KW Research - Help Needed For Landing Page
- SEO |
1. I am hoping spending money on this will bring in better results for any SEO work I do afterwards and therefore better rankings - is this right?
2. I am trying to do some on-page KW research in readiness and understand 4-5 KW is maximum number really for a landing page. Problem I am having is all the KW's I have come up with are obviously long tail and really do not fit into the context of the sales page and to repeat more than once would be impossible. Do not want to change too much because landing page converts as is. The KW's that are fitting better are more broad and more competitive - like over 300,000 when I put into quotes.
Would appreciate any help - I really do not know how to go about this. Thank you.
yasinfaruk -
Thanks - 1 reply
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[ 1 ] Thanks
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