Google Page 1 in a week---Talk About a Micro Niche

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I just thought I would dispel the notion that getting on the first page of google is really hard and takes a long time. It really isn't that hard, especially if you have a good long tail keyword.

I set up a site based on the problems my brother in law has encountered since being released from prison. He's college educated has a good track record of employment, unfortunately he got into some trouble with drugs. Make a long story short, he pleaded guilty to one felony count and did a year in federal prison.

Since he got out, 6 months ago, he has had Zero success finding a job, any job, because of the felony on his record.

Suddenly I thought, this is a great niche!

So I did some really basic keyword research.

Then I set up a crapped little site last week and low and behold, I am now, at least as of earlier this morning, #6 on google's 1st page for the term --best jobs for felons--BROAD MATCH---with about 66,000 competing pages.

As far as the keyword --jobs for felons-- I'm still on page #6 at position 62, but that has over 500,000 competing pages.

What did I do to get it there?

I paid $15 to a guy on the Warriors For Hire boards who did some social bookmarking for me and that was it.......other than a few tricks with WPs All-In-One-SEO plugin.

...and I already made 1 clickbank sale and 2 cpa offers and more than made back the $15 for the bookmarking and the cost of the domain name.

This is the site.
You can google my keyword -- best jobs for felons-- to see for yourself.

Now I'm sure the more experienced people on this forum could probably get this done even faster, but I just wanted to show that, even a relative noob like me can get it done relative fast.

#google #micro #niche #page #weektalk
  • Profile picture of the author Talinn
    You are an awesome person, I mean it, I love you infinitely for sharing your website
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    • Profile picture of the author FrankBowman
      Originally Posted by Talinn View Post

      You are an awesome person, I mean it, I love you infinitely for sharing your website
      Thank You,

      I didn't think I'd get such a lovely warm response

      Thanks again
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  • Profile picture of the author Talinn
    Here in WF it's filled with great people who share their methods and successes. I thank every one of them, but even very few of them reveal their websites (when I opened threads about my successes I too didn't reveal any of my websites). You did it and it's worth being called awesome.

    So is your success with this site, of course. I'm just about to start real SEO stuff; I've been doing only article marketing for a long time and I need to step up my game, and your post has arrived just in time.
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    • Profile picture of the author FrankBowman
      Glad I was able to be a small inspiration

      Good Luck to you!!!

      I personally want to see how this site works out over the next month with some article marketing and linking. If it grows in profitability I think I may have found my niche, ............Micro Niches!!!
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1418439].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Vagabond 007
      Originally Posted by Talinn View Post

      Here in WF it's filled with great people who share their methods and successes. I thank every one of them, but even very few of them reveal their websites (when I opened threads about my successes I too didn't reveal any of my websites). You did it and it's worth being called awesome.
      People don't reveal websites because you risk screwing up your AdSense account. I only very briefly looked over the site listed here, so I don't know if he had any adsense ads on there.

      The problem is when people keep clicking on the ads thinking they are helping. When in actuality it is a bad thing. Since you don't go onto purchase something from the ad, you mess with the conversions.

      And if you are aware of this, well, you can still do it just to mess with someones account.
      The Ultimate Sales & Marketing Mind Map (Just updated - now twice as big!) - scott_krech - "Quite possibly one of the BEST WSO's ever."

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1418549].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author FrankBowman
        Originally Posted by Vagabond 007 View Post

        People don't reveal websites because you risk screwing up your AdSense account. I only very briefly looked over the site listed here, so I don't know if he had any adsense ads on there.

        The problem is when people keep clicking on the ads thinking they are helping. When in actuality it is a bad thing. Since you don't go onto purchase something from the ad, you mess with the conversions.

        And if you are aware of this, well, you can still do it just to mess with someones account.
        Don't worry I don't use Adsense. I do use ClickBank Contextual ads though.

        But thanks for the concern
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1418566].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Alminc
          Who would ever think of such niche? Good job Frank,
          and your site is not that ugly.

          I am playing with Market Samurai trying to discover some
          really good keywords within make-money/IM niche, but the
          competition is too strong even in tiny subniches.

          Now I'm going to look into easier niches.
          No links :)
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1418614].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author FrankBowman
            Originally Posted by Alminc View Post

            Who would ever think of such niche? Good job Frank,
            and your site is not that ugly.

            I am playing with Market Samurai trying to discover some
            really good keywords within make-money/IM niche, but the
            competition is too strong even in tiny subniches.

            Now I'm going to look into easier niches.
            Good Luck to you. What I like to do is fit the niche to the product some times. In other words, who wants to make money online? I drill down to find the sub niches of the market.

            Believe it or not, I got the idea of adding the word "best" from the Goddady suggest tool when I saw was already taken.

            You gotta use the tools you're given!!.especially the free ones

            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1418621].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author pixelrage
              While "best jobs for felons" hardly ever gets searched for (110/mo according to Google Keyword tool), it looks like your goal should be to rank for "jobs for felons" at around 33,100! Good luck with the new site.
              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1418688].message }}
              • Profile picture of the author FrankBowman
                Originally Posted by pixelrage View Post

                While "best jobs for felons" hardly ever gets searched for (110/mo according to Google Keyword tool), it looks like your goal should be to rank for "jobs for felons" at around 33,100! Good luck with the new site.
                Thats the eventual goal with this site. Wish me luck, it shouldn't be too difficult
                {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1418762].message }}
              • Profile picture of the author warrior123
                Originally Posted by pixelrage View Post

       looks like your goal should be to rank for "jobs for felons" at around 33,100! Good luck with the new site.
                You are looking at the "broad match" numbers -- you need to select the [exact] match type when viewing the results with the Google keyword tool.

                [jobs for felons] = 9,900 monthly local search volume

                Still a healthy amount though!

                {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1419827].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author thmgoodw
        Originally Posted by Vagabond 007 View Post

        People don't reveal websites because you risk screwing up your AdSense account. I only very briefly looked over the site listed here, so I don't know if he had any adsense ads on there.

        The problem is when people keep clicking on the ads thinking they are helping. When in actuality it is a bad thing. Since you don't go onto purchase something from the ad, you mess with the conversions.

        And if you are aware of this, well, you can still do it just to mess with someones account.
        Great post by the OP. Note that a reason that many of us don't reveal sites is the fact that we have spent many tedious hours building backlinks, and don't exactly want to give that away on a silver platter.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1418764].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author newBum76
    Nice! This just goes to show that your only real competition is the first 10 on page 1. For both "jobs for felons" and "best jobs for felons" I see a lot of PR0's on page 1 so that plus getting a .com with the keyword in it probably gave you a big advantage.

    Thanks for sharing, I learned a little something there, good job!

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1418458].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author FrankBowman
      Originally Posted by newBum76 View Post

      Nice! This just goes to show that your only real competition is the first 10 on page 1. For both "jobs for felons" and "best jobs for felons" I see a lot of PR0's on page 1 so that plus getting a .com with the keyword in it probably gave you a big advantage.

      Thanks for sharing, I learned a little something there, good job!

      You're very welcome
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1418470].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author didiert
    Nice Story.

    Thanks for sharing
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  • Profile picture of the author XFactor
    Originally Posted by FrankBowman View Post

    I just thought I would dispel the notion that getting on the first page of google is really hard and takes a long time. It really isn't that hard, especially if you have a good long tail keyword.

    I set up a site based on the problems my brother in law has encountered since being released from prison. He's college educated has a good track record of employment, unfortunately he got into some trouble with drugs. Make a long story short, he pleaded guilty to one felony count and did a year in federal prison.

    Since he got out, 6 months ago, he has had Zero success finding a job, any job, because of the felony on his record.

    Suddenly I thought, this is a great niche!

    So I did some really basic keyword research.

    Then I set up a crapped little site last week and low and behold, I am now, at least as of earlier this morning, #6 on google's 1st page for the term --best jobs for felons--BROAD MATCH---with about 66,000 competing pages.

    As far as the keyword --jobs for felons-- I'm still on page #6 at position 62, but that has over 500,000 competing pages.

    What did I do to get it there?

    I paid $15 to a guy on the Warriors For Hire boards who did some social bookmarking for me and that was it.......other than a few tricks with WPs All-In-One-SEO plugin.

    ...and I already made 1 clickbank sale and 2 cpa offers and more than made back the $15 for the bookmarking and the cost of the domain name.

    This is the site.
    You can google my keyword -- best jobs for felons-- to see for yourself.

    Now I'm sure the more experienced people on this forum could probably get this done even faster, but I just wanted to show that, even a relative noob like me can get it done relative fast.

    Nice thinking outside the box!

    - John
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1419271].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Bellamy
    Every time I hear of a nice niche like this I think "Why didn't I think of that?"

    Well done.
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  • Profile picture of the author nettech
    Good work, its always great to see people thinkign outside the box.

    Its also showing 9,900 searches for exact match with a soc of 46 so very doable. Just get plenty of links coming in and a good quality page of content and it shoudlnt take too long.

    Good luck


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  • Profile picture of the author
    Your Idea was absolutely right to discover the things first and then took a step. So, to be succeeded on internet it is necessary to learn first and then follow that knowledge.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1420324].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author paulgl
      Glad to see you give kudos to a warrior who you paid.
      I paid one too, and it paid off.

      The people here at WF are numero uno. Don't be a afraid to
      peruse around and hire one. They do great work at very
      reasonable prices.


      If you were disappointed in your results today, lower your standards tomorrow.

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1420348].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author clickbump
    Frank, great job. I wanted to compliment you on the manner in which you discovered this niche. It's an excellent example of being perceptive to your individual circumstances (and in your case, that of your family).

    In my experience, this type of inspiration is the absolute best and most successful. It usually means you are not chasing after the same nuts as every other squirrel in the valley. And in turn, you can uncover some real gems.

    I discovered one of my top earning sites in a similar manner, from my 7 year old son! 45 days and $1200 later, I'm glad I was perceptive that day when my kids literally dropped the niche into my lap...

    It sounds like you are a "glass half full", "bright side of the road" kind of guy and that's the type of outlook that bears fruit more times than not in my experience...
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1420635].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author FrankBowman
      Originally Posted by clickbump View Post

      Frank, great job. I wanted to compliment you on the manner in which you discovered this niche. It's an excellent example of being perceptive to your individual circumstances (and in your case, that of your family).

      In my experience, this type of inspiration is the absolute best and most successful. It usually means you are not chasing after the same nuts as every other squirrel in the valley. And in turn, you can uncover some real gems.

      I discovered one of my top earning sites in a similar manner, from my 7 year old son! 45 days and $1200 later, I'm glad I was perceptive that day when my kids literally dropped the niche into my lap...
      Thank you. I've always believed its better to be a big fish in many small ponds, than being a minnow in the North Atlantic.......
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      • Profile picture of the author affspy
        i like the niche but if you can come up with clean and good template you can make more money.
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        • Profile picture of the author FrankBowman
          Originally Posted by affspy View Post

          i like the niche but if you can come up with clean and good template you can make more money.
          Very true. I'm intending to change the theme.

          But that is part of my problem, I'm technically "disabled" shall we say....meaning I suck when it comes to design.

          When I first put the site up it was more about testing the niche, to see if there was any market.

          Taking out all the hits from this thread, I seem to be getting around 30-50 uniques/day over the last 4 days. Thats from the social bookmarking and and organic traffic.

          But I sincerely appreciate the candor.

          PS Anybody have suggestions on a good theme?
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1421452].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author FrankBowman
            OK so I thought I would give everybody an Update on my crappy little site for felons looking for work

            1 Changed the theme (but I may change it again).

            2 Still on Page 1 for --best jobs for felons-- but I did move up one position from 6 to 5, on page #1

            Of the 4 results in front of me, two are Ezine Articles. one is Wikipedia and one is FunAdvice, all pretty large sites loved by google.

            3 Here is the interesting thing though. For the keyword----jobs for felons----I have moved from #61 on page 6 to #23 on page 2. All I did was write one new post on the blog.

            .......and I think I now know how I did it!! That's the best part

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  • Profile picture of the author Maryleena
    Great Job!
    Thinking out of the box is the first thing to do!
    I have another idea for you: write your own totally newbie guide on what you did to get on top in google and make money. Then sell it on your it The felons unlitimed money revenge -- or something similar :-)
    I see the potential in you...Use it!

    You Need Energy To Be Successful - 30 Day Get More Energy Challenge - Free Video Tip Series

    Visit My Blog:
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1421076].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author bobnolan
    You're awesome, seriously.

    Not for ranking high on a keyword, but for actually helping people who are looking for a second chance.

    When in doubt, blame yourself. Otherwise, you'll be wasting everybody elses time.

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  • Profile picture of the author FrankBowman
    By the way, I realized something else about niches and markets, I'm planning a new thread on that, kinda turning things upside down for me, in a good way
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  • Profile picture of the author wetday
    very nice, do some things like put a link to your site in your signature and you can work your way higher up than page 6!


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  • Profile picture of the author alwiser
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1451378].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author FrankBowman
      Originally Posted by alwiser View Post

      Would you mind if I try to rank for the same keyword as well using an aged domain with no KWs in URL?

      It would be a good experiment.
      Hey, its a free country , be my guest...

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1452099].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author butters
    Cool post It reminded me I forgot to do something on my site, left the about us page out of it
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  • Profile picture of the author FrankBowman
    Ok so its exactly two months since I started this thread and now the results are in!!!.....

    My google Search ranking for my keyword ---best jobs for felons-----

    #1 on page 1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    So it can definitely be done.............I spent $15 on backlinking here on the WF.....guy in the classified section.
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  • Profile picture of the author Craig McPherson
    Fantastic story of sticking at it until the job gets done Frank.

    I tip my hat to you Sir. Well done

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  • Profile picture of the author cool
    thanks for sharing
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  • Profile picture of the author Rory Wilkinson
    How many hits does it get per month though?

    I just did a check and "best jobs for felons" gets 58 exact hits a month....

    So who cares if you are ranking on the front page

    "jobs for felons" gets 9,900 hits per month so on the other hand this keyword is definately worth ranking for.

    My lesson is this: it doesn't matter if you are ranking 1st for a keyword that no one searches for.
    Click Here For My Free 3 Part Video Training On High Performance and Achievement (The same strategies I teach my clients (which include top sales agents, internet marketers, authors, musicians and business owners).

    Don't quit! Keep going, you are so much closer than you think!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1659213].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author FrankBowman
      Hi Rory,

      the site gets about 800-1000 UVs per month. All organic and not just off of the keyword -- best jobs for felons---.

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1659471].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author All Night Cafe
        I do like your site. Do you write your posts. Or
        do you outsource the content to ghost writers.

        Great job, thanks for sharing
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1659503].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author FrankBowman
          Originally Posted by All Night Cafe View Post

          I do like your site. Do you write your posts. Or
          do you outsource the content to ghost writers.

          Great job, thanks for sharing
          I write every thing myself.

          Thanks for the compliment.
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1659566].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author lolawanda
            that story of yours is really a success one! congrats my friend... and I hope you can rank more higher on your target keywords
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1659829].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author FrankBowman
      Originally Posted by Rory Wilkinson View Post

      So who cares if you are ranking on the front page

      Its really not my concern if anyone cares, I simply posted something on a forum.

      ..and exact match is BS in my opinion. Who does searches like this [ dog training ]. .....nobody, they simply put in ---dog training---.

      Thanks again
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1659475].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author kwality
    Getting on page one is all about competition. The more competing pages the tougher it is get to page one. Things like pr age of site and backlinks also play a factor.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1661004].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author FrankBowman
      Just dropped to #2 on page 1......oh well

      The one thing that I think people need to understand is that simply ranking 1,2,3,4 all the way to 10, part of a good serp building program is to DOMINATE the first page.

      The goal is to have at least 4 or 5 of the first results by using EZA Scribd, Digg etc...

      While on page SEO is very important it needs to be followed by offsite, and offsite, if done well can result in 1st page domination, which is what everyone should ultimately want. Whether you're into adsense or affiliate marketing, cpa marketing, your own product,.....whatever.

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1663395].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Michael Gavre
    You're still #1 when I just checked...

    Also, I have you at #25 on Page 3 for the term 'jobs for felons', up from #62 when you started.

    Good Job all around.


    Funnels Dramatically Increase Conversions !! Let me Give you a FREE FUNNEL !!

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1664675].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author FrankBowman
      Originally Posted by Michael Gavre View Post

      You're still #1 when I just checked...

      Also, I have you at #25 on Page 3 for the term 'jobs for felons', up from #62 when you started.

      Good Job all around.

      Thanks Mike
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1665137].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Justin Says
    I'm going to email you a simple tip on how you ACTUALLY did this. I'm also releasing an ebook later tonight thats going to show what happened here.

    My name is Justin Lewis. My digital marketing company has been in business for over 10 years with multiple six-figure years. We do provide a premium web design service.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1664767].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Mark Blaze
    I would be carefull sharing your search terms and website especially if its already made you money.

    But other than that well done... i was going to say getting to number 1 can be hard and it depends on what keyword you choose, but you got that one covered.

    I was also going to say it doesn't matter if you can get number 1 for a keyphrase easily, it depends on if it makes you money or not! But in your case it is... well done!

    Mark Blaze
    Aweber BONUS! <- Email Marketing At It's Best!
    The Best Spinner BONUS!<- Article Spinning Made 110% Easier!
    Unique Article Wizard BONUS! <- 2000+ Backlinks + Traffic With Each Article!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1665157].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author FrankBowman
      Originally Posted by Mark Blaze View Post

      I would be carefull sharing your search terms and website especially if its already made you money.

      But other than that well done... i was going to say getting to number 1 can be hard and it depends on what keyword you choose, but you got that one covered.

      I was also going to say it doesn't matter if you can get number 1 for a keyphrase easily, it depends on if it makes you money or not! But in your case it is... well done!

      Mark Blaze
      Thanks Mark.

      This site started as an experiment and really only makes me about $30-$40 per month, so its really not one of my important projects. I'm even considering selling it.....who knows.....maybe I'll put it on Flippa....?

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      • Profile picture of the author EverNoticeThat
        Frank i've spent the last week or so checking out WF and I learn something new every visit. This site is pure gold. This is just what I needed to see. What was also helpful was hearing why many don't list their sites (never would have thought about unhelpful clicks on ads) question to the group: since frank has, is a longer multi-word domain better for seo than a short one?


        • vs

        just made these up. I mean can a domain name be too long with too many keywords?
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