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Unread 30th Dec 2009, 10:21 PM   #401
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Originally Posted by schnisz View Post

"exact keyword as <h1> tag, keyword included in at least one other <h2> or <h3> tag,"

Scott, your template does this automatically correct?
The templates (latest version of CE2 has five themes onboard) all place the post title in an H1 heading by default.

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Unread 30th Dec 2009, 10:26 PM   #402
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Originally Posted by Gale10 View Post

Hi Clickbump,

Just wanted to say I followed your advice to the letter and my site went in at number one for my keyword on

I am totally in awe!

Thank you so much for writing this thread. Hopefully many people will benefit from it!

Thanks again,

Hi Ruth, congratulations for taking action!

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Unread 1st Jan 2010, 01:36 PM   #403
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Hi all ! I just stumbled on this thread and find the topic of mini and super mini sites fascinating. I dont want to disrupt the flow here, but I do have what to me is a pretty obvious(some would say stupid) question. And normaly I wouldnt bother asking it. But in this case, I think I will.

Why would you want to build just a 1 page site ? Or for that matter a 4-5 page site a la Xfactor, IPK, Sniper, etc ? More specifically, why would you limit yourself to such a shallow dive into a niche? Yes, I know the usual response: its quick, easy money, good way to test a nche, highly focused, etc, etc.

So let me explain.

I see several warriors frustrated because their 1 pager doesnt go above page 2 or 3 of Google. Or its ranked, but no one clicks the ads. Or its too hard to find KWs with high enough searches and low enough competition. And the big one - how long before it drops from Google's index.

I just never have those issues because I dont build these kinds of sites. But if I did have these problems, my solution would be a simple one. Now, no offense intended to Clickbump, and all others who use this method - I applaud your success ! But frankly, I view these kinds of sites as throwaways. Toss a few dozen domains against the wall and see.... (you know the rest.) To me they would be more of a hobby, or entertainment. But are we playing for money, or building our own business models ? While I'm happy for the person who works really hard and gets their KW to #1, I scratch my head when the next person asks if x is too much competition, or if y is a better domain name than z.

Are we trying too hard to find the perfect ingredients for the witch's brew that will make us money ? Getting back to my "Why" question, perhaps Im really asking if anyone is looking at the big picture before desperately working to fit the puzzle pieces together. Sorry if my post is irrelevant for most, but perhaps for some it will generate some good thought .

Here's to success in 2010 !
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Unread 1st Jan 2010, 04:17 PM   #404
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Originally Posted by Johncpu View Post

What John said....

Here's to success in 2010 !
That is a great post John, well done. Very valid points.
I have four of the 4-5 page websites and the reason I did these was to keep the theme of the site super tight. I did not want it going off on another tangent thus watering down the ads shown on my sites.

I want targetted ads about my theme as my research has shown these to be highly searched and fairly low comp. I have not built these because they are quick or easy money etc. I have built them to be tight in the niche.

Any sideways terms can be dealt with in another domain. In saying this, I have a couple of huge (over 2,000 pages) sites that do well.

I guess my point is that small sites can work and larger ones can also work.
To each his own I say.

Have a great day.

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Unread 1st Jan 2010, 08:22 PM   #405
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Thanks for the kind words Craig, Im flattered. And yes, and I think your 'high focus' purpose is perfectly valid. I even edited my post above to include it .

But I see you used a very important word: "theme". Now you've raised everything to a new higher level. Themeing is not just about 1, 2 or even 3 KWs. It's a context of words, with 1 or 2 at the core, surrounded by many many more related words and phrases. I would not consider a 1 page site about "red tonka truck" to be a theme, especially if it is so narrow that it only has x competition.

So my question is not really directed at the 4-5 page themed site you described. Its the 1 pagers that have me baffled.

And your 2000 page site ?? I'm in awe ! I couldnt even begin to manage that monster

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Unread 3rd Jan 2010, 10:53 AM   #406
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you are using 1 article or 1 pagee of content per site? if thats true, means that 1 keyword per site?
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Unread 3rd Jan 2010, 11:44 AM   #407
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let me share my experience..

i have a blog created on October, 9 post, blog link in forum sig. index at G after 2 month (December) with 70+ backlink (from the forum). The indexed post stay at G until now.

i have a blog created 2 years ago. 5 post, little backlink (forum sign) and until now without any update, stay at G indexes.

So u see, your blog wont vanish event you dont do any updates.
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Unread 4th Jan 2010, 04:26 PM   #408
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Originally Posted by mdotwhite View Post

This is a great method and I definitely see the potential. I just have one question and a great answer will be apprecieated.

When it comes to keywords is it a smart choice to use the exact product's name as the keyword or should I use the broad name instead.

Example: Should I use "snow blower" or should I use "John Deere Snow Blower"?

What I've found through research is that if I use "John Deere Snow Blower" as my keyword it would be pretty hard to get the #1 spot because I would be competing with the John Deere main website. I think it would be pretty hard to compete.

Is this something I should be concerned with or do I just want to get on the first page of Google?

Any advice would be helpful.
My suggestion would be to try and see if there's potential in something like "diesel snow blower" or something along those lines. Try and stay away from the copyrighted name if possible unless you are happy with a short term project.

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Unread 5th Jan 2010, 01:30 PM   #409
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Originally Posted by t3ch View Post

you are using 1 article or 1 pagee of content per site? if thats true, means that 1 keyword per site?
Yes, each site is built around one primary keyword. That's the key to the exact match domain. However, you can build on this as you have time and add more long tail keywords as long as they are consistent with the main keyword and keep the site's overall content very tightly focused.

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Unread 5th Jan 2010, 04:17 PM   #410
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I have a question: I did the sneaky punctuation trick and wrote some articles and submitted them to goarticles for my first adsense site. I searched in google using words from my forum post and sure enough it's showing up. I searched for my articles and sure enough, they're showing up. I also did 2 bookmarks. However, my site is still not indexed.

Is this normal? Or if my forum post and articles have been indexed and my site still isn't does is mean that it's not going to get indexed through the forum post and articles? My site has been done for close to 40 hours.

This is my first go at these small adsense sites and I'm fine if it takes longer to index, I just want to know if I'm doing something wrong before I potentially repeat the mistake over dozens of sites (I've got quite a few ready to go).


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Unread 5th Jan 2010, 06:06 PM   #411
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Great thread. I'm looking to try some of these techniques into my ongoing work with Xfactor's stuff.

I'm a bit confused though in the instructions for your "Sneaky Punctuation Trick".

You say "...then I will make sure that the links in other users sigs are not underlined (otherwise its not so sneaky)..." Why would it matter if they are/aren't using underlined links since it's out of your control?

You also say "...I will also apply a color that matches the forum sig area's background and a small font size as well..." If the color of the ellipsis is set to the background color of the sig area then wouldn't it be hidden (white on white, black on black, etc.), in which case setting a font size wouldn't matter since you wouldn't see them?

I have to be misunderstanding something here. Wouldn't be the first time.
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Unread 6th Jan 2010, 12:56 PM   #412
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Originally Posted by n00b View Post

I have a question: I did the sneaky punctuation trick and wrote some articles and submitted them to goarticles for my first adsense site. I searched in google using words from my forum post and sure enough it's showing up. I searched for my articles and sure enough, they're showing up. I also did 2 bookmarks. However, my site is still not indexed.

Is this normal? Or if my forum post and articles have been indexed and my site still isn't does is mean that it's not going to get indexed through the forum post and articles? My site has been done for close to 40 hours.

This is my first go at these small adsense sites and I'm fine if it takes longer to index, I just want to know if I'm doing something wrong before I potentially repeat the mistake over dozens of sites (I've got quite a few ready to go).

There are two things at play here, the Google Crawl and the Google index. They are two separate processes. The google crawl AND indexing has occured on your forum posts and your GoArticle submissions, however, your site's url has just been crawled to this point (by virtue of the links appearing in the index from GA and your forum posts), and not yet indexed.

The index follows the crawl, so hang in there and perhaps move on to another site launch or develop a long tail page on one of your successful sites. Before you know it, your site will appear in the index.

On additional thing you might want to do is to create a google alert for your site's URL. This way, you will be instantly notified when your site appears in the index (or anywhere else for that matter) and you want have to keep constantly checking the search page...

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Unread 6th Jan 2010, 01:22 PM   #413
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Originally Posted by SandRat View Post

Great thread. I'm looking to try some of these techniques into my ongoing work with Xfactor's stuff.

I'm a bit confused though in the instructions for your "Sneaky Punctuation Trick".

You say "...then I will make sure that the links in other users sigs are not underlined (otherwise its not so sneaky)..." Why would it matter if they are/aren't using underlined links since it's out of your control?
The more stealth the links are the better, that's why its better to choose a forum that does not underline sig links. It kinda looks weird to see underlined punctuation :-)
Originally Posted by SandRat View Post

You also say "...I will also apply a color that matches the forum sig area's background and a small font size as well..." If the color of the ellipsis is set to the background color of the sig area then wouldn't it be hidden (white on white, black on black, etc.), in which case setting a font size wouldn't matter since you wouldn't see them?

I have to be misunderstanding something here. Wouldn't be the first time.
No problem, these are small points, but worth explanation. We are merely trying to make the punctuation elements as stealth as possible since they are primarily directed at the engine and not the viewer. That's why the technique is referred to as "sneaky" :-)

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Unread 6th Jan 2010, 01:37 PM   #414
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Originally Posted by clickbump View Post

The more stealth the links are the better, that's why its better to choose a forum that does not underline sig links. It kinda looks weird to see underlined punctuation :-)
I advocated such stealth links myself a few days ago but have since changed my mind about their use. While they may indeed help to index your site quicker there are other ways to accomplish the same thing without the stealth aspect.

In the long run, hiding your links, will almost surely cause Google to view you as a SPAMMER with the result that the sites you link to will likely be severely downgraded or removed from their index.

If you are into creating sites as fast as you can to only make money from them for a little while before they get recognized as SPAM and dealt with accordingly...well..what can I each his/her own I guess.

I want long term, stable, and ever growing Adsense income without resorting to questionable and risky spammy methods.

Here is what Matt Cutts at Google said about hiding links....Hidden links

It's really not worth doing in my opinion. I apologize for leading people to believe it was earlier.

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Unread 6th Jan 2010, 01:53 PM   #415
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Hi Carlos, I'm not going to argue your main point about indexing, and that's a useful article you've linked to. Its good to know any potential downsides to any technique one might employ. If you are the least bit concerned about using an indexing technique which self describes as "sneaky" then you probably should steer clear and find another method of indexing (as you've done)

With that being said, I'm pretty certain that what Matt is referring to (using a hidden link to drive unwitting traffic to a porn site) and what we are doing (using sig links to get a site indexed) are not on the same level - particularly since you are removing the link as soon as the site gets indexed - but I'll leave that to the interpretation of whomever seeks to utilize this technique as a quick way to get indexed.

Good points though.

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Unread 6th Jan 2010, 02:02 PM   #416
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I appreciate your willingness to consider another point of view clickbump. For sure.

I just wanted to make sure that others, especially newbie's, realized the downside to the method that is being advocated on this thread (a method that I myself advocated until just a couple of days ago).


Originally Posted by clickbump View Post

Hi Carlos, I'm not going to argue your main point about indexing, and that's an spot-on article you've linked to. Its good to know the potential downsides to any technique one might employ. If you are the least bit concerned about using a technique which self describes as "sneaky" then you probably should steer clear and find another method of indexing (as you've done)

With that being said, I'm not sure that what Matt is referring to (using a hidden link to drive unwitting traffic to a porn site) and what we are doing with using sig links to get a site indexed rises to the same level - particularly since you are removing the link as soon as the site gets indexed - but I'll leave that to the interpretation of whomever seeks to utilize this technique as a quick way to get indexed.

Good points though.
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Unread 6th Jan 2010, 03:18 PM   #417
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Originally Posted by carlos123 View Post

I appreciate your willingness to consider another point of view clickbump. For sure.

I just wanted to make sure that others, especially newbie's, realized the downside to the method that is being advocated on this thread (a method that I myself advocated until just a couple of days ago).

No problem Carlos. Just to be clear though, the "ClickBump Method" as I've described it here is a 5 point plan. The "sneaky punctuation trick" is simply an indexing technique that is not part of the main plan. It is solely used as one technique of the many available to get a site indexed. While it's completely effective at its purpose, like none I've seen or tried before, it should not be confused as what this method is all about.

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Unread 6th Jan 2010, 03:20 PM   #418
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Just to make sure we stay on course, here's a recap...

My basic approach to niche site success revolves around five simple and proven fundamentals. Get these right and you are way ahead of 90% of those trying to make a way in this game...

1) Develop a passion for niche research - you really have to enjoy ferreting out the next niche and you have to be able to get yourself inspired to do this over and over again. This is the most important concept you can master. If you fail at this, no amount of expertise at the remaining steps will matter. You'll be fighting against the wind.

2) Only work with exact match, top level domains - I value .com, .net and .org all EQUALLY and I've got sites ranked in the top 10 with all three extensions.

3) Seek niches that have a minimum of 2400 EXACT match local monthly searches for their keyword phrase (KWP) - use Google Adwords Keywords Tool (GAKT) for this.

4) Look for three PR- or PR-0 sites in the top ten results for the KWP that you can unseat - Once you've verified 2 and 3 above, type your search term (without quotes) into Google using the SEO4Firefox plug-in to determine if you can meet the 3 site min criteria

5) Launch a tightly focused, insanely optimized, seo savvy, css based site that showcases your niche's KWP with laser focus. One page of content with 350-1000 words and 3 site pages (about, contact and privacy) is all you need. Develop or adopt a system that allows you to repeat this rapidly.

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Unread 6th Jan 2010, 03:40 PM   #419
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Thanks Clickbump, I just wanted to make sure this wasn't a red flag for my site or anything. Got the second one up and have a full day today to get some more going.

Originally Posted by clickbump View Post

On additional thing you might want to do is to create a google alert for your site's URL. This way, you will be instantly notified when your site appears in the index (or anywhere else for that matter) and you want have to keep constantly checking the search page...
Great idea! I never thought of that. I'm also using webmaster tools to check to see if it's been indexed, but a Google alert will be good so I know right when it happens. Thanks!

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Unread 6th Jan 2010, 03:46 PM   #420
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Originally Posted by carlos123 View Post

I advocated such stealth links myself a few days ago but have since changed my mind about their use. While they may indeed help to index your site quicker there are other ways to accomplish the same thing without the stealth aspect.

In the long run, hiding your links, will almost surely cause Google to view you as a SPAMMER with the result that the sites you link to will likely be severely downgraded or removed from their index.

If you are into creating sites as fast as you can to only make money from them for a little while before they get recognized as SPAM and dealt with accordingly...well..what can I each his/her own I guess.

I want long term, stable, and ever growing Adsense income without resorting to questionable and risky spammy methods.

Here is what Matt Cutts at Google said about hiding links....Hidden links

It's really not worth doing in my opinion. I apologize for leading people to believe it was earlier.

Thanks for sharing this viewpoint, definitely gives me something to think about. Even though it's not part of the clickbump method I still submit articles for my site (mainly because that's the most fun part for me and it doesn't hurt) so with Goarticles I'm still getting a backlink pretty quick. I don't think the method advocated here is on the same level as in the article you provide, but still nice to know so people go into it with both eyes open.

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Unread 7th Jan 2010, 08:18 AM   #421
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how do you edit your image. From searching it via google to upload it to your WP blog. can you explain it?

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Unread 7th Jan 2010, 08:24 AM   #422
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And, the template that you used, what font do it use? and what your recomended configuration of the adsense ads font? (same as the template font?)

thanks again
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Unread 8th Jan 2010, 07:33 AM   #423
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Originally Posted by t3ch View Post

And, the template that you used, what font do it use? and what your recomended configuration of the adsense ads font? (same as the template font?)

thanks again
I use the exact same font family, font color, and font size for my Adsense that I use for my site's body copy. I use Arial for both.

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Are you using the same method with john to create your blog content?
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Unread 8th Jan 2010, 08:00 AM   #425
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Originally Posted by t3ch View Post

Are you using the same method with john to create your blog content?
We follow a similar method there, yes. Research your niche, find out what questions people are asking, and answer them...

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Unread 8th Jan 2010, 08:02 AM   #426
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Originally Posted by t3ch View Post

how do you edit your image. From searching it via google to upload it to your WP blog. can you explain it?

I use Photoshop for everything. But that's just because I do a lot of design work in my day job as a web consultant. You can get by with Paint if you need to, or step up to something like GIMP which is freeware.

I make all my images around 125 pixels wide as full color jpegs at 72 dpi RGB.

Don't skimp on your image selection. Nothing sells a product better than a nice series of supporting images with solid, spot-on copy.

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Unread 8th Jan 2010, 01:14 PM   #427
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I cant seem to locate it here on the thread, but if youre not doing article marketing. like Xfactor teachers. What has been working for you for backlinks?
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Unread 8th Jan 2010, 04:15 PM   #428
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Originally Posted by NewbieGal View Post

I cant seem to locate it here on the thread, but if youre not doing article marketing. like Xfactor teachers. What has been working for you for backlinks?
I'm a bit of an rebel in that regard I suppose, I don't really go for backlinks (or do article marketing). I mainly seek to maximize on the 5 fundamentals in post 3 of this thread (and copied a few posts up from this one)

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Unread 8th Jan 2010, 05:01 PM   #429
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clickbump thanks for the answers..
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Unread 8th Jan 2010, 06:32 PM   #430
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OK, I'm officially captivated. I can write pretty well, but I can analyze better and faster (it's my real world job), so this method is definitely worth a try.

I put up a few Xfactor sites, and got the article marketing done, but they are evidently stuck in the mythical sandbox right now ... not even indexed. Annoying, but that's life with G, I reckon.

As both Xfactor and Clickbump point out, you won't win them all. It's best just to move on and build some more. With this variation, I've found new motivation to do just that.

Thanks for sharing!

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Unread 8th Jan 2010, 07:39 PM   #431
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Originally Posted by clickbump View Post

I use the exact same font family, font color, and font size for my Adsense that I use for my site's body copy. I use Arial for both.

wow, really? and then move on to the next one? and this is still managing to get to the first page?
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Unread 8th Jan 2010, 09:37 PM   #432
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Excellent thread you created. Well done!

I have 2 questions. Not sure if they have been asked/answered as I have not read the entire thread yet.

1. Does the PR analysis relate to the competition's homepage or does it relate to their inner page relating to the KWP?

2. Why dont you build multiple page sites instead of 1 page? Isnt it more profitable? By building multiple related pages you can still focus and only attempt to rank for your primary KWP just like you do with your one page site. You dont even have to bother ranking for your inner pages. As long as your inner pages are linked to your home page there's a good chance you will keep the user on your site longer and hopefully they can click on your ads. This way with your inner pages you should only choose KWP's with high paying ads and ignoring the number of searches or competition.
In other words use this technique to leverage on your primary KWP. The other positive is that you will get 'google love' which will help boost your ranking for your homepage.
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Unread 8th Jan 2010, 10:22 PM   #433
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1. Inner page.

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Unread 9th Jan 2010, 12:09 AM   #434
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sridhar @ thanks

clickbump - I should also add that relying on local searches for keyword research results should only be applicable in the US only. If you live ouside the US you should base the results on global - particularly if you're promoting information sites/adsense. The reason for this is because the local results for small population countries/areas will not give you reliable data.
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Unread 9th Jan 2010, 12:27 AM   #435
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Originally Posted by NewbieGal View Post

wow, really? and then move on to the next one? and this is still managing to get to the first page?
NewbieGal - Google appears to really love exact keyword domains with good on-site SEO. That is oversimplifying Clickbump's method, but it does get to the main point of why his sites get to page one. I follow his techniques and have several sites on page one... all of them got to page 1 before i ever did any backlinking too! The bottom line is that the template is very streamlined and minimal... not very "pretty" as far as design goes... but it is designed that way on purpose to direct the viewer to the one main obvious place to go...the Adsense block. Clickbump doesn't even put the smaller sidebar Adsense block on his sites (but he gives you that option in his template).

I have seen "blank" Wordpress sites sitting on page one, some of them even at rank#1. They were exact keyword domains with absolutely zero content, yet they made it to page one. Amazing, isn't it?
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Unread 9th Jan 2010, 06:31 AM   #436
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Hey there, i just recently bought your templates and they are great!

I have one question though. Is there any automated way of linking images to something (im planning to create affiliate links) without having to manually edit the body code ?

Or, if that's not possible, how do i edit them to become linkabe in the body, just cant seem to do it.

Just check out my Google+ profile, that's all :) WHAT? You were expecting some kind of a sales pitch ???
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Unread 9th Jan 2010, 10:03 AM   #437
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you mentioned about looking in the serps for 3 PR n/a or PR 0 as your keyword selection criteria. If that kind of PR is from big company site (amazon, eshop,, etc) will you consider that meeting your criteria?
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Unread 9th Jan 2010, 10:35 AM   #438
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Originally Posted by jurky View Post

Hey there, i just recently bought your templates and they are great!

I have one question though. Is there any automated way of linking images to something (im planning to create affiliate links) without having to manually edit the body code ?

Or, if that's not possible, how do i edit them to become linkabe in the body, just cant seem to do it.
Hi jurky, thanks for the kind words. The ce2 is optimized for adsense publishers but as you note, its being used by affiliate marketers as well.I will probably just create CE2am and streamline it for affiliate marketing and clickbank (with a significant discount for CE2 owners)It would most certainly have linkable product images and remember your affiliate ids, and other niceties like we do now w CE2...

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Unread 9th Jan 2010, 11:18 PM   #439
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I have several new websites ( with has only 1 page ), online since Dec 25th 09. Some websites indexed and appear in Top 10. The bad thing is that, I've got clicks but the eCPM of all these sites are 0, so my earnings is 0 for these clicks. But with the old websites, which have about 3-5 pages, the eCPM is normal. So, is there any one like me ? Please give me some advice. Thanks you so much

Have a nice day guys
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Unread 10th Jan 2010, 09:18 AM   #440
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Oh my god, how ugly I am... My new websites haven't been added to allowed sites list. It makes me crazy for days, now, everything come back to normal. So happy ^^
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Unread 10th Jan 2010, 12:45 PM   #441
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Thanks for your reply! Wow, it does seem amazing. As far as the actual site, where are the adsense blocks? Just one big block ad at the top and thats all? or is there one at the bottom of the page as well? I do have sidebar ads on my sites but wondering if i need to take them down since they are usually getting me lower clicks than the main top one.

Originally Posted by badcow View Post

NewbieGal - Google appears to really love exact keyword domains with good on-site SEO. That is oversimplifying Clickbump's method, but it does get to the main point of why his sites get to page one. I follow his techniques and have several sites on page one... all of them got to page 1 before i ever did any backlinking too! The bottom line is that the template is very streamlined and minimal... not very "pretty" as far as design goes... but it is designed that way on purpose to direct the viewer to the one main obvious place to go...the Adsense block. Clickbump doesn't even put the smaller sidebar Adsense block on his sites (but he gives you that option in his template).

I have seen "blank" Wordpress sites sitting on page one, some of them even at rank#1. They were exact keyword domains with absolutely zero content, yet they made it to page one. Amazing, isn't it?
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Unread 10th Jan 2010, 12:48 PM   #442
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Also, are there samples of what the site templates look like? or the colors being used? Do they look like xfactors theme and colors?
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Unread 10th Jan 2010, 05:00 PM   #443
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Originally Posted by NewbieGal View Post

Thanks for your reply! Wow, it does seem amazing. As far as the actual site, where are the adsense blocks? Just one big block ad at the top and thats all?
Originally Posted by NewbieGal View Post

Also, are there samples of what the site templates look like? or the colors being used? Do they look like xfactors theme and colors?
You can find it here.

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Unread 10th Jan 2010, 09:43 PM   #444
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Originally Posted by clickbump View Post

Sorry about that. His handle is Biggy. We are both from Bama. I was talking about the 5 fundamentals in my opening thread post #3...


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Unread 10th Jan 2010, 09:57 PM   #445
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Thanks Clickbump!

how do you know how many sites you need to build to get to a let's say $50 a day in adsense? I currently purchased 15 domains for adsense that i will be building over the next couple of weeks. is there some kind of idea of about how many you need and then you move on to aff. mkt for example?

Also, all of the domains are physical products because that is what Xfactor mentions. is this your strategy as well?
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Unread 11th Jan 2010, 12:32 AM   #446
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Originally Posted by NewbieGal View Post

Also, are there samples of what the site templates look like? or the colors being used? Do they look like xfactors theme and colors?
Let me do a non-affiliate plug for Clickbump's templates... I have the Xfactor template from Clickbump and it is great! Very easy to use and modify as needed. Worth the money!

I don't have his newest templates, but I will purchase them at some point because I want to support him and he does write SEO optimized templates that load fast.

If you're on the fence about his templates... get them!
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Unread 11th Jan 2010, 12:55 AM   #447
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why the total of ads appears at google search and spyfu not same? which one to follow?
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Unread 11th Jan 2010, 01:15 AM   #448
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This a great post... wow... thank you for the rich input.

Those are some pretty cool results. I'm looking forward to max out my PPC soon.

Quick question? where do you place your adsense block in your pages? where is the best place to plaster an Adsense block to get the best click through rate?

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Unread 11th Jan 2010, 01:21 AM   #449
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Originally Posted by samlb View Post

This a great post... wow... thank you for the rich input.

Those are some pretty cool results. I'm looking forward to max out my PPC soon.

Quick question? where do you place your adsense block in your pages? where is the best place to plaster an Adsense block to get the best click through rate?

go buy the template from clickbump...then you'll know...
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Unread 11th Jan 2010, 11:12 AM   #450
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Originally Posted by NewbieGal View Post

Thanks Clickbump!

how do you know how many sites you need to build to get to a let's say $50 a day in adsense? I currently purchased 15 domains for adsense that i will be building over the next couple of weeks. is there some kind of idea of about how many you need and then you move on to aff. mkt for example?
There's no way of knowing how many sites will yield x amount per day. As a rule (at least in my short time with Adsense), you will make 80% of your income from 20% of your sites.

Your income will likely fluctuate quite a bit while you are getting started and only have a few sites going. I find that the income becomes more consistent as the number of active sites you have increases. This is because you can even out the activity that's occuring with your sites in the SERPS. Some sites will be dancing while others will be settled in on Page 1 and earning. this evens out more and more as you increase volume. Volume is the one consistent key to this system...
Originally Posted by NewbieGal View Post

Also, all of the domains are physical products because that is what Xfactor mentions. is this your strategy as well?
Absolutely, with only one exception, which is a service oriented ad play that has been a God send in literal, but the remaining lot of my sites are all product niches...

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