About Black hat SEO technique!

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Many of my friends are doing black hat SEO, But they are doing excellent business. On the other hand, many SEO expert are talking about the black hat seo is unpredictable. Actually I need now the experts opinion. Should I follow B-hat seo or not?
#black #hat #seo #technique
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  • Profile picture of the author tritrain
    Do what you feel is right for you. It's Google and the like that make the rules, which they change (slightly) almost daily. Google is as much our enemy as it is our friend.
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  • Profile picture of the author expmrb
    You are talking about black-hat techniques. But can we know what kind of techniques you are really speaking of?
    SEO Motionz Forum & Blog- Digital Marketing Forum & Blog,
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  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    In my experience over years of marketing - those who talk about 'black hat techniques' usually aren't doing them. Those that are into BH techniques don't call attention to themselves.
    Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
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  • Profile picture of the author dave_hermansen
    I think it depends whether you are trying to put up a "quick hit" site that is marketing a fad product/service or whether you are trying to build a real business around a website that has the potential to make money for many years.

    Eventually, all black hat methods fail but they may work for a good bit of time until the algorithms catch up. If your site is in it for a quick buck and you don't care whether it is around in the rankings, three, six, twelve months down the road, black hat methods may work very well. Of course, you'll have to keep building new sites and trying new black hat methods to sustain income, but everybody has their own path to choose.
    BizSellers.com - The #1 place to buy & sell websites!
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  • Profile picture of the author G00GLESLAPPED
    Google/Bing will find out eventually so if you are in it for the long haul stick to white hat techniques, if you are a "churn 'n burn" merchant then black hat techniques may suit you better.
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  • Profile picture of the author weplanit
    No you don't follow Black hat seo technique.Black Hat SEO is most commonly defined as a disapproved practice that nevertheless could increase a page's ranking in a search engine result page (SERP).
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    • Okay, But I've already seen some peoples sites are well ranked by using BH technique, If BH technique is disapproved practice, then why peoples sites are well ranked and why peoples are using it. I know more peoples are tricking to google, by using this procedure, Sometimes I feel search engine is not smart enough. I think search engine should understand what is real and what is trick.
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  • Profile picture of the author jane21august
    Don't use Blackhat SEO techniques because they are disapproved by Google.and if your site is considered having use of BH techniques then it can be referred as Spam and will be removed from Search Engine.
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  • I think you should not focus black hat because if google finds out your site will be Palisades heavily.
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  • Profile picture of the author jane21august
    I totally agree with that.
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  • Profile picture of the author bestwebsolca
    Black hat SEO refers to the aggressive strategies, techniques and tactics. Black hat only focus on the search engines not the human. It is used to get quick result for your website and instant success. But it doesn't last too many days. It's give result frequently. But when it will hurt your website nobody knows that.
    But if you want to get result for permanently the white hat seo is the best method. It is useful for long term investment on your website. You won't get the result very soon, it takes time but gives the exact result permanently.
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  • Profile picture of the author iamgauravsharma
    There is no law on how to execute SEO. It's all based on what the search engines say they want. Keep in mind that search engines are private organizations. They all want the same basic information, but their expectations are different.

    No government agency will shut you down if you try to get the wrong terms in the wrong way (assuming you have not violated any actual laws).

    The main reason we don't use black hat tactics is that we don't want our clients to have long-term de-indexing risks, not because of any moral considerations. We want our customers to have long-term success, not just short-term success.
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  • Profile picture of the author jacksonsophia086
    It completely depends. I prefer white hat over black hat as my website will be safe. Still if you want you can go for grey hat but do not go for black hat
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  • Profile picture of the author Noman Asghar
    What black hat techniques you are talking about? Please explain...

    I hope that your friends accept that CLOAKING is DEAD!
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  • Profile picture of the author pammy mandal
    Some tips for Blackhat SEO technique-
    Unrelated Keywords.
    Keyword Stacking and Keyword Stuffing.
    Tiny Text, Hidden Text, and Hidden Links.
    Doorway Pages or Gateway Pages.
    Bait-and-Switch or Page Swapping.
    Duplicate Content or Mirror Site.
    Spam Blogs or Splogs.
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  • Profile picture of the author pammy mandal
    We should not use blackhat SEO.
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  • Profile picture of the author Alexandar33
    On the long road, better not use it. Simple as that.
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  • Profile picture of the author fayeseom
    Unrelated Keywords. ...
    Keyword Stacking and Keyword Stuffing. ...
    Tiny Text, Hidden Text, and Hidden Links. ...
    Cloaking. ...
    Doorway Pages or Gateway Pages. ...
    Bait-and-Switch or Page Swapping. ...
    Duplicate Content or Mirror Site. ...
    Spam Blogs or Splogs.
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  • Instead of black-hat seo technique is illegal, most people are doing it, because it takes less time and comparatively cheap.
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  • Profile picture of the author teloletqq
    Eventually, all black hat methods fail but they may work for a good bit of time until the algorithms catch up. If your site is in it for a quick buck and you don't care whether it is around in the rankings, three, six,
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  • Profile picture of the author roneidaselva
    It does not matter what kind of seo you are using either black hat seo or white hat seo but is important that what kind of techniques you are using.Black hat seo helps you to increase your website ranking in search engine result page.If you are trying to build a long-lasting business then don't use black hat seo because tactics of black hat seo can get your website banned from search engines.
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  • Profile picture of the author sravani25
    Black hat SEO will give good result instantly but only for few days. If it is identified by the search engines then immediately they will give penalty. Don't use this kind of techniques if you want true, genie and long term result in my experience i came to know these.
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  • Profile picture of the author jacksamson325
    Blackhat SEO techniques, encapsulated by spamdexing, entail manipulating how search engines perceive the relevance of a Web page in a way that is often inconsistent with the search engines' guidelines.
    There are following Black Hat Seo Techniques
    1.) Unrelated Keywords
    2.) Keyword Stacking and Keyword Stuffing
    3.) Tiny Text, Hidden Text, and Hidden Links
    4.) Cloaking
    5.) Doorway Pages or Gateway Page
    6.) Bait-and-Switch or Page Swapping.
    7) Duplicate Content or Mirror Site
    8 ) Spam Blogs or Splogs
    9.) Blog Spam or Comment Spam
    10.) Trackback Spam
    11.) Spam Ping or Sping or PIngback Spam
    12.) Referrer Spam
    13.) Link Farms
    14.) Cybersquatting or Domain Squatting
    15.) Typosquatting or URL Hijacking
    16.) Social Networking Spam
    17.) Cookie Stuffing or Cookie Dropping
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  • Profile picture of the author AnayaDic
    Black hat SEO refers to a set of practices that are used to increases a site or page's rank in search engines through means that violate the search engines' terms of service. These practices are against the search engine's terms of service and can result in the site being banned from the search engine and affiliate sites. Black hat SEO techniques to avoid:
    1. Unrelated Keywords
    2. Keyword Stacking and Keyword Stuffing
    3. Tiny Text, Hidden Text, and Hidden Links
    4. Cloaking
    5. Doorway Pages or Gateway Pages
    6. Bait-and-Switch or Page Swapping
    7. Duplicate Content or Mirror Site
    8. Typosquatting or URL Hijacking
    9. Blog Spam or Comment Spam
    10. Trackback Spam
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