What is Schema.org in SEO and How it's helps to improve serp ranking?

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Hi, I know little bit about schema. org now I need to know about What is Schema in SEO and How it's helps to improve serp ranking? Can anyone explain pls..
#helps #improve #ranking #schemaorg #seo #serp
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  • Profile picture of the author expmrb
    SEO Motionz Forum & Blog- Digital Marketing Forum & Blog,
    Forum Management & Promotion, SEO Tips, Money Making tips etc.
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  • Profile picture of the author avyatech
    Schema markup is a code that you put on your website to help the search engines return more informative results for users. If you've ever used rich snippets, you'll understand exactly what schema markup is all about.
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  • Profile picture of the author dave_hermansen
    According to Google, schema markup will not help you rank better at all. What it can do is improve your listings, assuming you are already ranking high enough for that to matter. That may help your click-through rate which MAY have an effect on your rankings. https://moz.com/learn/seo/schema-structured-data
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  • Profile picture of the author sunpeaks589
    Schema markup is code (semantic vocabulary) that you just placed on your web site to assist the search engines to come back a lot of informative results for users. If you have ever used wealthy snippets, you may perceive precisely what schema markup is all concerning. Here's associate degree example of an area business that has a markup on its event schedule page.
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