Serve audio content from a different server good or bad idea

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Hello all

I own an audio library that servers around 30,000 audio files (all legal/all mine) for download.

Currently all 30,000 audio previews which play via an audio player load the previews from the same server (.com) as the website files. However I own a second server (.net) which I want to load the previews from. This server uses the same domain name, but a .net TLD and the site is a .com TLD.

Would there be any negative effects/google etc throw a penalty for doing this? It's kind of like hotlinking, but I own the sounds and the server, so I would be hotlinking my own content.

#audio #bad #content #good #idea #serve #server
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  • Profile picture of the author paulgl
    Do you think big websites run on just one server?

    They split everything up exactly the way you propose.

    You have to lighten the loads to speed things up.

    Two ways to do it...use another server. Or upgrade the one you have to a faster, more powerful one that can do multiple processes at once.

    I believe most big websites, amazon, facebook, etc. use more than one server.

    The reason is that using more than one server, is faster and more reliable than doing it all on one super-duper one.


    If you were disappointed in your results today, lower your standards tomorrow.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11418995].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author frambles
    Thanks Paul.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11419100].message }}
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