GWT is showing server error with 505 response code

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My problem is that i completely redesigned my website that all changed url, content , structure all.. and replaced it on server from the old one. Now in my webmaster tool there are around 4,343 server errors with 500 response code. Can you please tell me how to solve it. Is it a matter of concern. How to stop google from showing my previous website url in search result as they are no longer in exist and giving error. Help me with the possible solutions
#search engine optimization #505 #code #error #gwt #response #server #showing

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    My problem is that i completely redesigned my website that all changed url, content , structure all.. and replaced it on server from the old one. Now in my webmaster tool there are around 4,343 server errors with 500 response code. Can you please tell me how to solve it. Is it a matter of concern. How to stop google from showing my previous website url in search result as they are no longer in exist and giving error. Help me with the possible solutions