Will YouTube Popularity Improve Website Google Rank?

11 replies
  • SEO
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There's a possibility that it will positively benefit your SEO, but the effects would be indirect. If the content gains enough exposure, then surely there be some extent of digital coverage. And, if the editors provide a backlink to the site, in addition to the YouTube channel, then only one might see some positive impacts. Otherwise, the best thing to do is get in contact with people who are linking to the videos and ask them if they wouldn't mind linking to some of the pages on the website also. Some of them might get annoyed that they been contacted, some won't reply, but some will surely help out.

These are my thoughts about the above topic if any contradicts them or have anything else to add to it, please do so.
#google #improve #popularity #rank #website #youtube
  • Profile picture of the author Medon
    Originally Posted by John Phil View Post

    There's a possibility that it will positively benefit your SEO, but the effects would be indirect. If the content gains enough exposure, then surely there be some extent of digital coverage. And, if the editors provide a backlink to the site, in addition to the YouTube channel, then only one might see some positive impacts. Otherwise, the best thing to do is get in contact with people who are linking to the videos and ask them if they wouldn't mind linking to some of the pages on the website also. Some of them might get annoyed that they been contacted, some won't reply, but some will surely help out.

    These are my thoughts about the above topic if any contradicts them or have anything else to add to it, please do so.
    Yes and No! if it can bring traffic to your website, it will make google think the site is resourceful. That is how the ranking may improve. If it does not, then it will not benefit you.
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  • Profile picture of the author Ged3
    You can gain so much traffic from Youtube, plus your videos will rank highly in Google so

    even if your rank does not improve you will still gain a lot of traffic.

    Hope this helps.

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  • Profile picture of the author WINstore
    You can definitely get a lot of traffic from YouTube for your website if not an enhanced ranking. YouTube monetization is a powerful move in itself, and YouTube popularity can impact your online reputation positively but is not a sure way of improving your ranking in SERP.
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  • Profile picture of the author fastreplies
    Originally Posted by John Phil View Post

    There's a possibility that it will positively benefit your SEO, but the effects would be indirect..
    Believe me if there is any possibility something like that would get benefit.
    every real SEO would be on top of that horse's back for yeas by now.

    So, the answer is no, even thou long shot idea sounds very attractive.

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  • Profile picture of the author FaheemAA
    SERP and Youtube video rank is totally 2 different things. If you have popular youtube channel it may increase your brand awareness but not enough to reach your site SERP.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jetten
    Backlinks is a painful topic. I will soon start thinking in 'pay for link' terms
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  • Profile picture of the author troy23
    Well if you have your YouTube video embedded in your website/blog and share for example on social media, not only is your video going to get views, but you will be getting traffic back to your website. The more hits you are getting, the more relevant your site and video will become.
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    • Profile picture of the author fastreplies
      Originally Posted by troy23 View Post

      Well if you have your YouTube video embedded in your website/blog and share for example on social media, not only is your video going to get views, but you will be getting traffic back to your website. The more hits you are getting, the more relevant your site and video will become.
      Not necessarily.
      Why would I go to site when video would give me what I need
      and the best part, I don't have to waste my time on reading?

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  • Profile picture of the author Casinotutor
    What is going on if a youtube video is popular? Is it similar you get some quality backlinks?
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  • yes, if your video goes to viral then your website traffic increase instantly. In the video description, you can put your website url.
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