Should I go after keyword with Lots of Search results but little competition?

6 replies
  • SEO
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I am just learning the ins and outs of SEO and I have a question, I will even give a real world example. I am looking at a keyword that looks partly like I could get first page and even top 3 on google if I do proper SEO from what I have been learning, but, the weird thing is it gets so many BROAD searches on Google.


Searches SEOT Inanchor
logitech boom 1,520,000 3,930 9,750

and pagerank on BROAD searches isn't that high and not many backlinks. But is this a good idea for a relative newbie? Any help is much appreciated.
#competition #inanchor #keyword #lots #results #search #seot
  • Profile picture of the author kimberly Aita
    Just my opinion but you want to know the exact search numbers and competition if you want that kw. to rank on page one of google. The broad results could just bring you extra traffic if you build some pages with good content using some of the broad results which would help your main keyword to rank higher.

    That's the way I see it anyway. I get most of my traffic from related keywords that may have more competition and even more searches but they are all related to my main keyword.

    Hope this helps a little
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  • Profile picture of the author yukon
    I can tell you, looking at the backlinks from the #1 site listed in Google SERPs that's not as easy as you might think.

    You need to check a couple of levels deep on Yahoo Explorer, find out why that page is #1 in Google SERP.
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  • Profile picture of the author IM Business
    Yeah, as stated above, you're interested in EXACT match, not broad.
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  • Profile picture of the author MilleronMarketing
    There are only a few PPC ads. You may be able to benefit from a PPC campaign for that keyword.

    It wouldn't be very hard to create ads with better headlines.

    "Nothing good happens until there's a sale."

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  • Profile picture of the author bobbyp21
    Thank you everyone for the invaluable information. I will continue to look deeper.

    Thanks again.
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  • Profile picture of the author dotcosecrets
    I just recommend you to use Google Adword's keyword tool. When you type a keyword and check, Google Adword would tell you the competition of this keyword, and how many times it is search per month. What's more, Google Adword would also suggest some similar keywords to you. You can compare these keywords and find the proper one out of them.
    Google luck.
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