100% Copied Post, Any SEO Value?

11 replies
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Here's the scenario:
  1. Website A is a mildly popular website it it's niche and writes a unique news story and publishes Article X.
  2. Website B is a popular website in a similar niche. Website B copies the text 100% from Website A's Article X and produces Article Y on their popular blog (this is done with Website A's permission).
  3. In Article Y, they link back to Article X with a dofollow link.

Is there any SEO value to this?
#100% #copied #post #seo
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  • Profile picture of the author Sachinkh
    Yes, you heard right, As we all know Google wants unique and real content that is not copied from anywhere. So, if you get permission from the A company and paste it to B site then follow the website, or also some link redirect to his site or blog. So, I think it's not that many benefits to you, As we can say that you promote his product too. You have to do some editing in copy article, you have to change that link so that redirects to only your site. It will give you some traffic. Moreover for SEO if you want to rank I suggest to you write your different content.It takes some time but definitely, it helps to grow your business.
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  • Profile picture of the author dilipcybex
    Backlinks from a popular website is always valuable. As for content, site B will get penalised if you do a lot of copy paste. Rewritng is ok
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  • Profile picture of the author Steven Henry01
    Actually A is totally unique but using blog of X. It can also down rank from the Google, if it is not including blog source and Website B can be penalize by the Google.If you want to prevent them, must be use unique content, Google does not accept any duplicate content website.
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  • Profile picture of the author MikeFriedman
    It's not going to provide much value. Google cracked down on this sort of linking a bit a few years ago, not because they cared about "original" content or any of the nonsense above.

    People were using this kind of linking on a large scale. They would throw the article into all the article directories out there. They would post them on Web 2.0 sites like Tumblr and Xanga. They would use automation tools like SENuke and LinkWheel Bandit to create link wheels and link pyramids with the content.

    So Google just said F that.
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  • Profile picture of the author alexjames212
    The answer to this can be tricky. Google doesnt like copy content and here, the website B links back to website A, which, Google can consider as giving credit back to the original website or copy of the content. If the website B is popular than website A. Website B will rank for keywords than website A, even if both carry same content, just like how the growthackers website ranks.
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  • Profile picture of the author Webdesignagency
    Copied content is of no use in SEO as Google prefer to unique and fresh content. That's why if SEO work for any website is done then that content should be used which is unique, relevant and around the keywords for which you are working. Copied content is just a wastage of the time and money.
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  • Profile picture of the author Daijon Moss
    This is a very interesting thread today I see. If website B have a permission and copyright of A then there is no problem. But in Ranking and traffic Website A will always become first rather than B.
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  • Profile picture of the author crackhouse
    No there is no SEO value in this, if you are copy/pasting an entire article, like walls of text, don't expect it to rank anywhere. It simple won't, even with the backlink to the source - it might help the source, Website A, but do nothing for Website B
    I sell backlinks on some of the most lucrative editorial websites in the world.
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  • Profile picture of the author yukon
    Originally Posted by untrainednewb View Post

    Here's the scenario:
    1. Website A is a mildly popular website it it's niche and writes a unique news story and publishes Article X.
    2. Website B is a popular website in a similar niche. Website B copies the text 100% from Website A's Article X and produces Article Y on their popular blog (this is done with Website A's permission).
    3. In Article Y, they link back to Article X with a dofollow link.

    Is there any SEO value to this?

    My bet is the website B/page will get buried in Supplemental SERPs and the link to website A/page will be ignored.

    The reason I say B/page will get buried is because you linked to another domain/page (A/page) with the exact same content/page. If you didn't link to website A/page, website B/page could have potentially built a decent link profile pointing at the copied text page (website B/page) and turned the table sending website A/page to Supplemental SERPs.
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  • Profile picture of the author untrainednewb
    In case anyone was wondering, Site A ranks and Site B, despite being more authoritative, doesn't show up in the top 100 results at all for the topic. Using the exact match title Site B does not even show up in the top 50 (didn't look further as it was all junk results the last 2 pages).
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  • Profile picture of the author Suresh K
    Originally Posted by untrainednewb View Post

    Here's the scenario:
    1. Website A is a mildly popular website it it's niche and writes a unique news story and publishes Article X.
    2. Website B is a popular website in a similar niche. Website B copies the text 100% from Website A's Article X and produces Article Y on their popular blog (this is done with Website A's permission).
    3. In Article Y, they link back to Article X with a dofollow link.

    Is there any SEO value to this?
    Instead of doing copy+paste "as is" you can re-write the content either manually or use some online free spinning software. But please note, you need to read it once before you actually post in on your website because there are chances that it is missing some key information or maybe it changes the meaning of some key information. Then you can check how to place the keyword based anchor text links and give a dofollow backlink to "X" website, it will do good. Otherwise, it is just duplicate content.
    Digital Marketing Expert Trainer - SKARTEC
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