How to avoid the "duplicate content" problem?

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I am kind of ignorant about SEO, but I am trying to learn more about it these days.

Here is my question:

I have some articles on my site and I thought I will also post some of them on other platforms i.e. LinkedIn, Quora and even in the WF blog.

But, this seems to cause a "duplicate content" problem, even-though I posted the articles on my own site first. I guess, I naively thought that search engines will check the chronology of the posts and determine where a certain article was posted first. But, I think I was wrong about this...

What is the best way to handle this issue?
#avoid #duplicate content #problem
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  • Profile picture of the author Vivek Alljobshub
    You need to use canonical tag on your website and specifying that site is the original source of this content.

    Integrate canonical tag in the header section of the page and specify the website URL.

    Ans also update content in LinkedIn, Quora and WF blog by specifying in the bottom of the section that the original source of the content - website URL.

    In this way you can avoid content duplication issue.
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  • Profile picture of the author Subho D
    Google demands each content to be absolutely unique in the whole World Wide Web consortium. You are facing a duplicate content issue as yo have posted the same content on multiple websites.

    Remember that duplicate content can bring your site's ranking down in Google. So, even if you re posting the same information, make sure that you wright it afresh for each and every website.
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    • Profile picture of the author Joe Ray
      Google demands each content to be absolutely unique in the whole World Wide Web consortium. You are facing a duplicate content issue as yo have posted the same content on multiple websites.
      Thanks for your reply. But, this doesn't make sense. There must be a way resolve this issue. Otherwise, why would websites like WF and countless others allow users to post articles on their blogs? Also, content is shared billions of times on the web, for example, you can share this thread on social media by clicking on the icons at the top of the thread. Thus, when this thread is shared, the thread content is no longer "absolutely unique".
      Remember that duplicate content can bring your site's ranking down in Google.
      I don't think Quora or WF would want to destroy their site ranking by letting anyone post duplicate content on their website. This is not logical, there must be a rational explanation for this.
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  • Profile picture of the author laurencewins
    Hi Ray, Subho is correct. If you copy/paste your articles onto any other site, Google will probably look at it as being plagiarised. It's the same as if somebody stole your article and posted it on their site.

    So, you really have 2 decent viable options.
    1. Rewrite your material so it passes the test. Personally I prefer to use Copyscape when I write material.

    2. If you don't have the time or ability, you can always hire a good quality writer to help you. Yes, I AM a good quality writer BUT I'm simply being honest about your issue.

    It's all your choice and I wish you luck.

    Cheers, Laurence.

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    • Profile picture of the author paulgl
      Originally Posted by laurencewins View Post

      Hi Ray, Subho is correct. If you copy/paste your articles onto any other site, Google will probably look at it as being plagiarised.
      Google will think no such thing. Do you people know what plagiarism is?

      Google could give a rip about any such nonsense.

      Perhaps you have not heard of stuff like wikipedia, wikileaks, amazon, et. al.

      There is very little valuable content that has not been duplicated some way.

      From yahoo to google, from ebay to amazon, from just about anything..... uses duplicate content.

      All is fair in love and war...and the internet.

      If your site is filled with junk, and junk that has no use, or a junk site with other's junk, then you get what you deserve.

      Has nothing to do with plagiarism. That's actually quite funny.

      Google is not a lawyer looking to sue anyone for that anyway.

      I can't believe sometimes what people think google is.


      If you were disappointed in your results today, lower your standards tomorrow.

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  • Profile picture of the author expmrb
    Well I have published my article here. But I have linked back as my site as the source.
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  • Profile picture of the author MikeFriedman
    Originally Posted by Subho D View Post

    Google demands each content to be absolutely unique in the whole World Wide Web consortium. You are facing a duplicate content issue as yo have posted the same content on multiple websites.

    Remember that duplicate content can bring your site's ranking down in Google. So, even if you re posting the same information, make sure that you wright it afresh for each and every website.
    Originally Posted by Joe Ray View Post

    Thanks for your reply. But, this doesn't make sense. There must be a way resolve this issue. Otherwise, why would websites like WF and countless others allow users to post articles on their blogs? Also, content is shared billions of times on the web, for example, you can share this thread on social media by clicking on the icons at the top of the thread. Thus, when this thread is shared, the thread content is no longer "absolutely unique".
    Glad you saw through that nonsense. Google does not care about "unique" content. They care about authority. There are millions of cases of duplicate content across the internet, as you mentioned.

    Google is going to rank what it feels is the most authoritative version. Google does not care about the chronology of an article, i.e. where it was posted first. To be honest, they have no idea where it was posted first. They only know where they crawled it first.

    You could post an article to your blog, and if it went viral and got picked up by larger more popular sites, it is likely to get crawled on one of those first.

    Generally, I wouldn't recommend posting content from your own site elsewhere. There is not a whole lot of benefit to that. Keep your best content for your own site.
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    • Profile picture of the author dave_hermansen
      Originally Posted by MikeFriedman View Post

      Glad you saw through that nonsense. Google does not care about "unique" content. They care about authority. There are millions of cases of duplicate content across the internet, as you mentioned.

      Google is going to rank what it feels is the most authoritative version. Google does not care about the chronology of an article, i.e. where it was posted first. To be honest, they have no idea where it was posted first. They only know where they crawled it first.

      You could post an article to your blog, and if it went viral and got picked up by larger more popular sites, it is likely to get crawled on one of those first.

      Generally, I wouldn't recommend posting content from your own site elsewhere. There is not a whole lot of benefit to that. Keep your best content for your own site.
      Glad you wrote all of that, Mike, so I didn't have to! :-)
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    • Profile picture of the author olympiadillinger
      Originally Posted by MikeFriedman View Post

      Glad you saw through that nonsense. Google does not care about "unique" content. They care about authority. There are millions of cases of duplicate content across the internet, as you mentioned.

      Google is going to rank what it feels is the most authoritative version. Google does not care about the chronology of an article, i.e. where it was posted first. To be honest, they have no idea where it was posted first. They only know where they crawled it first.

      You could post an article to your blog, and if it went viral and got picked up by larger more popular sites, it is likely to get crawled on one of those first.

      Generally, I wouldn't recommend posting content from your own site elsewhere. There is not a whole lot of benefit to that. Keep your best content for your own site.
      That's the correct information so far. Don't need to elaborate more than this, as I think!
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  • Profile picture of the author DABK
    Mike is right. You will not have a duplicate content problem (that exists for same content appearing 2 or more times on the same site).

    What you're doing it no plagiarism but syndication. Useful to get your content in front of more eyes (requires that the sites you put them on get traffic), but Google will only rank one version.
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  • In most of the website, ask your developer to see the duplicate URLs which are listing the same content again and again.
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  • Profile picture of the author Kumar Rahul 13
    You can always post starting of the article and end it saying read more with the link of your blog post.
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  • Profile picture of the author baylorj
    Or you can just post the links of your articles to social media sites to gain more audience/traffic.
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  • Profile picture of the author manivel
    There are two things that you can do to fix duplicate content issues.

    1. Use the rel=canonical attribute to inform Google about the preferred version of a page.

    2. Redirect the duplicate URLs with a 301 redirect to the original page.
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