Backlinking Experts...Time To Fess Up
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Ultimately, here's the question I'm asking the backlinking experts.
"How do you get massive backlinks to your site(s) quickly without getting
your pages sandboxed to hell?"
I come from the old school. As a matter of fact, I'm going to share my
personal backlinking process right here. It is a very SLOW process.
Let's say I have a site X dot com
I want to get backlinks to my site.
Great...these are the things I do...not in any special order.
1. I write articles with links in the resource box pointing back to my site.
I write maybe 2 a day and submit them to EZA and/or put them on one
of my blogs (blogspot or WordPress) If WordPress, then it's my own
hosted WordPress and on a different domain.
2. Create videos, maybe 1 a week, and submit them to YouTube. I don't
bother with other video sites because I just don't want to spend the time and
YouTube is the top ranked site anyway.
3. I go to other blogs in the same niche and post relevant comments on
them, almost article in length. I do maybe 2 of these a week. I include a
link back to my site at the end.
4. I open up Web 2,0 sites such as Squidoo and make 1 or 2 posts a week
on these with a link back to my site.
5. If I have an affiliate program, I will contact other non competing sites
in the niche and present them with my offer. If this is done professionally
and correctly (what's in it for them) many are receptive and put up a link
to my site using their affiliate link.
6. Each time I create new content, I will go to Digg and bookmark it. I
don't bother with the other bookmarking sites because I don't want to
spend the time.
There you have it. That's my very modest backlinking efforts that I do.
All in all, this takes maybe 6 hours out of my whole week to do all this.
Sure, I know I can increase many of the above efforts by simply
outsourcing a lot of stuff.
1. Get tons of articles written.
2. Get a service to distribute my content all over the Internet.
3. Hire people to post comments on blogs.
4. Hire people to create Squidoo pages for me and make posts.
5. Hire somebody to contact all these non competing sites.
6. Hire somebody to go to all the social bookmarking sites and bookmark
my content.
Sure, I could do all that. But that's money I'm not going to shell out just
to get a few more backlinks.
So here you go experts.
What can I do, on my own, that won't take me oodles of time, but will get
me a massive amount of backlinks quickly and won't get me sandboxed to
I think many of us here would like to know...if in fact this is even possible.
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