SEO Issues with Leadpages and Clickfunnels

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Was thinking of using Click Funnels - to put one together. It is my understanding that Lead Pages is popular as well. In the article The Problem with LeadPages and ClickFunnels that will Screw your Long Term Marketing Results - WP Marketing Engine

It says:
Youre sacrificing SEO goodness (your domain reputation and authority). When people share those pages, forwarding your posts, or re-sharing, all of THAT link goodness, is benefiting LeadPages and ClickFunnelsNOT YOU, except in the immediate result of having someone potentially opt-in to your list through the page. But if youre not using your own domain to serve your ClickFunnels and LeadPages pages (and have the ability to control the Title tag, H1s, H2s, and meta description), then you get NO residual benefits at all in terms of SEO.
I really would love to use Click Funnels (to get the customer to buy) and Autopilot HQ (to nurture him/her)

Would one just drive Social traffic (like Facebook Ads) to Click Funnels while blogs would be reserved for ranking on SEO? Would Click Funnels be better when promoting products (since no website needs to be created)?

#clickfunnels #issues #leadpages #seo
  • Profile picture of the author Mark Downing
    Is the post above true, do any of you use clickfunnels and can still rank well?
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  • Profile picture of the author David Jones42
    i dont think any clickfunnel work anymore

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  • Profile picture of the author Gary Chapple
    I thought about clickfunnel but went with leadpages with traffic driven from FB campaigns found my own website converted better and more cost effective.
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