1 site, no SEO, 5th position among 15.100.000 in Google

by dh5114
6 replies
  • SEO
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I have a site with just one page, 6 months old with no content, no SEO (don't even have keywords tag in the header), no backlinks, PR 1 and it ranks 5th on 2 word keyword among 15.100.000 sites (yeah, that's 15 million sites) in Google!

How can this be?

Not that I'm complaining, but would really like if some more knowledgeable in this area would take a stab at this, because it wrecks everything I know about SEO.
#5th #google #position #seo #site
  • Profile picture of the author Dexter007
    Maybe its a generic term, the PR 1 you have got is because you have got backlink(s) from an authoritative source. You have got the keyword exact in the domain name. Instead of worrying about wreckage of your knowledge of SEO, develop the site well. By the way, I also do hope at the same time that you have turned your personalized searches off in Google while searching.

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  • Profile picture of the author DaveManTheCaveMan
    Double check your results here: Scroogle Scraper
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    • Profile picture of the author dh5114
      I did, it's on the 6th place.

      And about personalized searches, I did the search from my oversea VPS with text browser called "links" under linux - the same result.

      The keywords are in domain name, but that's all. And I'm not using any quotes, that's what weird.

      Coding RebranderPro - the viral PDF rebrander since 2009!

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  • Profile picture of the author jasonmorgan
    because whatever keywords you are ranking for have little to no competition.

    the 15 million number your throwing about doesn't mean you really have 15 million pages competing with yours.

    could also be a temporary ranking bump, they happen quite often and when they are gone everybody cries about being sandboxed.

    I'm all about that bass.

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  • Profile picture of the author cashcow
    You need to consider the strength of the 4 sites above you. Are they optimized for the keyword? Do they have any backlinks? Do they have any content? Is the rest of the site about the same keyword/niche.

    I think the number of other sites that google throws out when you do a search for a keyword is not that meaningful for the purposes of judging competition.
    Gone Fishing
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  • Profile picture of the author Karan Goel
    Possible cases:

    1. The domain is an "ex-dropped" one.
    2. Googlebots crawl it frequently.
    3. Google thinks your content is superior.
    4. Rest 14.999.995 links are useless according to Google

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