by the end of it, my mind is already flowing with content. By the end of my 50th word, I lead into topics of my interest and come up with a killer 400 - 500 word article.

    The hard part about article writing is NOT KNOWING what to write. SO FIND SOMETHING THAT YOU DO KNOW ABOUT AND WRITE.

    I can now crank out at least 2 rough drafts in an hour.

    Hope this helps you guys.
    Online-to-offline conversion tracking... coming soon!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1293850].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author JMartin
    Sounds like you're chugging along.

    I tend to write a couple articles a day on average. Each new site of mine gets a couple articles and that's it until I see it moving.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1296230].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Mr Money Maker
    Best way to go, is to try and create a huge mega site and rank as many pages in your site on google.
    To make over $100.00 + a day with Adsense your going to need some huge numbers to pull it off . I figure maybe 150,000 hits a month.
    Traffic is the key.....lots of traffic.
    I think it's far easier to sell a product of your own online.....but I wish you all the best.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1300551].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author hamburglar
      Originally Posted by Mr Money Maker View Post

      Best way to go, is to try and create a huge mega site and rank as many pages in your site on google.
      To make over $100.00 + a day with Adsense your going to need some huge numbers to pull it off . I figure maybe 150,000 hits a month.
      Traffic is the key.....lots of traffic.
      I think it's far easier to sell a product of your own online.....but I wish you all the best.
      Have tried this 100000 times. Never worked for me.


      Selling your own product is easy but requires a lot of customer care. I know this from the experience of my family business. That is one road I do not want to travel.
      Online-to-offline conversion tracking... coming soon!
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1302260].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author digidoodles
      Traffic is key... but, not going to need 150K impressions per month for $100/day. Should be 1/2 of that.. 60-70K.

      Originally Posted by Mr Money Maker View Post

      Best way to go, is to try and create a huge mega site and rank as many pages in your site on google.
      To make over $100.00 + a day with Adsense your going to need some huge numbers to pull it off . I figure maybe 150,000 hits a month.
      Traffic is the key.....lots of traffic.
      I think it's far easier to sell a product of your own online.....but I wish you all the best.
      My niche is feeding my family... What's yours?
      Watch Us as We Do It Or D.IE... Are you Along For The Ride
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1356534].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Kael41
    If you really want to shine for a per day average - do this:

    research some keywords for the christmas holiday season. Find a keyword/domain name combo that is regularly searched for, but one that you know you can rank for.

    Develop that site out and do some backlinking. Now, reap the rewards

    I've got 3 halloween sites pulling in bank this year. 1 of them was 2 years established, and the other 2 were created AFTER last years halloween.

    I always tell people - create a site for something that people will search for. "how to" "how do i" "find" etc
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1302420].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author hamburglar
    Just got back in from NYC.

    My earnings right now are stuck at $1/day. I thought by now, with 10 websites, I sure would reach $5 - $10/day as others have with xfactors method. I still have yet to see this. I have followed his guide except for the part about writing sub content pages. So maybe that is my missing link.

    This week I am going to spend time creating 5 sub pages for each site and monitor my income growth.
    Online-to-offline conversion tracking... coming soon!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1320751].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author 2d0k
      Originally Posted by hamburglar View Post

      Just got back in from NYC.

      My earnings right now are stuck at $1/day. I thought by now, with 10 websites, I sure would reach $5 - $10/day as others have with xfactors method. I still have yet to see this. I have followed his guide except for the part about writing sub content pages. So maybe that is my missing link.

      This week I am going to spend time creating 5 sub pages for each site and monitor my income growth.
      Have you already solved why your earnings are stuck in $1/day? any other interesting updates?
      World News | Hasta La Victoria Siempre! | Website Hosting Cost
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1322163].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author hamburglar
        Originally Posted by 2d0k View Post

        Have you already solved why your earnings are stuck in $1/day? any other interesting updates?
        No, I have not solved this yet.

        I think this will happen with me testing a couple of methods. I am still baffled as to how individuals can get $20 - $50/day with 5 sites. It is probably the niches and rankings. Thats all there is to adsense.

        So I am going to focus on ranking my current sites in the top 3. Only 1 site ranks in the top 3 whereas the other sites are all on page 1 but not top 3.
        Online-to-offline conversion tracking... coming soon!
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1322292].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author 2d0k
    whoaah! I really like your discipline and the efforts you've put to reach your goals. It's really interesting and fun reading this thread.. thank you that you've started this.. Brings a whiff of inspiration to me.. 10 sites? nice.. nice..
    World News | Hasta La Victoria Siempre! | Website Hosting Cost
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1321240].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Irsan Komarga
    Hambuglar: Do you have site with e.g. that rank high for keyword cordless keyboard? or do you have site with e.g. and still rank high?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1321823].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author hamburglar
      Originally Posted by Irsan Komarga View Post

      Hambuglar: Do you have site with e.g. that rank high for keyword cordless keyboard? or do you have site with e.g. and still rank high?
      I do not use and "-" in my domain names. I do not know how well that ranks.

      You should try the "-" out and see how things go.
      Online-to-offline conversion tracking... coming soon!
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1321963].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author tjcocker
    I feel your pain Hamburglar. After reading John's thread I set out to make $100/day. I have 18 websites built, but I'm still averaging around $2/day. I went a little too fast in the beginning. I'm slowly figuring out which ones rank better and why. Having that many sites to tweak helps me figure out so many details that I never would've thought about.

    I admire your honesty and work ethic. I learned that only through failure can we make great leaps forward. I used to spend hours trying to build 1 page because I didn't know HTML or CSS and had a ton of problems basically trying copy and paste my content into pre-made templates. When I completely messed up an 8 page website to point where it wouldn't work at all I forced myself to learn HTML. Now I make pages in minutes totally from scratch.

    It's all a process. My only goal is to keep learning. Money will follow later, hopefully. Thanks for letting us know there are other people in the same boat.
    Initrode Consulting -Boulder SEO, Copywriting, Editing, Website design, etc...
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1322322].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author 2d0k
      Originally Posted by tjcocker View Post

      It's all a process. My only goal is to keep learning. Money will follow later, hopefully. Thanks for letting us know there are other people in the same boat.
      Thumbs up for your perseverance.
      World News | Hasta La Victoria Siempre! | Website Hosting Cost
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1322346].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Rachel Zaouche
        This is a great thread. Hamburglar please keep coming back and letting us know how you are getting on.

        Content is king so they say so subpages may help.

        All the best

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        • Profile picture of the author simonheng82
          Hi, i am another John subscriber with 15 websites up since 2 weeks ago, 8 of them indexed within few days and the rest are still yet to be indexed.

          Few articles submitted to directory with some backlinking juice from angela packet, i am monitoring the result right now.

          Thanks for hamburglar starting this thread and share your work towards success. I am in now


          Earning Residual Passive Income is not a dream

          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1332648].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author simonheng82
            Sorry Hamburglar for bumping your thread, but i would like to tell everybody that one of my indexed site earned me $2.82 this morning from 7 clicks This is only with 1 article submitted to directory. The initial indexed SERP s on the 5th position but i am not sure it will drop in the coming days......

            Anyway this is a good start, i hope you too.


            Earning Residual Passive Income is not a dream

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  • Profile picture of the author Zeus66
    Don't be afraid to take on a more competitive niche. Micro niches are great, but you do hit a wall at some point where your need to create new pages of content and get backlinks is overwhelming. A Page 2 ranking for a more competitive keyword with higher search volume often pulls more traffic than a high Page 1 ranking for a long-tail keyword.

    Whichever path you choose, the key is maintenance. Keep adding content and never stop building links with good anchor text. You'll get there, as long as the keywords you targeted have enough traffic potential. Some don't pan out. Believe me, I've been there many times.

    Thanks for this thread, hamburglar.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1335278].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author hamburglar
    Thank you guys for the support.

    I have realized that for any of my sites to rank high I NEED GOOD BACKLINKS. So I have broadened my backlink campaigns. I strictly used articles and now am switching to TLJ(thelinkjuicer). I am in the test phase to see what works and what doesn't.

    Out of my 10 sites, I only have 4 sites that rank in the top 20. the other 6 are indexed but nowhere to be found. That puzzles me because I have thoroughly checked the competition and they have very low SOC. Once again, you never know what the big G is up to hahaha.

    Also, 8 of my sites only have one page of content. I am refocusing quality subpage content. I have developed a list of 10 more keywords to launch my sites this month.

    Yesterday I earned $4.55!!

    So my goals Thus far:

    Month of October: $46.77
    Month of September: $13.66

    I only started the Xactor stuff at the end of September, so it does work. BUT YOU NEED TO DO A LOT OF WORK. Its not simple set it and forget it. At least for now.

    It requires a lot of work.

    Time to keep pushing
    Online-to-offline conversion tracking... coming soon!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1336882].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author simonheng82
      That is true that even with low soc, i will try to search that particular keyword and look at the competing sites on the top right corner. I have also found a keyword with SOC 6 but google search result shows 11Mil competing sites....For me, i will still look for competitions lesser than 500K.

      On the same project, i have also tried to look for spell error keywords, i did pretty well with this one page site with no backlink built, i earned $60+ purely from SE visitors, low soc as well as low competitions. But this only last me for 3+ months, and i found this site to be no where in google, but it is still indexed.


      Earning Residual Passive Income is not a dream

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1338412].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author nettech
    In addition to the usual keyword research, I also use the SEO for Firefox plugin and look at the sites on the first page. If they are between PR 1-3 then worth optimising for. If there are a lot of PR4+ then I generally wont bother or try to take another angle.

    Good thread Hamburglar


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  • Profile picture of the author dannybaskara
    Great Idea .thx
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  • Profile picture of the author js112
    Originally Posted by hamburglar View Post

    Hey guys,

    Goal: To make $1 in a month. I set too many high expectations. This time it I am taking baby steps.

    After this I will increase it to $2 so on and so forth.

    Ultimate goal: to make $100 - $300/day, but that is far away. Patience is key.

    Mods: If this is in the wrong area, I apologize. I thought it would be good here cause its for adsense.
    man i agree with you at this point, just start with a lower expectation,then you will never feel disappointed
    good luck
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1341634].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author simonheng82
      Taking small steps is good but sometimes you have to think big and act big, especially when you see so many of success stories through Xfactor course. This is the main reason i setup 15 sites in 1 weeks...


      Earning Residual Passive Income is not a dream

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1341867].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author hamburglar
    I have 10 sites launched and am earning around $1/day.

    I hope to increase this by the end of this month. I am trying to find various ways of building backlinks but realized I am moving away from xfactors book. Now I am trying to focus on what Xfactor said.

    Should be a fun ride.
    Online-to-offline conversion tracking... coming soon!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1342957].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Charley Brown
      Originally Posted by hamburglar View Post

      I have 10 sites launched and am earning around $1/day.

      I hope to increase this by the end of this month. I am trying to find various ways of building backlinks but realized I am moving away from xfactors book. Now I am trying to focus on what Xfactor said.

      Should be a fun ride.
      Remember, what works for one does not necessarily work for others. Xfactor's methods are definitely good, but if you can supplement what he is doing, you will be even better off.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1343073].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author nettech
        Yes I agree with this totally, Ive got XFactor type sites up and also making subtle tweaks to existing sites that make me the core of my earnings.

        Originally Posted by Charley Brown View Post

        Remember, what works for one does not necessarily work for others. Xfactor's methods are definitely good, but if you can supplement what he is doing, you will be even better off.


        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1343217].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author hamburglar
    I just created a new design based on Xfactor's concept. It looks 10X better and is converting around 20-50%. Its only been one week though, so I will see how this template works in the long run.
    Online-to-offline conversion tracking... coming soon!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1343552].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author ronb107
      Care to share on the design. Couldn't resist asking.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1343797].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author hamburglar
      Originally Posted by hamburglar View Post

      I just created a new design based on Xfactor's concept. It looks 10X better and is converting around 20-50%. Its only been one week though, so I will see how this template works in the long run.
      Not at this moment. I am in a phase of testing the designs and my backlink work. The site is built of Xfactor's framework however it is a tad more appealing and focused to the eye.
      Online-to-offline conversion tracking... coming soon!
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1343933].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author simonheng82
        You can always try to design your own template as well as to have the type of adsense ads that you could blending in. It is not necessary to follow exactly what other find useful. You may do better if you got the kick.

        Just to update on my 15 sites adventure, all the sites are being indexed and 8 of them appear in the first page, 4 in the second, 3 in more than 10th. I believe the SERP is not firm yet as it will still fluctuating in the coming days, lets see....

        Adsense get me around $.80 to $1.20 per day average since 3 days ago. Like what hamburglar said, hope to increase the earning by end of the month, maybe to $2-3 per day. At this stage, I am going to only follow Xfactor suggestion in this project by just posting article to get backlink. Sooner or later, i will be joining angela with her high PR link building Nov packets, hope it helps too..


        Earning Residual Passive Income is not a dream

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1345359].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author ronb107
          Has anyone noticed that Google is lowering the earnings per click (EPC)?

          My sites started with high EPCs and have slowly dropped to half the initial value. Also noticed that my impressions are dropping as well.
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1346162].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author hamburglar
            Originally Posted by ronb107 View Post

            Has anyone noticed that Google is lowering the earnings per click (EPC)?

            My sites started with high EPCs and have slowly dropped to half the initial value. Also noticed that my impressions are dropping as well.
            Haven't noticed this at all. I just earned $5 yesterday.
            Online-to-offline conversion tracking... coming soon!
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1346214].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author rajsidhux
              What should you do if your site was ranking nicely in the top five - six results for its keyword for about 3 weeks and then one day it is nowhere to be seen. The site is still showing in Google if you type the domain in the search box, so it is not de-indexed.

              The site is 5 weeks old.

              Should I be worried? Or is ths natural.

              Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
              There are no secrets or magic formulas to achieving on line success.... only things you don't know how to do...... YET!
              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1346406].message }}
              • Profile picture of the author sarasayshi
                Originally Posted by rajsidhux View Post

                What should you do if your site was ranking nicely in the top five - six results for its keyword for about 3 weeks and then one day it is nowhere to be seen. The site is still showing in Google if you type the domain in the search box, so it is not de-indexed.

                The site is 5 weeks old.

                Should I be worried? Or is ths natural.

                Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
                Get some more back links. Just keep pumping out back links to the site and it will come back up again. It's all part of the google dance. As long as the site is still indexed, you are good to go.
                {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1346630].message }}
                • Profile picture of the author ronb107
                  Originally Posted by sarasayshi View Post

                  Get some more back links. Just keep pumping out back links to the site and it will come back up again. It's all part of the google dance. As long as the site is still indexed, you are good to go.
                  And how do you determine if your site is indexed, and where you rank for a given keyword?
                  {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1346692].message }}
                  • Profile picture of the author sarasayshi
                    Originally Posted by ronb107 View Post

                    And how do you determine if your site is indexed, and where you rank for a given keyword?
                    If you type in your full URL into google such as and any page from your site shows up, you are still indexed. If you are deindexed none of your pages from your site will show up in the search results.

                    I am not sure I quite understand your second question. As far as rankings, I am sure the original poster knew his targeted keyword that he was ranking for which is why he knows he is no longer on the first page of google for it.
                    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1347333].message }}
                    • Profile picture of the author ronb107
                      Originally Posted by sarasayshi View Post

                      If you type in your full URL into google such as and any page from your site shows up, you are still indexed. If you are deindexed none of your pages from your site will show up in the search results.

                      I am not sure I quite understand your second question. As far as rankings, I am sure the original poster knew his targeted keyword that he was ranking for which is why he knows he is no longer on the first page of google for it.
                      For checking on your site being indexed, either try site: or
                      go to this website: Indexed By Google?

                      For checking on where in the SERP your site ranks for a keyword, go to: Find your website rank on google across different countries
                      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1348774].message }}
                      • Profile picture of the author andyj00
                        This is a helpful thread.

                        Ok, my experiance with my Xfactor type Adsense sites:

                        I have 5 sites and last month they made a total of £73 which is around $120. Fairly pleased with that but no-where near what Xfactor says in his course. He says we should be getting an average of $5 a day, per site. I'm getting $0.80 a day, quite a way off.

                        Now I get a great CTR on the whole so the only way to get anywhere near $5 is I'd need SHED loads of traffic.

                        I have around 20 ezine articles for each site and have done Angelas backlinks.
                        I'm guessing I'd have to double or treble the amount of articles written for each site. How long would that take? Or would I be better off starting more new miche niche sites? It's difficult to know what to do for the best.

                        I'm not moaning - merely stating the facts in black and white
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                        • Profile picture of the author Fraggler
                          Originally Posted by andyj00 View Post

                          Now I get a great CTR on the whole so the only way to get anywhere near $5 is I'd need SHED loads of traffic.
                          There is another factor that reduces the amount of traffic you require - the average CPC. If you are only getting cheap clicks then your content isn't attracting the expensive ads. You have to make the decision between chosing markets with a high CPC or chosing markets that are easy to get traffic in. The ideal situation is a high CPC market that is easy to get traffic for.

                          It isn't hard to get $1 per click with Adsense if you quantify the CPC before committing to a site.
                          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1355458].message }}
                          • Profile picture of the author andyj00
                            Originally Posted by Fraggler View Post

                            There is another factor that reduces the amount of traffic you require - the average CPC. If you are only getting cheap clicks then your content isn't attracting the expensive ads. You have to make the decision between chosing markets with a high CPC or chosing markets that are easy to get traffic in. The ideal situation is a high CPC market that is easy to get traffic for.

                            It isn't hard to get $1 per click with Adsense if you quantify the CPC before committing to a site.
                            Yes this is a good point! I forgot that. Yes I'm not getting a lot per click 30-50 cents on average I recon.
                            Even using MNF, its difficult to find a high paying niche that is low in competition and high in searches. Its either one or the other.
                            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1355688].message }}
                        • Profile picture of the author thmgoodw
                          Originally Posted by andyj00 View Post

                          This is a helpful thread.

                          Ok, my experiance with my Xfactor type Adsense sites:

                          I have 5 sites and last month they made a total of £73 which is around $120. Fairly pleased with that but no-where near what Xfactor says in his course. He says we should be getting an average of $5 a day, per site. I'm getting $0.80 a day, quite a way off.

                          Now I get a great CTR on the whole so the only way to get anywhere near $5 is I'd need SHED loads of traffic.

                          I have around 20 ezine articles for each site and have done Angelas backlinks.
                          I'm guessing I'd have to double or treble the amount of articles written for each site. How long would that take? Or would I be better off starting more new miche niche sites? It's difficult to know what to do for the best.

                          I'm not moaning - merely stating the facts in black and white
                          If your CTR rate is great, then as you noticed the issue is with your traffic. That is, you're not getting any.

                          You have to keep in mind that by some estimates the #1 ranking in Google gets up to 40% of the organic clickthrough traffic.

                          I think Xfactor's book has great information on a how to think about an adsense template and what types of keywords you should be going after, but if you really want to do well you should absorb everything that you can in this forum about ranking well in Google.

                          As for the mass article writing thing, as others have stated as well, I find that a bit too old school for my tastes.
                          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1358045].message }}
                          • Profile picture of the author Retired
                            Originally Posted by thmgoodw View Post

                            As for the mass article writing thing, as others have stated as well, I find that a bit too old school for my tastes.
                            So if article writing is old school, what's the new way?
                            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1363239].message }}
                            • Profile picture of the author simonheng82
                              You say this is old school meaning that you are expecting instant result, AM will not give you instant success but you should look at it in long term.


                              Earning Residual Passive Income is not a dream

                              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1363983].message }}
                              • Profile picture of the author tjcocker
                                Keep it up hamburglar, I like checking in to see how you're doing. We both started at about the same time and are on almost the same pace. You're beating me in money/day tho... :p

                                I think $5/day per site is doable, but we'll need to weed through a lot of BS niches before figuring out the really good ones like XFactor. Just because someone has put up a site and tweaked it a little doesn't mean you should base your entire opinion on that. Some of my sites get visitors, but no clicks. Some get 20%+ CTR. A recent Halloween site was earning me $2-$4/day, until November. Now, nada. Back to maybe $1/day

                                There are so many details and factors in this sort of work that it's practically impossible to say anything with any certainty. You just need to keep testing and trying new things.

                                Threads like this help us all so we don't have to completely reinvent the wheel. Thanks for sharing your experiences.
                                Initrode Consulting -Boulder SEO, Copywriting, Editing, Website design, etc...
                                {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1365655].message }}
                            • Profile picture of the author thmgoodw
                              Originally Posted by Retired View Post

                              So if article writing is old school, what's the new way?
                              (1) profile backlinks on high PR domains
                              (2) dofollow blog commenting
                              (3) RSS feeds
                              (4) social bookmarking

                              For any of my sites that rank well, I always have under 5% of the links coming from articles or web 2.0 hubpages/squidoo type sites.
                              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1378364].message }}
                              • Profile picture of the author 7_8_shortcuts
                                Originally Posted by thmgoodw View Post

                                (1) profile backlinks on high PR domains
                                (2) dofollow blog commenting
                                (3) RSS feeds
                                (4) social bookmarking

                                For any of my sites that rank well, I always have under 5% of the links coming from articles or web 2.0 hubpages/squidoo type sites.
                                Yes, but Article Backlinks are high value and they stick... Especially if they come from places like EzineArticles. It's important however to vary the anchor texts of the backlinks.

                                RSS, social bookmarking and blog are all nice and fine... but they tend to work rather short-term... unless you keep on promoting your sites every day...

                                and for a "normal" human being there usually comes a limit to the number of sites one can promote simultaneously... Long term strategies might be slower, but they tend to stick.
                                {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1394531].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author hamburglar
    Just wrote up 6 articles.

    I am getting too lazy with this. The time is now to move faster and harder.
    Online-to-offline conversion tracking... coming soon!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1346190].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author hamburglar

    Feeling a bit burnt. Working on the sites and articles. This is a very long and tough battle. I have to keep reminding myself to have patience. I am earning $2/day (taking a look at my last couple of days).

    I focused last week too much on people that were making $50 from a couple of sites. I have to realize that their work has nothing to do with mine. And I will get what I earn in due time. I just have to stay focused.

    Adsense is also a personal development game, if you guys have not noticed. Hehehe.
    Online-to-offline conversion tracking... coming soon!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1348414].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author zachary0611
    How many words do you have in your one page sites? I have 300 words for my one page site but I am unsure if I need to add more info.
    Professional Web Designers
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  • Profile picture of the author 32paul52
    Good work guys- yeap action is the key get them up get them some promotion, and keep moving, focus on solutions to challenges, like time, writing etc- and Go for it!

    I am also following johns advice......
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1355402].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author euhlir
    The thing you have to ask yourself is if it's worth it, writing and making numerous sites for $20-$50 per month?

    I haven't seen ONE person say they are earning $5/day from each site, like Xfactor claims you should be making.

    Suspicious? There's reason to be.

    Either he's not telling everything like it is, or perhaps he's not telling it like it really is.

    I've read many accounts of people using his method verbatim and still not seeing anything close to $5/day per site.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1355476].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author BillyPilgrim
      So quit. It's what you want to do anyway. And then go onto the Next Big Thing (guru BS)
      I make over a hundred bucks a month from two sites. It's not much but I see John's methods as a tweak to what I had been doing. But it didn't happen overnight. It took a number of months for my sites to take off. Just keep working.

      Or not.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1355642].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author zombo
    I spent a good time reading this thread and it is truley an inspiration

    Visit my Heavily Promoted Directory!! and list your site today, you could even win a prize :cool:

    Computer Hardware News and Reviews revHardware is your source for all things tech! :D

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  • Profile picture of the author hamburglar

    Love the conversation that is happening.

    I am also looking into High paying CPC low comp keywords. I have 2 sites that are carrying my adsense. The others have a 1% CTR which is kinda scary.

    @euhlir: I understand your concern. Trust me I do. But I have one site that earns $3-4/daily. The only problem/challenge is that my other 9 dont. hehehehehehhahaha.

    Now if I can only multiply that site.

    Guys for this month I am avg $3/day. wooot! Slowly getting up there.

    I am working on this new template and it has yielded me the best CTR so far. Its at 50%. The clicks are very low paying though. Its been up for 3 days so far.

    Lets go guy's we can accomplish $100/day.

    Provide Quality and you will get Quality Money!
    Online-to-offline conversion tracking... coming soon!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1356465].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author simonheng82
      I have the same problem as u did, out of the 15 sites i have, only few of them consistently getting clicks, others dont, now i am getting $2 per day consistently for 3 days. I am also with the passion in getting $100 per day out of this course,

      I am planning to file my "road to adsense success" in a blog, what you guys think? Or i should continue sharing the experience here?


      Originally Posted by hamburglar View Post


      Love the conversation that is happening.

      I am also looking into High paying CPC low comp keywords. I have 2 sites that are carrying my adsense. The others have a 1% CTR which is kinda scary.

      @euhlir: I understand your concern. Trust me I do. But I have one site that earns $3-4/daily. The only problem/challenge is that my other 9 dont. hehehehehehhahaha.

      Now if I can only multiply that site.

      Guys for this month I am avg $3/day. wooot! Slowly getting up there.

      I am working on this new template and it has yielded me the best CTR so far. Its at 50%. The clicks are very low paying though. Its been up for 3 days so far.

      Lets go guy's we can accomplish $100/day.

      Provide Quality and you will get Quality Money!

      Earning Residual Passive Income is not a dream

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1356963].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author digidoodles
    For the record, we're doing the Adsense thing too.

    Took parts from here and there and a little tweak here and a little tweak there (here a tweak, there a tweak, every where a tweak tweak.. can you tell I have 5 little kidlets?

    We don't have an option for this working or not... hence, do or die marketing. A self-proclaimed guru marketer from the UK cheated us out of $18K at the end of September... that stung.

    Onward and upward. My partner is the calculator guy. He made predictions as to what we have to do to achieve X (whatever X is at that moment.) He's been exactly, spot on since the beginning. And that has helped us TREMENDOUSLY in figuring out what we have to do to get to where we want to be.

    We started on September 24, the day that self-righteous, self-proclaimed information marketing guru stiffed us out of $18K.

    Content + Products + Persistence = Money

    We'll get there. We will.
    My niche is feeding my family... What's yours?
    Watch Us as We Do It Or D.IE... Are you Along For The Ride
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1356591].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author l23bc
    man! you warriors really raised the bar just about to go bed thinking how the **ll am i suppost to get adsense clicks as its been bugging me for weeks now and i am glad i have bookedmarked this post

    heres my problem, my site is sat at page one at the very top out of 44 million other websites however im just getting 1,5,6 clicks a day if possibile and i have a ctr of 1.43% so far form last month have only made £1.98 or in dollars thats $3 i think not too sure on exchange rate, some days i have been on the top of google yet no traffic, so frustrating however my other site is on bing page 1 also and yahoo page one 7 down but no were to be seen on google.

    I have been very slow at link building and blog comment also to make it look natural,have checked my keywords and there very low competition, sorted out my meta tags and headers,footers ect,

    would really like some advice to them people here who are saying im making $5 a day or 100 a day as i must be missing out on something,

    also i have some good pr blog comments and high directory submits on my site to plug traffic but when i do a backlink check i dont see the pr or links, how long does it take google to realise my pages have pr links


    No Link here or Nothing to Promote Just a Old Happy Warrior User reading Topics

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    • Profile picture of the author simonheng82
      although you are competing with millions of site out there, but did you make a research on the search counts? I do have a site with 3.3mil competitions, but the exact search only 880 per months, i am in the 4th spot for this keyword and having average 1-2 clicks per day, CTR 3-4%.....

      In contrast to this, i have a also a site with 4K search per month, but the competitions only 200K, that is how it works, having high competitions doesnt means that you would have high search. Just my 0.02.


      Earning Residual Passive Income is not a dream

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1357426].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author mjbaker
      Originally Posted by l23bc View Post

      heres my problem, my site is sat at page one at the very top out of 44 million other websites however im just getting 1,5,6 clicks a day if possibile and i have a ctr of 1.43% so far form last month have only made £1.98 or in dollars thats $3 i think

      What is the search count estimate for Broad or Phrase or Exact?

      And, are you logged out of your Google account when you check your ranking?

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1357921].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author euhlir
    Don't get me wrong Adsense is a viable way to make money. There are just so many people following Xfactor's method exactly and then wondering why they aren't making $5/site.

    With the amount of work that you'd have to do with xfactor's method it just doesn't seem to pay off well for those who follow it exactly. There are easier ways to get great backlinks than writing 15-20 articles per site.

    If you look for ways to improve on his system then it may be worth it, but always think about the time you're investing and the payment you're receiving.

    If you have no problem spending 8-10 hours on a site to earn $7/month and having to keep it updated with fresh articles then that's your decision. You could write 1 article for a client and earn that in 15 minutes.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1357846].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author hamburglar
      Originally Posted by euhlir View Post

      Don't get me wrong Adsense is a viable way to make money. There are just so many people following Xfactor's method exactly and then wondering why they aren't making $5/site.

      With the amount of work that you'd have to do with xfactor's method it just doesn't seem to pay off well for those who follow it exactly. There are easier ways to get great backlinks than writing 15-20 articles per site.

      If you look for ways to improve on his system then it may be worth it, but always think about the time you're investing and the payment you're receiving.

      If you have no problem spending 8-10 hours on a site to earn $7/month and having to keep it updated with fresh articles then that's your decision. You could write 1 article for a client and earn that in 15 minutes.

      Very Interesting. I understand your point but would have to disagree on the earnings potential. The example you gave is of a taxi cab business. "Fare" business. Once you are done working with the client, then there is no earnings.

      The beauty with adsense site is the perpetual income without being married to the end result. Also the scalability of the business model. In order to earn more you must produce more with the traditional method. But with adsense you can have only a handful sites that earn you more and more without the same relation to producing those sites.
      Online-to-offline conversion tracking... coming soon!
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1357872].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author hamburglar

    One of my sites is officially making $5/DAY.

    So to everyone thinks that it doesn't work, it does

    IT JUST TAKES TIME and persistence.

    My first day that I hit $7!!! yay!

    The new theme works wonders.
    Online-to-offline conversion tracking... coming soon!
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  • {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1358836].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author hamburglar
    I have 12.

    Online-to-offline conversion tracking... coming soon!
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  • Profile picture of the author zachary0611
    3 years ago my arcade site got linked by a couple of big sites on Halloween for my game Mario Halloween and made 40 dollars in one day at about .05 cents a click, so it is very possible.
    Is there a template I can use that looks somewhat like your new theme?
    Professional Web Designers
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  • {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1358900].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author simonheng82
      i have 3 out of 15 indexed site since 2 weeks ago are earning consistently $2 per day, the rest are average in $0.5 to 0.8 YTD.

      I am submitting 2-3 articles per day to directories consistently for all the 15 sites, will see how the SERP goes after 1 month from now.


      Earning Residual Passive Income is not a dream

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1360550].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author nettech
    Well done Hamburglar, its nice to see you slowly and surely achieving your target. One of my sites just jumped up from position 10, then was sitting at 7 and now has jumped up to 6th woo hoooo and I can see how much of a difference it makes.


    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1365670].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author simonheng82
      I think it is time to update my road to adsense success again today, i have built a total of 15 sites 3 weeks ago, 10 out of 15 are ranked with the main keyword in first page, 5 of the rest, 3 is in the 2nd page and 2 out of nowhere. I am quite happy with the result as i have only submitted 1 article to buzzle for each site, for sure, i will be keep on submitting to other directories in the near future. YTD earning is $70 and CTR at 20-30%, but i feel that there is still room to improve in term of CTR by the means of changing the template (FYI. i am not using Xfactor type of template)

      today i have purchased 6 more domains with exact keyword in the domain, but one of them having the word "store" at the back of the keyword, reason is i dont want to lose the chance in getting the piece of cake from the big pie (9000 searches with SOC14), for sure, i will be updating how is the result from this site in the coming future. Anyway, target to up all these sites in 3 days.

      This thread getting slow recently, come on guys, share your experience here to help each others. See you soon.


      Earning Residual Passive Income is not a dream

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1370165].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author sarasayshi
        Originally Posted by simonheng82 View Post

        I think it is time to update my road to adsense success again today, i have built a total of 15 sites 3 weeks ago, 10 out of 15 are ranked with the main keyword in first page, 5 of the rest, 3 is in the 2nd page and 2 out of nowhere. I am quite happy with the result as i have only submitted 1 article to buzzle for each site, for sure, i will be keep on submitting to other directories in the near future. YTD earning is $70 and CTR at 20-30%, but i feel that there is still room to improve in term of CTR by the means of changing the template (FYI. i am not using Xfactor type of template)

        today i have purchased 6 more domains with exact keyword in the domain, but one of them having the word "store" at the back of the keyword, reason is i dont want to lose the chance in getting the piece of cake from the big pie (9000 searches with SOC14), for sure, i will be updating how is the result from this site in the coming future. Anyway, target to up all these sites in 3 days.

        This thread getting slow recently, come on guys, share your experience here to help each others. See you soon.

        Simon, I am interested to find out how well you do with adding a word onto the domain. I have found that out of the 3 domains I added a word to, none of them are near ranking on page 1 or even page 2 yet and they are all about 1 month old.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1371535].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author simonheng82
          Hi Sarasayshi,
          From my 15 sites. i have one domain with the word "the" before the keyword, it is about 3 weeks now, still far behind listed in search result But i am keeping the momentum in building subpages for this site, hope it helps.

          The second domain that bought recently is with the word "store" behind the keyword, still not indexed yet, for sure, i will update the progress very soon.


          Originally Posted by sarasayshi View Post

          Simon, I am interested to find out how well you do with adding a word onto the domain. I have found that out of the 3 domains I added a word to, none of them are near ranking on page 1 or even page 2 yet and they are all about 1 month old.

          Earning Residual Passive Income is not a dream

          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1373572].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author hamburglar
    Hey Simon,

    It is excellent to read your progress.

    My progress thus far has been good. I hit $10/day with one of my sites.

    I now have a pool of 20 sites. I am concentrating on building those up now. Add more content pages, get better backlinks. There is not point in building more if these are not generating revenue.

    One more thing.

    1 site that generated good revenue got delisted/banned whatever. I think I know why and am very upset about this. My content was great. There were 2 other Xfactor type sites. They also got delisted.

    But this other guy COPIED my site word for word. Even the domain was mine except pluralized. WTF!!!

    So now I have changed up my templates and how my content is displayed/written. If google got me then its just a matter of time until they get the others. So for the next little while, I am focusing on building kick ass 20 niche sites that are much MORE than just simple product reviews.
    Online-to-offline conversion tracking... coming soon!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1370662].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Zinc Web Design
      Could google be stamping down on these xfactor layouts? Is that possible?
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1370806].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author simonheng82
      Hi Bro,
      I feel your pain, i got the same "punishment" as well! I am not sure i mentioned this in my earlier post, but i have a site which is targeting wrong spelled keyword, it is doing extremely well in the first 4 months, and it earns me $30-40 per month (this is only a 1 page site with no maintenance at all in 4 months). it got delisted with the main keyword from 3rd spot in google, but the site is still indexed.....only getting 1-2 visitors per day with some clicks over the month

      Originally Posted by hamburglar View Post

      Hey Simon,

      It is excellent to read your progress.

      My progress thus far has been good. I hit $10/day with one of my sites.

      I now have a pool of 20 sites. I am concentrating on building those up now. Add more content pages, get better backlinks. There is not point in building more if these are not generating revenue.

      One more thing.

      1 site that generated good revenue got delisted/banned whatever. I think I know why and am very upset about this. My content was great. There were 2 other Xfactor type sites. They also got delisted.

      But this other guy COPIED my site word for word. Even the domain was mine except pluralized. WTF!!!

      So now I have changed up my templates and how my content is displayed/written. If google got me then its just a matter of time until they get the others. So for the next little while, I am focusing on building kick ass 20 niche sites that are much MORE than just simple product reviews.

      Earning Residual Passive Income is not a dream

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1373562].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author kislany
      Must be the same guy who copied my site word for word, except I had the org domain and he took the net. I've changed my site around as well completely and from what I see, he's nowhere to be found in the SERPS and I'm #3 but it does suck to see people like that who only want to easy and unethical way out...

      Originally Posted by hamburglar View Post

      Hey Simon,

      But this other guy COPIED my site word for word. Even the domain was mine except pluralized. WTF!!!
      Jewels of Cyprus - my personal blog
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1393488].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author euhlir

    Google wouldn't ban a website just for it's layout. Google only wants the best sites to show up in its rankings so if you're site offers no value to a visitor, or is spammy, then yes there is a chance of it getting deindexed.

    If your site offers valuable content to a visitor then it will likely stick, if google ever does a manual review.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1371473].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author hamburglar

    that is sheer gold and very much needed right now.
    Online-to-offline conversion tracking... coming soon!
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  • Profile picture of the author 32paul52