Blog Commenting Question:comment gets bumped off the first page of the blog means 0 link juice?

by kea55
21 replies
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Hi over in dp...people are saying that blog comments are useless because once your comment gets bumped off the first page of the blog your link goes to the pages that have a pr of 0. Is this true? I like doing blog commenting for link building, but I want the pr to count.
#blog #bumped #commenting #juice #link #means #page #questioncomment
  • Profile picture of the author kea55
    hi does anyone know?
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  • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
    Originally Posted by kea55 View Post

    people are saying that blog comments are useless because once your comment gets bumped off the first page of the blog your link goes to the pages that have a pr of 0. Is this true?
    It's sometimes true. Not always. Sometimes when bumped off the first page, the page it goes to can still have some page-rank. And page rank's by no means the only thing determining the value of a backlink anyway. The context counts, too, and so on.

    But in general there's some truth in it, yes.

    This is the problem with a lot of the "blog network backlinking services" one sees advertised: some of them are offering links on higher-PR pages, but they very often don't stay there, and the main part of the benefit can therefore be very temporary.

    Just occasionally they do say things at DP that turn out not to be too grossly inaccurate, you know.
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  • Profile picture of the author WillR
    If you post comments on less popular blogs, chances are your comments will remain on the main post page that you post them - there are not enough comments to bump them off.

    If you post your comments on a more popular blog, yes, your chances of the comment being bumped off the post page increases but you also have more people seeing your comment and possibly clicking on your link.

    If you are going to try and build some links through blog commenting then why not just find some blogs that actually interest you. Share your comments and thoughts on a regular occasion (when you see fit) and if no link-juice should come of it, well so what. You still probably learnt a thing or two and had fun doing it.
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    • Profile picture of the author imfornow
      Then is this really worth doing? How many blogs would someone need to keep up with to make a difference on there site?
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      • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
        Originally Posted by imfornow View Post

        How many blogs would someone need to keep up with to make a difference on there site?
        That depends on how competitive the keywords are.

        If they're really long-tail keywords, the difference can be well worthwhile.
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  • Profile picture of the author Istvan Horvath
    FYI: if they are WP blogs... the comments are NEVER on the frontpage. Ever. Comments show up ONLY on single post view.

    This is your blog's "first page: - where you will see either whole posts or excerpts AND a link that says 38 comments and/or Leave a comment. But you don't see any comments there.
    To see the comments you need to click on the post titleor the comment link, which takes you to:

    So, I don't understand the question.

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  • Profile picture of the author christopher jon
    FYI: if they are WP blogs... the comments are NEVER on the frontpage. Ever. Comments show up ONLY on single post view.
    Might wanna look at your widgets... recent comments. And yes, it includes the posters url and a link to the comment.
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    • Profile picture of the author Istvan Horvath
      Originally Posted by christopher jon View Post

      Might wanna look at your widgets... recent comments. And yes, it includes the posters url and a link to the comment.
      That has nothing to do with "comment gets bumped off the first page".

      The comments/links listed in the widget will stay there until newer comments come in.

      My understanding was the OP was talking about the case when the commented posts gets pushed to the second...third...Xth page by newer posts. So, I replied to that concern.

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  • Profile picture of the author kea55
    yeah what I mean is this...people buy lists of pr 4 and do follow blogs so they can comment on them...but when I go visit those pr blogs...the homepage as a pr of 4 or something,,,but the page you post comments on has a pr of 0 or NA according to my seo quake tool that can read if I post a comment on that page or if my comment isn't on the home page with the high seems useless. and the same goes for forums. like the front page of DP has a pr of above 4, but where I actually put my sig...what the pr of that page? probablly zero

    So I mean why do people try to find high pr blogs anyway.
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    • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
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      • Profile picture of the author kea55
        Originally Posted by Alexa Smith View Post

        Indeed. Just as with "forum profile spamming" ... excuse me, "backlinking", and for that matter not entirely unrelated to "article directories" in which the home page has a high PR but your article starts it life there on a PR-0 page.

        For a variety of reasons, I think ... some because they know no better.

        To respond to Istvan's point, some of the "privately owned blog networks" on which I see such backlink facilities advertised are not Wordpress blogs. I'm just saying.

        Ok so how do I legitimately get a high pr backlink? If I post on Ezine articles...will that work?
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      • Profile picture of the author ScottTrimble
        I never post comments just for link juice. Focus on writing great, interesting comments so people will get interested in what you're saying and they'll visit the site in your profile.

        If your comment gets bumped off the post page it should still hold some value link wise, but remember, you're not posting your comment just for a link, try attracting some traffic with your comment.
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  • Profile picture of the author christopher jon
    The page rank of your backlink is the page rank of the page your link is on, not the index page rank.

    If you leave a comment on a page rank 0 page, it's a PR 0 backlink.

    Backlink sellers like to throw around the phrase high PR backlinks but in most cases that is not what you are getting.
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  • Profile picture of the author kea55
    lol...i guess this can't be my main way of building links huh :-( and ohh it was soo fun and much easier than writing articles
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    • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
      Originally Posted by kea55 View Post

      lol...i guess this can't be my main way of building links huh :-(

      Originally Posted by kea55 View Post

      ohh it was soo fun and much easier than writing articles
      Ooh, "it takes all sorts"! I far prefer writing articles, myself!
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  • Profile picture of the author mkpoway
    What about backlinks from forum profile signatures? These are on the inner pages of high-PR domains. How much are these backlinks worth?
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  • Profile picture of the author christopher jon
    They are worth whatever they are worth... in most cases it's a big fat page rank zero.

    As I said before, backlink sellers will try to sell you that they worth more because they are on high page rank domains and there may be some truth to that but I wouldn't put a lot of faith in it.

    They are what they are, which is low value backlinks.
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    • Profile picture of the author GrowTallerNiche
      The point of blog comment backlinks is the ip-diversity/unique domain not the PR. It's too risky to count on them for anything else. They could change comment plugins and delete posts/comments.
      Affiliate Bum Marketing Friendly Article Directory

      Use as affiliate landing link for Ezine Articles and less clutter for your articles than squidoo. Totally free and more features to come!
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  • Profile picture of the author kea55
    oooh ok.. and where do i actually get link juice from
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  • Profile picture of the author N4PGW
    In regards to the front page, I have seen a number of blogs that were a "page" at the root domain ( not On the page, they accept the comments which either keep the first one on top, or place the most recent post on top. (All of the ones I saw were in last-on-top setting.)

    If the blog uses do_follow, or more accurately, not a no_follow links to the comments, then you get the advantage from wherever your comment may rest. However, if it is a no_follow, then you only get the benefit of traffic from what few people actually read your comment.

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  • Profile picture of the author dadamson

    In response the the OP, yes this is sometimes true, however a lot of comments either trail right down the page (not creating multiple pages) or will show older posts first, meaning they will never get bumped down.

    For the more rare blogs that show newest comment at the top, i record the urls and check them every 6 months. If my link isnt on the first page I add it.

    Alternatively, if i reach blogs that show oldest comment at the top and the new comments are hitting a new page, I can often "reply to comment" for one of the comments on the high hr page.

    Hope this helps!

    I also just wrote a blog on how I find loads of high-PR blogs to comment on and high-PR gov/edu pages too, you can check it out here: Creating High PR Blog Backlinks
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