Need help with tracking my affiliate comissions!!

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I own an affiliate blog through which I started earning commissions in the last couple of months.

With that said, I'm having a hard time tracking my converting articles. Whenever I get a commission and I check the reports in the affiliate programs dashboard, I don't get enough data, like "page", "keyword", or "anchor text".

Please note that I already use Google Tag Manager which is good for knowing the user's engagements, but it's not 100% accurate in telling me which page brought me a particular commission.

So I did some searching, and I found out that UTM parameters would be good for this since the companies that I promote encourage using UTM for tracking.

This leads me to my question, knowing that I use cloaked links, is there any way to add the UTM parameters to the redirected URL with dynamic values? (without me having to change all the links on the site)

Ex: =>

Is there any method to pass on the utm_source parameter to the final redirect URL with a value of the current page?

It would be much appreciated for anybody who can advise me on the subject.

Thank you in advance!
#affiliate #comissions #tracking
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