How I made $0.55 In 3 Weeks
- SEO |
Two days ago I received my first click from adsense. Needless to say this newbie is super excited

About 3 weeks ago I read a thread by xfactor regarding his 6 month followup post.
After reading the thread a took a little bit of action and slapped together 5 websites. Well 7 really, but the first two were complete failures. Anyways I have now received a total of 2 clicks, each from a different website. I am feeling so giddy right now over those 2 clicks, its pathetic I am aware. However, its the thought of making money from the sites for years to come that brings this huge grin to my face.
Thanks for reading
Update: I am writing this update 2 days after my original post
First off I would like to thank everyone for their comments. Especially Deloriagod I started busting up after reading your post.
Here is the action I have taken:
Purchased 5 Domains with the exact keyword as the domain.
Example (kewordphrase.org)
Currently Adsense is saying that my ads are viewed 6-10 times per day
Each of my domains gets about 3k searches a month - double checked this google guess with spyfu.
Only 1 of my websites is on the first page of google. Its position 8 I think.
My backlinking has been articles at ezinearticles and goarticles
(I think I have about 15 articles up for each domain)
I assume my on page seo is fairly average, but as i'm a noob I think fairly average is a good start.
Also I am happy to report that I got another click yesterday that was worth $0.50. Which practically doubled my income

If anyone wants to see the websites they can pm me, but I wouldn't recommend it, as they are terrible.
As for the people recommending that I bail on Adsense and look for another way to monetize the websites I am trying to learn to get traffic to my websites. Once I get 100 visitors or so a day then I will probably begin to look at other options.
I remain as positive as ever.
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