backlink question - about numbers

by jimgk
11 replies
  • SEO
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let's say i buy a article sumission service from a warrior that allows me to include up to 30 urls, and every month i buy this service and use 30 different 30 urls to my ( 1000 url site ) site. does google look at the number of new BLs to each url of a site OR the whole site in total/comprehensively, when they are looking to see if a site is consistently gaining BL's? thanks, jim
#backlink #numbers #question
  • Profile picture of the author bhuff85
    Originally Posted by jimkelly View Post

    let's say i buy a article sumission service from a warrior that allows me to include up to 30 urls, and every month i buy this service and use 30 different 30 urls to my ( 1000 url site ) site. does google look at the number of new BLs to each url of a site OR the whole site in total/comprehensively, when they are looking to see if a site is consistently gaining BL's? thanks, jim
    If you're talking about using 30 URL's in one article, that's bad news. 30 URL's spread over 30 articles (1 URL per article) and distributes to a few sites sounds a bit better.

    It depends, really - I just always ensure I build backlinks as consistent as possible. Sometimes my site dances in the rankings or disappears completely for a few days, but usually always comes back ranking higher than it was before.
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  • Profile picture of the author Owen Smith
    Spread over 30 articles is fine, it will not be noticed or flagged up, but it will if its 30URL in one post, it will count as nothing.

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    • Profile picture of the author jimgk
      clarification - 5 articles - 6 urls and 6 keyword phrases, per article = 30 urls.
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  • Profile picture of the author jimgk
    clarification - 5 articles - 6 urls and 6 keyword phrases, per article = 30 urls.
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  • Profile picture of the author matada74839
    6 urls per article sounds kinda high. But hard to say without knowing all of the details of your case.
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  • Profile picture of the author Ehsan_am
    6 urls and keywords per article is definitely high. I wouldn't include more than 2-3 urls per article.
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  • Profile picture of the author jimgk
    i think i need to clarify again - sorry - i am a newbie to this all.

    i think i can submit up top 6 urls and 6 keyword phrases per article, whic is submitted after being spun to 100's of article directories, but each article will be submitted with fewer than the 6 and 6 i believe. will verify. but i think most directories have a limit to how many links and keywords can be included with each article submission.

    i think i forgot my original question : )))

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  • Profile picture of the author RyanEagle
    Yea, I'm going to have to agree with the fact that 30 back links a month is not very noticeable. There are a lot more effective ways to build backlinks.
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  • Profile picture of the author jimgk
    not 30 backlinks - i am talking about 30 urls - of my site that will eventually be 1000 urls or more. my question is if i send BLs to pages thru and then the next month sent BLs to thru and on and on. will i be ok, or do i need to keep sending BLs to thru and thru and on and on.
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  • Profile picture of the author FivestarHB
    For articles, in article directories, the convention is for 2 self serving links in your resource box (footer) as dictated by ezineartices.
    For what used to be known as web2.0 properties (blogging, social, user generated content sites) ou can sprinkle a links through the text. The convention seems to be 3 links max, any more and you start to look spammy. So go with that as a guide.
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