How to Rank with A Constant stream of Free backlinks

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Lots of people think there are no sites that actually want you to leave your business information. Not true. there are quite a few and here I will occasionally drop a few plus show you how to get hundreds more from your competitors.

These are sites that allow any real business to leave a link and their contact information. They are business networks. They advertise that you can place business contact information with them. many of these are known by more experienced Imers but if you are new you might not know them

Welcome to Entrepreneur Connect. The social network for Entrepreneurs PR6
Business Networking - Fast Pitch - A Professional Social Network for Business PR5
Ecademy - Learning, networking and business development for the digital age PR6
StartUp PR5
Talkbiznow - Business services for the business community PR4
Create a website with our free site builder and get free hosting for your small business - Qapacity PR5 (For a limited time If you are in a country that qualifies you can even get free $50 of facebook advertising credits at this site)

Theres a lot more but this is good to get us going.

In addition don't forget you can find great sites to participate on using

"powered by vbulletin"

If you install Seoquake on your Firefox browse it will tell you what rank their site is and as I mentioned before in another post you can always use another firefox plugin

Link Diagnosis - examine your link competition

and find all kinds of link building opportunities by visiting a competitors site an checking their backlinks. You don't have to go to Yahoo every time.

Just a few tips for the newbies. HOLLA if you need any help
#backlinks #constant #free #rank #stream

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