How do you determine how many views a keyword can get you?

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I ranked my one video on top 5, but still not many views, how do you guys determine how many views a keyword can get you?
my videos are ranking under the top 5 for 5-6 different keywords but with similar avg monthly searches, but still, I'm getting 4-5 views per day

keyword volume is from vidIQ
#determine #keyword #views
  • Profile picture of the author FaraiMist
    There are few tools you can use to know the volume. Ahrefs is a great tool. in it you can go to keyword explorer>YouTube and you can start getting suggestions as well as estimated search volume.
    But for base keyword research you should use manual method as well , which is> go to YouTube and start writing on search bar, if you see few suggestions then that KW is searched by people , and if those suggestions has ALOT of variations then its an indication of more search volume.
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