What is the future of SEO? Can you still make money in the field?

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What is the future of SEO? Can you still make money in the field or is it just white label companies and over-saturation of competition making it a bad way to go? I am very interested in starting my own agency but am wondering if it would be financially worth it. What do you all think? I am new to the forum. Nice to be here.
#field #future #make #money #seo
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  • Profile picture of the author Wile E Coyote
    You'll never make any money in any field posting about it in online forums.

    What do you know about SEO? Where are your own sites ranking? What kind of benefits can YOU deliver to potential clients down the road? Would you pay for those benefits?

    Let's start there
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  • Profile picture of the author hsahadath
    SEO is really a big issue. There are a lot of issues are related to SEO. The techniques of SEO are always changing. It is not a permanent issue.
    Some SEO techniques are working now but these may not work in future.
    So you have to update yourself with the search engines especially Google.
    You have to know the main goal of SEO. If you have a perfect knowledge you can always do something in this field.
    SEO is still working and I think it will work in future and you have a good chance to make enough money from this field. But you must reach that top level.
    Thanks, Munna Hossain, Mytechgoal.
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  • Profile picture of the author Antheaw
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  • Profile picture of the author michaelkoehler92
    Yes it is, You can easily make good amount of money from SEO. Maybe start with some micro niche websites or affiliate website.
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  • Profile picture of the author imstarter2016
    If you are newbie,don't pay too much attention to SEO...it is heavily manipulated by google,bing,fb...if you use wordpress,know how to use yaost,all-in-one seo and master basics of seo is good enough...

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  • Profile picture of the author John Durham
    For what its worth, here is my two cents: Use SEO to give something away, instead of trying to sell anything.... get people on a mailing list. SEO traffic is good... but your mailing list is your OWN traffic. What have I learned from selling online? It is this above all: "Your Own" traffic is the best. It is what sells. It is what creates a buzz and makes the rest of the random traffic sell. So, again, don't think of your SEO results as "site traffic".... Think of it in terms of "Opt Ins". And use your platform (Email Newsletter) to sell SEO to people... whoever your target is... through that newsletter. You will have living proof and built in respect from your followers as an authority, because , how did you get them in the first place? Through SEO! Use it to build a mailing list. That is the long and short. If you attracted them through online marketing, then you are already an authority to them, and they will buy SEO from you. Don't count on searchers as buyers... turn them into followers, then count on your "followers" as buyers. It snowballs after that. That's my best advice for starting an SEO agency, or any other, through online marketing.

    Your biggest selling point is your own example, and I would use it to sell people on the idea of creating email funnels through SEO.

    Hope this brings at least more perspective.

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  • There is still money in SEO, you just need to know how to start with your business. I also suggest you target niche websites. What you also need is to prove your credibility with your clients. Practice good SEO, and help clients bring good traffic conversions.
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  • Profile picture of the author KinneyJ2014
    Originally Posted by IRSLawyerNearMe View Post

    Can you tell me in brief what is ASO?
    ASO+ App store optimization

    Is the process of improving the visibility of a mobile app (such as an iPhone, iPad, Android, BlackBerry or Windows Phone app) in an app store.

    Just like search engine optimization (SEO) is for websites, app store optimization is for mobile apps. Specifically, app store optimization includes the process of ranking highly in an app store's search results and top charts rankings
    • Being found more easily by users on the app stores, due to the fact that App Store Search is the No. 1 source for people to discover new applications
    • Rank higher compared to competitors
    • Rank higher for specific keywords
    • Rank higher in Google´s semantic search through relevant backlinking
    • Create appealing graphics

    Many app marketers attempt to perform ASO in a way that most app stores would approve of and accept.

    This is called "white hat" ASO and publicly covered by presentations, conferences.

    Developers also use different platforms available to get their peers to rate their apps for them which provides great feedback.

    Some app marketers, however, engage in what many call "black hat" ASO and are practices which the app stores do not condone
    Set S.M.A.R.T. goals
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    • Profile picture of the author Ravi Thomson
      Thanks for the great explanation. Very interesting. Something I had not heard of until now. I (and I am sure the others here) appreciate you taking the time to answer.
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  • Profile picture of the author jahirsirag
    SEO is a constantly changing and growing industry. yes I can make money with SEO.provide white hat SEO service for client.
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  • Profile picture of the author dave_hermansen
    SEO agencies will always be something of value. The constant algorithm changes are what keeps this industry alive. If you know what you are doing and keep up with the changes, there will always be a need for expert SEOs.
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  • Profile picture of the author spartan14
    Seo it never dier but it changes all time and becomes more competitive .T survive in this field you must find good keywords ,learn new things everyday and why not working hard
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  • Profile picture of the author paulclark
    The future of SEO will include a strong involvement from voice search and Artificial intelligence. With the expansion of Google's question/answer knowledge graphs there will be a change in content marketing to solve the immediate needs that come from voice search queries. Yes, you can make money SEO field.
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  • Profile picture of the author Vinod Vinod
    there is good scope for seo because for every site seo is compulsory right
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  • Profile picture of the author Nikhil Bansal
    SEO means promotion, advertise in a digital way, if you create a product, the main motive of your product is your product information knows everyone. Only seo is the FASTEST way to promote your product in a different way. so, In this example, you have an idea of seo future. if some one ask you for promotion or you promote your product, So the result is money.
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  • Profile picture of the author jahirsirag
    SEO is a constantly changing and growing industry. No longer is search engine optimization seen as internet "black magic," but it is now regarded as an essential part of any serious digital marketing strategy. Yes i still make money in the field ?
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  • Profile picture of the author simplio
    SEO has a very vast future. It helps in boosting the business. SEO is the process of affecting the online visibility of a website or a web page in a web search engine's unpaid results, often referred to as natural or organic.
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  • Profile picture of the author Killua7
    The career option in the domains of Digital Marketing, Social Media, internet marketing SEO and SEO have a huge career potential and will continue to do so - at least in the foreseeable future. Internet Marketing on digital marketing platform have become part of every organisation's overall marketing plan.

    Anything that can help promote the business and image of a person or organisation on internet is the basic job profile of SEO expert. He is an online marketing expert who promotes the website and other online presence such as on Social Media Platforms.

    Future of SEO as a career option is safe. SEO will remain as popular career option till people will use search engines to search. Yes, it may become more difficult for new people to enter in SEO career with limited skills. Always remember that, SEO keeps changing. You must keep updating your knowledge about SEO, Marketing, Algorithm changes etc.
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  • Profile picture of the author lucky sharma
    Yes, you can easily make good amount of money surely and SEO has very vast and bright future. If any one want to get promote the business or anything he want an SEO expert.
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  • Profile picture of the author dmrson
    SEO is still a lucrative and viable business IMHO, that won't change unless Google figure out a way to make SEO efforts ineffective.
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  • Profile picture of the author repusurance
    Internet and digital marketing platform have become part of every organisation's overall marketing plan. If you want to make good amount of money, then you can start blogging , micro niche websites or affiliate website.
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  • Profile picture of the author tranhiep116
    think that content is king. if you can internal link your web site good it better than get backlink. How about backlink. try to build your system that you can get good backlink
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  • Profile picture of the author branko97
    Since on-page SEO is no taboo, the future of SEO is in he off-page SEO. That means quality back-links and posting high quality content about your website on other relevant websites, with other methods which will raise the clients website domain authority.
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