Lol. Really useful trick for high quality backlinks

5 replies
  • SEO
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Well, I was hovering in a Chinese SEO forum, and I find this. Hopefully, you guys will like it. I finally found something to share with you guys. You guys helped me so much. Thx!

Type this in google if you want to find Niche related do follow blogs:

intitle:niche intext:add comment dofollow

repalce niche with your own keywords lol.
#backlinks #high #lol #quality #trick
  • Profile picture of the author BinBinWu
    And btw, can someone answer this question? For unique contents Niche site. Is it better to noindex tags and categories? Ony let google index posts and pages.
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    • Profile picture of the author FlashDriveDT
      Originally Posted by BinBinWu View Post

      And btw, can someone answer this question? For unique contents Niche site. Is it better to noindex tags and categories? Ony let google index posts and pages.
      Yes, thats a good idea. I did the mistake of not defining the indexing originally and google ended up indexing all urls, categories, archives, etc. Needless to say I pretty soon got hit by duplicate content "penalty". Once I did the meta noindex tags plus disallow in robots.txt for the specific urls things went back to normal. It is also helpful to have a xml sitemap that leaves out those pages you dont want indexed.

      As for your tip, thanks. However I personally have found that dofollow comments on blogs dont really do much to improve your google ranking. I think Google has become a bit annoyed about them, unless the blog page your comment is on is very high PR and you're only something like one of ten comments. Regular webpages and forums with dofollow links work much better in terms of rankings - as long as your link is not one among many "low value" links.
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  • Profile picture of the author HavocReign
    Thanks, I'll give this a shot
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  • Profile picture of the author FreeLeadsKING
    I have a nice list of these but haven't used this one before. Thanks for sharing.

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