SEO, duplicate content question for a video with 250k views. Thoughts?

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I have a video that is 13 seconds that I took in 2012 of a slot machine victory in a casino. I posted this video in 2012 on a YouTube channel and over 5 years received 250k clicks and visits.

I fully understand that the 250k views over 5 years won't transfer. That is fine - I get that.

I have this 13-second live video of the the slot machine win on my hard drive that I uploaded in 2012 to my YouTube channel. I now own a website and want to upload the video again . . . for onpage SEO purposes and duplicate content / video purposes - how to I full proof this so search engines don't think I copied it or stole it?

Again, it is my video I took in a casino when I won thousands of dollars - I really want to post on my website blog with a story around it, but want the maximum SEO value without getting penalized by Google.

Any comments and thoughts would be greatly appreciated. - Joe
#250k #content #duplicate #question #seo #thoughts #video #views
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    You can post the Youtube embed link on your site and give the original YT link the credit i.e. you are curating content found elsewhere - Big G likes this and there wll be no penalty.
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