Increase traffic in Regional Classifieds website

2 replies
  • SEO
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I maintain a regional classifieds website in my country. The website has excellent onpage SEO and i doubt if anything more can be done.

So the only way to increase my adsense income is to double - triple etc the incoming traffic.

What i have done so far is to add the website to most regional directories and more (Dmoz also). Bookmarked to 10 social websites. Added some forum signatures.

I have no idea what else i could do. There are around 3000-3600 pages indexed in Google.

Any suggestions ?

#classifieds #increase #regional #traffic #website
  • Profile picture of the author PhilipSEO
    Originally Posted by cagliostro View Post


    I maintain a regional classifieds website in my country. The website has excellent onpage SEO and i doubt if anything more can be done.

    So the only way to increase my adsense income is to double - triple etc the incoming traffic.

    What i have done so far is to add the website to most regional directories and more (Dmoz also). Bookmarked to 10 social websites. Added some forum signatures.

    I have no idea what else i could do. There are around 3000-3600 pages indexed in Google.

    Any suggestions ?

    I assume your purpose is to achieve high rankings in your regional Google? Then yes, regional directories will help a bit.

    But The best you can do is to get great links from sites with your country's extension (such as .fr, .ca, etc.) and from sites hosted in your country. By the way, what country is it? Links are much easier to get in some counties than in others.
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  • Profile picture of the author sousen
    What you have done for your site it's the perfect way. Just keep continue the thing for better result
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