Help! Google slapped all my clickbump sites at once

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Im freaking out

I have 25 micro adsense sites. 12 of which ranked on page 1 of google with 3 of them at #1.

Some are over a year old with quality backlinks. I have no malware or spam on any of the sites.

Today when using rank checker I see that all my sites have the dreaded - next to them. Not even like 103 or something like they are delisted.

I checked webmaster tools and it says still indexed for all sites but they are nowhere to be found by searching for their keywords.


What the frig happened? I didnt even do anything, I have been adding consistant content and actually making around $20 per day adsense.
#clickbump #google #sites #slapped
  • Profile picture of the author miranon
    How many pages did your websites have?
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    • Profile picture of the author Dellco
      How many impressions/traffic/unique visitors were you getting in a month with those 25 sites?

      As for this sort of thing happening, that is the risk with such a business model. It has happened to many people before.
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      • Profile picture of the author LTY83
        Originally Posted by Dellco View Post

        that is the risk with such a business model.
        So true...

        Try focusing on bigger sites with valuable content - I've seen so many garbage micro-niche sites lately I knew it was only a matter of time before google dropped the ban hammer on them

        Remember, making real money online isn't about gray or black hat techniques - granted you can make some killer quick cash with gray or black hat techniques - they mostly never last and you have that stress of wondering "will they be there tomorrow"

        Instead focusing on making maybe 5 solid, large, valuable sites - don't rely soley on google, create a facebook fan page for each site, create a twitter account, add EXTREMELY valuable content, do press releases, article marketing, friendly informative NON spammy blog commenting and contribute to forums etc etc etc

        Think of your traffic building efforts the same way you thought of your micro-niche site - instead of "the more micro-niche sites i have the more money i make" think "the more sources of traffic i have the better!" keep it nice and diversified, don't soley rely on google to drive more than 50% of your traffic - i know this may sound crazy and impossible but it DEFINITELY is possible and then it lowers your risk to getting screwd by changes in 1 engines algo
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        • Profile picture of the author molsted
          Originally Posted by LTY83 View Post

          So true...

          Instead focusing on making maybe 5 solid, large, valuable sites - don't rely soley on google, create a facebook fan page for each site, create a twitter account, add EXTREMELY valuable content, do press releases, article marketing, friendly informative NON spammy blog commenting and contribute to forums etc etc etc

          Think of your traffic building efforts the same way you thought of your micro-niche site - instead of "the more micro-niche sites i have the more money i make" think "the more sources of traffic i have the better!" keep it nice and diversified, don't soley rely on google to drive more than 50% of your traffic - i know this may sound crazy and impossible but it DEFINITELY is possible and then it lowers your risk to getting screwd by changes in 1 engines algo
          I couldn't agree more. However, mini sites can work gangbusters but don't rely on them alone. Mix it up. Always.

          And BTW, having huge sites doesn't mean they won't get "slapped" either.

          For some strange reason some of the blogs/websites I've ever had that has stayed longest in the top 1-3 postitions in google (3 years +) they are all relatively small (5-10 posts) websites which I only built a few backlinks to through article marketing back in the early days and they still stick.

          Many of my other sites, both big and small, have not stuck that well even with much better SEO and backlink building.

          You never know with google... they change all the time. Diversify just like LTY83 says. Ideally no more than 10% of your traffic should come from one single source....

          Only whish I'd managed to stick to that plan my self. LOL
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  • Profile picture of the author cbpayne
    Originally Posted by stoaf88 View Post

    I have 25 micro adsense sites.
    If you made them for Adsense, then you have answered your own question as to what happened.
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  • Profile picture of the author indchris
    Don't panic or react as yet. Wait for a month or so. Google has been behaving very strangely for several months, same thing happened to my sites, but then they bounced back. I also suggest that you take a closer look at your content. Is it swiped verbatim? Google is going after duplicate content in a major way.
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    • Profile picture of the author Nexus7
      Originally Posted by indchris View Post

      I also suggest that you take a closer look at your content. Is it swiped verbatim? Google is going after duplicate content in a major way.

      You need to pull down any auto-generated content and then write unique and informative articles. Add videos and images to content to make it look more like a blog rather than a spammy, MFA site. Write reviews on products and make the site helpful to visitors. You might have to have a good imagination to do this, but it looks better than just writing a 300-500 word article about the product or service. That's boring and most people will leave the site as quick as they came, possibly clicking on an ad that will not convert for the advertiser.

      To be on the safe side, don't use the same theme for every site. Consider placing your ads in the middle or at the end of your content. You may see a decrease in earnings, but it's better to keep the site ranking well and keep it indexed.

      The idea here is to mix it up between your sites and not make Google suspicious.
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      • Profile picture of the author Matt Helphrey
        Stoa -

        Theres nothing wrong with your sites. If you are using RankChecker it just hasnt been updated with all of the changes going on at Google. Manually check a few of your sites and you will see what I say is true...hopefully

        Anyway, same thing happened to me today and I kind of freaked out but they are still there.
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        • Profile picture of the author SMS

          Same thing happened a few months ago. I knew there was a problem with Rank Checker, but it wasn't till I cam here that I realised there was an update.

          Anyway, I experienced the same thing today, with Rank Checker. I quickly did a manual check, and thankfully all was well. I'm sure if you check Google manually, you'll find that your websites are still ranking.


          Originally Posted by Matt Helphrey View Post

          Stoa -

          Theres nothing wrong with your sites. If you are using RankChecker it just hasnt been updated with all of the changes going on at Google. Manually check a few of your sites and you will see what I say is true...hopefully

          Anyway, same thing happened to me today and I kind of freaked out but they are still there.
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          • Profile picture of the author claycath
            If you are manually checking, make sure you use or some other program to hide your id. Otherwise your results will be skewed.

            This happened to me this morning too. About half of my 40 sites just dissapeared. And they are not MFA sites. The other half had much better than usual rankings which made me wonder if google was doing another algorithm change or something. I hope it is just a Rank Checker thing.


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  • Profile picture of the author srswebline
    Originally Posted by stoaf88 View Post

    Im freaking out

    I have 25 micro adsense sites. 12 of which ranked on page 1 of google with 3 of them at #1.

    Some are over a year old with quality backlinks. I have no malware or spam on any of the sites.

    Today when using rank checker I see that all my sites have the dreaded - next to them. Not even like 103 or something like they are delisted.

    I checked webmaster tools and it says still indexed for all sites but they are nowhere to be found by searching for their keywords.


    What the frig happened? I didnt even do anything, I have been adding consistant content and actually making around $20 per day adsense.
    That sucks man, it could be G just being weird right now.. But in the mean time I would start researching plan B!

    Best of luck.
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  • Profile picture of the author pirondi
    I am scared too,i have 24 niche websites 17 of then was in the first page....,all got slapped.
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  • Thats why you've got to sell these sites when you see income coming in and invest your money in something more tangible (like real estate).

    This IM stuff is like the wild wild never know what you are going to get half of the time.

    Diversify people! Or like Kenny Rogers says... "you've got to know when to hold em and when to fold em."

    I really feel for you man. I have had google slap the holy mess out of me many times. Hope it works out.

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  • Profile picture of the author Suka
    Theres nothing wrong with small sites!!

    If your sites have original content, then there no Problem! maybe 4 or 5 pages and there would be no reason for google to think your site is unworthy. my2c
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  • Profile picture of the author jimkirk1943
    So... How many pages/posts did your sites have you didnt say ?, Was the material original or where they auto blogs, copyed and pasted articles ect ect.. , How did you backlink them ect.. can you give us a bit more info about your sites please
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  • Profile picture of the author simpleonline1234
    If they are still indexed within Google by using the site:mysite then your fine....they are probally just dancing right now.

    As for all of them dancing at once might say that your sites were all linked?

    I would give a week or two and see what mentioned before Google has been acting crazy the past few weeks.

    But as a heads up Google doesn't really like the one page MFA sites so I would add some content those sites to beef them up a bit.

    Either way your still safe if your in the indexed. If your sites were completed ripped from the database (not found after googling site:mysite) then you should worry.
    Check out deals
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  • Profile picture of the author stoaf88
    Yea it was just rank checker being down

    All my sites have 100% original content written by me.

    They all have at least 4 pages of articles some have more, plus the about, privacy, and contact pages.

    No black hat at all, lots of article marketing and blog commenting and profile backlinking

    Actually I've made $140 for the past 7 days
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    • Profile picture of the author claycath
      So... I wonder when Rank Checker will be accurate again?

      Any other similar programs out there we can use in the meantime?


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  • Profile picture of the author Chambers
    Thanks for the rank checker tip. The same thing happened to me. But I pulled up one of my sites and realized my time is limited if I don't update it.

    This thread was helpful.
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  • Profile picture of the author divinity001
    Same thing happened to me. Everything on rank checker disappeared. Thought all my websites got deindexed.
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