Change from static homepage?

by 9 replies
I have a static homepage with a long article, backlinks to it, and several p 1 rankings. If I were to switch to a magazine theme, with the posts page in front, is there any way to keep my rankings? The long article would still be on the site. Thanks for any thoughts on this.
#search engine optimization #change #homepage #static
  • Administrator
    May we know what is your motivation for changing stuff?
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    • [1] reply
    • Because it's easier to get sites to link to you if you don't have a static homepage that screams
      affiliate. The site has a lot of good info, I don't want it to look spammy.
  • There is no guaranteed way to not totally screw up your rankings by making that type of change.

    Why in the world would you want to screw with something that is working?
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    • [1] reply
    • It's easier to get sites to link to you if you have a more standard homepage, my site looks "affiliate." I guess the rankings would not transfer over to the article, I thought maybe they would.
  • Don't change it short answer.
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
  • I would not do that as that will create issues only.
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
  • Thanks everyone. So, for my next site, if I start out with a posts-style page in front, is that not as good?
    • [1] reply
    • The problem with a dynamic home page is that you will see a lot of bouncing in your rankings because the content on your home page is constantly changing, and, more importantly, your internal link structure is changing as posts roll off the page.

      Huge sites like Mashable can get away with that because they have tons of links coming in to both their home page and a lot of their internal pages.

      Unless you are planning on investing the time and money into building and advertising a site like that, I would recommend going with a static home page.
      • [ 1 ] Thanks
  • OK I would like to know why, if I took away the static homepage and moved the post to another URL (which would then be able to have keywords in its URL), why would that new post not rank for the same keywords? That is, if I could get backlinks to that page too. Is it that the main homepage naturally has more SEO advantages?

    What if I were to slowly create more posts attempting to rank for the same keywords the homepage is ranking for? I could try that for a while. I almost feel I've targeted too many keywords in the homepage, and the rankings bounce around for some of them. If I wrote separate posts for some of them, I could target them more fully.

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  • 12

    I have a static homepage with a long article, backlinks to it, and several p 1 rankings. If I were to switch to a magazine theme, with the posts page in front, is there any way to keep my rankings? The long article would still be on the site. Thanks for any thoughts on this.