How many backlinks does my site need to rank?

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How many backlinks (high DA of course) does it take to rank a site for high competition keywords?
#backlinks #rank #site
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  • Profile picture of the author MikeFriedman
    Originally Posted by DeclanF View Post

    How many backlinks (high DA of course) does it take to rank a site for high competition keywords?
    Somewhere between 1 and a lot more than 1.

    In all seriousness, all links are not equal, nor are "high competition keywords", so there is going to be no answer to your question.

    And DA has nothing to do with the value of a link.
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    • Profile picture of the author Vladimir Mirnii
      It's difficult to point to the exact number of backlinks your Blog needs to be ranked. Ahrefs Keyword Explorer can give you the approximate amount of links that you need to rank in Top 10. Mostly everything depends on the quality of backlinks. This is a very important factor to increase the rank of the website. Links from domains with a high level of traffic, PA, DA gives the opportunity to stabilize the level of the website in SERP and rank it higher. For sure, Broken Links and low traffic links could have a negative impact on the backlink profile and website ranking in general.
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    • Profile picture of the author tomopalinski
      I agree with MikeFriedman on this. Every link will have a different influence on your website's rankings. Do not worry about DA score because there is a lot more to the quality of the website that links to yours.

      Also, the number of links that your competition has is irrelevant. You can certainly outrank a competitor that has thousands of terrible links with just several of strong and relevant links to your site.

      Work on getting links to your website from relevant, active and growing sites. Continue to do so until you achieve your desired rankings.

      The moment you choose a number as your goal instead of just focusing on the direction of work will only set you up for disappointment if you won't achieve what you wanted once you get there.

      I hope this helps. Good luck and enjoy the process.

      Good SEO work only gets better over time. It is only search engine tricks that need to keep changing when the ranking algorithms change. -- Jill Whalen

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  • Profile picture of the author Enfusia
    As many as it takes until you see it ranking.

    Any other answer is just a guess.

    It's not possible for someone to answer that.

    It's sort of like how long will it take me to build my business? I don't know, ask me when I'm done and I'll tell you how long it took.
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  • Profile picture of the author dave_hermansen
    There is no such thing as your "site" ranking. If you are talking about individual pages of your site, it could be zero; it could be thousands, all depending on what you are trying to rank that individual page for.

    It's not just backlinks that rank pages anymore; though, you have to have content that is unique and helpful enough to deserve indexing as well as ranking for something. And, it needs to be optimized properly.
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  • Profile picture of the author yukon
    The correct answer is 87 +/- 3.14% x 365 unless it's a leap year.
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    • Profile picture of the author dave_hermansen
      Originally Posted by yukon View Post

      The correct answer is 87 +/- 3.14% x 365 unless it's a leap year.
      I was so tempted to give a nonsense answer like that.
      Signature - The #1 place to buy & sell websites!
      We help sellers get the MAXIMUM amount for their websites and all buyers know that these sites are 100% vetted.
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  • Profile picture of the author swetha gowda
    Backlinking is one of the most important in SEO, But there are no specific numbers on how much backlinking if required for a particular keyword.

    You don't need thousands or even hundreds of backlinks.

    It turns out you don't need that much, and that's good because Google has changed its algorithm from quantity to quantity and quality. But quality is more important now.

    In fact, you can make it to the first page of Google with just a few backlinks
    all it matters is the quality of backlinks, DA/PA, Traffic, Keyword Optimized, On-Page & Off-Page.
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  • Profile picture of the author jamesmehraa
    There is no formula or number that will tell you how much backlinks you need to rank up. If you are making backlines for a keyword that does not have any competition then it would rank up easily but if you are targeting a keyword that has a lot of competition there are many of things that count, not only backlinks.
    The basic need to rank up your page is to have good original content that appeals to your audience.
    And ranking a page takes time so have patience and work hard, things will pay off.
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  • Profile picture of the author Henrish
    Quality backlinks are important than multiple poor backlinks.

    Check for high DA site and create few backlinks over there and get good results.
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  • Profile picture of the author KylieSweet
    Numbers of backlinks is not the basis to rank your site pages.
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  • Profile picture of the author Sakibul Hasan
    More than your competitors backlink and also a backlink should be powerful more than your competitors backlink.
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  • Profile picture of the author ctrlaltdelete
    I'm no expert in link building (I'd rather outsource that kind of work to someone else with the time, thank you very much), but as far as I know, it's not about the quantity. There is no minimum or maximum number of links that you need. You could gather a thousand links and your pages still wouldn't rank up as high as you'd like. It's all about the quality of the content in said links.
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  • Profile picture of the author Nortus Fitness
    I do agree with the above warriors but its also depends on the site structure.
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  • Profile picture of the author ClaudiaBrunson
    Hello friend,
    It is difficult to say that How many backlinks to need a website rank. But I say that you carry on your work daily properly. if you give your best work then you will get your result as soon as possible.
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  • Profile picture of the author ranktrends
    You have to build backlinks until your site ranking and after that, you have to continue.

    Just two tips

    1. find out your competitors, how much they build. then you have to build much more from them
    2. Build high quality backlinks rather than quantity
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    • Profile picture of the author ClaudiaBrunson
      Originally Posted by ranktrends View Post

      You have to build backlinks until your site ranking and after that, you have to continue.

      Just two tips

      1. find out your competitors, how much they build. then you have to build much more from them
      2. Build high quality backlinks rather than quantity
      1 question for your first answered,
      Say, I create much more backlink from our competitors, But it will be quality backlink or not quality backlink???
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  • Profile picture of the author hairdryerbaby
    For ranking your website there is no limit for the backlinks. Because there is no particular number for that. Instead of that you can use a high quality keywords in order to rank your site. You should also check the high DA site for using backlinks. Try to research more abut SEO and backlinks. By following these you can surly rank you website.
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  • Profile picture of the author poshgarden
    It is difficult to say that How many backlinks to need a website rank. By doing the work daily we will get backlinks then we can see the keywords ranking also
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  • Profile picture of the author sanket kumar
    getting more backlinks is a plus point for your website. Get as much as links.
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  • Profile picture of the author dragonzpit
    The key these days is quality not quantity. You will see some websites ranking high with no backlinks, so quality content, social media integration, and your overall structure matters a lot.

    -=- Desi -=-

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  • Profile picture of the author Daijon Moss
    There is no correct answer to the present thread. There aren't any such criteria for backlinks, you'll produce as several link you'll. It completely depends on your competitors, if your competitors are in small number then one genuine link is enough for your website to become top on SERP alsothe quality backlinks are the ones connected to authority sites. You may only need a few backlinks to your site to get the organic traffic you see. Also, the more you comment on blog posts on authority sites with your link to it, that gets you some quality backlinks.
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  • Originally Posted by DeclanF View Post

    How many backlinks (high DA of course) does it take to rank a site for high competition keywords?
    There is no specific "number" of links that it will take to rank a site for high competition keywords. Focus on creating high quality links. They should be dofollow, contextual (surrounded by content related to your niche) , and on somains with good metrics.
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  • Profile picture of the author thinksimply
    agreed with MikeFriedman
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  • Profile picture of the author freakyinnovators
    It is totally depends on your business category and competition. Yes, If you are in more competitive category then you have to get more backlinks. You can research your competitors as well to get an idea. You can rank well with the less backlinks from your competitors but the backlinks should be of high quality.
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  • Profile picture of the author Sid Owsley
    Hi Declan, as you can see by the replies there is not easy answer to your question.
    Keep building links until you rank for the keywords you have targeted. Reverse engineer what the people who are ranking ahead you, target the same or similar keywords, make sure you have relevant links pointing at your site.
    Make sure you have other things in place like relevant content and social media interaction.
    The truth of the matter is that you will never stop building links for your site. So just keep building links and ask questions in the Warrior Forum as you've been doing.

    Enjoy Your Outcome
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  • Profile picture of the author ryanbiddulph
    Doesn't work that way Declan.

    Think of it this way; for your site to rank, Google wants you to create super helpful content persistently on your blog, and Google also wants you to help other bloggers by promoting them and endorsing them, because doing that leads to friendships, and these friends mention you on their blogs and invite you to guest posts.

    All those mentions on top blogs in your niche and links you gain by guest posting on top blogs in your niche, along with the rich content on your blog, helps you rank.

    But the intent should be to create and serve others, because doing so lands you on high quality blogs, and even a handful of links from these top blogs does wonders for your SEO.

    Ryan Biddulph helps you to be a successful blogger with his courses, manuals and blog at Blogging From Paradise
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    • Profile picture of the author MikeFriedman
      Originally Posted by ryanbiddulph View Post

      Think of it this way; for your site to rank, Google wants you to create super helpful content persistently on your blog, and Google also wants you to help other bloggers by promoting them and endorsing them, because doing that leads to friendships, and these friends mention you on their blogs and invite you to guest posts.
      Like most of your SEO related advice, that is total bullshit.
      • Google does not care if you create content persistently or not.
      • Google does not care if you help other bloggers or not.
      • Google does not care how many friends you make.
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  • Profile picture of the author Alivenetsolution
    I think it is not depends on backlinks quantity it is depends on your website structure, keywords competition and your website content quality.
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  • Profile picture of the author socialmedia20
    It is more important having quality backlinks than quantity of backlinks to rank a site.
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  • Profile picture of the author thomarv37
    Backlinks are awesome but don't forget to link out to authority sites as well. This can boost your SEO tremendously!
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  • Profile picture of the author Castor Troy1
    Actually only backlinks are not enough for ranking a site higher, according to rankbrain if any site get more traffic on a specific keyword then search engine rank up that site higher, because of search engine think this site is helpful for the people so take it in higher position. So there is no specific amount of backlinks which can rank up a site.
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  • Profile picture of the author Janvi Arora
    It does not depend of the number of backlinks you create, it depends on the quality of the backlinks you earn for your website. Do not indulge in paid links that promise you bunch of backlinks which is not relevant to your site. Rather earn backlinks by doing SEO activities such as Guest Posting, Questions and Answers, Online reviews, Citations.
    Highly competitive keywords will require more work and backlinks to rank higher in SERPs, whereas low competitive keywords will rank within few weeks.

    Want to Future-Proof Your Online Business? Make Your Website SEO Friendly. Click here ->

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  • Profile picture of the author ishika arora
    it is very difficult to calculate the exact number of backlinks. if you really want to increase your ranking do focus on high DA submissions
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  • Profile picture of the author Gliffer Agency
    It depends upon on number of high competitive keywords your competitors has, and your social presence, and paid marketing as well counts (if).
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  • It's not the no of backlink that is relevant the domain authority of the backlink is important. A backlink with higher domain authority will get you better ranking than low domain authority links.

    Amar from Piqued Digi Media pvt ltd
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