Creating First Adwords Campaign- Have a few simple ?'s regarding settings 4 those who use it...

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Hey guys. I'm creating my first adwords campaign in the health related niche and I just have a few some questions regarding the setup for those who use it. The first thing is:

Where it says 'focus on clicks' I'm really not sure what to choose.
The options are:
-Manual bidding for clicks
-Automatic bidding to try to maximize clicks for your target budget

I don't get what the difference is since for either one you have to select a cpc bid limit anyway...any advice. What do you guys use?

2. For network devices and extensions: Obviously choose google search. But do you guys use search partners or content networks?

3. Delivery Options: Standard: Show ads evenly over time or accelerated: show as quickly as possible. I would assume evenly over time. Not sure why it would even matter....

Other related info/questions: This site is a relatively new site that i built to sell a couple weeks ago to sell so it wasn't for ppc purposes. It's full of great unique content. I manually bookmarked it some sites and before i was able to sell it, it received like 15 or so visitors. 8 of the clicked on the banner leading to aff page and two of them purchased. This is great but not a niche I have time to devote to fully promoting right now since it's pretty competitive and I'm working on other things. But I got a promo code for adwords and decided to use it to see if would convert using ppc.


-It has a 300x250 aweber optin subscribe box on the sidebar. While looking for info on my issues I read in a thread that you can't have squeeze pages...True? False? Anyone else use optin on their page?

- Is adsense allowed on the landing page? There are two adsense blocks in the sidebar. I know this sounds dumb. but like i said it wasn't built for ppc. The one and only banner on the site was custom made and stands out and those who have visited the site have obviously been clicking on it. I've received no adsense clicks.

Any answers would be appreciated. Thanks.
#adwords #campaign #creating #settings #simple
  • Profile picture of the author Steve Ranger
    Have you looked at the AdWords Learning
    Centre that Google have put up. It covers
    pretty much everything.

    One piece of advice I'll give is start with
    just the Google Search, and not the Google
    Content and Search Partners. If you want
    to use those create a seperate adgroup
    for them.
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  • Profile picture of the author tryinhere
    Originally Posted by rgenterprise View Post

    Manual bidding for clicks

    google search.
    search partners
    content networks

    in order what suits you best 1 - 2 or all 3 options

    3. Delivery Options: Standard:

    -It has a 300x250 aweber optin subscribe box on the sidebar. While looking for info on my issues I read in a thread that you can't have squeeze pages...


    Anyone else use optin on their page? = yes

    - Is adsense allowed on the landing page? = not advisable
    | > Choosing to go off the grid for a while to focus on family, work and life in general. Have a great 2020 < |
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  • Profile picture of the author rgenterprise
    Thanks for your input. Does anyone else agree or disagree with the two above?
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  • Profile picture of the author Lucid
    Difference between manual bidding and automatic is that with manual, you are more in control. Allows you to test more variables yourself too. Not saying automatic bidding is bad. Give it a try and see the difference.

    Search partners: try it and see what kind of results you get. It may be different for you but usually click rates are lower, sometimes much, much lower on the search partners. Conversions run the whole spectrum from lower to same to higher on occasion. Unfortunately, you cannot have a search partner only campaign, you have to take Google allow with you.

    I don't recommend squeeze pages with PPC.

    Adsense is allowed (you need content too, not just ads) but I don't recommend. Bad user experience and you are giving more reasons for visitors to leave fast. If you sell something, you want visitors to stay on your site as long as possible. Don't give them a reason to leave by having ads from competitors. You'll make more money by selling your own products, not the few cents you'll get from ads.

    Never mix content network campaigns with search campaigns. They are vastly different.
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