Domain names: .com, .net, .us compared?

by 19 replies
If I buy a .us domain, how much is that going to hurt my seo, etc? I'd like a discussion on this or link if possible.


#search engine optimization #compared #domain #names #net
  • Based on personal experience, that is only a small factor that is taken into consideration nowadays.

    It may however affect your credibility with potential purchasers, as they are used to ".com" being the norm, so you could do some split tests to see what kinds of results you obtain.
    • [1] reply
    • I was thinking for a photo blog type thing, less about selling so I may be ok in that regard. At $2.99 right now, .us is cheap as heck for a project like this...
  • Banned
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    • I go with the .com whenever I can just because it's what we are used to. I created a site with a .net and I can't even tell you how many times I typed the url while blog commenting or in forum signatures with the wrong extension. I vowed that I will always try to find a suitable .com from now on.
  • AFAIK, search engines give more preference to .coms and .nets and then even preferences to all other .coms

    i have no proofs for this, its better to go with this than to put your efforts into test. still if you find an amazing .us than a crappy .com better go with .us

    thank you
  • I usually just stick to .com's or .org's and those 2 have always done well for me.

    Just a note too: I don't belieive you can get WhoIs protection from a .us domain name.
  • When I first started out in IM, I always got both .com and versions of my domain names, but I found that .com versions got waaaay more traffic -- even from the UK.

    I'd be interested in hearing what people think of the new .co domain extension that GoDaddy is keen on pushing at the moment.
  • I agree. Always go for .com,.org,.net. Personally I have not seen .US domains, . infos, or any other on the first page og google. if the domain your are searching for is not available than go for variations like prefix or suffix, etc.
    • [1] reply
    • Try searching for these terms...

      pagerank checker
      Noam Chomsky
      roman coins
      new york transit
      craft ideas
      regular expressions
      move your money
  • i have never bought and gotten a domain name without .com extension. I might get the .us, .org, .net, etc. but that's only after gotten .com for that domain and want to keep the name off the market for all TLDs.
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    • I believe you should stick to .org, .net or .com if you can...
  • if you cant get the exact .com domain try it with hyphens before going .us
  • Hey, these days I have read reports showing that .org are pulling much better.

    I am using this extension in a few of my sites.
  • I think it is best to purchase the .com .org or .net if they are available, but not long ago I wanted a domain name and the only one left was a .info. I did some heavy backlink building and my domain was #1 with a pr of 3 in a matter of 3 weeks.

    I was on top of the .com .org and .net, I was shocked, after saying that I would still prefer the .com over anything else but try it and build some strong backlinks to the domain and see what happens.
  • hi

    just wondering where the best deals are to purchase domain names

  • I have been using 1 and 1 for my domain names. They were having a special of 1 free domain name a week ago. I still think it is still active right far as I know. Go check it out.
  • I really don't think it matters.

    I haven't tried .us myself but I've outranked .com domain using .info
  • Even though it's .com that most every SEO guy use,
    .us can still work well if you do lots of backlinking for
    it... from my experience.

  • com/net/org are generally the best for ranking and others aren't quite as good. .us also isn't recommended if you would like to attract visitors from outside the US as well in my opinion, just like a wouldn't be recommended if you were wanting to also attract visitors from outside the UK. You can always check and see if the com/net/org of the term you want happens to be for sale. The price to pay is small in comparison to the benefits of having exact matching com/net/org for a quality/profitable keyword term.

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