Statcounter showing 10x Adsense registered clicks

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Just a quick question for anyone out there using Statcounter & Adsense...

I have used Adsense for probably around 5 years now. I have never had any real problems with them.

Recently we started a new site. The site is getting around 500 unique visitors a day. I have sites with similar traffic earning me $10/day in the same Adsense account. This site is earning nothing, and showing 0-3 clicks per day.

Going through Statcounter, I'm seeing 10 - 15x more adsense clicks than what Adsense is showing daily. They aren't showing up the next day or anything like that either.

I have tried moving my ads around to get higher CTR like I do on all of my sites. As soon as I make a big change, and put the ad in a high traffic area, I'm seeing Adsense clicks in Statcounter almost instantly, but nothing in Adsense!

I see this exact problem is popping up all over the net. Has anyone here at the Warrior forum using Statcounter and Adsense experienced anything like this?

I was starting to think that it was the little arrows showing more relevant ads that can show up with certain ad units, but I just don't think that this many people are playing with those and not clicking the ads. It just makes no sense.

One final note, I'm not using link units. We are talking regular ad units.
#10x #adsense #clicks #ctr #exit #links #registered #showing #statcounter
  • Profile picture of the author SamirSM
    Hi Matt!

    I know it's a bit too late, but I'd like to clear your doubts on the issue.

    Statcounter displays the list of exit links, but the links corresponding to Google Adsense ads do not mean they have been clicked.

    It simply means that Statcounter has tracked an HTTP request to the Adsense ad link after the visitor came to your web page.

    Thus, unless Javascript is disabled, every Pageview should lead to N Adsense exit link reports, where N is the number of ad units on the page.

    I'd written and article about this very issue on Shoutmeloud :Why does Statcounter show more Ad clicks than Google Adsense?
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