SEM/SEO - As a real business......(Pay attention Newbies)
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Take that SEOmoz!!!
"That's how I roll, son!" (Dave Chappelle fans should be cracking up at this point )
Then slowly reality starts to set in.
But you keep plugging away and trying, as long as you're learning and educating yourself about SEO as you go, this is a good thing, its school, you know what I mean.
Eventually you get to "grammar school graduation", and you hit #1 for term with say 5000 monthly searches.
Now its time to take the next step. They'll be more "steps" you need to take as you get better at what you do.
Its these steps that, in my opinion, are the true tests for someone who wants to SEO in a professional ethical way.(Ethics are always a slippery slope, so I'm not going to go there).
What I mean is, if you want to become a pro at SEO, you know the kind of firm that does $XX,XXX and up contracts, it takes a lot of work, dedication and discipline, as well as drive, you really need to make a conscious decision that this is what you want to do with your life.
Everyone is built differently. For example, I need an office, know with a waiting area, a conference room, copy machine, people feel like I'm actually working. I can't be sitting home in my boxers and stay focused, I wish I could, but I'm passed the point in my life where I can force changes in my habits like that.
Some people can't afford this right off the bat and thats cool, like I said the office concept is my thing. Still at some point you need to find out if your willing to make the sacrifices needed to be successful at anything.
My point is, there comes a time when this "SEO thing" stops being a hobby and starts being a business you can support yourself and your family with.
Things are very tough out there now. I have friends from high school in their mid to late 40s, who are done,......... out of work, in foreclosure, divorced, whatever, bottom line is everybody's got their own crap to deal with, but the older you get the bigger the crap usually gets.
So whats the point of all this bs spewing out of my keyboard?
If you are still young enough or if you don't have a family or other relatives you need to help support, and can afford to make the sacrifices in time and lost income to learn SEO and SEM in general, there is a tremedous market out there that will support multi-million dollar businesses, and once you master the craft, the possibilities that open up, in terms of peripheral business models and opportunities, are literally ENDLESS.
Remember, Google is about 12 years old, younger as a public company, its hitting puberty now!!
The market will grow and evolve and new markets will and are opening every day.
Bottom line, if you want to make "REAL MONEY", not bank a few thousand this month and a few thousand next month, its very very possible in the mid to long term..........keep learning, never give up, and think like a professional.
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