How to get those rich snippet search engine displays

4 replies
  • SEO
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Ever notice that Google provides a whole lot more than just titles and descriptions these days?

Those displays are the results of 'rich snippets'.

4 things you didn

is a update about them...

And here are some excellent resources for adding them to your site!

5 Best Rich Snippets & Schema Markup Plugins For WordPress

#displays #engine #rich #search #snippet
  • Profile picture of the author Luke Dennison
    Good stuff, additionally, they also provide SEO benefit I have heard.
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  • Profile picture of the author johnathan410
    It also allows users to see the value in your site, even before they click through. This eventually leads to more qualified organic search traffic.

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  • Profile picture of the author leeshin
    crawling through the rich snippets will make the search engine passage easy
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  • Profile picture of the author vovanfree
    Hello barbling, thank you for your advise. But one thing perhaps you can help me. I tried various Wordpress Plugins for Schema and Rich Snippets, also the ones you linked here, but there is no Word Press Pluging that do what I want. I have seen a a competitor that in the google Search, after the snippet stars and the first 2 links to the website a search bar is shown, with this search bar it is possible to search on the website of my competitor. Can you tell me how to get this. Have I missed something at the setting in all this Wordpress Plugins I have tested and tried? I wait for your answer and would be happy if you can help me out!
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