Link building Strategy Using PBN Netowork is Worth or Not?

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In 2018, PBN network still beneficial to website for ranking. As PBN network always hidden from the Google and it is against its policy so I am asking Worrier Fellos that is it worth investing in link from the PBN networks?
#building #link #netowork #pbn #strategy #worth
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  • Profile picture of the author salmanawan
    Obviously, in link building strategy PBN is worth able but it's not a secure strategy because when Google catches your PBN then they remove all sites including your website ranking.
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  • Profile picture of the author expmrb
    Originally Posted by harvduck View Post

    In 2018, PBN network still beneficial to website for ranking. As PBN network always hidden from the Google and it is against its policy so I am asking Worrier Fellos that is it worth investing in link from the PBN networks?

    Why not invest in it? If you are not going to tell Google that you are using PBN to get ranked then how they are going to know?
    SEO Motionz Forum & Blog- Digital Marketing Forum & Blog,
    Forum Management & Promotion, SEO Tips, Money Making tips etc.
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    • Profile picture of the author salmanawan
      Google's fraud detection tools will be smarter than you.
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  • Profile picture of the author ryanbiddulph
    Nope Harv.

    Here's how to build links buddy:

    - create helpful content on your blog
    - bond with bloggers by promoting them and commenting on their blogs

    Blogging friends mention you, interview you and invite you to guest post on their blogs, based on your generosity and blogging skills. You build backlinks through mentions, interviews and guest posts.

    Ryan Biddulph helps you to be a successful blogger with his courses, manuals and blog at Blogging From Paradise
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  • Profile picture of the author dave_hermansen
    I have to agree with ryanbiddulph. I've just never understood the concept of creating a network of other websites that will gain enough authority to help push another site you own up in the rankings when you could spend far less time and effort creating one great site and getting other sites to link to it.
    Signature - The #1 place to buy & sell websites!
    We help sellers get the MAXIMUM amount for their websites and all buyers know that these sites are 100% vetted.
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  • Profile picture of the author salmanawan
    As with most things, if you take shortcuts you'll risk being just put yourself in risk if they will catch up you PBN then they close your account and remove your site need to use fresh content for your business and guest posts and after that work on link building strategy and use SSL certificate for your site. you will move on first page of google slowly but surely.
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  • Profile picture of the author crackhouse
    Complete waste of time and money. This is not a way to build viable links.

    PBNs are now prohibitvely expensive and take 1000s of hours to run, as much as real websites, all for minimal ranking boost that will eventaully disappear when Google catches on.

    It's much better to build relationships with bloggers in your niche and offer free quality content. Publish free quality content on your website. Build a social media following and give content away there. Publish article on sites that you trust, and sites that trust you.

    This is a lnog term strategy that is actually cheap, free in most cases, but requires a lot of time and effort on your part to really get to know a niche and the people in it.

    That's the way it's done these days.
    I sell backlinks on some of the most lucrative editorial websites in the world.
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  • Profile picture of the author simitch
    If you want Some Quick return from your business then you can use this method. But you want long time benefit form rank, dont want violent google policy then you must avoid this. Thanks
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  • Profile picture of the author divyanshisharma
    PBN is Worth but should be done very securely because if Google catches your PBN Strategy, it will destroy all your ranking and remove all websites from index.
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    • Profile picture of the author hoangcf
      oh really. I would stick to traditional methods and create sustainable link building campaign
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  • Profile picture of the author Arun Soni
    Why focus only on the PBN, there are many other techniques which can be used along with PBN, if anyone go with PBN only then definitely google bot catches and the final result is in front of you.

    If Going with PBN, then follow these steps -
    1. Good quality PBN

    2. High DA PA TF
    3. The content should be unique
    4. Dont submit same content on all the PBN websites, Unique content for each and every single PBN
    5. Do not put keyword stuffed content to the PBN
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  • Profile picture of the author KylieSweet
    Google always recommend to built your website with more quality content in which will improve user experience but i'm not against with PBN.
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  • Profile picture of the author luciesmazanska
    I would stay away from this method just in case you will want to get some traffic from google in the future

    they can ban you
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  • Profile picture of the author richardZ
    Originally Posted by harvduck View Post

    In 2018, PBN network still beneficial to website for ranking. As PBN network always hidden from the Google and it is against its policy so I am asking Worrier Fellos that is it worth investing in link from the PBN networks?
    If possible, avoid using PBN networking sites because there is no guarantee when your ranking down because it is against Google policy. Try to build good content for your website by mentioning/involving influencers, it will help you to build your network as well as good chances that influencer may mention your website.
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  • Google are really cracking down on PBN. There are many PBN's out there that portray their network as secure and undetectable from Google. However, it takes a lot of meticulous planning and works to ensure a PBN is totally secure from Google, and I am not sure if that is ever the case. It is certainly not a secure method of link building and probably not a sustainable one. I would stick to traditional methods and create your own sustainable link building campaign
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  • Profile picture of the author electricguitar
    Yes absolutely it is worth doing your link build process with the help of PBN.
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  • Profile picture of the author Mike Anthony
    this thread is enough to explain why very few people take this section seriously anymore. PBNs don't work anymore? Just build a great site and the links will come regardless of the niche?

    uh huh. None of you are ranking sites regularly. A couple of you might have got lucky with one site and got some links but besides that you just don't know SEO.

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  • Profile picture of the author SearchEngineWays
    Yeah Spam free Quality niche PBN back links are worth forever
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  • Profile picture of the author Suresh K
    Yes, you can use PBN but mind you these need to be hosted on different IPs and not part of the same network. If it is in the same network Google can find it and your website can get penalized. Also ensure that there are no negative footprints before you opt for a backlink. It is also a risky affair as it is generally blackhat. Instead I would advise you to get some expired Web 2.0 with high DA and start using them. You can create posts and drop your links in those posts.
    Digital Marketing Expert Trainer - SKARTEC
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