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Unread 26th Sep 2010, 12:55 PM   #901
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Hey, thanks for the information. That was kind of inspirational. I seriously still don't believe that something like that can happen, but now that you have showed us your check!
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Unread 26th Sep 2010, 05:05 PM   #902
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Originally Posted by grecho View Post

I can answer that.

In the Clickbump admin panel > Code settings > Custom Hidden Footer Code. Paste your Google Analytics code there. Anything in that box will appear just above the ending "body" tag.

You may already have code in that area, just scroll below the existing code and paste your code.


Hi Greg,

Thanks for responding to my query.

That's exactly what I did before I read in Google Adsense's website that the code must be placed above the Adsense ad code and the Analytics tracking code.

This is what they say at their website:

Please note that the order of the code snippets is very important. The snippets must be placed in your webpage's HTML in the following order:
  1. The AdSense-Analytics code snippet at the beginning of the page, just after <body> (only for non-primary domains)
  2. The AdSense ad code
  3. The Analytics tracking code, placed just before the closing </body> tag
I think placing the code snippet where you pointed out (that is, in the footer area) will place it below the Adsense ad code and render it ineffective in monitoring clicks on the ad above it.

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Unread 26th Sep 2010, 06:19 PM   #903
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I understand what you mean now.

Try the SEO Settings > Google Webmaster Meta tag section. Everything in that field is placed above the starting body tag.

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Unread 27th Sep 2010, 06:53 AM   #904
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Originally Posted by grecho View Post


I understand what you mean now.

Try the SEO Settings > Google Webmaster Meta tag section. Everything in that field is placed above the starting body tag.


I have the Google Webmaster verification meta tag in there right now. Do you think I won't be ruining the code if I also insert in that field the Adsense-Analytics code snippet, Greg?

Sorry but I'm not comfortable with codes and I don't want to disturb anything in the CB template and be unable to resolve it as quickly as it occurs.

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Unread 27th Sep 2010, 07:35 AM   #905
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I understand your apprehension about coding.

You should be fine. All the template is doing is placing whatever is in that box at the top of the page.

As long as the code is valid and complete, you should have no problem at all with the template.

If you would like to PM me with the link to your site, I can verify that it is showing correctly.

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Unread 27th Sep 2010, 09:07 AM   #906
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this is such a long thread i can't find it ... when sizing up the competition what's the max number of inlinks your competition should have? 100? 50?

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Unread 27th Sep 2010, 10:24 AM   #907
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Originally Posted by euhlir View Post

I can help with this one. I had one site that followed xfactor's guide. It had an added word in the domain and fell in ranks even after being brought to the first page by me adding links.

I have another site with tons of competition that does have the exact domain name like clickbump's method, and it just happened to follow most of clickbump's prerequisites anyway. With some links (maybe 50) it has continued to grow in rank and now sits at #2 with over 45k monthly searches.

Needless to say I make money with this site daily.

What to take from this: Even though your site may start falling in rank, if you simply add some high PR backlinks to it, you can bring it back to the top. Of course it will be on a site by site basis, but that's my experience.

If it's good enough to stay on the first page for over 2 months, then adding a few backlinks will make it good enough to be there again.

This is interesting cos I did my first site with the xfactor method and put in a word at the end like xfactor suggests when the exact match domain is not available.

Now for the life of me I dont know where the site is but because I use seo quake I know its been indexed and now just 2 articles of the six ive written have been indexed too. However I still dont know where it is as i expected it to go straight to the first page of google or even second page since 3 of the 1st page competion had the ''pr 0'' ''yahoo links of ''0'' ''6'' ''7'' respectively

However I get a min of 4spam comments a day so im like if these spammers are finding it why aren't I.

Second of all Im wondering if I did something wrong cos its a 5page site
all 5 indexed according to seo quake
added even google analytics and google webmaster
added all in one seo for wordpress
and I added google sitemap plugin
No rss feed stuff tho cos i dont even understand what its about or how to do it.
One book mark on Reddit
and one profile backlink

But still no clicks and nowhere to be found.

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Last edited on 27th Sep 2010 at 10:26 AM. Reason: grammar
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Unread 27th Sep 2010, 10:34 AM   #908
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Originally Posted by clickbump View Post

Yes, I keep them to 1 page of tightly focused, highly relevant content to my user's target search terms.
So does that mean that say your site is on ''laptops'' e.g in mnf or gakt you find clickbumplaptops 3000 searches
competition is
pr0 Ylinks 1
pr1 Ylinks 2
pr0 Ylinks 0
pr2 Y links 3

You register

so your 1 page site will be on

clickbumplaptops reviews
clickbumplaptops specifications
clickbumplaptops deals
clickbumplaptops wires

All in one page as opposed to having say 4 or five different pages and then policy contact about us?

does that not mean you have over a 1000 words of content on ur first page?

you dont just write a max 1000 words page

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Unread 27th Sep 2010, 10:41 AM   #909
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Originally Posted by Tom Goodwin View Post

I don't do the forum indexing method so i'm not looking for a lucky forum ;-)

I think I mentioned this earlier in the thread, but I almost always get indexed within 24 hours of a site being up if I do the following:

(1) add adsense to it (doesn't help with the indexing, but doesn't prevent it)
(2) add sitemap to google webmaster tools;
(3) digg it;
(4) clipmark it; and
(5) submit the site's rss feed to,, and

As for how I end up on page 2 quickly, it isn't all that difficult:

(1) Spot-on on-page SEO (2%+ body keyword density, EMD, keyword in title, exact keyword as <h1> tag, keyword included in at least one other <h2> or <h3> tag, 100% of my anchored links include my keyword -- instead of just "contact" or "about", my anchor is "contact -- keyword" and "about - keyword").

(2) easy competition.

No other magic sauce required.

Tom When u say


Im a bit confused as I think this is where I may be going wrong
I got a domain with an added word on the end as the emd wasnt avaialble
I created my site with wordpress
created 5pages all with the exact match of the related content
then installed all in one seo

which has
Home title
home description and
home keyword

Filled those in all starting with the exact match of the keyword for each page.

Now are those the H1 h2 and H3 tags you are referring too?

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Unread 27th Sep 2010, 10:43 AM   #910
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Originally Posted by Michael Bunata View Post

I have been working on the Internet now for the past 6 months as an affiliate. One of the challenges I am running into is finding "SOC", Strength of Competition. I use Market Samurai and I absolutely love it, but I wish it had that one element. Can you share with me how I can use Google to find the SOC or if you have a recommendation of the best software to use for keyword research? There are a lot of pros and cons out there in regards to a good software program.

I really appreciate your help.
Hi Mike Seo Quake is useful
When you type in the keyword
The results show up on the 1st page of google as normal
with Seo Quake it also shows the pr of the site and the links ot the page that you wanna beat .

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Unread 27th Sep 2010, 07:02 PM   #911
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Originally Posted by grecho View Post

I understand your apprehension about coding.

You should be fine. All the template is doing is placing whatever is in that box at the top of the page.

As long as the code is valid and complete, you should have no problem at all with the template.

If you would like to PM me with the link to your site, I can verify that it is showing correctly.

Hey Greg, I just did what you advised and am now waiting for Adsense data to register on my GA account.

Thanks for the kind assistance, buddy!

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Unread 27th Sep 2010, 08:11 PM   #912
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Confused.. I just launched my first Clickbump site (no articles). Local searches for the keyword between MS and MNF5 have huge variances, 18,100 local searches on MNF5 to 3,600 local searches on MS to 1,000 local searches google keyword. Seo Competition was checked with MS and all PR, page backlinks as well as Ypages all met Clickbumps prerequisits mentioned in this thread.

In anycase after 7 days the site is on page 1 in 6th position. Google adwords traffic estimator as well as spyfu forcast 2-3 clicks per day but I have not had one single click or impression since its been on page one (4 days) im baffled. The site is in signiture, any suggestions would be appreciated...

By the way I was shocked that the site made it to page one with no article submissions, I only used Onlywire and submitted bookmarks to 30 of the 41 services. I also used IMT Website Submitter which I think helped speed up indexing, RSS feeds with Icerocket and pinged the site and RSS feeds with pingler and ping o matic.

Not sure how long it will stay in that position without quality backlinking, we will see!!!

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Unread 28th Sep 2010, 01:33 AM   #913
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goog keyword tool only showing 260 Local Monthly Searches for perspex sheet and site is on second page for me.

Originally Posted by Steve Razz View Post

Confused.. I just launched my first Clickbump site (no articles). Local searches for the keyword between MS and MNF5 have huge variances, 18,100 local searches on MNF5 to 3,600 local searches on MS to 1,000 local searches google keyword. Seo Competition was checked with MS and all PR, page backlinks as well as Ypages all met Clickbumps prerequisits mentioned in this thread.

In anycase after 7 days the site is on page 1 in 6th position. Google adwords traffic estimator as well as spyfu forcast 2-3 clicks per day but I have not had one single click or impression since its been on page one (4 days) im baffled. The site is in signiture, any suggestions would be appreciated...

By the way I was shocked that the site made it to page one with no article submissions, I only used Onlywire and submitted bookmarks to 30 of the 41 services. I also used IMT Website Submitter which I think helped speed up indexing, RSS feeds with Icerocket and pinged the site and RSS feeds with pingler and ping o matic.

Not sure how long it will stay in that position without quality backlinking, we will see!!!

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Unread 28th Sep 2010, 06:03 AM   #914
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Originally Posted by giseo View Post

goog keyword tool only showing 260 Local Monthly Searches for perspex sheet and site is on second page for me.

I just double checked Google Keyword reporting 8100 global and 1000 local, I also dumped cache restarted browser (mozilla using SEO4Firefox plugin) and it appears i am on page one in 6th position, I aslo checked with and it says "The URL that you entered was found on Page 1 in Google search for the following keyword(s) ..... perspex sheet"

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Unread 28th Sep 2010, 08:06 AM   #915
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make sure to use exact match not broad match. that gives you a more accurate number of searches.

but see you on first page now. seems to be a big of a google dance today.

so yeah the search volume is very low to get any substantial clicks.

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Unread 28th Sep 2010, 08:21 AM   #916
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Google says 260 searches / month so about 4 clicks per day for #1 site.

You tell us if you do better.

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Unread 28th Sep 2010, 08:34 AM   #917
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Originally Posted by giseo View Post

make sure to use exact match not broad match. that gives you a more accurate number of searches.

but see you on first page now. seems to be a big of a google dance today.

so yeah the search volume is very low to get any substantial clicks.

You are correct, I was using google Adwords Traffic Estimator so i can get most ofthe data i needed (CPC, Clicks, Cost etc..) but dosent give the option to select exact match, I thought it was ecxact by default. im actually only seeing 110 exact local searches, all part of learning i guess.


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Unread 28th Sep 2010, 09:44 AM   #918
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Originally Posted by Steve Razz View Post

You are correct, I was using google Adwords Traffic Estimator so i can get most ofthe data i needed (CPC, Clicks, Cost etc..) but dosent give the option to select exact match, I thought it was ecxact by default. im actually only seeing 110 exact local searches, all part of learning i guess.

Steve I Pm'd you did you get it ?

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Unread 28th Sep 2010, 11:48 AM   #919
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Originally Posted by misterkailo View Post

Just because you see that your site is #1 doesn't mean majority of people see it as #1 when they search for that keyword. If you ask somebody who lives far away from you to do a search for that site, they might see it on page 2+.

I can tell you that adding additional words to your main keyword for the Title tag would dilute the SEO strength so won't rank as well. If you want your site to rank better, just stick to the main keyword with nothing else added behind. I have played around with many sites to see if adding words in the title would make a different, and it does. This isn't a test that I have done just on one site, but on more than 20 sites.
This is intresting because in the xfactor book I assumed that just adding a word at the end of the keyword if the EMD was not available was fine but it appears that you are right on that dilution of seo thanks for this too bad we didint start in 2006 when there were still a lot of juicy emds available. Ah well on to the next one

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Unread 28th Sep 2010, 11:51 AM   #920
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Originally Posted by clickbump View Post

If its your only post, there's no need to make it sticky. However, if you do make it sticky, you can simply ad the "hidden" category to the post to remove the link to the post (since its always available at the "home" link, you don't need it if this is a concern to you).

Errrr whats a sticky?

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Unread 28th Sep 2010, 11:56 AM   #921
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Originally Posted by scrapgirl42 View Post

I use article marketing, but I have not fully marketed my sites to the extent John suggests. I also resubmit my articles to other directories after they are accepted to Ezine, so I don't write original articles for each directory.
Scrap girl can you please explain what you mean by resubmitting to other directories

Do you mean ?

a. You spin the articles once eza has done their 7day review and accepted

b. Or you just copy and paste that same article from ezine to say Go articles and then article alley once EZA has accepted it. Because I would have thought that was a big no no for duplicate content and all that jazz

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Last edited on 28th Sep 2010 at 03:28 PM. Reason: Grammar
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Unread 28th Sep 2010, 05:14 PM   #922
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I think we need to see The Big Picture Nowwwwww

Ok sooooo here it is

I've read all through this thread and I have come to the conclusion that the difference between those making money and those not is a fundametal issue in the research.

Now lets take the main issues,

1.X-factor suggested to us that if the EMD (exact match domain) is not available then just add a word at the end like deals and you'll be fine.

Now remember first issue is that I dont know for a fact when x-factor's book was written was it 09 08 07 or 06 cos I remeber when I did my first research with MNF there was an xfactor type site that seo quake said was as old as 2006
Now whether it just so happens that the owner of the site just owned the domain since 2005 and then read xfactor book years later and still owned the domain so applied the techniques well I don't know but if its that xfactor was from back in 09 as the ebook suggests then ok thats a year difference

But we are now in 2010 and we must accept that there is a margin for error which we must allow from 09 -10.

An EMD can only be the best way forward cos otherwise you'll have

If you owned google yourself what would you do when you see these green and black sites all with the same keyword in various variations popping up suddenly ofcourse Google will react.

So yes we must accept that if adding a word at the end worked back in 05 or worked early 08/09 (if thats when Xfactor first came about) then google will have reacted to the tide as it were.

So even though adding a word at the end may have worked when the techniques were brand new its not likely or probably won't work anymore.

So the solution is that an available EMD is the first and foremost thing to confirm.

and now for the what TLD to get I think the price says it all,
Yes weve heard it that all TLDs are born equal as far as Seo is concerned

But in the same vain also A ferrari and vauxhall astra are both cars but priced differently why is that? enough said there.

2.Now next issue and this is probablly the most crucial and its your keyword tool and understanding it

First of all lets face it most of us are english speaking and expect most of our customers will be too so primarily UK and US

Assuming you are using the ''exact keyword phrase''

So now when you use MNF is it showing results of 2500 from uk only or US only or a combination of both and in watch ratio 2000 from us 500 from uk or vice versa we dont know ?

Now what if your using GAKT (Google Adword Keyword tool) even more interesting go to advanced options and what do you do do you do county us and then english or do you do country uk and then english or do you do both and add both numbers together and then say to urself ok 500 ppl monthly will search in uk and 200 in the Us

Now how do you know what position your site is coming up on in both uk and us results even though you may try and then Im of the opinion that based on your ip address they return results.

So I think these are the fundamental spanners in the works thta are preventing us Newbies from seeing great results yet till we understand the second issue of the actual results returned to us via our key word tool we may think weve found EMDs with good search but are the results true to our cause

Not to mention now someone is saying that logged in with GAKT you get different results to if you use the tool when not logged in.

The cbump or xfactor process will work and Yes it is simple but these issues are really killing us think we have failing sites but in reality they are only doin as well as their true search results are going.

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Unread 28th Sep 2010, 05:26 PM   #923
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Originally Posted by Teez View Post

I think we need to see The Big Picture Nowwwwww

Ok sooooo here it is

I've read all through this thread and I have come to the conclusion that the difference between those making money and those not is a fundametal issue in the research.

Now lets take the main issues,

1.X-factor suggested to us that if the EMD (exact match domain) is not available then just add a word at the end like deals and you'll be fine.

Now remember first issue is that I dont know for a fact when x-factor's book was written was it 09 08 07 or 06 cos I remeber when I did my first research with MNF there was an xfacto
You lost me somewhere halfway through that.

Originally Posted by Teez View Post

and what do you do do you do
What's punctuation for again?

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Unread 28th Sep 2010, 05:31 PM   #924
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Originally Posted by Teez View Post

Not to mention now someone is saying that logged in with GAKT you get different results to if you use the tool when not logged in.
That changed a few weeks ago.

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Unread 28th Sep 2010, 06:34 PM   #925
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Originally Posted by Teez View Post

Steve I Pm'd you did you get it ?
I did Thanks for the suggestions Teez,

Quick question, since most keyword reasearch tools are currently not in sync, im not familure doing research with google. Whats the differance between google adwords keyword tool and googles search based keyword tool? GAKT has the option for EMD but the other dosent.

If you are using GAKT are the filters set for United States only?

Using GAKT when compared to MS or MNF5 is a whole new world and requires a lot more patience as there is not much available above 2400 EMD searches.

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Unread 28th Sep 2010, 07:40 PM   #926
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[QUOTE=L41db4ck;2659022]You lost me somewhere halfway through that.

And where did I loose you ?

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Unread 28th Sep 2010, 07:56 PM   #927
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Originally Posted by Steve Razz View Post

If you are using GAKT are the filters set for United States only?
Thats what im talking about Steve I dont know if anyone sure what the filters are actually set too. i.e if you go to advanced options on GAKT you can choose to have

location; uk and language ;english


location us and language to ''all languages''

So the question is do the filters show the true results or does the fact your ip is in US mean that even if you set the filters to Uk ur only gonna really get US results cos of your IP address.
and does the same thing occur in search results when ur assessing your competition.

As for you question on GAKT your meant to use this Google Keywoord tool as its the only one im aware off

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Unread 1st Oct 2010, 05:17 PM   #928
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I've been reading this thread and the thread by Xfactor and based on that I got to work and made myself my first niche site. After about two months I now rank second place on a single keyword, only having wikipedia to beat.

The results are very pleasant with a CTR of 8%. Based on the numbers it seems like I found a little niche that works for me.

I've been thinking lately to expand the site with an affiliate productfeed on a separate spot on the website (very minimal & no adsense on those pages).

Do you think I should give it a go? I'm a little afraid Google will start disliking my website so I even consider trying to noindex these pages. I'm using wordpress so that wouldn't be to hard to do
I'm also afraid that it will bring down my earnings as peoples would have more exit points.
On the other hand someone advised me to use affiliates, but he is more succesfull in that then adsense.

Hope someone wants to share his opinion about this.

and: thanks for this great thread!
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Unread 2nd Oct 2010, 02:31 AM   #929
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Unread 2nd Oct 2010, 06:54 AM   #930
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Originally Posted by r1pp3r View Post

...After about two months I now rank second place on a single keyword, only having wikipedia to beat.

The results are very pleasant with a CTR of 8%. Based on the numbers it seems like I found a little niche that works for me.
You should be able to do much better than 8%. What layout/template are you using?
Originally Posted by r1pp3r View Post

I've been thinking lately to expand the site with an affiliate productfeed on a separate spot on the website (very minimal & no adsense on those pages).

Do you think I should give it a go?
If you already have low CTR with what you've got, I would work on that first, before adding more monetization. I try to stick to a single monetization method per site and maximize that.

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Unread 2nd Oct 2010, 07:53 AM   #931
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Thanks for the reply, the template I am using is something i made myself but based on what I saw on an Xfactor site.

The 8% CTR is including my own visits. Considering the fact I target peoples in a country that still aren't really into online buying (and my ads often display webshops) i'm happy with the result. Out of curiosity: what is an acceptable CTR for you?
To give more numbers: 25 visits a day delivers me about 1$ a day. Halfway the day my CTR is now 16% (it does fluctuate much - weekends are however very good).

So if I understand you correctly, you don't recommend affiliates to me?
If i however make the pages nofollow & noindex, it will not drive me extra traffic to my site from search engines, but it will give me chance to determine whether the visitors are interested in buying or not. I'm still at doubt
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Unread 3rd Oct 2010, 04:40 AM   #932
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Originally Posted by Steve Razz View Post

Confused.. I just launched my first Clickbump site (no articles). Local searches for the keyword between MS and MNF5 have huge variances, 18,100 local searches on MNF5 to 3,600 local searches on MS to 1,000 local searches google keyword. Seo Competition was checked with MS and all PR, page backlinks as well as Ypages all met Clickbumps prerequisits mentioned in this thread.

In anycase after 7 days the site is on page 1 in 6th position. Google adwords traffic estimator as well as spyfu forcast 2-3 clicks per day but I have not had one single click or impression since its been on page one (4 days) im baffled. The site is in signiture, any suggestions would be appreciated...

By the way I was shocked that the site made it to page one with no article submissions, I only used Onlywire and submitted bookmarks to 30 of the 41 services. I also used IMT Website Submitter which I think helped speed up indexing, RSS feeds with Icerocket and pinged the site and RSS feeds with pingler and ping o matic.

Not sure how long it will stay in that position without quality backlinking, we will see!!!
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Unread 3rd Oct 2010, 07:16 AM   #933
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Hey Clickbump, are you still doing the Adsense thing today? If so, what is the latest?
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Unread 3rd Oct 2010, 09:24 AM   #934
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Originally Posted by Biggy Fat View Post

Hey Clickbump, are you still doing the Adsense thing today? If so, what is the latest?
Hi Biggy, how are you? I'm doing well. In Orlando at Disney this week with the family until Saturday. Its the kids first trip so lots of fun

My Adsense sites are still going strong and steady and I haven't touched most of them since I launched them. My main money site's product has tapered off a bit from last year, but overall things are still pretty steady.

I only have time to research and launch a couple of sites a month now. Most of my time is spent providing support and updates to all the clickbumpers out there using my system.

I've got a lot of people who do review and authority sites (as well as adsense) so I've been spending much more time building solutions and templates for those types of sites.

Hope all is well with you.

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Unread 4th Oct 2010, 04:09 PM   #935
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Guys, I'm trying to follow Mr. Clickbump 5 fundamentals and happen to be stuck on #1. I spent 2 hrs yesterday and 3 hrs today looking for the "right" keyword on different niches with no luck.

It's actually kind of comical, either there are less than 3 PR- or PR0, or the CPC is much less than $1, or the exact local volume is less 2000, or the exact domain name (com, net, or org) has already been taken, or it is available for $8,000. I have a BIG headache, fellows!! LOL I would have taken one keyword close enough, but nothing. Nothing even close. I think the gurus here are playing mind games with us newbies when you say there are billions and billions (like Carl Sagan) of keywords that meet the method's criteria.

With some many keyword tools available and some many people looking for the same gems, can there really be that many keywords left for this method?

By his own admission, it takes clickbump 2 hrs to search, find a niche and keyword, and set up a WP blog ready for that "show me the money" action. Mama mia! If I could do the same thing in 6 hrs I'll feel like being in bed with Jessica Alba... I suppose.

How many of you are also experiencing the same frustration? Maybe I'm wrong, but it seems to me that finding the proper keyword and domain is the most difficult part of the whole process. The other 4 fundamentals are a piece of chocolate cake compared to keyword research.

Any suggestions on how to go about it efficiently will be much appreciated. If this specific subject has already been discussed in this thread, sorry, I missed it.
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Unread 6th Oct 2010, 06:15 AM   #936
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I'm pretty much a newbie when it comes to all of this. I have a bit of an understanding from being a lurker for some time and having read other blogs about keyword research, building niche sites, etc.

I'm familiar with Ed Dale's Challenge training and the Keyword academy, both of which seem to be teaching similar concepts (correct me if I am wrong).

I've read on this forum that WP themes like clickbank, socrates and thesis are ideal for creating niche websites, but in the end what works for one may not work for another so a lot of testing is necessary.

My question to you season pro's out there is if you had to start all over and wanted a comprehensive training curriculum in keyword research, building niche websites, monetizing, seo or google ranking, writing content and creating quality links. Which of the two systems above would you recommend, and or any others?

Using a few resources from a variety of sources I found, what I think, are a few niche's with low competition that I'd like to explore. So, I'm looking for good solid quality training, preferably all in one place, and if anyone has experience with the two sources I've cited above (Challenge, Keyword academy) or any others I'd love to hear from you and your experiences.

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Unread 7th Oct 2010, 08:08 PM   #937
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Hi Clickbump, I just started with the Xfactor method and have been doing some research on Warrior Forum about it. And someone recommended me checking out this post of yours.

From what I've read throughout the forum .. Google changed their algo in May and many people's Xfactor-type sites have been de-indexed. Many suspect it could be due to the sites having only very few pages (1-5) or they all follow the same template/layout.

I read your post above and you said your sites are doing well and steady. Do your micro-niche sites still contain only 1 main page and have not been affected by Google's change? Or have you also updated your micro-niche sites so they now have more content/pages on each site?

Basically, I would like to know your opinions on what I can do to avoid having my sites being de-indexed by Google.

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Unread 8th Oct 2010, 06:36 AM   #938
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Originally Posted by yic17 View Post

Hi Clickbump, I just started with the Xfactor method and have been doing some research on Warrior Forum about it. And someone recommended me checking out this post of yours.

From what I've read throughout the forum .. Google changed their algo in May and many people's Xfactor-type sites have been de-indexed. Many suspect it could be due to the sites having only very few pages (1-5) or they all follow the same template/layout.

I read your post above and you said your sites are doing well and steady. Do your micro-niche sites still contain only 1 main page and have not been affected by Google's change? Or have you also updated your micro-niche sites so they now have more content/pages on each site?

Basically, I would like to know your opinions on what I can do to avoid having my sites being de-indexed by Google.

Hi yic17, great questions.

I've not modified any of my sites from the way I designed them. It does not matter how many pages your site has. Whether you have one page or a thousand, if they are all crap, Google (and more importantly, users) will not find much use for them.

Throwing additional pages onto a crappy site is pointless. If you are in this boat, you should work on the content you have, to make it more useful, rather than adding pages to make a site "appear" more substantial.

Google could care less how "large" your site is. They rank pages, not sites.

It was so before Caffeine, and it remains so.

Hope that helps!

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Thanks clickbump. that's my #1 worry about the micro-niche sites. I'll get started with keyword researching right away =) - Watch video games as Movies!
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What if the keyword passes Your criteria but it has a SOC in MNF of 998?
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Unread 13th Oct 2010, 04:04 PM   #941
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Originally Posted by Tom Goodwin View Post

I created a site 7 days ago with the exact keyword as a .net domain. There are over 7 million search results for the term without quotes, and 3 million search results for the term with quotes.

But guess what? That doesn't matter. What matters is the allintitle and allinurl competition. In this instance, there were 7000 and 400, respectively. With zero backlinks it showed up as #10 in google after 6 days
so .. if I found a keyword phrase that has high search count per month .. lets say .. 200,000 for example. but it fits into the 5 Clickbump criteria ...

does it mean I can go for the keyword phrase and have a good chance of ranking on 1st page of Google?

meaning .. search count per month does not really matter as long as the keyword phrase fits the criteria? - Watch video games as Movies!
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Unread 13th Oct 2010, 05:46 PM   #942
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Originally Posted by clickbump View Post

4) Look for three PR- or PR-0 sites in the top ten results for the KWP that you can unseat - Once you've verified 2 and 3 above, type your search term (without quotes) into Google using the SEO4Firefox plug-in to determine if you can meet the 3 site min criteria
Hello, can someone please explain this one in detail? What exactly are the criteria that I should be looking for?

Also, is it okay if I only find 2 pages with PR- and PR0 instead of 3? Can I go for it? - Watch video games as Movies!
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Unread 13th Oct 2010, 08:54 PM   #943
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Originally Posted by yic17 View Post

Hello, can someone please explain this one in detail? What exactly are the criteria that I should be looking for?
First you will need to get a plugin or browser addon that allows you to view a site's PR (PageRank) and Backlinks (to the page, not the entire site) when viewing search results in Google. I use and recommend the freely available "SEO For Firefox" plugin from SeoBook.

Next, you search for your term in Google and check the top 10 results for PR and page links (the number of links pointing back to the page from other sites). Low PR and low backlinks are good. In my original criteria, I set a best case example of what to look for to maximize your chances and expectation to rank in the top 10 for any given keyword phrase (assuming you are following my other 4 guidelines).

Originally Posted by yic17 View Post

Also, is it okay if I only find 2 pages with PR- and PR0 instead of 3? Can I go for it?
Sure, the criteria I set is not set in stone but intended as a best case guideline. If you feel good about the niche and your chances, go for it. The cost of failure is very low, especially if you can minimize the time it takes to set up your site using automated tools and preconfigured templates.

Hope that helps!

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how are you finding your keywords?
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Unread 13th Oct 2010, 09:44 PM   #945
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Originally Posted by clickbump View Post

Low PR and low backlinks are good.
And how many backlinks do you consider "low"? 5? 10?

The cost of failure is very low, especially if you can minimize the time it takes to set up your site using automated tools and preconfigured templates.
I want to create a few of these types of site manually first. If I have success with them using your criteria, I will certainly consider getting your automated system.

I have another question. Let's say if I have one main keyword and I set it as my domain name. Now I want to create 4 other pages onto the same mini-site using other relevant keyword phrases. But since they do not have the "domain name power" .. will these pages still be indexed on Google page 1? Or are they kind of pointless since they don't have the power of the domain name?

Thanks for your help =) - Watch video games as Movies!
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Unread 14th Oct 2010, 09:09 AM   #946
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Originally Posted by yic17 View Post

And how many backlinks do you consider "low"? 5? 10?
Anything under 50 is OK, especially if the page does not have any of the keywords in the domain name. If there's more than that you might want to check the backlinks to see how solid they are.
Originally Posted by yic17 View Post

I have another question. Let's say if I have one main keyword and I set it as my domain name. Now I want to create 4 other pages onto the same mini-site using other relevant keyword phrases. But since they do not have the "domain name power" .. will these pages still be indexed on Google page 1? Or are they kind of pointless since they don't have the power of the domain name?
Thanks for your help =)
Depending on your competition, it will be harder to rank these pages on page 1 than your home page. However, once you've got the user onto your page, you are just maximizing your ability to satisfy their need by giving them relevant choices that they are likely looking for anyway.

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In using your system do you recommend one of adsense or affiliate links, never both? If so, why?
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Unread 15th Oct 2010, 06:07 AM   #948
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Originally Posted by jpmt View Post

In using your system do you recommend one of adsense or affiliate links, never both? If so, why?
Its just my preference. I like to keep the focus of the site very narrow as well as the monetization source. Too many choices invite indecisiveness. Indecisiveness leads to inaction.

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Unread 17th Oct 2010, 07:45 AM   #949
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Hi all,

I finally got through the thread and am ready to start building my various sites. With this thread being created a while ago, I was just wondering if anyone could comment on a few questions I had.

1 - How easy is it to find niches now? I tried a bit last night and went from various areas like pets, sports, health, etc but didn't come up with anything meeting the criteria. When I did come across an EMD, either the GAKT said a low number, or the CPC is a bit low. Do I need to keep digging? Or is it more and more difficult to find EMDs since many are using this method now.

2 - Does anyone else fnd that the exact # of searches in MNF differ from the GAKT? Just wondering what criteria some of you used in MNF as sometimes I find the numbers differ quite a bit whereas others they are closer.

Thanks all!
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hello clickbump.

I found a keyword phrase with 3600 exact local searches. it has 3 PR-0 pages on Google 1st page. BUT .. it's not a product keyword - it's an info keyword.

what's your take on info keywords? should I go for it and expect a small decrease in click rates or will the click rates be so much lower that I should just forget about it and just focus on product keywords? - Watch video games as Movies!
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