How do I change the text shown from search engines?

4 replies
  • SEO
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I got my website up and running on the 21st, pinged it to blogs, and viola! It's on Google. Albeit on the 10th page of results when you search for the my keyword in quotes.. but that's a small step forward. At least it shows my keyword phrase as the main title and I know that should get me somewhere.

The text that it shows however underneath my site title is definitely not the text that I want it to show. It's showing some random blurb from a post I made on the site. How do I change this?!

Also, when you highlight over the link in Google and it gives you a preview of the website and the page is torn, what does that signify?

Thanks as always for the help Warriors!
#change #engines #search #search engine #shown #text
  • Profile picture of the author wanna-succeed
    Everyone's page is torn, I have no idea what that means, but if you check, you'll see every site is like that. Don't worry about it.
    I too would love to know how to artificially control what content is shown in that short description Google provides....Time will tell millions.

    No sig, good day m8...

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    • Profile picture of the author Scott Henderson
      Originally Posted by wanna-succeed View Post

      Everyone's page is torn, I have no idea what that means, but if you check, you'll see every site is like that. Don't worry about it.
      I too would love to know how to artificially control what content is shown in that short description Google provides....Time will tell millions.

      My pages are showing exactly what I have entered in the Meta Description in my Head sections.

      <meta name="description" ENTER TEXT BETWEEN THE QUOTES, PUT INTO HEAD" />
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      • Profile picture of the author millions
        Originally Posted by shen923 View Post

        My pages are showing exactly what I have entered in the Meta Description in my Head sections.

        <meta name="description" ENTER TEXT BETWEEN THE QUOTES, PUT INTO HEAD" />
        Looks like I didn't have this on my site! Thanks for helping find out what I need!!

        I did some research and this is very important to have on your website.

        The description tag is one of the meta data. This tag has no effect on the ranking of your site in search engines. The search engine will read the description tag of the website and display it under the listing. It's recommended to use descriptive description about the services or products you provide to make the user click on your listing in the search results. The better the description the more visitors will click on it, off course your site also needs to rank well in search engines. You do not need to spam this tag full of keywords as it will not help and has only a negative effect.
        <meta name="description" content="Descriptive Description About Your Services Comes Back Here" />
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  • Profile picture of the author Georgech
    Very often, Google uses your meta description as the description for your search listing. Just write a short but compelling and attention grabbing sentence to improve click through.

    Also,Integrate the primary keyword at the start of the meta description and a related keyword somewhere near your primary keyword for better SEO benefit.
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