74,000 searches per month, 1st page of Google, not even 1 hit.

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I built a small, exploratory adsense site for a niche that is search 74,000 times in Google per month. My page hit 1st the first page, and there hasn't even been one hit all day.

Can anyone explain this?
#1st #google #hit #month #page #searches
  • Profile picture of the author halfpoint
    It's pretty hard for anyone to help without knowing what the keyword is..
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  • Profile picture of the author Asher

    Do you mean 74,000 times in Google's keyword tool
    or do you mean 74,000 results when you do a search
    using that keyword?

    Like "lots make internet money" has got 113,000,000
    results but getting page 1 there is useless because
    no one in the whole world searches with those words.

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    • Profile picture of the author stewie-Y
      Originally Posted by Asher View Post

      Do you mean 74,000 times in Google's keyword tool
      or do you mean 74,000 results when you do a search
      using that keyword?
      Local Search Volume: September and Global Monthly Search Volume are both 74,000 in Google's keyword tool. When I search the keyword in Google there are 63,100,000 results.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1290234].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Mohsin Rasool
        Originally Posted by stewie-Y View Post

        Local Search Volume: September and Global Monthly Search Volume are both 74,000 in Google's keyword tool. When I search the keyword in Google there are 63,100,000 results.

        Have you checked your keyword with Google Trends...
        Google Trends

        To make sure that those keyword searches were not seasonal...

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        • Profile picture of the author stewie-Y
          Originally Posted by Mohsin Rasool View Post


          Have you checked your keyword with Google Trends...
          Google Trends

          To make sure that those keyword searches were not seasonal...

          Doing that, it shows a basically consistent line amount, with a small rise over time. There's really only 1 huge spike in the second quarter of 2008, but then it goes back to normal.
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      • Profile picture of the author Marcel Hartmann
        Either your meta description tag (the ~150 characters people see under your title in the SE results page) makes people run away, or the term gets no searches.

        You're logged into your Google account which can skew statistics. You might not be first. Use a program like THIS to see where you really stand (I think it analyses multiple data centers) or use a proxy like worksurfing.com to search on Google from another location in the US. See if you're still first.

        PS: is the search volume on broad or exact match? Set it to exact to see a more accurate number.

        Google is terrible at search statistics, though.

        Run an Adwords campaign for 24 hours and see how many impressions your ad gets. Target your [keyword] only. It might only be 10 a day, not 2-3,000.

        Lots of things can go wrong here...
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1290254].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author MaryT
        Originally Posted by stewie-Y View Post

        Local Search Volume: September and Global Monthly Search Volume are both 74,000 in Google's keyword tool. When I search the keyword in Google there are 63,100,000 results.
        Did you checked with the google keywords tools for "EXACT" match and not "BROAD" match

        "BROAD" match is not reliable, it's used by people who just have no clue about keywords research, as the mor words in your keywords the less accurate the broad match results are

        only the "EXACT" match give an accurate picture of the searches

        can you check the EXACT match and update on this

        ------------------ALSO SOmething to consider
        when your page show up, how does your description stand out from the crowd, or is the second or third result have a killer call to action Headline. this can trcik the number sometimes the second can beat the first, if he know anything about "impact direct marketing"

        my 22cents

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  • {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1290248].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author halfpoint
      He was using broad match.

      I responded to your PM, Stewie.
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      • Profile picture of the author stewie-Y
        Originally Posted by Pat Jackson View Post

        He was using broad match.

        I responded to your PM, Stewie.
        Ah crap. Thanks Pat.

        Too bad nobody told me about the difference between broad and exact in the keyword tool. Oh well, only cost me 20$ to learn that lesson, haha.

        Thanks guys.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1290278].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author halfpoint
          Originally Posted by stewie-Y View Post

          Ah crap. Thanks Pat.

          Too bad nobody told me about the difference between broad and exact in the keyword tool. Oh well, only cost me 20$ to learn that lesson, haha.

          Thanks guys.
          No worries, mate.

          Glad I could help.
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1290284].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author AJsVRE
            so just curious, but how many searches per month does it show for EXACT?

            Also, it's not like it's a complete loss. You put in the time once to build it, you say it's on the front page, it might make some clicks over time.
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  • Profile picture of the author stewie-Y
    Marcel: I search using my computer which I'm logged into Google with and the one next to me which I cleared all browsing data so it should be just like any computer searching the keyword.
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    • Profile picture of the author Marcel Hartmann
      Originally Posted by stewie-Y View Post

      Marcel: I search using my computer which I'm logged into Google with and the one next to me which I cleared all browsing data so it should be just like any computer searching the keyword.
      Then the keyword might get no searches. Run an Adwords campaign to see how many impressions you get.
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  • Profile picture of the author Mr Money Maker
    Hi Keyword search uses by online surfers has nothing to do with the numbers of Google page results.
    Also you can be ranked on top of google...and get no results for another reason,
    Lets say there's 25,000 website owners...and the website owners check 3 times a month on their sites.
    Then you'd have 75,000 google hits......but guess what...no real customers.
    This is a very true fact.....think about it !!
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