Trademarked/Protected kw's on G Content Network?

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This is my first post here after being in lurk mode for a while

Consider this short Adgroup for G Content Network as an example:

long term

Obviously eharmony is a trademarked term which they even spell-out as being protected in their TOS (can't be bid on in SEM) What would happen if I were to upload that adgroup from Adwords Editor to an active campaign?

Does Adwords have some kind of "auto-ban" feature which catches trademarked terms?

If not, how would eharmony even know I'm using it in the Content Network?
#content #network #trademarked or protected
  • Profile picture of the author aaron_nimocks
    Wont autoban. But it might trigger the trademark term and tell you no right away. Or it will just not get approved.

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    • Profile picture of the author capemay
      Well, by "autoban" I didn't mean my account I'm just curious if it would automatically ban the kw from being used or uploaded.

      I do notice in Adwords editor that if I go under the keywords tab, add a trademarked kw, that in the "Edit selected keywords" section at the bottom, that kw will have a lightly dotted red line under it. I suppose that's it telling me it's trademarked?
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      • Profile picture of the author capemay
        Anyone? - is the lightly dotted red line under a kw in AW editor supposed to be a warning that the kw is trademarked?

        Also, I uploaded that test adgroup (w eharmony kw in it) to a test campaign which is paused. Is anything supposed to happen within Adwords browser client that would tell me the kw is trademarked or not allowed?
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  • Profile picture of the author tryinhere
    Obviously eharmony is a trademarked term which they even spell-out as being protected in their TOS (can't be bid on in SEM
    this is what you wrote, ? so what is it you wanted to confirm , i would say the red squiggle is a spell check like word but i may be wrong. type in some other misspelled words and see if you can duplicate the squiggle, if not try some known bad words, i think powerseller is one ? that is not allowed.

    but again if its not allowed why ask if you can go there, ?
    | > Choosing to go off the grid for a while to focus on family, work and life in general. Have a great 2020 < |
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    • Profile picture of the author capemay
      Is the red underline in AW editor a spellcheck or a trademark warning? When I type in "ford" which is a trademark and a real word, I get no underline, but when I type "chrysler" which is a trademark but not a real word, I get the underline. I guess some trademarks are going to non-dictionary words (IE: "microsoft") which would trigger the spellchecker?

      Is the red underline in AW editor a spellcheck or a trademark warning?

      Also consider this: in another test adgroup I had "firefox" as a keyword. AW editor flagged this with a pink box saying "Keyword issues in selection: we've detected that your keyword list may contain words related to unacceptable business practices, etc etc"

      What's that?
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      • Profile picture of the author capemay
        Ok, as best I can find, it's a spellchecker.

        As for the other question, if I were to use "eharmony" in an adgroup for the Content Network, is there any way for the folks at eharmony to even know?

        (on the Search network they could simply type in "eharmony" and see which ads show on the right side - but the Content Network doesn't work that way)

        So how would they know? Maybe it's not even possible?
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