Anyone know a ppc campaign that at least Breaks even?

3 replies
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Hello, Google sent me a free coupon for $100 to use on adwords. I've never used it before, So If anyone knows a campaign that they could share that breaks even, that would be awesome, so I can pocket that money. I would appreciate it.

Randal Meirndorf
#breaks #campaign #coupon #google #ppc
  • Profile picture of the author glide21
    Find a high EPC CPA offer and go for it. Make sure your Ad is bullet proof (check competition , quantcast, Google As planner, the usual) and perhaps try it out on the content network. It will be slower but my experience of using the content is pretty good with CPA. Best to find a 1 page submit or even just 1 field submit and set your CPC low. At least it will run for a while

    To your success sunshine

    Day Trading and Forex

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  • Profile picture of the author Randy Meirndorf
    Thank-you Glide, I was starting to wonder if anybody knew anything about ppc here. It might be worth the time to master it and create a wso on it!

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