Web 2.0 links, .EDU links (University links) Broken link building ,Ask websites if they sell links

8 replies
  • SEO
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I am slowly coasting back into online stuff again. I have a couple of websites designed and presently working on to promote.
I have been reading some comments on here about back link building and how for example and how packages offered on here are no longer workable to rate your site, etc.
As I still run an offline business I have been securing the services of others to get them up and running.
Trouble I have been told and have read the for instance gov and edu links are ineffective?
Trouble is the instruction pages that came with these two sites advocate these???
will investigate more before I waste my time. what do the experienced warrior think about the up to date methods?
#broken #building #link #links #sell #university #web #websites
  • Profile picture of the author dave_hermansen
    Anyone who wants to know how to build real links that work should start with visiting Brian Dean's Backlinko blog as well as his Definitive Guide to SEO.

    From there, you can decide whether or not you want to sign up for his full blown course, which has much more detailed information and tricks but only is released once a year. You'll learn plenty without the course, though.
    BizSellers.com - The #1 place to buy & sell websites!
    We help sellers get the MAXIMUM amount for their websites and all buyers know that these sites are 100% vetted.
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  • Profile picture of the author Rob Hunsons
    some edu links are effective for sure. world.edu for example
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  • Profile picture of the author Jamell
    I think that you need to focus on 1 site and one niche . Secondly ,
    links are ineffective if the the site authority and quality is low.Thirdly link earning is a more time consuming but more beneficial in the long run. You can buy expired domains with good authority and quality but once the traffic dies off you are back to square one.
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  • Profile picture of the author highhopes
    Hey thanks guys for taking the trouble to post replies!
    Yes I understand the work involved now and will look at the recommendations etc.
    I wont be giving up my project management business any time yet, ha ha!
    But find this really interesting, like a hobby and prepared for the long haul as you more experienced people have suggested.

    Ways to grow your online business. Earning online tips for the home worker and essential steps to take to earn money online.

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  • Profile picture of the author msulcs
    Start building backlinks from high-authority sites. Start with profile links on social media, etc.
    Then move on to web 2.0s, article submissions, website builders.

    If you'll build several backlinks a day, in a few months you will already have a nice diversity of high-authority backlinks.
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    • Profile picture of the author highhopes
      Originally Posted by msulcs View Post

      Start building backlinks from high-authority sites. Start with profile links on social media, etc.
      Then move on to web 2.0s, article submissions, website builders.

      If you'll build several backlinks a day, in a few months you will already have a nice diversity of high-authority backlinks.
      Msulcs, Good sound info, I understand the formula for this and it`s underway.
      Cheers, Msulcs

      Ways to grow your online business. Earning online tips for the home worker and essential steps to take to earn money online.

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    • Profile picture of the author crisscross
      Profile links means ? Can you share any examples of social networking sites where I can get those kind of links.

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  • Profile picture of the author Arsath
    Try to build links in High DA sites it will help you to rank faster in SERPs. Link building techniques like Document submission, Article submission, Directory submission, Search engine submission will be more helpful.
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