How to Build 200 Backlinks in 30 Seconds (for free)
- SEO |

Imagine each blog headline with a link to your site being seen by thousands of people within the first couple hours of publishing, and at the click of your mouse, 100-200 back links are created because of that single post. Notifications are sent to your twitter account, facebook, linked in, your RSS feed and 30+ RSS feed directories(with do follow backlinks), other blogs you have created. This my friends is what happens each time I submit a post on this blog. Its the only step I take and it builds in link juice and backlinks from multiple high ranking sites almost instantly. This is the single greatest automation I have come across in my 5+ yrs of internet marketing. What I’m going to share in this article is an automated system that can be created to effectively market your website and articles, and aid in SEO by creating lots of backlinks. I’m going to cover what it is, what it does and briefly how it can help build traffic and improve search engine rankings. I’m not going to get into detail so much on why it works. Really all you need to know is that it works. The system works really well when original, keyword optimized articles are used in creating your blog posts. I have included an image to go along with this article for the visual learners out there, but also because it is actually part of what I use each time I create a new self hosted blog on a new subject. ![]() Lets talk about the way the system works as depicted in that image.
To create this system is fairly simple, but requires patients and good deal of time up front. The first thing I would recommend is completely filling out your facebook profile so that it can be used as a template to copy and paste from as you set up your social media accounts. Dont skimp on information in your profile for each social media site, fill them out complete. Only create social media and blog accounts that can be linked to ping.fm, use the list provided in the dashboard of your account. Go one by one and start setting them up, then link them to ping.fm by giving ping.fm access to send updates. Next create an RSS feed for your main site(which mine runs on a wordpress platform) and each blog created during the ping.fm setup. Then submit your RSS feed to the 33 RSS directories with dofollow back links listed in my previous post. Original article posted at socialmediacricket.com You have my permission to share this article on you blog, twitter, etc. |
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............will not make the article unique enough...try..."oculus"..
Guest post links are effective when they are contextual and natural!!
Guest post links are effective when they are contextual and natural!!
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