Scraping DA/PA from Moz for 300 sites at once

8 replies
  • SEO
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Hi there fellow Warriors,

My challenge is that I need to find out the Domain Authority and Page Authority (using Moz) for a list of 300 different websites.

Is there a scalable way to recover this information?


#300 #da or pa #moz #scraping #sites
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  • Profile picture of the author Emma Watson
    I think you will have to find DA and PA one bye one
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    • Profile picture of the author Build Discipline
      Hmm, okay. That implies a lot of work that can always be outsourced of course... Anyone else? Ideas?
      "It was a business doing pleasure with you!"
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  • Profile picture of the author MikeFriedman
    SEO SpyGlass will do it, and I believe NetPeak Checker will do it (which used to be free, no longer free).

    It will take a little bit of time though. Moz limits their API to something like 5 or 10 checks every 10 seconds I think.

    For SEO SpyGlass, you will need to have a Moz account, just the free one. You will also need the paid version of SpyGlass. I don't think the free version lets you import URLs. That may have changed though.
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  • Profile picture of the author Calin Colas
    There are several sites providing da/ pa in bulk. You should try search for bulk pa/da checker.
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  • Profile picture of the author John Travis
    You can use Netpeak Checker for these purposes. If you have free Moz account it'll really take some time because of Moz limits. But anyway it'll be quicker than manual checking via OSE.
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  • Profile picture of the author michaelkoehler92
    Checkmoz can do the work for you But wont be able to check 300 at once their's some limit to it.
    Or you can go with Scrapebox addon feed in the Moz Api key and let it run for few hours and export all the results.
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  • Profile picture of the author SamThorval
    You probably have this covered by now, but in case it is still a need, you can have a look at I have done something similar (not with Moz, though) rather easily using outwit a couple of years ago. The scraper should not be too difficult to build and you can set a temporisation if needed.
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  • Profile picture of the author subbun
    I got a free tool that verify 10 domains at a time..

    you may use this free tool as per your requirement.

    Bulk Moz Checker Tool moz checker

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