My First 4 Figure Day, 5 Figure Month and 6 Figure Year - Now 2 Years! UPADTED!

by Chucky
826 replies
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First 4 Figure day - Black Friday 2010
First 5 Figure month - November 2010
First 6 Figure year - 2010
Updated with 2011 holiday season results below!

Update May 2012: In the extremely rare event you haven't heard of the Penguin update that was rolled out on April 24th 2012 --> the strategy that I outline in this thread which worked for 3-4 years, may not work any more. The guidelines I discuss here on on page SEO may get you an over-optimization penalty and backlinking methods I discuss here may get you more penalties or may not be given any credit.

Many of my sites that used the following strategy were unmoved by the Pandas, but were annihilated by the Penguin.

Mindset and keyword research modules are fine to follow, but as far as on page SEO and off page SEO go, you have been warned!!

(7 YouTube Videos Below)

Day 1 - The mindset

Day 2 - 5 videos added on keyword research
Day 4 - Text added on keyword research
Day 7 - On page SEO
Day 13 - Off page SEO - Part 1
Day 18 - Off page SEO - Part 2
Day 24 - Off page SEO - Part 3

I beat my own targets
2010 was a memorable year in my IM carrier. What was magical about it was the fact that I had initially planned on achieving these goals in 2013 but they happened in 2010.

Why 2013?
Currently I’m in grad school and I’m graduating in 2012. I didn’t think I could maintain a GPA of 3.9/4.0 and achieve my IM goals before graduating. But I was WRONG!

Time to give back
I have learned a ton from Warrior Forum (both free information and paid WSOs) and I thought it would be terribly wrong if I didn’t give anything back to the forum.

Free traffic from organic Google rankings
First 4 figure day – November 26th 2010 (Black Friday) - $2400
First 5 figure month – November 2010 - $21,000
First 6 figure year – 2010

Where's the PROOF?

UPDATE 2012 January
The purpose of this screenshot is NOT to brag, but simply to encourage you so that you know this was NOT a one time fluke! This will also be my last update as far as proof of income goes, if figures from 2 years in a row won't convince one to take action, nothing will.
Disclaimer: all this is not from free traffic, this year I experimented with a few paid traffic methods targeting Black Friday/Cyber Monday, however those earnings are less than 10% from the screenshot below.

Two other people also have reported their success targeting BF/CM in 2011 after following this thread here and here

2012 UPDATE complete:
What's below this point is what I wrote back in March 2011. Some of the details may have changed, but the basic principles remain the same even as of January 2012.

All of above was from free traffic. Currently I have over half a dozen #1 rankings on Google and another dozen or so elsewhere on the first page. Most of them are similar to sniper sites with an average of about 4-5 posts. Two of them are larger sites with multiple rankings for various different long tail keywords. These two larger sites have about 30 - 80 posts in them.

Not with Amazon yet? BIG MISTAKE
The video below shows the products for which I earned a commission on Black Friday

All eggs are not in the same basket

My income comes from ClickBank, Commission Junction and Amazon (and like $50/month from adsense).

If you can't find all the videos, here is my YouTube channel where you will be able to watch all the videos

Success - the Essence
I intend to share my on page and off page SEO strategies in this thread. However, I STRONGLY believe that my SEO knowledge played a relatively small role in this success. If one asks me to list the factors in the order that they contributed to this success, I think my list is going to be something like this.
  1. Positive attitude – I had ABSOLUTELY no doubt in my mind that I was going to achieve these goals
  2. Ability to think BIG – think 4 steps ahead
  3. Ability to prioritize things (e.g. read ‘Think and Grow Rich’ vs watch American Idol)
  4. Realization that knowledge means NOTHING without ACTION
  6. Ability to take a ‘failure’ as a lesson and to move on – I had many failures when starting off; but I always thought “if others could do it, I could do it better”
  7. Sticking to one system instead of jumping from one model to another – there are many ways to skin a cat; but you only need to learn one way to do it
  8. On page and off page SEO
  9. Picking the right niche market (and then the right product)
  10. Providing value to customers and engaging them for better conversions – in some of my review sites, my #1 recommended product gives me a smaller commission than #2 and #3 products. I’ve seen a lot of reviews simply based on the affiliate commission instead of the actual product value, but I just don’t do that.
NOTE: My personal belief is that you need to get above 1 - 7 right regardless of what you want to be successful in. This is purely my personal opinion. I have not had a formal education in business or marketing.

I have many weaknesses
I WANT TO REALLY STRESS THE FOLLOWING POINTS. I'm far from perfect. I have many weaknesses. I will list a few of them below.
  1. I’m slow – I hate to admit it, but I am. I’ve been wanting to write this since December, but it took me 3 months to get it going
  2. I’m not very organized – I have many incomplete websites; I have many domains that I have purchased, but never used; I have got content written for about a half a dozen new websites, but they are still in my inbox (from outsource-rs); for some websites, I don’t have analytics installed so I don’t know the keywords that are bringing them traffic/sales; for some websites that are already on the 2nd page, I don’t have any affiliate links – I’m probably leaving money on the table; I have never used an auto-responder and thus have no list – again I’m losing money in the long run here
  3. I can’t multi-task. I can only do one thing at a time. I cannot think about building links while I’m still making a website or studying for an exam.
  4. My business model is not the most stable – I have a few sites bringing all my money. Should a couple of them get thrown away from their current positions, I will lose like 50% of my IM income. I am aware of this; but haven’t done a lot about it. I’d rather have 10 sites that make $500/month than 4 sites that make $2500/month (unfortunately my current situation is closer to the latter than the former)
  5. I get emotional and attached to my websites – my very first websites were all failures. Either they were in the wrong market, targeted the wrong keywords (with no commercial intent) or they had no significant search volume. Yet I was reluctant to move to a different market or different keyword, instead wasted a lot of time and $ trying to squeeze water from stone.
  6. I’m not the most outgoing personality – as a result, my WF avatar doesn’t have my picture, I don’t have a Facebook or Twitter account and as a result I don’t do any social networking (thus missing out on the whole social marketing thing). This is also why I’m not in the IM niche. Come to think of it, I don’t even have my real name in my profile …. maybe one day… soon!!
Why did I say all that?
Because I want you to understand that one does not need to be perfect to be successful in IM. I have many deficiencies. In spite of all those, I have been relatively successful in IM with the few hours (as little as 1 – 3 hours/day) that I can spend on it.

SEO that I wish to share
When I started writing this, my plan was to write the whole thread in one go. But it has already taken me like 12 hours (including figuring out Camtasia and making the videos) and I think I have like another 40 hours of SEO that I want to share with you in my head. For example I wish to talk at least about the following broad topics:
  1. Keyword research – I’ll be honest here. This is probably my weakest area. I do a few basic things. I don’t think any of that is unique to me. In the early days, I used to be a lot conservative, but now I’m not afraid to compete with big players; so I’m not too concerned about kw research. Currently I’m ranking #12 for a relatively broad keyword: a two word phrase e.g. boys games (just an example) and I’m super excited about it. All the keyword tools that I used told me to keep away from this keyword, but I didn't listen to them. In the early days I would have never gone for this. Instead I would have gone for something like “young boys outdoor games”. (EDIT: Even though I said that originally, I believe I ended up doing a detailed write up on keyword research and domain selection - see Day 4 content)
  2. Basic and advanced on page SEO – if you’ve been in IM a while and you have multiple #1 rankings, you should probably not waste your time reading my methods. But if you are not there yet, I can assure you that you will learn many things that will do you a whole lot of good if you put them to action. I will probably try and spend a lot of time on the interlinking structure as I don’t see many people addressing this important aspect of SEO enough.
  3. Basic and advanced off page SEO – my typical #1 position has fewer backlinks pointing to it than backlinks for #2 and #3 websites combined. This is not true when I outrank or Wikipedia. Because they are authority sites, they get ranked with much fewer or no backlinks. I believe I will be talking about some advanced off page SEO. I also understand that for some relatively new warriors these concepts will be super-advanced while for others (e.g. those like Dan Thies or Leslie Rhodie) my advanced SEO may be basic.
I have many checklists etc. on MS Excel sheets and I will share them with you when I figure out how to upload them to this thread.

By the way I don’t call myself an SEO specialist. I may only know a fraction of what people like Dan Thies or Leslie Rhodie know. But the fact that I have over a half a dozen #1 rankings that earned me my first six figures online probably suggests that I know enough SEO to give a beginner a jump start in their IM carrier.

I’m going to call it a day now and will come back tomorrow to start some SEO. Got to go do something that will actually make me some money

UPDATE March 21st - Day 2
5 New Videos on keyword research added

I reveal 2 niches (flip video cameras and kids karaoke machines) and 4 potential keyword phrases. For some of them 'exact match domains' are still available.

The 5 videos were nearly 1 hour long and kind of cluttered the page. So I took them to a post further down this page. The text added on Day 4 on keyword research should be more concise and organized than the videos. However, the videos address certain aspects that I don't in the text. So if you have time you are encouraged to watch them, but if you don't have the time (like me); the text on Day 4 should give you a good foundation.

UPDATE March 23rd - Day 4
Keyword research and Domain Selection

The importance of keyword research cannot be emphasized enough. If you pick the wrong keyword, you can spend tons of time and money without a significant return. Sometimes, you get the coveted #1, but you find it has no commercial intent and therefore ZERO $$ (been there done that ).
In the past, I have spent a couple of hours on keyword research (for a business that I’m going to build that will earn me $1000s for life) and paid the price dearly. Only now am I realizing the real importance of it. This is the foundation of your business. Don’t be afraid (or lazy) to spend days on it (instead of hours) if you have to!

Now that I have produced several winners, I don't go in to a LOT of details because I know a few tricks to beat my competition. But if you are starting out, it's best that you pay as much attention as possible to this initial step of your business. Remember, you're building a business, not just a website!

3 Vital Parameters

Whether you use manual methods or paid tools, the goal should be to find a keyword with
  1. Sufficient search volume
  2. A level of competition that you can handle
  3. Enough commercial intent (instead of informational)
Different people use different parameters depending on their personal preferences/strengths

Search volume

  1. I personally think you cannot give concrete figures for the search volume. For example, if you were to sell an expensive $1000 item (Jewellery, industrial equipment on Amazon – hint hint!!) with a 7% commission, 10 sales/month is $700. For a laser targeted buying keyword with high commercial intent, a search volume as little as 300/month can give you that $700. The other extreme is also true. So you really have to make a call depending on the product you are promoting.
  2. The general consensus is that you should target a search phrase with approximately 3000 exact searches/month. That’s 100 searches/day and will get you 40 visitors/day if you
    1. Obtain #1 position on Google
    2. And if you get traffic ONLY through that single kw – this almost never happens; you are bound to get traffic from all kinds of long tail kw.
  3. If you are starting out, it is VERY IMPORTANT that you start on a POSITIVE note. In other words, you don’t want to be targeting a highly competitive keyword just because you want to go with the 3000 searches/month norm. You’d rather target a keyword with only 750 searches/month (exact count), get that #1 position and get some confidence going even if it is only going to earn you $75/month. THIS IS ALSO WHAT I DID at the beginning. Had I targeted a term like ‘Dog Obedience Training’, I may have already given up internet marketing and may not have been in a position to write this post today.(I did right at the beginning, but thankfully I failed fast )

  1. What competition? That’s what some SUPER AFFILIATES like James Schramko says! When you get to that level, when you have $1000s to throw away, when you have produced dozens of winners you can say that. But if you are just starting out, I personally think you should pick a keyword with relatively low competition so that you are going to taste success sooner than later.
  2. The general consensus is that you should target a keyword with less than 30,000 ‘competition’. Here, ‘competition’ is taken as the number of results you get when you do an exact search for your phrase on Google; e.g. “dog training obedience” (the keyword inside inverted commas). Tools like Micro Niche Finder (MNF), automatically gives this (they call it the phrase count). I rank #1 for a keyword with a phrase count of 8 million. I would personally not worry about it too much. Even if you are just starting out, if all other factors look fabulous, I wouldn’t pitch a keyword just because it has a phrase count of 100,000. OBVIOUSLY, the lower the phrase count the better, but don’t let that be the only guideline for analyzing competition.
  3. The phrase count kind of addresses the ‘quantity’ of competition. But what about the ‘quality’ of competition? From what I know, phrase count includes any indexed page that has in its text the keyword phrase you are looking for in that same order. It DOES NOT tell you if these sites have the keyword in the title tag, H1 tag, meta tags, hyperlinks, URL etc. etc. This is what paid keyword tools like MNF and Market Samurai (MS) do. The ‘strength of competition’ figure in MNF (abbreviated as SOC) takes some of the above mentioned parameters in to consideration. MNF shows SOC by using 3 colors: green for easy, yellow for intermediate difficulty and red for very difficult. MS shows a variety of other parameters like number of backlinks, domain age, links from authority directories etc. etc. as well. Again, they use the same 3 colors to show level of ease/difficulty. The more green you see in the competition, the better! These tools (and probably others that I have never used) give you an idea about your competition.
  4. Again, if you are starting out, shoot for a keyword with not too much competition both quantity and quality wise. With MNF, go no further than yellow!
  5. We are still not done! Once you find the above parameters to be doable, you need to look at the CURRENT rankings for that search phrase. What are the top 4-5 websites? Here are some of the things that come into my head as I’m typing this.
    1. Are they all authority sites with 1000s of indexed pages and millions of backlinks? Even if they are, that doesn’t mean you should keep away from them. Amazon is a perfect example that has high PR, high trust rank (whatever that is), a lot of pages and a lot of backlinks. But people (including myself) beat Amazon easily. However, if a particular authority site is laser targeted to the exact keyword you are trying to target, that may be a different story.
    2. How optimized are their ranking pages for the keyword of your interest?
      1. Title tag
      2. Meta Description tag
      3. Domain name/Page name – URL
    3. You can see all above 3 things on the search results page itself. Now you should also click in to each website and look at the following factors
      1. H1, H2, H3 tags
      2. Keyword richness in content
      3. Images – ALT tags
      4. Hyperlinks etc.
    4. Are the above parameters optimized or not? If they are very well optimized, then you may have a hard time beating them if you are just starting out. We want to find ‘competition’ that is not well optimized.
    5. What about the number of backlinks to the competition? This really doesn’t matter if their on page optimization is not that good. In the example that I show in the video the well optimized #1 non-authority site with an exact match domain (EMD) beats not so optimized authority sites with tons of PR and backlinks (for the search term flip video reviews). However, if their on page optimization is also good and they have tons of backlinks pointing to them, that may be another indication that we should keep away from it. The general consensus is that if your competition has 200-300 backlinks (to the exact page – not the domain), you have a winner. But as I have shown above, you may be able to handle more backlinks than that if their on page factors are not so good.
As you can see, I have explained competition analysis in quite some depth. That’s because it is very important. Sure you can do a lot more analyses and it shouldn’t end here. But for those who are not targeting $5K/month keywords, this should be plenty.

Commercial intent
  1. Do you see a lot of Google adwords for that search phrase?
  2. Does Google Adwords Keywords Tool say there is a lot of competition for this phrase?
  3. Are there many affiliate websites already promoting products with this or closely related keywords?
  4. Do potential products on ClickBank have a high gravity?
  5. Are there products on Amazon? What about customer reviews?
  6. Does Detecting Online Commercial Intention: Audience Intelligence: adCenter Labs say it has a high commercial intent?
  7. Do you have to convince the buyer (e.g. you can save gas by converting your car to run on water) or is the buyer already convinced/desperate and addicted to the product you’re trying to sell (e.g. product name keywords (PNK)?
  8. Are there genuine products that will truly provide a solution to the searcher (e.g. home remedy for acne cure) related to the keyword you are going to target?
  9. Is there already a ton of free information available on the web? With physical products, you will not have to worry about this.
I believe I have covered keyword research in sufficient depth for anybody that is not targeting $5K/month keywords. As I said at the beginning, this is a crucial step. Get it wrong and everything downstream becomes more difficult.


Domain name selection
Once you have selected your keyword, your next step is domain name selection. I am yet to give up a good keyword because I could not get a good domain. The more keyword rich and more specific the domain name is, easier your ranking process will be.

Most preferred domain name
Obviously, the most preferred domain name is the exact match domain (EMD) on one of the three top level domains (TLD; i.e: .com, .net, .org).

Sticking with the example of flip video reviews, that would be,, or

I have an exact match .info which is #1. Obviously, I built this site when I was starting my IM carrier about 3 years ago and did not want to spend on the .net or .com (honestly I don’t remember if those were available). My feeling is that I have to continuously give it content (posts) or backlinks and if not it falls in the rankings. I have #1s in .com, .net and .org. I have a feeling those are more resilient. However, I CANNOT come in to a scientific conclusion about this because my sample size is very small and the levels of competition are different among the different websites.

However, my advice as well as the general consensus is that you should stick with the TLDs if you are looking at building a long term business.

EMDs are not available ?

What do you do if the EMDs are gone? You have 3 options. Either you look for E-M-D, prefixEMD or EMDsuffix. I’m going to list my personal preferences below. Different people have different points of views. This is mine. I suggest you look at the examples I have given and make an intelligent decision as to what you feel suits best for your particular situation.
  • E-M-D : e.g. (one hyphen is better than two hyphens).
Here are some examples of hyphenated domain names ranking at the top
  1. for dog training
  2. #1 for European tapestries and #2 for tapestries
  3. #2 for colon cleanse information
  4. ranks above for best colon cleanse (the number of pages and backlinks are stronger with the E-M-D though)
  5. #1 for forex strategies
  6. is ranking on page #3 with 3 links to the domain
  7. I personally have a two word keyword (hyper competitive) ranking at #12 (page 2) with a hyphenated E-M-D
  • EMDsuffix : e.g.,, EMDX ( – I have personally not used this type of domain. But do a search for tinnitus miracle on Google and you will see EMDV, EMDZ and EMDJ on the first page – EMDV ranks above EMD; EMDbonus and EMDreview rank above EMDZ and EMDJ; I did not spend time to look at their on page or off page optimization)
  1. beats for **** berry diet
There are plenty of them around, can’t think of any other than than my own right now J Will update later.
  • prefixEMD : e.g.
  1. beats Colon Cleanse Ultra for power colon cleanse (didn’t check on page and off page SEO factors)
But what's the EASY BUTTON?

The big question is OK but what’s the easiest? I’m sorry I don’t know a concrete answer. But what I do know is that it doesn’t matter a lot. What matters is you pick one and get on with it! Since we are going to optimize other factors as much as possible and we have immaculately researched our keywords with in depth competition analysis, we should be able to make up for an non-perfect domain name.

That’s it for today guys. If and when I remember more things, I will be sure to update.

The videos have more information, only the first 3 videos on keyword research are functional as of now.

Thank you everybody for the encouraging words.

Update - March 21st

I just answered a question and I think it's a little important

Originally Posted by Chucky View Post

I believe I answered that question in the videos. I don't make nearly as much on a regular month from these sites. That is because I targeted black Friday products right from the go.

I was planning on talking about this during on page optimization. But since you raised the point, I'll briefly go through it now.

The MAJOR trick is this. When it comes to Black Friday, people (including myself) search for 'product name keyword + Black Friday Deals' etc. You want to optimize your pages for the right products and exploit the tons of traffic you're going to get on Black Friday and then throughout the month of Christmas.

There you go! That's a $100K tip right there!
Update March 26th - Day 7

On Page SEO

Step 1: KW Research – Primary keyword selection
Step 2: Domain name selection
I've already addressed above 2 points
Step 3: Secondary keyword selection
Step 4: Write content
Step 5: Site setup

Secondary keyword selection
I start all of my sites with 5 posts of content (excluding contact us, disclosure, privacy policy etc.). Each post is optimized for 1 kw. In the past, I optimized 1 post for the 1ry kw and 4 posts for 2ry kw. Very recently I changed that to 2 posts optimized for the 1ry kw and 3 posts optimized for secondary keywords. The latter type is very new and I haven’t even started backlinking most of them so it’s far too early for me to say anything concrete about it. The idea I wanted to test was that having two posts optimized for the 1ry kw (instead of 1 post) would make the website theme more optimized/focused and therefore easier/better rankings.

How do I find secondary kw?
Mostly, I use the Google WonderWheel to do this. If Google believes they are relevant kw, I would be a fool not to . But if I come across other related kw (even if WonderWheel doesn’t pick it as a directly related kw) with very low competition and high search volume, I would include that as a post.

Here’s is something new to think about.
I’ve done 4 projects of these so far and yet to see anybody talking about this. I don’t make single websites anymore. I make them in batches of 4 or 5 in the same niche. I’m sure not everybody is going to agree on this. But I have my reasons. So what I do is, if the niche is good, instead of identifying 5 kw (1 primary and 4 secondary), I would go ahead and look for as many kw as possible, while I’m spending time doing kw research. I’m going to learn about a new niche, so might as well make money from that niche using 5 websites than just 1 right? I will use the kw with the highest search volume as the primary keywords for the 4 or 5 websites. Others will be used as 2ry kw. Most sites in a batch/theme will have the same kw as secondary kw.

Content for 5 websites – approximately 25 pages of content!
In the past, I obviously used to write my own content (and I obviously didn’t make 5 sites at a time). But as my online earnings increased, I realized that I could do more productive things with my time than write kw optimized content. This is what I do. I get kw optimized content freshly written @ $3.50/piece. They are over 500 words in length. 5 pages of content = $17.50.

Then I get these rewritten by different people @ $2/article. So that’s $2X20 = $40. Total cost = $17.50 + 40 = ~$60 together with Odesk fees etc. I don’t think that’s a bad deal for content for 5 websites! Just $12/website for content.

From my 2nd such project onwards, I’ve been using Desktop WordPress Mass Blog Installer & Manager for Windows, Mac, or Linux to do the wordpress installation. Half an hour and all 5 websites are done with all of my plugins uploaded etc. It’s priced @ $30, but check out the WSO section for cheaper options. I saw some cheaper WP cloning software within the last month or so. They may do the same job as Desktop WordPress Mass Blog Installer & Manager for Windows, Mac, or Linux.

I know some of you are going to disagree with me on this method. I am rarely able to get two top rankings for two pages of the same site. But that's very rare. Usually, only the theme kw (primary kw) gets top rankings and others don't. In my experience, with these smaller sites, if I try to rank a 2nd kw, the 1ry one drops. I’m not the only one that says this; I’ve heard Terry Kyle and Tom Goodwin also say this. I heard it on a webinar they did with David Eisner. You should be able to find it somewhere here in the WF… there were a lot of SEO tips in that webinar. Obviously there has to be ways you can do it, however, I have not succeeded doing that with this type of smaller sites. Iguess I haven't tried to do it religiously either!

What triggered this idea was two sites that I made targeting Black Friday of 2009. Both these were EMDs and both of them got #1 (several months after Black Friday ). Whenever I wrote an article for one of them, I got it rewritten through Odesk and added it to the other site. So I thought, why not make them in clusters of 4-5 websites right from the beginning?

These clusters have been relatively successful in getting top rankings. Here are the stats.
  1. First batch - #1-2, #6, #11, #18, #201
  2. Second batch - #2, #3, #7-8, #11, #13-14 (this is the one I have put most effort on)
  3. Third batch - #11-12, #23, #115, last one is not ranked (this is the hyper competitive niche that I referred to earlier. All these are two word keywords and hyphenated URLs. e.g.
  4. Fourth and Fifth batches – haven’t started backlinking, haven't checked rankings
Do they all make money?
In my experience, most of these micro-sites that target low search volume kw don’t make good money unless they reach the top half of the first page. Some of them don’t make money even if they reach the top (I have a couple of those - what a waste of resources). That’s because they’re not buying kw or their commercial intent is not as good as you though it would be. The only way around it (that I know of) is to setup an adwords campaign and see if it is buying kw or not. I’ve tried adwords in the past, but haven’t had good success. Definitely a good skill to have however strong your SEO may be.

On the other hand I also have sites that don’t rank on the first page for the primary kw yet make over 1K/month (not Amazon). These are either high search volume kw or it’s the ltbkw (long tail buying kw) that bring in the sales.

Take home message

Not every site will be a winner. What’s important is to fail fast if you want to look at it that way, learn from the exercise, and move on.

More about content
Although I outsource 5 pages of content, these are merely search engine fodder. When a site starts ranking, I will go ahead and rewrite/modify the homepage/sticky post myself.

The specific instructions that I give my writers are as follows
  • The article should have at least 500 words
  • Main keyword has to be mentioned at a density of 2% (10 times per 500 words)
  • 3 other keywords (secondary kw) have to be mentioned at least twice in the whole article (each kw twice in the article for 3 keywords)
  • Please highlight the different kw you use in different colors in each article
  • Include 3 sub-titles – the main keyword should be in one and 2 others in the other 2 sub-titles
  • Main keyword should be mentioned in the 1st sentence and the last sentence
  • The 5 keywords are as follows. One is to be used as the primary keyword and 3 others to be used as secondaries in the article body and sub-titles as mentioned above
OK now we have the content written and wordpress installed on the 5 websites.

Initial configuration – WP Dashboard
I’ll start from the top left hand corner and go through the ones that I make changes on.
  • Dashboard – I will rename the category ‘uncategorized’ with primary kw, if it’s not too long. I’ll add another 1 or 2 categories with a related kw.
  • Links – I remove all the default links. I’ve set up WPDesktop to do this automatically
  • Pages – Privacy, terms of use, about, disclosure and contact go in here. I always noindex and nofollow these pages. I don’t want anybody reverse engineering all my sites using the almost identical ‘legal’ pages. Do a search for this phrase and you’ll find 100s of websites of this guy “We have had a large internet presence for many years and we sure aren’t going anywhere” "We have had a large internet presence for many years and we sure aren’t going anywhere" - Google Search uncovering a ton of niches J. I don’t think you want that. That’s why you want to noindex the legal pages. You want to nofollow them because you don’t want any PR juice leaking into these pages.
  • Appearance –> theme – I’ve been using the thesis theme for a while now. But I’ve used all kinds of free themes to achieve top rankings. Thesis supposedly have this advantage for being ‘SEO friendly’. This is a controversial topic and I’ll stay out of it J
  • Appearance –> widgets – under the footer widget, I put the following code.
<a href=””>primary keyword</a> | <a href=” kw”>secondary kw</a>
<a href=” us”
target=”_blank” rel=”nofollow”>About-US</a> | <a
target=”_blank” rel=”nofollow”>Contact</a> |
<a href=””
target=”_blank” rel=”nofollow”>Disclosure</a> |
<a href=””
target=”_blank” rel=”nofollow”>Privacy Policy</a>
| <a href=””
target=”_blank” rel=”nofollow”>Terms of Use</a>
| <a href=””
  1. Note how all the legal pages are nofollowed while the sitemap is not. These will appear in the footer of each page. You definitely want your primary/theme kw here, and may be also one or two secondary kw related to the main theme.
  2. I also use the recent posts widget in the sidebar here. I believe it just makes it easier for search engines to find all the posts and therefore index them. If you have really interesting content, that will also help you retain your visitors for a longer period of time. More on this later (A lot).
  3. Because I use Thesis, I also use something called ‘Thesis OpenHook’ and I do one configuration here. One of the things that I do here is pasting an auto-ping script. I learned and purchased the script through a WSO from Sean Donahoe. Sean’s products are top notch by the way. What this script does is, it pings your site whenever a visitor lands on your site using their IP address. I guess this is a good thing; I include the script in all my sites. Does it make a difference? I really don’t know! Recently I bought this WSO from Konrad Braun and it does auto-pinging and more. I found this free plugin with a Google search that seems to do a similar thing. Feel free to check it out Free Pinger Plugin for Wordpress – Let visitors ping for you
  • The next section is plugins. I believe this is where the power of wordpress comes in to play. I use a bunch of free plugins and a couple of paid plugins. Here they are
Free ones Go to and copy the ping directory URLs they useI'm not going to tell you why I use each of them, their description pages will say what they are used for.

Paid ones
  1. SEOPressor UNLIMITED – SEOPressor automatically optimizes your on-page SEO by bolding, italizing and underlining your main keyword. It also optimize title and image tags. You can use the Suggestion Feature to tweak your content for high search engine ranking. Version 4.0 | By Daniel Tan
  2. Ping Crawler Turbo – Based on Ping Crawl 2 by Josh Team and Eli and Josh Phipps and LinkCurl fork from “Guerilla Blog Hacks” with Minor tweaks for speed, efficiency and security by Sean Donahoe – Every time you make a post on your blog it grabs similar posts from other blogs that allow pingbacks using the post tags. It then links to them at the bottom of the post as similar posts. It then executes the pingback on all the posts. You can specify how many posts to do per tag and that many will be done for each tag you use in your posts. Typically it has about an 80% successrate with each pingback and they are legit so the ones that fall into moderation tend to get approved. This creates quite a few deep links for each blog post you make and through time really helps with your link building. Especially for new blogs. Version 1.1 | By Sean Donahoe | Visit plugin site
  3. Trackback Feed - Indexing Plugin and Trackback Feed Plugin I'll tell you what I use this for in the Off Page SEO section. You might even be able to figure it out yourself.
  • Under settings --> General: I always put the WordPress address (URL) and Site address (URL) both as This is the non WWW. Format. I always use this format. You should pick one of them and stick to it in all your link building campaigns. It is said that building links to the www. Format and non-www format will divide the link juice and thus the benefits.
  • Under settings --> Email: I say and create that email in the cpanel and forward it to my personal email address. That way, should someone contact this address at all, it will be forwarded to my email.
  • Under settings --> Discussion: I leave the comments on. THIS IS CRUCIAL. But I say comments will be moderated by admin. So they are manually approved. MORE on this later.
  • Under settings --> Privacy: I select the option "I would like to block search engines, but allow normal visitors". I leave it that way until the content is posted. I don’t want Google to see an incomplete site – first impressions matter . I have setup WPDesktop to do this automatically during WP installation.
  • Under settings --> Permalinks: I do /%postname% or /%postname%/ - pick one and always use that one to build link. Just like the www vs non-www that I mentioned earlier
Adding Content
OK! The site configurations are done! Now we need to add the content. I’m going to use the following terms from now onwards.
  • Theme kw – the main kw the site targets
  • Primary kw – the 1ry (primary) kw of any given post
  • Secondary kw – the LSI or other related kw for a given post
Let’s take an example and I’m going to stick with this hypothetical example for the rest of the post.

If the kw that I’m going after is kids karaoke machines, that’s my theme kw. 3 related kw would be kids karaoke machine reviews, karaoke machines for kids and best kids karaoke machines. Assuming this is a website with 4 posts, I would have 1 post optimized for each of the kws.

Let’s say my first post is going to be on my theme kw. For that post, the 1ry kw as well as the theme kw is “kids karaoke machines”. For the same post, “kids karaoke machine reviews”, “karaoke machines for kids” and “best kids karaoke machines” would be 2ry kw.

Let’s say my 2nd post is going to be on “karaoke machines for kids”. Then my 1ry kw is “karaoke machines for kids”, theme kw is always “kids karaoke machines” and 2ry kw are “kids karaoke machine reviews” and “best kids karaoke machines”. You should add more LSI kw from WonderWheel etc. even if you are not going to use them as 1ry kw on any of the posts. used to be a good tool to identify these LSI kw, but it's not functional anymore. If anybody knows another resource, please feel free to share.

OK hope that makes sense. Now let’s start adding content to the website, 1 post after the other. Here is what I do for each post.
  • Title tag: 1ry kw – some phrase theme kw – (NOTE: Title Case)
e.g. Karaoke Machines for Kids – All about Kids Karaoke Machines
  • URL/Permalink – There are 2 options. One is to leave the default URL as is, which in this case will be karaoke-machines/. The other option is to manually edit it so that only the 1ry kw remains like I’ve tried both; however, I don’t have enough evidence to say one is better than the other. It’s up to you, I just feel the latter may look too spammy if you do that to all pages of your site.
  1. Exceptions to the above rule is the post made for the theme kw
  2. Here I discuss two options for my title for the post on the theme kw – “Kids Karaoke Machines – Best Kids Karaoke Machine Reviews”. However, I have also seen titles like “theme keyword | theme keyword” and they still rank. Others use only “theme keyword” in their title so that it’s 100% focused. But in my opinion, when you resort to the last 2 options, you’re not talking to the searcher (you're talking only to the SEs) and you’re also limiting yourself. We’re probably not going to be able to rank all 4 pages in this site. We’re probably only going to be able to rank the post with the theme kw. If you notice, inside my title, I have 3 out of the 4 kw we targeted with this website. Depending on what the competition may be for those other kw, the above post has the potential to get top rankings for all those 3 kw. That would be nice wouldn’t it? I have a couple of sites like this where the post optimized for the theme kw (I’m going to call this post the STICKY POST from now onwads) ranks #1-3 for various kw. Of course, if the competition is harsh for these 2ry kw, they won't rank (like the case with majority of my sites). In the above example, for the kw that is not in the title, I will make sure that it’s in the description tag.
  3. Second option would be something like “Best Kids Karaoke Machines. Reviews of Karaoke Machines for Kids” – Here I’m sacrificing a little bit of kw prominence to squeeze in that 4th kw also. IMPORTANT – you’ll learn a lot from this exercise. Do Google searches for ‘keyword prominence’ and ‘keyword proximity’. Use that knowledge to write your title and description tags.
  4. IMPORTANT – you’ll learn a lot from this exercise as well. Do Google searches for wedding favors, unique wedding favors, bridal shower favors and unique bridal favors – you’ll see what I mean. This is StomperNet CEO Brad Fallon’s site. See how he links to it from his blog Wedding Favors and Accessories. Look at all the links at the bottom of this page. Search Google for those phrases, see what you get. Learn from it, you can probably spend a good hour learning stuff. Pay attention to the title tag, the description tag and the URL of the top ranking 3-5 sites and you’ll get a feel about how you should word these 3 components of your site. Just remember that you and I are not Brad Fallon and that we cannot target multiple keywords. If you are just starting out, trying to rank your site for multiple kw can hurt you more than it can help. So for now, do the above exercise, but focus on ranking one kw.
  5. Got carried away a little bit sorry! What about the URL for the sticky post? Again, I have no concrete answer. But I’ve had success both ways. Here’s what I’d do. If I had the EMD which in this case would be Kids Karaoke Machines - Do Your Christmas Shopping Here!, I would make the url of the sticky post I am aware that ‘machines reviews’ is not grammatically correct, but I’m doing it so that I get ranked for kids karaoke machine reviews as well as kids karaoke machines.
  6. However, if I did not have the EMD I would go for this. Again I don’t have concrete evidence to say one is better than the other. By now, you’ve seen many examples and I hope you went to Google and did dozens of additional searches and are able to make a decision about how you want to go about with your site.
  • Description tag – this HAS TO BE unique for each post. Don’t be lazy. Write different ones for each post. Use 1ry kw once and theme kw once. If possible, also use singular and plural versions. If it’s the sticky post, make extra effort to talk to the human searcher (not the SE). Have a ‘Call For Action’ (visit us, click here); give a benefit of your site (cheapest price, independent review, free shipping, free download etc.). Do something to make him click through to your website over the ones that are above/below you. Make it attractive.
  • Body of the postI have already talked about the kw density, distribution of kw, LSI etc. I’ll talk about the post body under the following aspects: subheadings (H tags); hyperlinks; text decoration; images; tags/meta tags; sticky post; scheduling posts
    • Subheadings
      • 1 heading at the top with H1 tags – should contain/or start with the 1ry kw e.g. Kids Karaoke Machine Reviews – Different types of Kids Karaoke Machines available
      • 1 H2 heading with theme kw
      • 1-2 H2/H3 headings with 1ry/2ry kw
    • Hyperlinks
§ One in the first sentence with the 1ry kw pointing to the same post
§ One with the theme kw pointing to the same post (the way I see it, you’re telling Google “this post is about the 1ry kw, but it is also about the theme kw”)
§ One with the theme kw pointing to the main domain/homepage and/or different post (again you’re telling Google “that post is about the 2ry kw, but it is also about the theme kw”)
§ One with a 2ry kw pointing to the relevant post
§ This way at least 3-4 posts will have an outgoing link and an incoming link with the anchor text as ‘theme kw’
o Text decoration – make the 1ry kw bold once; and italicized or underlined once
o Images
§ I download royalty free images from the web (morgueFile free photos for creatives by creatives and stock.xchng - the leading free stock photography site are good examples) or purchase them from stock image sites and name them with 1ry kw e.g. kids-karaoke-machine-reviews.jpg
§ Then I insert the relevant image to each post and put the 1ry kw as the ALT tag
o Tags/Meta tags
§ I use 2 – one is the 1ry kw and the 2nd is the theme kw – again, I think this tells Google that the whole theme is about our theme kw. However, the general belief is that SEs nowadays don’t give a lot of significance to these tags. But you’re not losing anything by doing this. Some people like to add more tags thinking you will rank for all those kw but another school of thought is that you should keep them focused.
o Sticky post – I set the post optimized for the theme kw as the sticky post. You can do this under Publish --> Visibility --> Public --> Stick the post to the front page
o Scheduling posts - I schedule the 5 posts to be posted at like day 1, day 2, day 6, day 12, and day 21 or something. I just do whatever comes to my mind at that time, no concrete rules here.

Added later - points forgotten to include in the original post
  • I nofollow the link to my RSS/subscribe on the homepage. Thesis gives an option in its dashboard for you to nofollow this. There may be plugins to do this for generic WP themes or you can manually add the rel="nofollow" attribute to the code if you can find the place.

Outgoing links – This is important
  • A kw relevant page doesn’t only get links from other relevant websites but also link out to other relevant websites
  • So link out to authority sites/pages relevant to your theme – Wikipedia,, CNN etc.
  • I usually have this in my footer and make sure I no follow them
  • Some people also have a separate page listing these relevant pages
o If you haven’t written different meta descriptions for each post, this is the time to do it.
o I check everything again and if everything looks good, I then go to Settings à Privacy settings and ‘unblock the search engines’.
o Affiliate links – I only add my affy links after the SEs have indexed my sites. I would also go and do my product review or whatever also after that.

Important note:

A lot of people talk about kw research, On Page SEO and Off Page SEO. But not many address the ‘social interactions’ that should take place inside your site. Now the internet is all about interaction right? And you should facilitate this interaction inside your website also by all means. Google recognizes this using bounce rate and retention rate (as far as I know).

Bounce rate gives an idea about how many pages of your site does the typical visitor look at before he/she leaves it? The more the better. But instead, what we do is we give an affy link right on the home page and facilitate his/her leaving our site immediately. What I do is I send them to a 2nd page and that’s where my review is. I say something attention grabbing and ask them to go to this page to read a review of the most popular 3 products or whatever.

Retention rate is how long they spend on your site. There are two methods that I employ to increase their retention. One is ask them to watch a video the other is asking them to make a comment. This is why I asked you to leave the commenting open during configuring WP. But you have to moderate them and manually approve the comments so that spammers will be kept out. I also respond to the comments and try and get a 2 way communication going. Here is something a little grey hat that I do to get the ball rolling. To encourage people to make comments, I make a controversial comment to begin with. Then I’d wait a couple of day and see if anybody responds. If nobody does, I go in there with another fake identity and responds to the first comment igniting more fire. Usually after that there are plenty of people making comments and the cycle goes on. Not only does this increase the retention rate but I think Google also recognizes that there is a dialogue going on and rewards it by giving higher rankings. I have a couple of sites at the top that outrank huge relevant authority sites with tons of backlinks etc. etc. The only way I can explain how I beat them is the comments on my site. This is a HUGE on page SEO tip. This might even be the most important SEO tip of this whole thread. How many people will use it? I don’t know! But if you do, you are bound to see the rewards.

Another thing you can do is encourage people to retweet, like on FB and Digg your posts. I have tried a couple of WP plugins for this in the past. I'll be honest here. Nobody retweeted, liked or dugg my content I was heart broken. Don't ask me why. May be it's the kind of crowd my niches attract! I was only left with the Tweets that I did myself. That's part of Off Page SEO, I'll talk about it there (hopefully I'll remember to do so).

It's important that you learn some of these basics, but it is also equally important that you don't spend too much time analyzing things leading to analysis paralysis. At one point, just say enough and just do it.

Day 13 - April 2nd

Off Page SEO

Because this post was getting really long and it was not allowing me to add more smileys etc. (a maximum of 10 per post from what I can understand), I have posted this section on page 3. As of April 2nd 3pm CST, it's not 100% complete, but there's plenty for you to read and digest if you are relatively new to proper SEO.

Enjoy and feel free to ask questions on the thread (and NOT PM me please)

#2011 #amazon #day #figure #internet marketing tips #month #seo #seo optimization #seo tips #year
  • Profile picture of the author L41db4ck
    I'm waiting patiently..

    Rgds, our password-named poster

    Google LOVES aged domains!
    Premium Aged Domains - - Make An Offer Now!

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    • Profile picture of the author smlover
      gotta have Thanks to your post first then read. Glad to see your sincerity
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3660184].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author TomScarn
    Congrats, any WSO coming out of this post?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3564226].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Steve Faber
      Originally Posted by TomScarn View Post

      Congrats, any WSO coming out of this post?
      That post IS basically a WSO.
      For Killer Marketing Tips that Will Grow Your Business Follow Me on Twitter Now
      After all, you're probably following a few hundred people already that aren't doing squat for you.....
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3589770].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author powerfulprince
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4229921].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author jimmel196
        Hello Chucky. I hope all is well. I have a follow to my post on 07-08-2011. I have been getting backlinks to my site and something has occurred that I do not quite understand. One of my posts that was on the 20th page is now in position 2 on the second page. Upon going into SEO Quake I notice that I have approximately 40 backlinks from the same website but I only replied to 3 or 4 posts on that site and backlinked to those only. But today I notice that virtually every blog on their website has sent me a link and several are pr-3 and pr-4. I am not complaining but as I said in my previous post I am so new to this that I really don't understand. Also I obviously want to continue doing the things that I need to be doing. Thanks for responding in advance. Jimmy

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4237355].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Shanti10
    Chucky, I want to thank you for sharing your story here. I havent watched the videos that you kindly put together yet but I will; I really enjoyed reading what you have written though and can see that you deserve great success and I am certain you will get more of it. Congats and well done, you deserve it.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3564253].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author adlol
      This is going to be my first post on this forum and this will be closley watching your thread, I am in the same situation and hope I can have success like you.

      I cant wait to see your new posts, looks very interesting.
      "Listen up close to what I say, because I am going to head out west one day, I heard about a fortune to be made..... and I am going to get it just you wait.. because I heard there is gold in these hills."
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3564359].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Victor Edson
    Good Job Chucky. It looks like you're ready to do a little outsourcing!

    PS...there's not even an outsourcing link in my sig...crazy i know. But seriously it would help you a lot if you're still in school, and slow. I'm pretty slow at getting stuff done myself and outsourcing tasks like SEO, and content has helped a lot.

    Food for thought.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3564344].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author martfay
    wow very inspiring, if you dont mind me asking, how many sites do you have to attain that much income?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3564475].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author SWright
    Nice post.

    I'm thinking about trying to make some money like this, though I am trying offline at the moment.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3564496].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author jacked
    Thanks, bookmarked this for when I get some time great post and very motivating. There are days where I get so close to hitting my first 4 figure day, but I can't really do much work until this semester of school is over as I am studying hard for my MCATs and getting ready for med school admissions. Ok well back I am back to studying now, no more procrastinating on the WF.


    Comments, Profiles, Pyramids, Bookmarks, Article Submissions, Web 2.0 Creation, & Much MORE
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3564584].message }}
  • Congrats. Hope my earnings will reach these levels on day.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3564670].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author rvdp
      Hi, nice post and impressive results. Was wondering if you could share some of your backlinking strategy. Do you outsource? Manual or automated? What type of links? How many?

      Would really appreciate if you could give some insight. Thanks!
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3564870].message }}
    • Inspiring! Like the part about sticking with one system. It's amazing how you start seeing results when you focus all your efforts on one system for a few months rather than jumping around.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3568923].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Jonathan Beaton
    Very smart post. Great example of how to establish trust and create an awesome reputation.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3564973].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author claycath
      Looking forward to your next SEO lesson!


      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3565068].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Suzucheng
    Hope it doesn't take another 3 months for the next post =P
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3565070].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Chucky
    Thank you all for your comments. I'll try to answer some of the questions some of you have raised below.

    Originally Posted by TomScarn View Post

    Congrats, any WSO coming out of this post?
    Let's see how good the content will be once I finish translating everything in my head in to words. If it is good, may be I will launch a WSO in 2013 when I have time. But who knows? By then, I might get a 60 hours/week job and will be even more tight for time than now :confused:

    Originally Posted by Shanti10 View Post

    Chucky, I want to thank you for sharing your story here. I havent watched the videos that you kindly put together yet but I will; I really enjoyed reading what you have written though and can see that you deserve great success and I am certain you will get more of it. Congats and well done, you deserve it.
    Thanks! I'm sure everybody deserves it as much as I do.

    Originally Posted by Victor Edson View Post

    Good Job Chucky. It looks like you're ready to do a little outsourcing!
    Thanks Victor! Actually I do a lot of outsourcing on Odesk (and my wifey ). I have spent over $5000 in outsourcing by now. But the beauty of internet marketing is that I have gotten like a 2000% ROI. What other ethical business model would give you that right? I outsource content writing, backlinking and starting recently even making my websites. I taught a kid in the neighborhood to configure my sites and upload content the way I want. It took a lot of time and patience. He is still not perfect but hopefully he'll get there soon.

    Originally Posted by martfay View Post

    wow very inspiring, if you dont mind me asking, how many sites do you have to attain that much income?
    Hey, thanks!
    As I said, the 20K that I made in November was an exception. My regular income is like 7K/month from IM. Unfortunately, about 5K of this comes from 2 sites, another one makes like 1K and others make like $200 - 300/month. This is not very good. I would rather have 10-20 sites making $300 - 500 each rather than 2 sites making 5K. What I have right now is kinda risky

    Originally Posted by RenTak Rengøring View Post

    Congrats. Hope my earnings will reach these levels on day.
    If I were you, I would not HOPE, but be absolutely certain that I will make XX amount of $$ by the year 20XX. Like someone said, make a decision that you will do it. Have absolutely no doubt. Visualize it in your head. Think of it day and night. How will your life be when you achieve it? Write it down. Read it every once in a while. Add more to it with time. Get emotional about it. Get your adrenaline rushing thinking about it. Talk about it. Tell people that you're going to do it by 20XX. Then you have no option but to do it. I have done it; hundreds are doing it everyday; so can you!

    Go to YouTube and search for videos from Tony Robins; Search for MP3s from him; read his stuff on the internet. Buy/borrow his books. I'm sure there are others like Tony Robins that I'm not aware of.

    Good luck!

    Originally Posted by rvdp View Post

    Hi, nice post and impressive results. Was wondering if you could share some of your backlinking strategy. Do you outsource? Manual or automated? What type of links? How many?

    Would really appreciate if you could give some insight. Thanks!
    Thanks! Yes I definitely will in the coming days. But before that, I need to talk about kw research and on page SEO

    Originally Posted by Suzucheng View Post

    Hope it doesn't take another 3 months for the next post =P
    LOL. Seriously! Me too!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3565177].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author mrdomains
      Originally Posted by Chucky View Post

      ... I do a lot of outsourcing on Odesk (and my wifey ).
      Aha! The hidden secret!

      Free action plan : Think less. Do more.

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3767328].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author John F Kennedy
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4251405].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Chucky
        Originally Posted by TheOnlineEra View Post

        Chucky, just out of I need website with separate domain for separate niche everytime or will an umbrella website with exact matching sub-domains work as well?
        I'm asking this coz with with subdomains I can have exact matching keywords subdomains.
        I'm afraid the answer is yes! YES you do need separate domains unless you are thinking about building a Wikipedia, or EMD+suffix or prefix+EMD is much better than EM

        Originally Posted by akyyyy View Post

        thanks for the reply and the tip for searching intitle and inanchor. Using MNF what parameters do you suggest using, or what do you use?

        As for content Im just working on a amazon product specific site. How many pages would be enough before allowing google to crawl the site. And what kind of writing do you have for amazon products: reviews, or specifications of the products? Would using any of the review comments from be considered duplicate content?

        and one last thing, if my keyword was "amazon kindle 3" would i also get searches for "3 kindle amazon" or any other order of the words? Or should I write my pages using my keyword in different orders? And what about plural form of a keyword, would this be one keyword "blender" and "blenders"???

        im also using Thesis. Do you have any suggestions or tips on how to utilize this theme for its fullest? And do you use the stock look, or use any skins, change backgrould colors etc?

        thank you!!!

        ps: also can you pm me any writers that you recommend or use? I havent had much luck with 3 of them i've used so far.
        I personally would take on any kw if SOC is < 500 or sometimes even 1,000. I go through these in detail in the kw research section and/or videos.

        I go for more like specifications than reviews. 2 posts before Google crawls.

        I don't use customer reviews from Amazon, but I see many #1 ranked sites using them such as that ranks #1 for 'ereader reviews'. But you should also notice that comments don't make up the bulk of the content there. The site provides very good value to the reader.

        No I don't use Kindle 3 Amazon (that doesn't mean you shouldn't; I don't know how that works). As for plural, yes the 2% is plural + singular. But if the kw I'm targeting is singular, 80% would be singular and 20% would be plural.

        Yes I use different skins and background colors to hide from my competitors that it's the same guy that is ranking 5 websites in the same niche. There is a nice free theme I use - search something like Kristerella Cappuccino free thesis theme and you should find it. All the settings in thesis is beyond this thread, sorry no time!

        Originally Posted by jimmel196 View Post

        Hello Chucky. I really appreciate your response. You are exactly right. I am listed on the sidebar as the most commented author. I am up to 84 and it appears that I have received a link from every post on their site. I made some complementing comments about this company and the next thing I new I was revieving pr 3 and pr 4 links. In my case luck had everything to do with it. I would be interested to know what I should do at this point to keep this going.

        The most important thing that I can tell you is to take all the time you need to deal with the family issues you are having. I am 49 and have 3 kids all college and I can tell you that there will never be anything more important than your family. Its none of our business what your problems are but I can tell you it doesn't matter to me if you ever reply to your posts as long as you and your family are doing well. You seem to be a very generous person and I am sure that good things will come to you. God bless and I hope all goes well. Jimmy
        Hey thanks Jimmy for your kind thoughts! My kids are still 3 and 4 years and already two hands FULL!! I hear it doesn't get any better as they age

        If you can do the investment, the biggest bang for your time and money would be Build My Rank and Social ADR (I see people recommend Social Monkee, haven't used it). These two work very nice even as we speak (post panda 2.2 era as well). You get 10 free posts with BMR, see how that goes, don't do all of them in one day. Do 2 every day and see how it goes.

        Keep us posted!

        Originally Posted by amarketing View Post

        Thank you so much for answering all my questions, Chcky. I'm sorry to hear that things are not going great in your private life, but I'm sure things will get better.

        I know you put your "relevant site" links in the footer, do you do this for each post, or only the footer of certain posts?

        Also, do you put your intra-site links in the footer as well, or are these part of the post?

        Thanks for all of the help you give everyone!
        Hey thanks for your kind comments. Not a big deal, just kids getting sick! And this damn grad school

        Footer is a sitewide thing, generally people don't change the footer from post to post (not sure if you can do that even).

        Intra-site links are 4 kinds - editorial links (in paragraphs); Yet Another Related Post; sidebar 'recent posts' widget; and footer. Recently I've also started inserting links in to images that I post on my site - but then I would link those usually to the homepage/sticky post.

        Originally Posted by akyyyy View Post

        entered the footer that you use (with my domain of course) and it worked... will this way have the same effect that we're looking for?

        if you could also comment on the best way to add Amazon ads. Do you use a plugin (if so which one), or enter the code from amazon affiliate website manually into your webpage.

        I'm sorry, the part about the footer is not clear, can you explain again pls?

        As for Amazon, I've recently started using EasyAzon (Chris Guthri) but haven't used long enough to recommend yet. But looks very good. I also bought Edwin Bolten's APD plugin, also looks very good especially for doing comparisons. But again, haven't used enough to recommend. Before these, yes, I did manual links

        Originally Posted by John F Kennedy View Post

        Chucky - Your post offers so much in value but what's stands out for me is your passion for success and your refusal to fail, loving your attitude, very well done!

        Tony Robins has too been a great mentor for me as has Les Brown

        "You gotta be hungry"
        WOW!! Look at the caliber of people that comment on my thread JOHN F KENNEDY!!

        Thanks for your comments! I hadn't heard about Les Brown, I watched that video and a couple others and the story about how he became a DJ was really inspiring! Will be following him!

        Thanks John!

        I believe attitude is everything. Once in college, we had this external professor coming and giving a talk about knowledge, skills and attitudes. Although I used the word attitude almost everyday, it was at this lecture that I realized the true meaning of attitude. I always thought it was a matter of knowledge and skills; but NO! The highest level of knowledge and skill is useless without the right attitude (my 2 pennies of course)
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4265051].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Ceciliacyprus
      What a brilliant very large! post, thank you so much Chucky. Some of what you say is so resonant with me, really human with our weaknesses all admitted and factored in. Gives such encouragement.
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  • Profile picture of the author markthompson
    Nice recap.

    I agree that I would rather spread out my income over multiple sites. This way you can be covered if for some reason Google turns the screws on one of your sites for whatever reason.

    Personally I have built income through niche blogs and steady content development. If you do the proper keyword research and find buyer ready terms, thats where the money is!

    Good luck this year!
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    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3565245].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Chucky

    I just finished half of the Keyword research module. Don't want to post anything without double checking them (too sleepy now; almost 1am now). Will post the keyword research modules sometime tomorrow CST.

    I thought it would be only fair to show my procedure using both paid tools (I use MNF) and free tools so that even those that are starting out and don't have the paid tools yet are able to get some value out of it.

    Thanks and talk to you guys tomorrow!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3566005].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author IMKid
    Congrats to you Chucky and will be definitely following ya!

    Sure I have my own way of skinning my cat, but like to learn yours too. 2 ways to skin a cat is better than 1 way to skin a cat

    I'm curious, are your 'larger sites' (the ones with 30+ pages) informational sites or niche sites?

    Are your sites based on WP or static sites?

    The KID
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  • Profile picture of the author Suzucheng
    Looking forward to it Chucky!
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  • Profile picture of the author Chris Sweeney
    Nice work Chucky, and keep the good info coming!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3568170].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Alex Rich
      Thanks Chucky,
      Your documentation is helpful as both a yardstick and a road map. It helps a lot to be able to gauge where I am from a more solid perspective than I had before your article.

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3568249].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author kimberly Aita
    I have never subscribed to a thread but want to make sure I can find this and continue learning more about what you are doing.... now I know how to subscribe..... LOL
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  • Profile picture of the author Dumkist
    Are these sites still making you money each month ?..if so how much ?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3570561].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Chucky
      Originally Posted by Dumkist View Post

      Are these sites still making you money each month ?..if so how much ?
      I believe I answered that question in the videos. I don't make nearly as much on a regular month from these sites. That is because I targeted black Friday products right from the go.

      I was planning on talking about this during on page optimization. But since you raised the point, I'll briefly go through it now.

      The MAJOR trick is this. When it comes to Black Friday, people (including myself) search for 'product name keyword + Black Friday Deals' etc. You want to optimize your pages for the right products and exploit the tons of traffic you're going to get on Black Friday and then throughout the month of Christmas.

      There you go! That's a $100K tip right there!
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3571880].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Trent Brownrigg
    Already great advice and information, and it seems you will be adding much more. I'll check back for sure!

    You can find internet marketing strategies, SEO consulting, and tons of business advice at BAM!

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3570683].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Chucky
    UPDATE March 21st - Day 2
    5 New Videos on keyword research added

    I reveal 2 niches (flip video cameras and kids karaoke machines) and 4 potential keyword phrases. For some of them 'exact match domains' are still available.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3571817].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Chucky
    Originally Posted by jmasterson View Post

    Chucky thanks for sharing your results! That's inspiring man. And you mentioned a huge point... Not putting all your eggs in 1 basket.

    That's something I need to work on myself. I've got my own product but all my traffic comes from just a few places right now...

    -My YouTube account
    -2 sniper site blogs
    -1 static authority site

    I plan on adding:

    -20 more sniper sites
    -Direct banner buys
    -Creating related products

    I think the trick is to work on 1 new traffic method at a time. And once you get it working and have a SYSTEM in place that works, you can outsource as much as possible and move to the next traffic method.

    I'll be following this thread since I'm especially interested in SEO.
    No doubt, the more traffic sources the merrier
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3571854].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author IMKid
    Whoa! That's a lot of information you've given on kw research. I didn't get to go through all the videos because they were a little on the long side. But will definitely do when I have time tomorrow.

    Also look forward to the 'write up' you're going to do a kw research.
    Thanks again!

    The Kid
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3572179].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author sane1
    Thanks Chucky, an ode to persistence and simplsity.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3573226].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author sane1
    oh and your current basket is fine, just add a few more of those 'to do' sites and things will balance out and grow.
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    • Profile picture of the author inter123
      Video 4 is not playing properly after about 30 seconds and problems with video 5 too.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3573758].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author XtremXpert
    The last three videos are not playing properly for me, I do not have problems with other videos.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3574068].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Bribebox
      Originally Posted by XtremXpert View Post

      The last three videos are not playing properly for me, I do not have problems with other videos.
      Yea, same here...
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3574222].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author j10nnb
    Yes same here, the sound goes off.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3574385].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Dumkist
    No sound
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3574391].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author starrgirrl
    Thank you for sharing your experiences. I'm new to the forum and your story is providing me with a great boost of inspiration. Here's to your continuing success!
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  • Profile picture of the author alco
    Do you find all your Amazin sites are winners? A few of mine are on the first page but make no money even though traffic is going to Amazon.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3574616].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Davy44
    Great post! Hope to read your next post.
    PAYDAY LOANS- cash on demand!
    PAYDAY LENDERS You can trust!
    CHECK LOANS for unexpected expenses
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3574953].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Chucky
    Thanks everybody for checking the videos out. I'll start checking them ASAP.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3577558].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Chucky
    Hey guys,

    The last 3 videos seems to have a problem as pointed by many of you. The original videos on my hard disk are fine. But when I upload them on to YouTube, something seems to be going wrong.

    Working on it and hopefully I don't have to shoot the videos again

    Sorry about the inconvenience!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3577861].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Chucky
    UPDATE March 23rd - Some of the keyword research videos had problems with sounds, but they are all fixed now. Thanks everybody for pointing it out.

    I brought the videos to a different post because they were taking up a lot of space on the original post. Unfortunately, the last two videos are still not fixed. Will work on that tomorrow!

    I also go through competition analysis etc. I also show why I don't want to target a particular keyword (flip video cameras) while I WANT to target the other keywords.

    Video 1 - Keyword research using MNF part 1
    Video 2 - Keyword research using MNF part 2
    Video 3 - Selection of the right domain name
    Video 4 - Keyword research without paid tools part 1
    Video 5 - Keyword research without paid tools part 2
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3578602].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author IMKid
    Hi Chucky,

    As you can see, I've been following your thread religiously! I don't leave a lot of comments, but I do read WF every now and again. The keyword research component you have added is outstanding to say the least.

    I don't think I have seen anybody addressing keyword research in such depth. The examples that you show are also very good. I knew about the dog training site, but others are new to me.

    I have one question. You say you look at keyword density on the competitors. What's the exact keyword density you look for or what's the density you would use in your sites?

    Wishing you all the best in 2011,
    The KIDO
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3580114].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Nail Yener
    Chucky, congratulations on your success and thanks for sharing your story with us.
    Such threads are really valuable. You have outlined a great plan to make money
    online with different sources and you are asking nothing in return. This is not
    something we come across frequently.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3580423].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author tayuyaa
    Hi Chucky,

    Congrats on your success, I just have some questions to ask you. You said that you're sites are similar to sniper sites with 4-5 posts on them, but only 2 of them bring you the most of your income, are these two sites 4-5 posts too or are they the bigger ones?

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3580472].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author marjames
    Oh no! I've never been into this thread before.. I supposed to open the CPA section and it got me here. I got it lost after few readings and checked the CPA section it wasn't there. My laptop history saved me!

    I rested IM for a while since I got frustrated and am now going to try it again. And this got me. A very valuable information! I want to thank you for this. I'm starting again to learn. And yes, having a positive mindset can bring Success! And definitely, im following you now!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3580798].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Chucky
    Originally Posted by IMKid View Post

    I'm curious, are your 'larger sites' (the ones with 30+ pages) informational sites or niche sites?

    Are your sites based on WP or static sites?

    The KID
    hmmm... niche or information? The way I see it, a niche site essentially has information right? I mean they are definitely not like wikipedia. The majority of pages are meant to be search engine fodder and don't necessarily have affiliate links. All pages essentially target the same product.

    Let's take an example. I'm not in this specific niche yet, but I'm in a similar one. Let's say I want to promote the Xbox Kinect. I will have a sticky post about the Xbox Kinect on my home page and then I will have other pages talking about Xbox360, Kinect and everything that is related to it.

    However, I will not have 'information' about Nintendo Wii or Sony PSP on this site.

    Is that what you mean?

    All but my first site are WP based.

    Originally Posted by alco View Post

    Do you find all your Amazin sites are winners? A few of mine are on the first page but make no money even though traffic is going to Amazon.
    I just logged in to my Amazon account to try and give you some statistics. I pulled up the "Tracking ID Summary for March 22nd". I usually have one tracking ID per site. It says "Displaying only the 9 of your 37 tracking IDs that have clicks" which means I probably have 37 websites promoting Amazon products (had no idea I had so many).

    The 9 sites have had 53 clicks and 2 orders (4% conversion rate - not bad), and 3 items shipped (2 orders and 3 shipments - probably because a previous order got shipped y'day) sold $556.01 worth of stuff and earned $36.15 in commissions.

    Hope that answers your question. But I do want you to understand that only 9 out of the 37 sites have clicks simply because I have done nothing more than building those other websites. No off page SEO has been done. Had I done my usual optimization on all those sites, then I would have expected at least 20 of them to have had clicks instead of just 9.

    The fact that they don't make money - check out the section I have added on 'Commercial Intent'. Are you in the right market? Are you targeting buying kw?

    Originally Posted by IMKid View Post

    Hi Chucky,

    I don't think I have seen anybody addressing keyword research in such depth. The examples that you show are also very good. I knew about the dog training site, but others are new to me.

    I have one question. You say you look at keyword density on the competitors. What's the exact keyword density you look for or what's the density you would use in your sites?

    Wishing you all the best in 2011,
    The KIDO
    Thank you Kido! Appreciate your comments.

    No I don't calculate their keyword density. I do a ctrl-F on firefox and search for the kw. Then I press 'highlight all'. Then I just get a rough idea about where/how many times the kw is used.

    About my sites, I will address them when I talk about on page SEO

    That's it for now guys, will answer other questions tonight! Thanks!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3581211].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author IMKid
    Thanks Chucky! Makes sense, will wait till you do your on page SEO write up for the rest.
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    • Profile picture of the author Dumkist
      Hi Chucky,

      I have a few ? for when you do keyword research you check to see if the keyword has less than "100,000" and 300 links or less correct ?

      Also do you check the anchor text links to the site that is ranking # 1 ?
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3588939].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Chucky
        Originally Posted by Dumkist View Post

        Hi Chucky,

        I have a few ? for when you do keyword research you check to see if the keyword has less than "100,000" and 300 links or less correct ?

        Also do you check the anchor text links to the site that is ranking # 1 ?
        I did that at the beginning, not anymore. One of the kw I'm targeting with my newer websites has an phrase count of 8,550,000 and I'm on page 4 already. Been there about 4 months, progress is really slow. But that's not a 5 page site, it's larger has spent a lot of money on it and haven't earned me a single penny yet. That's why I say, if you're starting out stick to those recommendations so that you're not faced with such a situation. Of course if you have faith in yourself you're welcome to try such kw.

        Since so many beginners give up (I'm told) if they don't get a page 1 ranking within a short period, I personally think that if you stick to those or even less competition, you have maximal chances of reaching the top and boosting your confidence.

        Once you get that confidence (and $ to put back in the business), that's when you go for kw with higher competition.

        I do check the anchor text links to my competitors ultimately, but not at this initial stage. Whether they're building links using 1 anchor text or multiple anchor text is irrelevant to me. People like Jeremy Kelsall and Terry Kyle believe linking with more than one anchor text (if it is a sniper site that you want to rank with for 1 kw only) is not necessary. I have listened to webinar by Terry Kyle and Tom Woods where they say building links with a 2nd anchor text brought down their rankings for the primary kw. I have also personally experienced this, but I don't know if it simply coincided with
        my competitors building links for their sites and other factors.

        I don't have sites that rank #1 for multiple kw. When I look at Google analytics, I see that I have gotten traffic from various long tail kw, but these aren't high traffic ones or ones that I targeted.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3589388].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Dumkist
          I did that at the beginning, not anymore. One of the kw I'm targeting with my newer websites has an phrase count of 8,550,000 and I'm on page 4 already. Been there about 4 months, progress is really slow. But that's not a 5 page site, it's larger has spent a lot of money on it and haven't earned me a single penny yet. That's why I say, if you're starting out stick to those recommendations so that you're not faced with such a situation. Of course if you have faith in yourself you're welcome to try such kw.

          Thanks Chucky,

          Hey would mind sharing how you did this ?

          Like what did the competition look like for this keyword when you started...and how did you judge and decide on this keyword ?

          What did you do for backlinking ?
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    • Profile picture of the author Mariefurni
      it's very interesting i follow you!!!
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    • Profile picture of the author L41db4ck
      Originally Posted by Chucky

      Under settings --> Permalinks: I do /%postname% or /%postname%/ - pick one and always use that one to build link. Just like the www vs non-www that I mentioned earlier

      DOH! Really??? Then I've been doing it wrong, can anyone confirm that this makes any difference? :confused:

      Rgds, our password-named poster

      Google LOVES aged domains!
      Premium Aged Domains - - Make An Offer Now!

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3604225].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author nulen
      thanks for sharing your story m8.
      very important information here, its great for a newbie like me .
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3605249].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Kitte
      Great info. Five years ago I built my page and hoped to do some money but it was waste of time. I still have the domain, I 'll do it again.

      I've learned more here than from all kind of ebooks I've bought under the last five years. Most of them were pure rubbish.

      Thanks - I love this forum
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3608751].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author seoninjashell
        Hey Chucky I am new to the IM business so i would like to ask you some questions if you don't mind, more like me telling you what im going to do and you approving or not :p

        1. Find a product that i think has a reasonable title, content and price.
        Best  Vegan Cookbook (click bank)
        2. Do some keyword research and then find if i can beat it. Find some secondary kw's (didnt do for this example).
        vegan breakfest cookbook
        vegan dessert cookbook
        vegan cookbooks
        vegan cookbooks recipies
        3. Create a site with the keywords listed.

        ex. vegan-cook-bookdot com
        ex. vegan-cookbooks-recipiesdot com
        ex. vegancookbooksrecipiesdot com
        4. Then i create a wordpress with an amazing theme that is clean and simple. Use the plugins that you mention, create high quality content and use unique tags for each post. Follow your structure (below)

            * The article should have at least 500 words
            * Main keyword has to be mentioned at a density of 2% (10 times per 500 words)
            * 3 other keywords (secondary kw) have to be mentioned at least twice in the whole article (each kw twice in the article for 3 keywords)
            * Please highlight the different kw you use in different colors in each article
            * Include 3 sub-titles - the main keyword should be in one and 2 others in the other 2 sub-titles
            * Main keyword should be mentioned in the 1st sentence and the last sentence
            * The 5 keywords are as follows. One is to be used as the primary keyword and 3 others to be used as secondaries in the article body and sub-titles as mentioned above
        and then apply some other methods of posting.

        5. Post some of my own hand written articles to article sites like article base (high quality content only for this site), and other article sites for a tiny bit lower quality.

        6. Look for my keywords online and then post in the blogs/article sites with 3 way backlinking with a secondary domain as the re-director.

        first blog has anchored link to second blog.
        second blog has anchored link to third blog.
        third blog contains (50% of the time anchored) to secondarysite dot com/index472723.htm that redirects to my site (not direct page, maybe a specific post).

        Hopefully you can give me some tips and advice. Thank you!
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3609905].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Chucky
          Originally Posted by jzorro View Post

          Hi Chucky!

          Besides About Us, Contact, Disclosure, Privacy Policy, Terms of Use and Sitemap, do have any other page (not posts...) with content? Do you optimize any page for a given keyword?
          I sometimes have an outgoing links page and a YouTube videos page. Don't ask me why I selected a page instead of post But I haven't done this with my more recent sites. I just put the outgoing links in the footer.

          As far as actual content goes, I've once or twice set a 'page' optimized for the theme kw and set that on the homepage instead of a post. But then the post thing was so much easier and I stuck with it. Don't have enough statistics to tell you if one is better than the other.

          Originally Posted by Kitte View Post

          I've learned more here than from all kind of ebooks I've bought under the last five years. Most of them were pure rubbish.
          Thans Kitte, comments like yours make my effort worthwhile

          Originally Posted by seoninjashell View Post

          5. Post some of my own hand written articles to article sites like article base (high quality content only for this site), and other article sites for a tiny bit lower quality.

          6. Look for my keywords online and then post in the blogs/article sites with 3 way backlinking with a secondary domain as the re-director.

          first blog has anchored link to second blog.
          second blog has anchored link to third blog.
          third blog contains (50% of the time anchored) to secondarysite dot com/index472723.htm that redirects to my site (not direct page, maybe a specific post).

          Hopefully you can give me some tips and advice. Thank you!
          1,2,3,4 looks good.

          5. I would submit my premium content to and NOT ArticlesBase. The latter accepts relatively low value content compared to Besides, the link you get from ArticlesBase is a no follow.

          6. I'm sorry, this is not clear to me.

          I will be covering more than that for off page SEO. So if you can be patient for another week at most, you'll get a better idea about link building.
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          • Profile picture of the author vizicore
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3612740].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author ddBoom
              Originally Posted by vizicore View Post

              I just did a search on my main keyword and I have now dropped to page 4. I'm a little upset and then i did a search for my "" to see that the only thing different is they indexed ONE of my tags. Could this be the reason i dropped? Should i exclude my tags from my sitemap? How exactly do i do that? How about categories too...
              I think we all, including Chucky, need some more information about the your situation in order to help.

              Did you look at your competition on Page 1?
              What are they doing to earn their placement on page 1. Look at their page SEO and their back links.

              List some of this information and I'm sure we all could help you out.

              Chucky hasn't covered off page seo yet, however backlinks are currently an essential part of SEO marketing no matter how good your on page is when there is competition involved. Chucky has noted that proper on page SEO can beat highly backlinked competition IF the competition has crappy on page SEO. We haven't seen how Chucky does off page seo yet, but I'm assuming backlinks of some sort do play a roll.
              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3613300].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author Chucky
              Originally Posted by vizicore View Post

              I just did a search on my main keyword and I have now dropped to page 4. I'm a little upset and then i did a search for my "" to see that the only thing different is they indexed ONE of my tags. Could this be the reason i dropped? Should i exclude my tags from my sitemap? How exactly do i do that? How about categories too...

              This is the one for which you had #15 right? And now it's down to #30 something? With brand new sites, this is not uncommon. Google may have given your site a higher ranking based on the freshness of the content and/or backlinks. But as this freshness becomes 'stale', the site goes back to its 'natural' position. This may be what you're seeing here.

              I honestly don't know how big of a role the tag played. Thesis gives the option of noindexing tag pages. There might be plugins that do the same job. Some people say duplicate tag pages (from different posts) can act as duplicate content. This is another reason why I use few tags and keep them focused.

              Anyways, there is an easy way to find out if the tag really was the culprit. Google simply is an algorithm. If you remove that tag and get Google to cache it again, the site should come back up; provided the culprit was the tag.

              There is also something called the Google 'minus 20' -30 penalty' etc. If you are down from 15 to exactly 35, it could be one of those too. There are different reasons why you would get specific penalties and I'm not well versed with them. May be you can do some research and share with us

              Just keep building links and strengthening links naturally and at an increasing pace.

              Good luck!
              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3613797].message }}
              • Profile picture of the author vizicore
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                • Profile picture of the author ddBoom
                  Originally Posted by vizicore View Post

                  [EDIT AGAIN] I have absolutely no idea whats going on.... Now I'm appear as #7... well the last result on the first page for my main keyword. This is much better.. but I don't understand at all what I did... IF i did anything to effect it haha.
                  Sounds like the google dance to me... I'm not sure what goes on during that time or what to do, but it sounds like it to me...
                  {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3616434].message }}
                • Profile picture of the author Chucky
                  Originally Posted by vizicore View Post

                  Well... Only four of my pages have been indexed so far but as for my competitors..

                  If i'm failing to communicate I apologize. I'm trying to express myself as best I can but it's difficult.

                  Thanks for the help

                  [EDIT] Fortunately im #1 and #2 on my second keyword... "product name "prices""

                  [EDIT AGAIN] I have absolutely no idea whats going on.... Now I'm appear as #7... well the last result on the first page for my main keyword. This is much better.. but I don't understand at all what I did... IF i did anything to effect it haha.
                  I wonder if it's the length/uniqueness of content that is preventing them from getting indexed.

                  No worries, ask whatever you want - but I am not able to answer every question because I don't know a ton of things, like the next point I'm about to make.

                  May be it's possible to correct your permalinks and do a 301 redirect so that you still get the juice from the links you already made. But you will have to read up on this, I have never had to do it.

                  It could be the dance as ddBoom says. Did you also try to clear cookies/browser cache and redo the search? Also sign out of your gmail? I sometimes see that Google gives me a 'personalized' search based on what it judges to be my personal preferences.
                  {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3616809].message }}
                  • Profile picture of the author tayuyaa
                    Thanks chucky, what you've added it's really great value
                    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3620897].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author TheOnlineEra
              Originally Posted by vizicore View Post

              I just did a search on my main keyword and I have now dropped to page 4. I'm a little upset and then i did a search for my "" to see that the only thing different is they indexed ONE of my tags. Could this be the reason i dropped? Should i exclude my tags from my sitemap? How exactly do i do that? How about categories too...
              This is called Google dance. With relative new website this happens most of the time. Google takes some time to settle the ranking of a new website. After couple of weeks later, the ranking will be consistent or decreasing unless you start doing your SEO and link building.
              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4244446].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author mydestiny
        Originally Posted by Kitte View Post

        Great info. Five years ago I built my page and hoped to do some money but it was waste of time. I still have the domain, I 'll do it again.

        I've learned more here than from all kind of ebooks I've bought under the last five years. Most of them were pure rubbish.

        Thanks - I love this forum
        Your are absolutely correct, he has put lots of efforts and valuable info esp for us newbies so that we will not even need to buy any SEO stuff and this will of course disturbe a lot of folks who are selling such info, I am glad he didn't post he is receiving some PMs telling him not to give too much of it for free, lol.
        Thank you so much man. This is a good forum and your sweet heart is adding more value to it. Wishing you all success you deserve,
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3684257].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Chucky
          Originally Posted by jamestrony View Post

          I just skim through it and have seen a lot I did not know.Five years ago, I created my page and hope to do some money, but it is a waste of time. Also one should not rely on some sites but all the income, but only scattered traffic from Google, I learned a hard lesson this year.
          some kind of auto forum poster spam tool that takes sentences/paragraphs from the same thread/forum, does a auto word/phrase replacement (may be even translation to another language and back to English) and makes a post! Smart software!

          I would be interested in finding out what this spam tool is
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3713832].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author Brendan Mace
            Yo Chucky! This thread is absolute brilliant. Thanks for taking the time to help a bunch of peeps out.
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3714532].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author Chucky
              Originally Posted by co2 View Post

              Yo Chucky! This thread is absolute brilliant. Thanks for taking the time to help a bunch of peeps out.
              My pleasure! You're most welcome.

              I still haven't been able to complete all the stuff I wanted to and my 30 day Camtasia trial is running out in a couple of days
              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3715188].message }}
              • Profile picture of the author Young Samurai

                I can't believe this thread.

                It is incredible, both in terms of the volume and the quality of the information provided.

                And it's free!! I've paid good money for guides which didn't contain the half of what you have given away here.

                I've especially picked up on the on-page seo stuff and specifically the number of links to the post and domain. You have at least 2 more than I would ever have considered. Interesting.

                And the experience you related about a site which disappeared from the serps is very timely for me as I've a $10/day Amazon site which has plummeted from having about a dozen page 1 rankings to all those kw terms now being on pages 50-60 So, content and high quality links are what the doctors ordered.

                {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3718406].message }}
                • Profile picture of the author Chucky
                  Originally Posted by Young Samurai View Post


                  I can't believe this thread.

                  It is incredible, both in terms of the volume and the quality of the information provided.

                  And it's free!! I've paid good money for guides which didn't contain the half of what you have given away here.

                  I've especially picked up on the on-page seo stuff and specifically the number of links to the post and domain. You have at least 2 more than I would ever have considered. Interesting.

                  And the experience you related about a site which disappeared from the serps is very timely for me as I've a $10/day Amazon site which has plummeted from having about a dozen page 1 rankings to all those kw terms now being on pages 50-60 So, content and high quality links are what the doctors ordered.

                  Thanks young Samurai!

                  As for the outgoing links from a post, I don't think 3 to 4 is too many. Actually, there is one more that I add at the end to the top of each post, I think I didn't mention that yet. That link at the very top is important. There is something called first link priority (Dan Thies/Leslie Rhodie concept). I will talk about it in the next section.

                  As for your site, I'm sorry to hear about it. Did it have auto-generated content? Some kind of auto posting plugin? Also going down by exactly 50-60 positions instead of disappearing sounds like a penalty... may be for a on page change you did?

                  So many people/sites affected by this farmer update seems like!
                  Good luck!
                  {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3720088].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author NOSLEEPATALL
      Very interesting read for me and I am going to re-read it again tomorrow so it sinks in. Only thing I make money from is my Youtube account so it is all Adsence. However I make in the neighborhood of $80 to $90 a month so I was shocked how little you are making?

      However it shows me I should get my butt in gear and start doing something!
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3750568].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author MaineCoon
        I hope you are not talking about Chucky, he makes 4 figures, that means THOUSANDS a day. That beats your $80-90 a month lol.

        Thank you Chucky, I hate the Google dance to be honest with you. It makes me nervous. Last night my 1st site disappear in Google at 11th place but now it's back.

        And yes I did installed the search terms tagging 2 plugin. How do you config it? Do I have to put it in as a widget?

        Yea I don't blast my site with thousands of link, or even hundreds. I build like 20-30 a week slowly. I have learned my lesson. If you really for your site to disappear for a WHILE, then you should blast the hell out of it, especially for new sites. lol.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3752538].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Chucky
          Originally Posted by MaineCoon View Post

          I hope you are not talking about Chucky, he makes 4 figures, that means THOUSANDS a day. That beats your $80-90 a month lol.

          Thank you Chucky, I hate the Google dance to be honest with you. It makes me nervous. Last night my 1st site disappear in Google at 11th place but now it's back.

          And yes I did installed the search terms tagging 2 plugin. How do you config it? Do I have to put it in as a widget?

          Yea I don't blast my site with thousands of link, or even hundreds. I build like 20-30 a week slowly. I have learned my lesson. If you really for your site to disappear for a WHILE, then you should blast the hell out of it, especially for new sites. lol.
          No I DO NOT make THOUSANDS every day. That was just during thanksgiving/black Friday. I only make 3 figures on a regular day . I think NO SLEEP AT ALL was joking

          Search Terms Tagging 2 Plugin - You upload it as a plugin (not a widget). Then I set it to pull about 30 kw (the default may be 10 if I remember right). I also set it to hyperlink to the posts and to have them at the end of the post. I don't let it look like a bulleted list. So I take out <li>, </li> whatever and make sure there is a comma between the search posts (leave the first 3 boxes blank and have a comma in the last box - hope you can find that).

          I think those are the only modifications that I do, I leave everything else the default way. Hope that helps, if not don't hesitate to ask again!
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3756801].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Pinkysoll
          please how do you check where site is ranked on google? And whether it's even ranked at all?
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3765104].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author Chucky
            Originally Posted by Pinkysoll View Post

            please how do you check where site is ranked on google? And whether it's even ranked at all?
            Rank Tracker - Track Your Search Engine Rankings Easily! was free the last time I checked. If not, there is another free option SEO Tool but has limitations compared to the former.

            Then there are also a bunch of other paid tools which you can easily do without!
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3766064].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author MaineCoon
              If you want to do a quick search. I use this: Pagerank checker :Google SERPs checker: results many countries Google Pagerank SERPs index results web SEO tools

              It shows you where you are on the top 1000 on google, sometimes you will find more than 1 results for the same keyword.

              I am here to hijack Chucky's thread with my update again

              I have finished with my first 2 sites. Just started setting up my 3rd.

              My 1st site is ranked from 11th to 7th as of today.
              My 2nd site is ranked from 48th to 35th as of today.

              I built my site based on 95% of the stuff Chucky taught us so far and I used only SEnuke to help me rank faster on Google and build backlinks.
              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3766195].message }}
              • Profile picture of the author Chucky
                Originally Posted by MaineCoon View Post

                If you want to do a quick search. I use this: Pagerank checker :Google SERPs checker: results many countries Google Pagerank SERPs index results web SEO tools

                It shows you where you are on the top 1000 on google, sometimes you will find more than 1 results for the same keyword.

                I am here to hijack Chucky's thread with my update again
                I like this kind of hijacking

                Originally Posted by MaineCoon View Post

                I have finished with my first 2 sites. Just started setting up my 3rd.

                My 1st site is ranked from 11th to 7th as of today.
                My 2nd site is ranked from 48th to 35th as of today.

                I built my site based on 95% of the stuff Chucky taught us so far and I used only SEnuke to help me rank faster on Google and build backlinks.
                Congratulations! You're on a role baby!

                Just make sure your keywords are buying keywords, with commercial intent, even if you have to spend a full week to determine that.

                I have wasted 2 sets of websites (one with 4 and the other with 3 sites) because I wasn't thinking about commercial intent. Don't let that happen to you!

                All the best and keep hijacking (this thread and other people's websites on page 1)!
                {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3766750].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Tim_Hawksworth
      Hi Chucky,

      Since you are putting up 5 posts - sometimes 20.

      Couldn't all this be done easier with a mini-site rather than
      a wp blog.

      The blog seems a bit overkill for such a small amount of posts.

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3806724].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author zoeguy
      Originally Posted by zajacik View Post

      This whole thread ought to be a WSO and it should be called WSO's Finest.
      Originally Posted by TomScarn View Post

      any WSO coming out of this post?
      Originally Posted by Andy Yusuf View Post

      i don't need buy any WSO. just read this whole thread...
      Guys, this whole thread IS a WSO! Remember what the "S" stands for? If this thread doesn't qualify as special, I don't know what in tarnation would. What makes this thread standout above the vast majority of others is that not only is it FREE but like jmorris said, the VALUE is amazing and HUGE! As for myself and I am sure countless others here, I have NO income NO job, NO money for buying useless wso's that make money only for the sellers.

      Originally Posted by jmorris18 View Post

      Friends, it does not get any better than this...
      I feel very blessed to be a part of this forum. We have some amazing people to learn from and Chucky is one of many that go above and beyond to help each and everyone of us. Jason
      Well said, Chucky has raised the bar for WSO standards...

      One of the most awesome aspects for me here, is all of the people who are taking ACTION with this & posting their results. How many wso's have you seen where that took place? I don't remember ONE and I have been here for a while.

      Originally Posted by Chucky View Post

      Time to give back... I thought it would be terribly wrong if I didn’t give anything back to the forum.
      Talk about over delivering, DOOOOOOOD...

      Originally Posted by Chucky View Post

      Let's see how good the content will be... I might get a 60 hours/week job and will be even more tight for time than now...
      LOL WUT?! A 60 hours/week job? WHY?????? You have just CREATED MANY jobs here for people who desperately need work! You have just achieved what VERY few people will ever achieve by giving MASSIVE value to a LOT of people who could not afford to buy it. In fact we need to put your avatar through photoshop & add some wings and a cape... I am seriously thinking about changing my sig now because it goes against everything in this thread...
      My two rules for success: 1. Never tell everything you know.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3807201].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Chucky
        Originally Posted by steveperch View Post


        I have been studying this post methodically over the last three days. I think I am finally absorbing all of it. I am also a young guy, finishing up school and to hear your story is really inspiring. I have the mindset of success and I can't imagine anything stopping me.

        Luckily one of my sites starting making money after a month of affiliate marketing. It has since been deindexed by Google but those first couple of sales were enough to keep me going. There is such a difference between no sale and one sale in this game.

        Anyway, thank you so much for all of this advice and for your input. I really do appreciate it. Excited to hear more from you!

        I like your attitude man! Yes once you get that first sale, you're pretty much unstoppable! I remember the day of my 1st sale, April 2008 and my wife said let's send the buyer a thank you card It was actually possible those days because click bank stats used to show your buyers' email addresses

        Don't let Google stop you. I have never been deindexed but have been sunk/dancing/sand boxed or whatever you call it for as much as 6 months or more. As far as I know, as long as you don't do anything silly on page, you will be fine.

        Also, nice to hear that people are really studying this material methodically like you are.
        Originally Posted by Tim_Hawksworth View Post

        Hi Chucky,

        Since you are putting up 5 posts - sometimes 20.

        Couldn't all this be done easier with a mini-site rather than
        a wp blog.

        The blog seems a bit overkill for such a small amount of posts.

        I totally see why you're saying that. But the plgins that come with WP are so powerful that you will be missing out a lot by resorting to static sites. Trust me.... it's TOTALLY worth learning WP blog platform.

        But then again, it's not the only way and there are plenty of successful people skinning the cat without WP.

        Based on my little knowledge about static sites, there are at least several things you cannot do with them. I'll give just one example here. With WP, when another blog (e.g. article directory) links to you, you get something called a trackback. You can harvest them by using the 'trackback feed' plugin and submit them to RSS directories, ping them, bookmark them etc. etc.

        Originally Posted by zoeguy View Post

        Guys, this whole thread IS a WSO! Remember what the "S" stands for? If this thread doesn't qualify as special, I don't know what in tarnation would. What makes this thread standout above the vast majority of others is that not only is it FREE but like jmorris said, the VALUE is amazing and HUGE! As for myself and I am sure countless others here, I have NO income NO job, NO money for buying useless wso's that make money only for the sellers.

        Well said, Chucky has raised the bar for WSO standards...

        One of the most awesome aspects for me here, is all of the people who are taking ACTION with this & posting their results. How many wso's have you seen where that took place? I don't remember ONE and I have been here for a while.

        Talk about over delivering, DOOOOOOOD...

        LOL WUT?! A 60 hours/week job? WHY?????? You have just CREATED MANY jobs here for people who desperately need work! You have just achieved what VERY few people will ever achieve by giving MASSIVE value to a LOT of people who could not afford to buy it. In fact we need to put your avatar through photoshop & add some wings and a cape... I am seriously thinking about changing my sig now because it goes against everything in this thread...
        WOW, thank you zoeguy. Thanks for taking the time to write what you have written.

        As for the 60 hour job, because I've spent the last 15 years of my life specilizing on this and not sure if I can flush all of it down the toilet just like that. After all, money is not everything

        As for your sig, I guess I'm only sharing all the nice things and not the mean stuff, so I guess I still live by your sig

        Thanks again!
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    • Profile picture of the author moneymania
      GREAT!!! love your post.its very helpful.keep guiding us.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3873193].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Michael Sutanto

      i found exact search 18k and there is one domain left so I pick up. I have added 5 articles into my blog. I don't know it's gonna work but thank you for these tutorials.

      I use serp attack to change market samurai software.

      I almost give up to get 100$ per month (first goal)

      my keyword has 487,000 competition for "keyword"
      and there are 7 google adwords ads when I see at google first page

      here the detail at the first page (I use "keyword")

      #1 --> blog PR 3 Title OK Description NO
      #2 --> blog PR 4 Title OK Description OK (
      #3 --> blog PR 0 Title OK Description OK (
      #4 --> youtube PR 4 Title OK Description NO
      #5 --> hubpages PR 2 Title OK Description OK
      #6 --> forum PR 0 Title NO Description NO
      #7 --> blog PR 4 Title OK Description OK (
      #8 --> blog PR 2 Title NO Description OK
      #9 --> ehow PR 3 Title NO Description OK
      #10--> blog PR 3 Title NO Description OK (

      update all my articles have indexed by google but it won't show at search engine page....

      what is your advise...?

      thank you

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3936512].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Chucky
        Originally Posted by kaitokid View Post


        i found exact search 18k and there is one domain left so I pick up. I have added 5 articles into my blog. I don't know it's gonna work but thank you for these tutorials.

        I use serp attack to change market samurai software.

        I almost give up to get 100$ per month (first goal)

        my keyword has 487,000 competition for "keyword"
        and there are 7 google adwords ads when I see at google first page

        here the detail at the first page (I use "keyword")

        #1 --> blog PR 3 Title OK Description NO
        #2 --> blog PR 4 Title OK Description OK (
        #3 --> blog PR 0 Title OK Description OK (
        #4 --> youtube PR 4 Title OK Description NO
        #5 --> hubpages PR 2 Title OK Description OK
        #6 --> forum PR 0 Title NO Description NO
        #7 --> blog PR 4 Title OK Description OK (
        #8 --> blog PR 2 Title NO Description OK
        #9 --> ehow PR 3 Title NO Description OK
        #10--> blog PR 3 Title NO Description OK (

        update all my articles have indexed by google but it won't show at search engine page....

        what is your advise...?

        thank you

        The fact that there are 4 'keyword related domain names' on the first page tells me that it is probably doable. It is also probably a 'profitable' kw, that's why so many affiliates are after it. All other figures you give also sound good!

        However, I cannot give you a definitive answer without knowing the off page details i.e. how many backlinks and their quality?

        How new/old is your blog?

        Did you put all 5 articles at once? That is not what I do (and advice)

        How many and what kind of backlinks have you built?
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3939091].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Michael Sutanto
          Originally Posted by Chucky View Post

          The fact that there are 4 'keyword related domain names' on the first page tells me that it is probably doable. It is also probably a 'profitable' kw, that's why so many affiliates are after it. All other figures you give also sound good!

          However, I cannot give you a definitive answer without knowing the off page details i.e. how many backlinks and their quality?

          How new/old is your blog?

          Did you put all 5 articles at once? That is not what I do (and advice)

          How many and what kind of backlinks have you built?
          I bought the domain name (org) for 2 weeks ago....

          I just saw your thread yesterday so I didn't know how the good way to post my articles lol

          I can give you the details but i can't PM you because my post under 10 :p

          so what is your email..?
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3940850].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author jimmel196
            Hello again Chucky. I know you are busy and hate to bother you with something I should probably know. I notice that you mention a "sticky post" on several occasions. Could you explain to a newbie exactly what a sticky post is? Thanks again for all your information. Jimmy

            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3942616].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author Michael Sutanto
              Originally Posted by jimmel196 View Post

              Hello again Chucky. I know you are busy and hate to bother you with something I should probably know. I notice that you mention a "sticky post" on several occasions. Could you explain to a newbie exactly what a sticky post is? Thanks again for all your information. Jimmy
              if you mean sticky post on wordpress

              post --> add new --> at right panel publish, there is a sentence like this
              Visibility: Public Edit
              klik edit and check "Stick this post to the front page"

              do you want to know the different? add some articles and then open your homepage
              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3944025].message }}
              • Profile picture of the author jimmel196
                Also thanks to KatioKid for your explanation. It sometime sucks to be so new at something that probably seems so basic for others but I have plenty of time and determination, I will get it! Jimmy

                {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3953178].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author akyyyy
      The general consensus is that you should target a keyword with less than 30,000 'competition'. Here, 'competition' is taken as the number of results you get when you do an exact search for your phrase on Google; e.g. "dog training obedience" (the keyword inside inverted commas). Tools like Micro Niche Finder (MNF), automatically gives this (they call it the phrase count). I rank #1 for a keyword with a phrase count of 8 million. I would personally not worry about it too much. Even if you are just starting out, if all other factors look fabulous, I wouldn't pitch a keyword just because it has a phrase count of 100,000. OBVIOUSLY, the lower the phrase count the better, but don't let that be the only guideline for analyzing competition.
      hello, thanks for this great writeup. i had a question about competition. im entering my keywords into goole, and none come close to 30k results. for a matter of fact, there isnt any keyword/phrase that i can come up with that gives me anything close to 30k search results. is there another way to access competition, or am i doing something wrong?

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4239611].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Chucky
        Hey guys,

        Sorry again for the very delayed responses, I had some personal/family issues to deal with last week. Hopefully from this point onwards I should be able to get back to my normal self... that is replying your questions within 24-48 hours!

        Originally Posted by amarketing View Post

        but since I'm just starting out, it's probably good to to get my feet wet with not-as-valuable keywords so I'm practiced and ready when I move on to more valuable ones.
        Absolutely! That's what I advise too!

        I just installed Wordpress on it and will start building my site. I'm a little daunted at the prospect, but I'm sure I will get the hang of it.
        I'm sure there are plenty of videos outlining the process if you search on Youtube for example. We were all like that when starting out, so no worries there!

        Is a Wordpress site OK to use with your methods? I think you said that's what you use, isn't it? I will be starting out with free themes.
        Yup! Free is absolutely fine! Make sure it has got a good star rating and downloaded a gazillion times which tells you it's a good theme. Even better if you can find a theme that you have seen ranking at the top.

        Should I try to make the site look as non-blog as possible, or should I go for the blog look?
        I always go for NON-blog appearance with a sticky post on the front page!
        Originally Posted by Hotness View Post

        Hello Chucky,

        How have things been for you?

        Anyway thank you for your replies...! If memories serve me right my sites normally starts to rank in about 2 to 4 weeks - rank as in ranking within page 5 to 8 or something like that. To be honest, I really didn't bother checking my rankings (ever since my 3rd site) after I launched a site and start building them backlinks... And occasionally I do go up to page one in a matter of weeks for 'easy' niches.

        So, how's your experience with this?
        I have had a couple of instances where I ranked straightaway on the 1st page within 2-3 weeks. The only thing I did was bookmarking via Social ADR. I also think your figures are pretty good estimates. The exceptions are when sites start dancing. Once as an experiment, I gave a project to fellow warrior Matt LaClear. This was a pretty tough niche and it took him about 6 months to get my site to the bottom of page 1 because it would appear on page 8 dance for 4 weeks reappear on page 6 dance (disappear) for another 3 weeks, reappear on page 4 etc. etc. But he only does article marketing and I honestly don't know how or why that method even works (no offense to his method - it obviously works looking at all the testimonials as well as my experience). Anyways, to get back to the question, yes your ball park figures seems correct for low competition kw.


        By the way, when you are targetting higher search keywords (when your theme keyword stablized) - I assume you are:

        - Adding posts optimized with 'higher searches' kw
        Not really! I didn't add new posts with this kw.

        You see although my site didn't rank on the first page for the high volume kw, my sticky post ranked about page 10 for this high volume/high competition kw because I had written the title tag in such a way that it contained this key phrase. The sticky post also contained this kw in sub headlines and text (much less than 1-2% kw density). But after I started targeting this kw, I went ahead and made some on page changes to emphasize this keyword a little bit. e.g. anchor text on the sticky post pointing to the domain and anchor text on other posts pointing to the sticky post and domain name. I think I also modified the title tag a little bit more to emphasize this keyword. If you didn't have this as a meta tag and in the meta description, I would go ahead and add it there as well.
        - building external backlinks with these kw as anchor texts to both main page and posts
        Yup my main results were from this
        - sticky pages remain for same keyword
        The sticky post was still MOST optimized for the original theme kw, but it is also partially optimized for this high volume kw as I explained above.
        I hope I got this right?


        ... and The Sticky Post - I supposed your sticky posts do link to other relevant keywords in other posts + non-threat external sites too right?
        Yup anchor text using 2ry kw.
        But for external sites - I don't link out from my sticky post. They are usually in my footer (no followed), on an inner post or on a resources page. If you do it on the sticky post I suggest you decorate it in such away that people won't see it as a hyperlink (not blue, not underlined)
        Thank you...

        You haven't post the Pandalized site? I've been pretty eager you know... lol
        The only thing I wanted to say there was that because this was one of my very first sites I made (3-4 years ago); I had made a few mistakes at the beginning. When I go back to the site and look at the first 10 or so posts, they are really crappy, less than 300 word posts with a ton of affiliate links. I forgot about them and have only been focusing on the new posts. One of the things with Panda was that 'one bad page can influence the whole site'. That may have been why my site was taken down. I need to go and rectify that. Haven't decided whether I should delete all those posts or rewrite them, clean them and make them longer.

        Any advise from anybody would be greatly appreciated on this matter!

        In contrast, the site I mentioned above (electric camping lights or whatever I called it) is much cleaner and the principles I cover here have been applied from post #1

        Originally Posted by amarketing View Post

        Hi Chucky, I've got another question.

        I'm reading along with your fist post as I'm setting up my Wordpress site. I'm going to try a 3 page site with this one instead of a 5 page and I won't be using any of the paid plug-ins, only the free ones, so this site won't strictly follow the rules you outlined (not saying they don't work, things just kind of "flowed" this way). However, I'll try to make each one closer to you specifications.
        To be quite honest I have several sites with just 2-3 posts and ranking nicely on page 1 and 2. But lately, I've been making all of mine at least 4-5 posts long because of the calamity caused by Panda and whatnot!

        Any way, I noticed you said this about interlinking pages Later, you said that you schedule your posts to go out over several days/weeks. So, my question is, how do you add links to posts that haven't been posted yet? Do you just wait until the articles are up and then edit the links in?
        post 2 has a link to post 1; post 3 has links to post 1 and 2; post 4 has links to posts 1,2, and 3. At the end, I'd go and insert a couple of links to post 1 linking to posts 2,3 and/or 4. Usually sticky post is my 2nd/3rd post

        Also, you said that you remove all of the "default links." What do you mean by this? When I go into my admin panel and go into the links category, I get these: Documentation
        Edit | Delete
        Yes0 Plugins
        Edit | Delete
        Yes0 Suggest Ideas
        Edit | Delete
        Yes0 Support Forum
        Edit | Delete
        Yes0 Themes
        Edit | Delete
        Yes0 WordPress Blog
        Edit | Delete
        Yes0 WordPress Planet
        Edit | Delete
        These don't seem to be visible from the "front-end" of the site. So, should I still delete them? What's the advantage?
        To be honest, I don't know if there is an advantage of deleting them. But there is certainly no advantage of keeping them in. I just don't want to take a chance of them leaking any link juice out of my site.
        Thanks a lot for your help.
        You're most welcome, feel free to bring 'em on!

        Originally Posted by IMKid View Post

        hmmm... lot of unanswered questions! Very uncharacteristic of Chuck... Hope you're OK Chcuky!
        I too would like to know what was different about the Pandalized website
        Thanks for your concern Kid! You seem to be very mature for a kid

        Originally Posted by Hotness View Post

        LOL Chuck must have been busy developing some counter-panda strategies...
        I wish I knew how to do that

        Originally Posted by Axiel View Post

        Hi Chucky,

        So this thread has gotten me to get off my backend and do something. I've dabbled in and out of IM for years, and this has probably been some of the best information I've come across with 'no-strings' attached, so thank you for that!
        thanks for your kind comments!

        I have spent a few days doing some keyword & product research and have found what I think have high traffic and high commercial value keywords and matching domains as follows:

        Where the prefixes are descriptive of additional types of the keyword and not like 'best', or 'the'.

        Since each of the additional .coms are based on long tail versions of the original keyword, my first question is would it be better to develop a site for each of the keywords, or work on building an authority type site developing articles for each of the additional keywords? Second, if doing a site for each keyword, should (or is it even wise) they be linked together? (Example: For more information on secondary keyword go to

        Thanks again!
        Check out this answer I gave Haruka above. I think doing the 'authority site' strategy is fine especially if you are a little experienced. What I'm finding out is kind of like this. If you take a domain name like this one for example "electric cordless camping", you can ultimately rank for "electric camping lights" and "cordless camping lights" (and even "camping lights"). But it would be easier to do it if you had "electric camping" and "cordless camping". But then it is 2 domains and double the work. But do you have to put that same 2X amount of work in the earlier instance or is it even more than 2X? I don't have enough experience to answer that yet.

        For me the descending order of preference for domain names is EMD > EMD with dashes > EMDsuffix > EMDsuffix with dashes > prefixEMD > prefixEMD with dashes

        I don't link my sites together. However, if you leave no footprint (adsense, theme, content, hoplink etc. etc.) and if your sites are hosted on 2 different IP addresses, it doesn't matter interlinking. But please don't take my advise on this one because this is something I have never done. May be you can open a new thread and ask more experienced warriors about it! And then keep us updated on what you find out!

        Sorry I wasn't able to give a concrete answer!
        Originally Posted by jimmel196 View Post

        Hello Chucky. I don't know if you remember but I am the paramedic that contacted you back in May about getting started into IM.
        Yes I remember... you said you have plenty of time on your hands... that was you right?
        Well I took the step and and set up a wordpress blog which is a review site for amazon products. I hosted through hostmonster. I am not sure I have done everything correctly with regards to having everything set up because while my site is active, when I go into my google webmaster account I am getting 404 crawl errors and I am not sure that my site is being crawled.
        From what I know that tells me you have links on your site or elsewhere pointing to pages that don't exist. For example, lets assume an actual page on your site is If you linked to that page from another page with a link like, you will get a 404 error. There is an application called Xenu's Link Sleuth - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia which will tell you about all your broken links. I use it on my sites but be warned that the report it gives out is pretty detailed and geeky

        I am so new to this I am not sure how to proceed. I don't know if you would have the time or the interest to check over some things for me and tell me what you recommend. I had some coaching prior to the site being built but I would rather discuss the details in private. I am not sure that I can pm as I have 35 posts. If you have any time or interest I would greatly appreciate it if you could pm me with some way of speaking. If you cannot I completely understand. Thanks so much for the great information. Jimmy
        Well I don't think you need that anymore, you're on page 2!! Congrats! nevertheless clearing those 'errors' may further improve your rankings. Unfortunately I will not have time for that for a while at least, as you can see, I'm going through a bit of a rough patch timewise

        Originally Posted by jimmel196 View Post

        Hello Chucky. I hope all is well. I have a follow to my post on 07-08-2011. I have been getting backlinks to my site and something has occurred that I do not quite understand. One of my posts that was on the 20th page is now in position 2 on the second page. Upon going into SEO Quake I notice that I have approximately 40 backlinks from the same website but I only replied to 3 or 4 posts on that site and backlinked to those only. But today I notice that virtually every blog on their website has sent me a link and several are pr-3 and pr-4. I am not complaining but as I said in my previous post I am so new to this that I really don't understand. Also I obviously want to continue doing the things that I need to be doing. Thanks for responding in advance. Jimmy
        Some blogs show the most commented contributor on their sidebar. I 'FEAR' this may have been what happened to you! What a TERRIBLE MISTAKE you have done Jimmy You lucky b-------! Congrats man! See this is what I said from the beginning, you don't have to know everything perfectly, you just need to do something and you will do somethings write and other things wrong and sometimes you get lucky like this. And nothing will happen if you don't take any action! Keep rocking and keep that source for yourself (may be you can PM me that site when you reach 50 comments )
        I'd be interested to know if my prediction is correct (about the most commented author).
        Congrats again!

        Originally Posted by akyyyy View Post

        hello, thanks for this great writeup. i had a question about competition. im entering my keywords into goole, and none come close to 30k results. for a matter of fact, there isnt any keyword/phrase that i can come up with that gives me anything close to 30k search results. is there another way to access competition, or am i doing something wrong?


        I'm assuming when you say 'nothing close to 30K', you're saying everything is way way above 30,000 right? I just found a good LTKW with just 4 results "reduce thigh fat cellulite" - Google Search

        This is phrase match, i.e. "kw withing quotes"

        I have no idea what the search volume would be for the above LTKW. I believe I said I don't necessarily go by 30K, I'm not afraid to go after 100K or even 200K. In fact, those numbers don't represent your 'competition' necessarily. If your keyword was Amazon Kindle 3 all the blogs in world that mention the phrase 'Amazon Kindle 3' will show up in those "phrase match" results whether the blog is about the Kindle, weight loss, viagra or porn. The last 3 instances are NOT your competition.

        You can also use allintitle: allinanchor: intitle: inanchor: intitle: and inanchor: etc. etc. here's an example intitle: amazon kindle 3 and inanchor: amazon kindle 3 - Google Search

        Do different searches with different one of those and find something comfortable for yourself. I can't give any figures because I don't use them. I use MNF (which has been non-functional the last few times I checked it)

        Hope I answered your question, feel free to ask more if anything wasn't clear enough!

        Good luck!
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    • Profile picture of the author probizwiz
      hello i see you proff what i want to know is how is this made possiblem to do this to make easy money online is it the software mnf
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    • Profile picture of the author Trevor
      Hi Chucky,

      I have two questions that have been bugging me recently, I would greatly appreciate if you commented on them.

      Question 1:

      I want to run a new website in the weight loss niche, I have already done my keyword research and I have been able to come up with a list of awesome keywords that are highly searched for but have low competition.

      The thing is, those keywords are sometimes unrelated to each other. Some of them are generic weight loss keywords, e.g., how to lose weight easily, while others are specific, for example, XXX product reviews.

      All of the keywords on my list have at least 50 exact searches per day and my question to you is, should I target just one particular keyword and build my whole site around that term, or can I just select, say, the top 100 keywords from my list and target all of them? The top 100 have less than 200k phrase match results on Google, which is awesome.

      Question 2:

      I like to write articles for backlinking purposes, however, I am a little lost trying to figure how many spun articles to create for one site. Should I create tens of spun articles or just one to submit to all the article directories?

      Say I have a Wordpress site with 50 posts, all related to one main keyword. How many spun articles would you usually create for such a site?

      Thank you a ton,
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      • Profile picture of the author Chucky
        Originally Posted by goldenbbq View Post

        hi Chucky,

        i sought your assistance before and you thankfully replied to me however, I am still stuck with some annoying issues, can you put your valued input here please Chucky, I will definetely understand your situation if you are busy with your college stuff, and please just do it when you have some free time in your hands, you are giving us a lot of help without expecting any returns, but guess what you are there in our daily prayers, and mine are 5 times/day ones (lol): this is what I seek your kind assistance with:-

        -I am still a newbie of course(since I didn't even start yet) and trying to build a niche site following your advices and some others(whom i read their amazon free stuff)

        -his suggestion was to choose a keyword with at least 3,000/month, however, I chose to go by your recommends for newbies and found one with 720/month in kitchen and cooking arena.

        -It's in kitchen appliances, to avoid competition I chose e.g."electric slow cooker" as an example .. gave me around 1,600 search/month, but almost 4 M in google competing sites, then decided to make it less and found "electric slow cooker reviews" is closer to your 750/month norm for newbies, it was = 720/month however, it still has 2,950,000 compeition in google, again way more than what you recommended for us(30,000) and this is what I found with other competing websites:-

        -8 out of ten were BIG authority sites. first 2 amazon, nextag,, bestbuy, kitchen, wallmart, but 2 of them were even with more good contents, like e.g.
        consumer research site ??and the other one was a famous amazon affiliate review site (knew that from his picture on top) site with EMD with well written review site where he is comparing main brands of this item with all accessories, amazon reviews, buy by size, by brand, ...etc this affiliate site is no 4 in page one google, so here is more clarification of my questions:-

        1- as newbie i find if hard to try to compete with another more experience amazon affilate and a review site with exact key in his domain, even though i can find a good domain , but i am less confident i can beat?

        2-if I try to break my niche even narrower, e,g, "best electric slow cooker reviews" google search results of course comes also less, = 260/month, CAN I GO BY THIS monthly search number????

        I have read in another place that some go with very low search and still succeed? also I noticed that some keyword still have high competion color tags near them when doing keyword search even though their monthly search volume is less than 1000 i don't get this? is this same as looking at competion section in google?

        3-The e.g. less than 30,000 google competion is almost nonexistance to me I wish if there is with some products I like to promote, and this key word search is driving me nuts and I know I can't put a brand name in my domain, otherwise if e.g. I choose something like black&decor 600bs slow cooker I really find some interesting results with less competion but i know i can't do that.

        4-do you a also dvice newbies to only go for $100-150 amazon price tag and to stick to at least 9-10 amazon reviews? I found some products I like however, they don't have enough amazon reviews and no other 4 competing products in the same niche as some would suggest?
        5-I notice the consumer research website alomst in every product I tried to pick and they appear on first google, is that ok competion wise? how about all to be big authority sites? is there any easy way for me to check how strong they are?
        6-i would say i checked a lot of those "main stream" product and their search/monthly level and i found tough competion for newbie like me which leads me to always think narrower, less, less spending crazy amount of time , really leading me to start allover again i spent almost 2 months on this.
        .Chucky thanks a million,
        Hey, thanks for the kind words.

        First, make sure the 720 search count is EXACT! NOT phrase or broad. I would rather sell a $300 item with a search volume of 720 than a $50 item with a 3,000 search volume. Your decision should not be based on the search volume alone!

        As for best electric slow cooker reviews, I have several concerns. I have never used such a long tail kw EMD. I have a feeling you will rank easily for this, but I can't ever recall seeing a 5 word domain name ranked at the top. 260 is very low, but I too was doing some kw research y'day and looking at a phrase with a search volume like that. But that was in 'web hosting' and commissions are $100/sale. But slow cookers.. how much are they on Amazon? How much would the 6% commission rate be?

        I know kw research on a new niche sucks, but I would advise you to go for a niche where the price is no less than $250. If you think about it, the effort you have to sell a $500 product or $50 product is the same in front of the targeted buyer!!

        No competition section in Google (I presume you're referring to Adwords Keywords tool) refers to competition among adwords advertisers. Did I say don't go for anything above 30,000 exact phrase count? I must have meant it's safe to go with less than 30,000 if you find them. But you see this exact phrase count isn't necessarily your competition. They are simply the number of pages that have the exact phrase on them, doesn't mean they are competing with you! BTW I only get 72K results for "electric slow cooker reviews". You have to do the search within " ". That's why you didn't find anything less than 30,000. For "best electric slow cooker reviews", the exact phrase search volume is ONLY 1 - and that's this thread

        From what I can see, Electric Slow Cooker | Slow Cooker Reviews ranks ~#4 with 1 backlink to the domain and it looks like an autoblog - so it shouldn't be too difficult a domain to rank for if you give good original content and this phrase has 760 search volume right?

        Yup at least 10 or more reviews and 3.5 stars and above!

        Don't worry about authority sites, they are NOT focused, we ARE focused, so we can ultimately outrank them despite their high PR etc. But make sure they don't have tons of backlinks to the ranking PAGE. We don't care about them having a million backlinks to the whole domain.

        2 months is a looooong time for kw research Try Jewellery, try Industrial products, try baby products, try 'green' products - these people will pay regardless of price!

        OK hope that was helpful and good luck!

        Originally Posted by amarketing View Post

        Wow, thanks so much for your reply, Chucky!

        I had no idea that I wasn't supposed to use my ranking anchor text, I'll have to change that right away. I'll nofollow them for the most part. I figure it can't hurt.
        Not that you're not supposed to.. but you're just helping them rank for the same kw you're targeting. You can make it relevant, so that Google thinks you're linking out using relevant links (not only your incoming links, but also outgoing links are relevant) but not the one you're trying to rank for.

        Originally Posted by John2810 View Post

        Hi Chucky,

        First of all thank you for starting this thread. I chance upon this after one year of graduation / working and 4 years since I was active in trying to build my own websites.

        This thread and all the replies really re-ignite my desire to get going again. So thanks!

        I have a qns, I'm on to your Day 13 guide. I have done my keyword research...EMD domain name, 5 posts in my wordpress website (one 1000+ word article as the sticky post with the theme kw), meta tags populated.

        For off-page SEO, I have spent some hours searching for high authority websites to build links to my site. It seems the authority sites for my niche are only about PageRank 5.

        Should I be concerned about the PageRank of the sites I build backlinks? Or should I just go ahead and post / submit according to the natural link velocity?
        Don't worry about the PR too much and btw PR 5 is great, if you're referring to the exact PAGE PR and not the domain PR. Anyways, people say PR is only an indication of trustrank (may not be the case always). Just mix 'em up! Bookmarks, blog posts, blog comments etc. etc. The 1000 word sticky post is great stuff!

        Originally Posted by raxr View Post

        What's the point of creating 2 tier backlinks? A lot of the PR you're getting from the tier 2 links is being wasted on the links (other than your money site backlink) on your tier 1 pages. Seems like an awful waste of PR...
        I can't explain everything and I don't know everything. When Dan Thies, David Jenyns or James Schramko says it works for them I don't argue

        Originally Posted by Trevor View Post

        Hi Chucky,

        I have two questions that have been bugging me recently, I would greatly appreciate if you commented on them.

        Question 1:

        I want to run a new website in the weight loss niche, I have already done my keyword research and I have been able to come up with a list of awesome keywords that are highly searched for but have low competition.

        The thing is, those keywords are sometimes unrelated to each other. Some of them are generic weight loss keywords, e.g., how to lose weight easily, while others are specific, for example, XXX product reviews.

        All of the keywords on my list have at least 50 exact searches per day and my question to you is, should I target just one particular keyword and build my whole site around that term, or can I just select, say, the top 100 keywords from my list and target all of them? The top 100 have less than 200k phrase match results on Google, which is awesome.

        Question 2:

        I like to write articles for backlinking purposes, however, I am a little lost trying to figure how many spun articles to create for one site. Should I create tens of spun articles or just one to submit to all the article directories?

        Say I have a Wordpress site with 50 posts, all related to one main keyword. How many spun articles would you usually create for such a site?

        Thank you a ton,
        NO I wouldn't optimize all the posts/pages to 1 keyword. I also shouldn't expect to rank for all the 100 posts if I choose to take that route. The way I understand, you have to be focused to a certain extent. You can either choose the sniper strategy (focused - narrow) or otherwise (not focused - difficult to rank, but will rank for 100s of keywords).

        How about 1 spun article every week? The more frequent, the better of course! What I don't know is if 20 submissions vs 200 submissions of the same spun article will give you different results or not. I think post-Panda, we are definitely in a quality over quantity era!
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  • Profile picture of the author Chucky

    Video 4 of kw research also fixed. Will have the 5th video also ready within the next 2 hours.
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    • Profile picture of the author inter123
      Great stuff Chucky! Looking forward to the SEO part of your guide. You mention some of the sites are 'sniper' sites consisting of 4 or so pages. How optimistic are you they can last the test of time and be present for a prolong period?
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      • Profile picture of the author Chucky
        Originally Posted by inter123 View Post

        Great stuff Chucky! Looking forward to the SEO part of your guide. You mention some of the sites are 'sniper' sites consisting of 4 or so pages. How optimistic are you they can last the test of time and be present for a prolong period?
        Sorry I missed this question. No I'm not very optimistic that it will last forever, just like EMD, just like scrapebox spam comments, just like profile links, just like mass article distribution.

        In fact, after the recent farmer update, I got very worried that a particular site of mine may have got affected. I have one site with just 2 pages and ranking #3 (earns ~$50/month I think). But no, it was still alive! May be because I don't have adsense on them, I was spared.

        I don't intend to keep them at 4-5 posts forever. There is a very simple solution that I want to implement. Write 1 article a day and add it to one of the sites everyday. If you have 30 sites, each site will get 1 post/page every month. The other option is to pay someone $3 and get it written.

        It sounds like a very simple solution. But I'm ashamed to say that I haven't done it. I intend to do it after I graduate and have more time .

        I've said it once and saying it again, I'm far from perfect and yet having a decent amount of success. That's why I keep emphasizing that all one needs is to take some strong consistent action with a positive attitude and success and rankings will follow
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    • Profile picture of the author Erikey
      Thanks for the great information Chucky!

      Your post inspired me to sign up for Amazon Affiliate, setup a domain name, hosting, and get my site setup! Still a lot of SEO work to go, but excited to get the ball rolling.
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  • Profile picture of the author Chucky
    Originally Posted by vizicore View Post

    This is a really interesting thread. I really hope I can learn from you and apply your tips. I'm only earning around $1 a day from adsense. Thanks a lot for the share!
    That's exactly how I started 3 years ago. First I tried to sell ClickBank products, I was getting traffic, but no conversions. So I thought may be if I put some adsense ads, I will at least make a few pennies. That was my first money online as well.

    Even if it is climbing the highest mountain in the world, you have to take that first step. And you've done it. If you had the guts to take that first step (domain name, hosting account, website design etc.) you are already ahead of many others that are yet to take ACTION.

    Set up a target, set up a deadline and be ABSOLUTELY sure you're going to achieve it. Think of it day and night, write it down, make a video of it, get emotional about it and you would be where I am before you know it.

    Good luck!

    Originally Posted by tayuyaa View Post

    Hi Chucky,

    Congrats on your success? I just have some questions to ask you. You said that you're sites are similar to sniper sites with 4-5 posts on them, but only 2 of them bring you the most of your income, are these two sites 4-5 posts too or are they the bigger ones?

    I just went to those sites and checked before I gave you an answer. My highest earners are small sites. Both of them has only 5 pages (posts) of content. One is #1, the other is #4 for a high search volume kw.

    Originally Posted by marjames View Post

    I rested IM for a while since I got frustrated and am now going to try it again. And this got me. A very valuable information! I want to thank you for this. I'm starting again to learn.
    Great to hear that man! That is exactly what I expected from this thread. Wish you all the best!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3583698].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author tayuyaa
      Originally Posted by Chucky View Post

      I just went to those sites and checked before I gave you an answer. My highest earners are small sites. Both of them has only 5 pages (posts) of content. One is #1, the other is #4 for a high search volume kw.

      WOW, amazing! I'm gonna try the same asap

      thanks for everything!
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3585651].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Chucky
        Originally Posted by tayuyaa View Post

        WOW, amazing! I'm gonna try the same asap

        thanks for everything!
        You're welcome! But that's on a regular day and they are not Amazon. And I also don't recommend you keep them at 4-5 pages, I'm also planning on making them bigger sooner than later.
        The site that earned me BIG $ during thanksgiving was a larger one and was ranking for multiple keywords for phrases like 'black friday deals specific product name' and that one was promoting Amazon products.
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        • Profile picture of the author tayuyaa
          Originally Posted by Chucky View Post

          You're welcome! But that's on a regular day and they are not Amazon. And I also don't recommend you keep them at 4-5 pages, I'm also planning on making them bigger sooner than later.
          The site that earned me BIG $ during thanksgiving was a larger one and was ranking for multiple keywords for phrases like 'black friday deals specific product name' and that one was promoting Amazon products.
          Yeah I agree with, I always try to do the more i can on my sites....

          BTW, what makes you the more on a daily basis? Amazon or CPA or CLickbank....?

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    • Profile picture of the author TheOnlineEra
      Originally Posted by Chucky View Post

      That's exactly how I started 3 years ago. First I tried to sell ClickBank products, I was getting traffic, but no conversions. So I thought may be if I put some adsense ads, I will at least make a few pennies. That was my first money online as well.

      Even if it is climbing the highest mountain in the world, you have to take that first step. And you've done it. If you had the guts to take that first step (domain name, hosting account, website design etc.) you are already ahead of many others that are yet to take ACTION.

      Set up a target, set up a deadline and be ABSOLUTELY sure you're going to achieve it. Think of it day and night, write it down, make a video of it, get emotional about it and you would be where I am before you know it.

      Good luck!
      Hey's great words you mentioned here pal. Really inspiring..I wish you all the best for your future. I wish your every month is as pleasant and rewarding as November
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  • Profile picture of the author mllnsgrl
    Hi Chucky..

    This is a great thread. Thanks for all the time and effort you've put in so far (a lot!!).
    I'll be waiting patiently for your backlinking, and interlinking strategies, hopefully soon.


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    • Profile picture of the author Chucky
      Originally Posted by mllnsgrl View Post

      Hi Chucky..

      This is a great thread. Thanks for all the time and effort you've put in so far (a lot!!).
      I'll be waiting patiently for your backlinking, and interlinking strategies, hopefully soon.

      Thank you Liz, it's comments like that of yours that makes the time worth it. I see this as a great opportunity to organize everything in my messy head into a nice manuscript

      In fact, there is a lot more on page and off page SEO than I initially anticipated and it takes time to put them down in an organized manner that everyone can understand. The first post on SEO may not be before Friday I'm afraid!
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  • Profile picture of the author hilarious89
    I will try it later.
    My Archive :- A blog where you will get everything updated !
    Get Walkthrough Videos of Newly Released Games from Entertainment Discuss!!
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    • Profile picture of the author Chucky
      Originally Posted by hilarious89 View Post

      I will try it later.
      OK good luck!


      I didn't say that, I'm just quoting what the great have said in the past!
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  • Profile picture of the author sasai
    Chucky, thats cool, it inspires me

    I started my IM business 1 month ago and got only 10 page view per day only (yes, i am not smart enough). I hope someday i can make decent income like you do

    Would like to ask a) how many website od you have, b) average page # and c) hows their daily traffic.
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  • Profile picture of the author dedobor
    Amazing thread and very inspiring
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  • Profile picture of the author calfred
    Congratulations Chucky.

    You're one rich student. Don't go spending on all the booze and partying now. CGPA matters a LOT, trust me.

    What's interesting is the Day Y, which is about off page SEO, aka backlinks. I believe you are doing grayhat stuff like AMR, SB, automated tools.

    Otherwise, it's the outsourcing.

    Please do not use affiliate links in signatures

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3585399].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Chucky
      Originally Posted by calfred View Post

      Congratulations Chucky.

      You're one rich student. Don't go spending on all the booze and partying now. CGPA matters a LOT, trust me.

      What's interesting is the Day Y, which is about off page SEO, aka backlinks. I believe you are doing grayhat stuff like AMR, SB, automated tools.

      Otherwise, it's the outsourcing.
      It's funny you should say that!

      2-3 years ago, I watched Amit Mehta (About Me | Super Affiliate Mindset) talk about how he started his IM carrier while being a graduate student. That was a big inspiration to me. His story told me that was POSSIBLE for one to be successful in IM while being in school and maintaining a decent GPA. That's the beauty of this business. Anybody can do it as long as he has a few hours to spare in the day.
      Another example that comes to my mind is Avery Berman, but I'm sure there are plenty of other students in IM that have tasted more success than I have.
      No man, I'm not that kinda guy that would spend all the money. Look at my piggy bank avatar
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3586239].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author markowe
    That's some awesome give-back Chucky, thanks. Like a lot of people I am waiting for the off-site SEO part because that is still the biggest challenge for most of us!

    Who says you can't earn money as an eBay affiliate any more? My stats say otherwise

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  • Profile picture of the author PatMil
    Thanks for sharing Chucky - great post.

    I have just spent the last few hours going through it and the videos. It was very interesting, informative and inspiring.

    I'm planning to make good use of all the ideas and resources.
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  • Profile picture of the author Chucky
    Originally Posted by tayuyaa View Post

    Yeah I agree with, I always try to do the more i can on my sites....

    BTW, what makes you the more on a daily basis? Amazon or CPA or CLickbank....?

    Ha ha you didn't watch the 1st video
    Main income is from CB and CJ. I have mainly targeted Christmas gifts on Amazon. But recently I started to target some evergreen products on Amazon as well

    Originally Posted by markowe View Post

    That's some awesome give-back Chucky, thanks. Like a lot of people I am waiting for the off-site SEO part because that is still the biggest challenge for most of us!
    I think the BIG TIP is going to be in ON PAGE SEO - believe it or not. In off-page SEO too, I do a few things differently, but the basics are the same I believe.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3588749].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author tayuyaa
      Originally Posted by Chucky View Post

      Ha ha you didn't watch the 1st video
      Main income is from CB and CJ. I have mainly targeted Christmas gifts on Amazon. But recently I started to target some evergreen products on Amazon as well


      Actually I watched the1rst video but I didnt remember you said that most of your income was from a source or an other..

      I'm gonna reach you asap
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      • Profile picture of the author Chucky
        Originally Posted by tayuyaa View Post

        I'm gonna reach you asap
        Now you're talking my language
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  • Profile picture of the author jep
    Hi Chucky,

    What an inspiration :-) Hopefully I can also be as successful as you. Question from me, how far off did you start to build your seasonal sites (Christmas, Black Friday, etc)?

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    • Profile picture of the author Chucky
      Originally Posted by jep View Post

      Hi Chucky,

      What an inspiration :-) Hopefully I can also be as successful as you. Question from me, how far off did you start to build your seasonal sites (Christmas, Black Friday, etc)?

      Some of them were targeted for 2009 (I think I started them in like July August of that year) but were only around position 5, another was built in 2008. But the one that made the highest sales were built Feb-March last year I think. If you're targeting less competitive kw, with an EMD, April-May is plenty of time
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  • Profile picture of the author pdrs
    just an excellent post all around. That little selfish part of me wishes people would stop talking up the benefits of amazon aff marketing but the rest of me knows that it's all good! Congrats to your success!
    RemoteControlHelicopterReviews.(com/net) - Up for sale! No reasonable offer refused. Great branding for a super hot niche!
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  • Profile picture of the author Steve Faber
    Great Post. I see you're in IL. HAve you made plans for a great holiday season next year without Amazon. If so, how are you going to recoup that revenue next year?
    For Killer Marketing Tips that Will Grow Your Business Follow Me on Twitter Now
    After all, you're probably following a few hundred people already that aren't doing squat for you.....
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    • Profile picture of the author Chucky
      Originally Posted by Steve Faber View Post

      Great Post. I see you're in IL. HAve you made plans for a great holiday season next year without Amazon. If so, how are you going to recoup that revenue next year?
      I was waiting for someone to ask that

      I'm a student and that's the reason I'm in Illinois. God knows where I'll be after graduation. Anyways, I have family all over who would love to give me a helping hand
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  • Profile picture of the author jzorro
    Hi Chucky!

    I want to congratulate you for your achievements!

    I have a couple of questions:

    1. You say you have many checklists on MS Excel sheets and that you would share those. Are you still going to do that?

    2. I'm really interested to know, in a more detailed way, how you do on page SEO. You also mention that you spend a lot of time on the interlinking structure. Are you going to address this?

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3591527].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Dumkist
      Hi Chucky...I have One more request...could you make a video on how you check competition on more competitive keywords ? keywords with 25,000 -50,000 + searches per month..using the free tools please
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      • Profile picture of the author ddBoom
        First off, great thread! I'm hooked.

        My question in regards to reg. exact phase domains that are made up of product/brand names and model numbers.

        For example, is it ok to reg bic537R . com or hpdeskjest5678 . com? These are simply examples and the pages would be small landers selling the product represented in the domain name.

        Is this legit?

        I felt this was a relevant question for this tactic since this method can target product names keywords. I searched the forum for answers and found a whole mess of confusion. From what I've read, it is OK to do this if you are not misleading the customer but again, the opinions are mixed.

        On the other hand, is a exact phrase domain that important to rankings? Why not hpdeskjest5678review . com?

        So my question is two fold, is it ok to exact phase match on brand and model numbers AND does it make that big of difference in ranking when using a suffix like review?
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3593989].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author oogyboogawa
          Originally Posted by ddBoom View Post

          First off, great thread! I'm hooked.

          My question in regards to reg. exact phase domains that are made up of product/brand names and model numbers.

          For example, is it ok to reg bic537R . com or hpdeskjest5678 . com? These are simply examples and the pages would be small landers selling the product represented in the domain name.

          Is this legit?
          Technically, no, it is not legit to do that. You will probably get away with it, at least for a while, but in technicality you could get slammed by the company for it. If that happens, the best case scenario is that you keep whatever you earned before getting caught and lose your site and any future income.

          However, it is okay to register "" and then have a post on there about the hp deskjet5678 or whatever making your permalink something like ""

          Probably not as effective as having an EMD(at least initially), but what it does do for you (and IMO this is a big positive) is open up the opportunity to turn that into an authority website within that niche. Without registering any more domains you can write reviews of other hp deskjets as well as whatever other brands and models you can think of. Backlink each of those posts and create a good interlinking system on your site and before long your posts should start ranking with even less effort than an EMD because you will be a larger authority site.

          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3594269].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Chucky
          Originally Posted by ddBoom View Post

          First off, great thread! I'm hooked.

          My question in regards to reg. exact phase domains that are made up of product/brand names and model numbers.

          For example, is it ok to reg bic537R . com or hpdeskjest5678 . com? These are simply examples and the pages would be small landers selling the product represented in the domain name.

          Is this legit?

          I felt this was a relevant question for this tactic since this method can target product names keywords. I searched the forum for answers and found a whole mess of confusion. From what I've read, it is OK to do this if you are not misleading the customer but again, the opinions are mixed.

          On the other hand, is a exact phrase domain that important to rankings? Why not hpdeskjest5678review . com?

          So my question is two fold, is it ok to exact phase match on brand and model numbers AND does it make that big of difference in ranking when using a suffix like review?
          My answer is no different than what two others have already mentioned.

          I did do a batch of websites with brand names in my domains. One happened to have LEGO in the domain name and I got a letter from their lawyers. But for others I did not. But after that, I stopped doing any new brand names.

          Sometimes you get away with it, sometime you don't. Do a search for iPad 2 and this is your top result - The Apple iPad Fan

          I think iPad must be a trademark but Apple seems to have not done anything with them.

          As for EMD, yes they are UNDOUBTEDLY many times more powerful than EMDreviews/suffix.
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3595097].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Chucky
      Originally Posted by jzorro View Post

      Hi Chucky!

      I want to congratulate you for your achievements!

      I have a couple of questions:

      1. You say you have many checklists on MS Excel sheets and that you would share those. Are you still going to do that?

      2. I'm really interested to know, in a more detailed way, how you do on page SEO. You also mention that you spend a lot of time on the interlinking structure. Are you going to address this?

      It's coming soon
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  • Profile picture of the author Bryan V
    It's up to the company to nab you for using their trademark. You could be forced to give up the domain, pay fines, lawyer fees etc. Research this outside of this thread and then decide for yourself if it's worth it. I believe its Technically NOT ok to use their trademark if you're selling a product in the same niche. I would just avoid it. There are so many non trademarked keywords to go for.
    Perhaps an attic I shall seek.
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  • Profile picture of the author oogyboogawa
    Oh and by the way.... Congrats to Chucky on such a good year, especially while still a student!

    Looking forward to your future updates

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  • Profile picture of the author vizicore
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    • Profile picture of the author Chucky
      Originally Posted by vizicore View Post

      Would you recommend we use wordpress?
      Without a doubt, with ALL MY HEART
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  • Profile picture of the author meyoson
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    • Profile picture of the author ddBoom
      Originally Posted by oogyboogawa View Post

      Technically, no, it is not legit to do that. You will probably get away with it, at least for a while, but in technicality you could get slammed by the company for it. If that happens, the best case scenario is that you keep whatever you earned before getting caught and lose your site and any future income.

      However, it is okay to register "" and then have a post on there about the hp deskjet5678 or whatever making your permalink something like "deskjetreviews . com/hpdeskjet5678/"

      Probably not as effective as having an EMD(at least initially), but what it does do for you (and IMO this is a big positive) is open up the opportunity to turn that into an authority website within that niche. Without registering any more domains you can write reviews of other hp deskjets as well as whatever other brands and models you can think of. Backlink each of those posts and create a good interlinking system on your site and before long your posts should start ranking with even less effort than an EMD because you will be a larger authority site.
      Thanks for the reply! Like you mentioned "deskjetreviews . com/hpdeskjet5678/" is the way around it. I'm going to stay away from it but I have to admit, what a tease it is but I don't think it's worth the hassle.

      Originally Posted by Chucky View Post

      My answer is no different than what two others have already mentioned.

      I did do a batch of websites with brand names in my domains. One happened to have LEGO in the domain name and I got a letter from their lawyers. But for others I did not. But after that, I stopped doing any new brand names.

      Sometimes you get away with it, sometime you don't. Do a search for iPad 2 and this is your top result - theipadfan . com - The Apple iPad Fan

      I think iPad must be a trademark but Apple seems to have not done anything with them.

      As for EMD, yes they are UNDOUBTEDLY many times more powerful than EMDreviews/suffix.
      Thanks Chucky... In the example you gave, that is a legit use of their name because Apple doesn't have a monopoly on the word iPad and the intent of use behind it is stating he's a fan of the product. I'm not a lawyer, obviously, but this is what I've read. Now if it was, appleipad . com that's another story. This is where my question was since my intent would be to sell the same product mentioned in the domain. However, like you suggested, I'm going to stay away from it. It's really not worth growing a empire with an achilles heal.

      It's just huge tease because there are some GREAT EMD domains out there for model numbers which would make it easy to out rank some of the big dogs on page 1 with 1 million back links, 8 year old domains, and 90k index pages. However, I suppose we just need to put the work in and do it right!

      Thanks again!
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3596233].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Chucky
        Originally Posted by ddBoom View Post

        Apple doesn't have a monopoly on the word iPad and the intent of use behind it is stating he's a fan of the product. I'm not a lawyer, obviously, but this is what I've read. Now if it was, appleipad . com that's another story.

        It's just huge tease because there are some GREAT EMD domains out there for model numbers which would make it easy to out rank some of the big dogs on page 1 with 1 million back links, 8 year old domains, and 90k index pages. However, I suppose we just need to put the work in and do it right!

        Thanks again!
        OK I see now why they're getting away with it. Thanks!
        As for model name domains, I know Mark Dickinson, a good warrior does it. Why don't you look up his content or even contact him and ask. He's a nice guy.

        Originally Posted by RhythmClick View Post

        Hi Chucky,

        I was wondering if you could give any advice on the sort of content you will put on a page that you are targeting to sell a product.

        For example, have you done much study on copywirting or pre-selling or has this helped?

        I mainly use adsense and would be very interested in any tips on how you write content or set up the site layout to move people to buy (which is less a part of the adsense game).

        Thanks for any help.
        I'm afraid I won't be able to give you any specific information there. No I have not studied copywriting or pre-selling in detail although I have purchased and listened to Paul Hancox's presell mastery (another warrior here), but I have not applied any of the tactics he specifically discusses.

        I just try to give value as best as I can. I try to put myself in the searcher's shoes and think " what would a person typing in this search term want to find out" and try to cater to that person. The more desperate the buyer/niche, the more easier the solution, the more targeted the search, the more sales you make (I would think).

        I don't do any adsense on the basis of the following argument. Usually, they say you get a conversion rate of 1%. So if I'm selling a $40 CB ebook, I should be able to get $26 commission for every 100 visitors I get to my site. With AdSense, that cannot happen even if you get a CTR of 20% (unless it's one of those credit, mortgage, insurance like niches) right?

        I'm sure I'm not 100% correct here, that's why there are marketers making 6 figures from AdSense alone.

        From what I've heard, you get the highest CTR for adsense when you target specific products. Say if your page is optimized for Phillips DX12345. Then there's bound to be ads saying Phillips DX12345 50% off etc. and the visitor can click on it. Sorry that's all I know about adsense

        Originally Posted by vizicore View Post

        Loll okk... How about Thesis?.. I have seen this A LOT lately and I really cant afford it right now... Is it even worth it?
        With ALL MY HEART again

        I made the decision to switch to thesis about 1.5 years ago I think. For me also it was a tough decision at that time, but I went for it. Some people say there is no such thing as an SEO optimized theme. I don't know, my knowledge or experience is not good enough to argue with them. But what I have seen is that on Thesis websites, there is much less code at the top compared to some of the free themes (when you go to View --> sourcecode). I've read somewhere that that makes it easier for the SEs to find your content/theme. Again, I don't know how accurate that is.

        Another thing that I've seen is the H1. Go to a thesis website and a couple of other WP themes and view the sourcecode and see where the H1 is and H2 is and you'll see if the themes are comparable in that sense or not.
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  • Profile picture of the author RhythmClick
    Hi Chucky,

    Thanks for all the great info in this thread and cogratulations on how your business is going.

    I can see you are generating alot of your revenue from clickbank, cj and amazon. All essentially affiliate marketing. I was wondering if you could give any advice on the sort of content you will put on a page that you are targeting to sell a product.

    For example, have you done much study on copywirting or pre-selling or has this helped?

    I mainly use adsense and would be very interested in any tips on how you write content or set up the site layout to move people to buy (which is less a part of the adsense game).

    Thanks for any help.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3596365].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author alzack
    Wow...seriously, very inspiring. I need this to boost up my motivation.


    z.y.z.m.j.i.f.m.s.a.h.z.a. :

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  • Profile picture of the author marcus passey
    nice one chucky great stuff

    Watch me finally make money this year now I have a mentor follow my journey at

    Are you building a list? get my FREE report on list building CLICK HERE!
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  • Profile picture of the author Chucky
    On Page SEO - Part of it added March 26th
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  • Profile picture of the author php0606
    Wow...! this is amazing....SEO is the most important to get the 1st PR in google...i will practice it...thnks Chucky
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    • Profile picture of the author DaniRodriguez
      Hey Chucky,

      I want to thank you for all the information you have provided! Very useful.

      I am starting to implement your strategies and I want to know what you think about my discoveries thus far. I am going to go ahead and out my niche so that I can get your opinion.

      KeyWord: "tailgating grills" 35.1k competition

      Exact Local Search: ~1000
      EMD: tailgating - grills dot com

      Can you tell me if I am on the right track? The only problem I see is that there arent any supporting 2ry keywords that I can easily dominate. So I would not launch a batch like you have.

      The wonderwheel produced - tailgating supplies, camping grills, portable grills. But these keywords are out of my range.

      Should I launch this site and concetrate on tailgating grills?

      I would monitize with Amazon, Adsense and a ClickBank product (Competition BBQ Secrets) of low gravity (11.21)

      I appreciate your help!
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3832685].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author IMKid
    HOLY MOLY Chucky that's a ton of onpage seo and you aren't even done. Phew! I only skimmed through it and already saw many things I didn't know. I'm going to have to print it out, study it and get back to you with some questions.
    You have a good weekend man
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3601679].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Chucky
      Originally Posted by IMKid View Post

      HOLY MOLY Chucky that's a ton of onpage seo and you aren't even done. Phew! I only skimmed through it and already saw many things I didn't know. I'm going to have to print it out, study it and get back to you with some questions.
      You have a good weekend man
      Thanks man!

      Will be updating the rest of the On Page SEO shortly!
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      • Profile picture of the author vizicore
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        • Profile picture of the author alco
          Hey Chunky.

          Would you recommend any Wordpress themes to buy or just use the free ones and buy the plugins?

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  • Profile picture of the author Cash37
    So no off page SEO? IMO thats the only part that really matters... Id love to see how you do off page.
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    • Profile picture of the author Chucky
      Originally Posted by Cash37 View Post

      So no off page SEO? IMO thats the only part that really matters... Id love to see how you do off page.
      In my VERY HUMBLE opinion, that's a misconception. It's NOT the ONLY part that matters. The better your on page SEO, the less work you have to do with off page SEO

      If that statement of mine is wrong, so are people like Brad Fallon and Dan Thies

      Originally Posted by KatyaSenina View Post

      Man, you left out the best part on off-page SEO.:p

      When are you adding it?
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  • Profile picture of the author Chucky
    Originally Posted by vizicore View Post

    its #15. Is this good?

    And I have another question... Should I try to move up one by one?(compare how i'm doing to #14) Increase my back-links?

    [EDIT] I want to add that the .net i registered is "PRODUCT NAME".net ...... Its a new product and they only have the .com
    Ya I think position #15 (not page 15) is great. Never had that much success in my life!

    Not sure what you mean by "move up one by one"?

    I don't do product names anymore, but that's a personal thing.

    Good luck, you seem to be on the right pathway!

    Also, the more sound your on page SEO, the less off page SEO you have to do.

    Originally Posted by alco View Post

    Hey Chunky.

    Would you recommend any Wordpress themes to buy or just use the free ones and buy the plugins?

    Thesis! That's a WP theme (premium) You seemed to have missed that

    Originally Posted by vizicore View Post

    Does most of your everyday income come from ClickBank?
    nope, CJ
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3604885].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author KatyaSenina
      Man, you left out the best part on off-page SEO.:p

      When are you adding it?
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  • Profile picture of the author younganddirty
    good stuff,

    I glad you put the time and effort into this

    how long did it take to write this
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    • Profile picture of the author Chucky
      Originally Posted by younganddirty View Post

      good stuff,

      I glad you put the time and effort into this

      how long did it take to write this
      I just finished an exam and have some free time. About 4-5 evenings so far I think
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  • Profile picture of the author Chucky
    Guys, if you have questions, please post them on the thread here and not PM me OK? Thanks!
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  • Profile picture of the author PabloVTB
    This is an amazing thread, with solid information. Thank you for taking the time man!
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  • Profile picture of the author jzorro
    Hi Chucky!

    Once more thank you for the valuable information regarding On Page SEO.

    I have a question:

    Besides About Us, Contact, Disclosure, Privacy Policy, Terms of Use and Sitemap, do have any other page (not posts...) with content? Do you optimize any page for a given keyword?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3608295].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Mike McAleer
    It was a long post,, but well worth reading. Thank you!

    I agree with not putting alll eggs in same basket.

    Recent domain flips : $8->$1000 Social recruiting Software dot com $8->$2000
    Invest in domains without the hard work !
    Email for details...Mike McAleer at me dot com

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3608348].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author giseo
    great thread.

    also one should just not rely on a few sites for all their income, but to diversify traffic from just google, a hard lesson i learned this year.

    Tired about blogging about tedious subjects like blue widgets and four slice toasters? Learn how to have fun and profit blogging about a continually growing massive multi-billion industry. Find out how to do it for only $5 here!

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  • Profile picture of the author Chucky
    Just edited and added something I forgot in the original on page SEO section. As and when these things come to my head, I will go on and add them.

    Added later - points forgotten to include in the original post
    • I nofollow the link to my RSS/subscribe on the homepage. Thesis gives an option in its dashboard for you to nofollow this. There may be plugins to do this for generic WP themes or you can manually add the rel="nofollow" attribute to the code if you can find the place.
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  • Profile picture of the author krish21
    Great inspirational post Chucky. Waiting for off page SEO tips and strategies.
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  • Profile picture of the author asim566
    hard to grasp..................
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    • Profile picture of the author Chucky
      Originally Posted by asim566 View Post

      hard to grasp..................
      I agree that it is hard to grasp if you're starting out. We've all been there and have conquered it.

      As someone said, there is no easy button. YOU have to learn it, YOU have to do the kw research, YOU have to do .....that's the only way YOU will be successful.

      Even if you outsource everything, YOU have to at least know the theory behind it to be able to give instructions.

      If you have any specific questions, shoot them.... even climbing mount Everest begins with that first step you take
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  • Profile picture of the author Chucky
    Day 13 - April 2nd

    Off Page SEO
    Sorry, the original post was becoming too long and decided to add it as a separate post.
    I want to say one thing before I even start this section. There is a lot of stuff and you can get discouraged if you are just starting out. But what you need to realize is that I didn't do any of this when I was starting out as well. I didn't spend a single dime (except for a domain name and hosting account), I didn't outsource, I didn't have software, I did everything by myself, and I did only a fraction of the things that I'm doing now and I still succeeded. Sure, later on I bought some toys to speed things up. So please don't be discouraged, start small, reinvest your earnings on the business, rinse and repeat, then you can do all the high throughput automation stuff that I do and MORE.

    At the end, I will also tell you what you can do without spending a dime and still be able to dominate a low competition kw to get you started.
    The basics are relatively simple. Build as many links as possible. The more 'good' links you build, the better! I'm going to make a few sub-headings just for the sake of better organization.
    1. Anchor text hyperlinks vs hard URLs
    2. Link diversity
    3. IP diversity
    4. Link velocity
    5. No follow vs do follow
    6. Indexing/strengthening your backlinks
    7. Going high throughput - automation
    8. Minimizing your footprint
    9. Mimicking the 'natural' situation
    10. How I do it now
    11. How I did it when I got started
    12. Here's a plan
    Anchor text hyperlinks vs hard URLs

    Simply put, the former is better than the latter. But you want a mixture so that it doesn't look too unnatural. I don't use exact figures here like 82.5% of one and 17.5% of the other. I go for anchor text whenever possible and resort to a hard URLs when a particular site doesn't allow hyperlinks.

    Do I vary the anchor text? If you have read a lot of SEO guides, you would have seen people recommending you to vary your anchor text. 60% of the main kw, 20% of that and another 20% of that etc. But if you have read as many SEO guides as I have, you would have also observed that some SEO experts advise against varying your anchor text. I think I have mentioned this earlier, but I'm saying it again. I've heard Terry Kyle saying that he has observed sites losing rankings for the theme kw, when he starts building links with 2ry kw anchor text. This has been my observation too. I've had sites go down to #6 from #2 overnight after building a few links with 2ry kw as anchor text. Was the drop in rankings purely caused by this link building or something else that happened coincidently? I have no idea. But after that, this is the approach I've been taking.
    • Homepage - theme kw anchor text only
    • Sticky post - theme kw anchor text only
    • Other posts with 2ry kw - the bulk have theme kw while some have the relevant 2ry kw (again no breakdown by percentage here; I'm really 'loose' here)
    Hope that makes sense. This is purely my method of skinning the cat and as I've said over and over, there are many methods of skinning a cat. What's important is to not get bogged down comparing and contrasting and spending hours on different methods of doing it, but picking out any one of them and just doing it before your competitor does. If you're not targeting hypercompetitive terms, the chances are that whichever method you pick is going to work.

    Link diversity

    This can have multiple meanings. Links from article directories, video sites, social bookmarking etc. is one kind of diversity. Another kind is the location of your link: in text hyperlinks (also known as editorial links) that are in the middle of a paragraph (some people say resource box links also belong to this category); those on sidebars and footers etc.
    Let's try to make a comprehensive list encompassing both kinds.
    1. Social networking - there are different 'departments' to this
      1. Content submission to web 2.0 properties - I'm talking about places like, WikiSpaces, LiveJournal and Squidoo here
      2. Social bookmarking - manual vs automated/ High PR vs low PR/ Tier 1 vs Tier 2
      3. Digging (DIGG), Liking (FB) and tweeting - traffic and/or backlinks depending on how you do it
    2. Article directories - the ones worth doing a manual submission/ Tier 1
    3. Blog networks - the better with more PR/trust rank/authority; paid ones/ Tier 1
    4. Article directories/Blog networks - 10,000s of places that you can submit articles to; I'm talking about paid ones like Unique Article Wizard, SEO Link Vine, AMA, Article Marketing Robot etc. and free ones like the Free Traffic System/ Tier 1 vs Tier 2
    5. Video distribution - for traffic and/or backlinks? / Tier 1
    6. Press release submission/ Tier 1
    7. Software directory/PAD file submission/ Tier 1
    8. Forums - Profile links and/or signature/ .com vs .edu/ high PR vs not so high PR/ Tier 1 vs Tier 2
    9. Blog comments - manual vs automated/ .com vs .edu/ high PR vs not so high PR/ Tier 1 vs Tier 2
    10. Web directory submission (can't remember the last time I did that; doesn't mean it doesn't work)
    11. Podcasting - traffic and/or backlinks (never done it; but I know it's powerful) / Tier 1
    12. High PR homepage backlinks/ Tier 1
    13. Your own network for backlinks - hosted on your own server/s/ Tier 1
    14. Guest blog posts (again, never done it - but should) / Tier 1
    15. RSS submissions
    16. Editorial backlinks - inside paragraphs and article resource boxes
    17. Footer, Sidebar/blogroll
    18. Numbered and bulleted lists
    19. Do follow and no follow (I'm including this also here because it adds to the diversity)
    20. IP diversity (again I'm listing it here, but will discuss with more detail later on)
    I'm not going to give you a list of the exact properties I use in each category. I'm sure you can find plenty simply by searching inside WF or on Google. However, I will mention a few important things here that address some of the sections above.

    If you have studied SEO for a while, you know you have to strengthen you backlinks by building more backlinks to them. So out of all the options above, you will have to decide which properties will be used to backlink your money site (Tier 1 backlinks) and which properties would be used to strengthen those backlinks (Tier 2 backlinks). If time and resources were unlimited, ideally you want to use all the properties you can find as Tier 1 backlinks and then all those properties again and again to backlink each one of those Tier 1 backlinks. That is not practical. Therefore what you need to do is to select the higher quality properties as Tier 1 backlinks and the lower quality properties as Tier 2 backlinks.

    How do you measure higher quality vs lower quality?

    To keep it simple, I'm going to say PR is the answer. However, it's not the perfect answer and I don't know a perfect answer. Things like trust rank, relevancy may also matter. But then again, different people have different views on these as well.

    I have added Tier 1 or Tier 1 vs 2 to the end of some of the properties above as a guideline for you to think a little bit about. If you decide a property is 'high quality' then use it as a Tier 1 link. If it is also relatively easy to get many backlinks from that property, consider using it to backlink some of your more authoritative Tier 1 backlinks. This is why I divide article directories and blog networks as Tier 1 properties and Tier 2 properties. EzineArticles, ArticlesBase, GoArticles, Buzzle, Article Dashboard etc. are Tier 1 for me. Among blog networks, Build My Rank is tier 1 for me. The web 2.0 properties are definitely tier 1 for me. However, I use them as tier 2 links as well to backlink some of my better tier 1 links.

    Hope that is not too unclear

    Something I like to mention here is that you don't have to do all of above. As you can see, I have never done some of those in my life. And for some of my sites, I haven't done more than a few of above types while others require more.

    Again, rather than reading and learning forever, you should just get on with it and get the ball rolling. Nobody knows what's exactly correct (except Google I guess). I have seen top SEO experts saying that a link from an EzineArticle is only as good as a forum profile link from a domain with the same PR. I'm not sure I agree with that statement, but then it really doesn't matter. I would go ahead and get a link from each place without arguing with the guy

    IP diversity

    I'm not an expert of techy stuff like IP addresses. The way I understand, all our websites are hosted on a computer somewhere and they are called servers. These servers have an address called the IP address. The more diverse the IP addresses of your tier 1 backlink profile, the more popular your site is in Google's eyes; and therefore higher rankings.

    With web 2.0, social bookmarking, video submissions etc., you can only get so many IP diverse links. However, when it comes to privately owned blogs/article directories, forums, blog comments, guest blogging etc., there is almost no limit to the number of IP diverse backlinks you can get. There are many article/blog networks that have many thousands of websites in them or article submission software that will submit to many thousands of them. Unique article wizard, SEO Link Vine, My Article Network, Free Traffic System, Article Marketing Automation, Article Ranks, Niche Press Platinum, SEO Ultimate Network, Article Marketing Robot, Article Post Robot are examples of such systems that I have used at least once (doesn't necessarily mean that I recommend them). That's at least 20K websites (doesn't mean they are IP diverse) and should be enough IP diversity to dominate relatively smaller niches with not too much competition.

    Link velocity

    Think about this for a minute. Let's assume a brand new website with a ton of valuable information on 'how to get out of debt' is launched. As the good news about this website spreads, its popularity will increase. If it got 1000 visitors the 1st week, it will be 2000 the 2nd week, 4000 the 3rd week and so on. A backlink under 'natural' conditions would be site A recommending site B by means of a link to site B. As this 'get out of debt' site gets popular, it will also come across web masters and they would genuinely start saying there is this great new site on 'how to get out of debt'. Just like visitors, the speed at which this site gets links will also increase. This is what is termed link velocity.

    You should try and emulate this 'natural' rhythm in your link building campaign. This is why building 5,000 links today and building none for the next two weeks is not good. Either you should build links at an increasing velocity or you should make Google discover them at an increasing velocity. You can do the latter by pinging an increasing number of backlinks everyday.

    You cannot go on building links at an increasing pace forever. The idea is that any new website will have this initial exponential growth and then it wanes off and plateaus. Once it reaches that plateau phase, all you need is maintenance level backlinks. This maintenance level depends on what your competition is doing to maintain their rankings!

    I'm sure all this is fine and works. But trust me, with my kind of schedule, I have never been able to build my links with this kind of increasing velocity. I just build 'em when I have time and I still get some decent success. If I did it at an increasing pace, maybe I would get better results.

    No follow vs Do follow

    I'm not going to describe to you what each type is. I bring this up because I want to emphasize a point. A lot of people only build Do follow links and don't build no follow links. If they do build the latter, those would be from auto approve blog comment pages that have 100s of spam comments on them. But no follow blog comments from highly authoritative sites are unbelievably powerful. There are many high authority sites that allow anchor text in the comments (where your name goes) and if you look around a little bit you can find many high PR pages where the comments are open. These pages are typically moderated and your comments will be approved only if you make a valid non-spam comment. I have had my sites jump from like #7-8 to #1-3 overnight from a single no follow link like this. If you are still on page 12, the effect may not be the same. There's only one way to find out

    Indexing/strengthening your backlinks

    10,000 do follow editorial links on PR4 pages that Google doesn't know of is as good as ZERO links (highly exaggerated example). Google has to crawl them and index them for them to be of any value. First Google has to find out it exists, then depending on various factors, Google will decide to index it or not. If you made the link on the homepage of a highly crawled website, then Google will not have trouble finding it. But what if you build a link on one of those hidden profile pages of a forum? Google has no reason to go in to those dark corners.

    So there are two things: making sure Google finds it and then making sure Google indexes it.
    1. Pinging will help Google find them, and the chances are Google will also index quite a lot of them especially if they are unique content (articles for example). If Google doesn't index them at once, you can ping several times, build a few backlinks to it etc. and try to force Google to index them.
    2. Once they are indexed you can also try to make them more valuable to your money site as a backlink. You can try to increase its PR and/or its strength as a backlink by building Tier 2 backlinks to it. Remember, if it's a profile link, it may never get a PR that shows up as a green bar on the Google tool bar. However, it still acquires PR and you just won't see that. May be it's 0.2332 and Google tool bar doesn't show it. But if you have 1000s of links with 0.2332 PR, that would give some serious link juice to your money site. And of course the way to do it is by building tier 2 backlinks. How many and which tier 1 backlinks are you going to backlink? Depends on how valuable the tier 1 link is, how much time you have and how much automation you have done. This is where I talked about low quantity-high quality tier 1 backlinks and low quality-high quantity tier 2 backlinks. Backlink booster (Sean Donahoe), Backlink Energizer (Steve Aylor), Link Juicer, Link Juice Maximizer (Pat Jackson and Gary Becks), Mega Link Blaster (Don and Jeremy), Link Thunder (a new WSO I saw within the last 48 hours - haven't used it), XRumer blasts, mass blog commenting (e.g. Scrapebox) etc, come in to play.
    Going high throughput - automation

    The beauty is that you can automate and/or outsource most of the steps in link building. I have someone that writes and submits articles to EzineArticles. I pay only once the article is approved. Then I manually spin this article or get it rewritten and submit to other high PR article directories. I have software that does this part as well; however, I find that the success rate is highest when I do it manually. For making web 2.0 properties, of course there are various programs. SENUKE, Rank Builder and Magic Submitter are programs that I've used at various time points. I've already mentioned blog networks and article distribution software that automates the article distribution. You can use these as tier 1 and/or tier 2. Then I've also mentioned some systems that can be used specifically for tier 2. For social bookmarking there is the famous Social bookmarking service. Fast tagging and posting to all major social websites - which is a free service. SocialADR, BookMarking Demon etc. are automated bookmarking services.

    BigMike's modestly priced software suite at Incansoft | Experience The Difference Today! gives tools to automate almost all of above steps. I have a bunch of them and I will tell you later which ones I actively use.
    For software directory submissions, promosoft from PromoSoft - fast and accurate automatic software promotion and submission solution is great.
    All these are great if you know the proper way to use them. I have my ways and I feel they must be good because I get good results. But I'm sure there must be other ways of using them (possibly better than mine). I don't pretend to know it all J (contrary to what my mother says).

    This is it for now guys, hoping to finish up the off page SEO section within the course of the week or preferably even this weekend.

    Hope you will profit from my effort!

    Update April 7th

    New content added - how I spin articles for extra juice. Check out page 4 of the thread!

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  • {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3639580].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Jeremy Banks
    Wow, thanks for the detailed post. I make most of my money from adsense and am now starting on Amazon and clickbank
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  • Profile picture of the author abhibh
    Just finished reading the first page and amazing stuff.

    Just a quick question regarding EMD. Lets say (.net .org) are not available would you go for (adding an S at the end) OR ??

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3640918].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Chucky
      Originally Posted by abhibh View Post

      Just finished reading the first page and amazing stuff.

      Just a quick question regarding EMD. Lets say (.net .org) are not available would you go for (adding an S at the end) OR ??
      Good question. But I really don't want you to take my word on this. This is why I said "I suggest you look at the examples I have given and make an intelligent decision as to what you feel suits best for your particular situation." The answer I'm giving you below is NOT complete because I haven't done the other aspects of kw research for this phrase OK?

      Let's see if I can give a good answer. There are 2 things here. First you need to see if 'best colon cleanser' or 'best colon cleansers' have a higher search volume (competition analysis etc.). If the latter has a higher search volume, I would go for that even if the competition is little bit tougher.

      Would I go for (adding an S at the end) OR ?? In my opinion it won't make or break things depending on which one you choose as long as your other on page or off page SEO are on target. Given my current capacity in SEO, I would go with the non-hyphenated version and my sticky post would be if I'm targeting the singular version of the kw.

      Hope that helps. Nobody can (or should) give you a concrete answer without for example testing 10 domains of each kind with similar competition and then creating similar off page SEO strategies. If only one does that kind of testing can he say OK I can clearly say that A is better than B after my tests!

      Originally Posted by Millerking

      Hi Chucky
      I read your really long post, at one point i can't agree with you:
      " E-M-D : e.g. (one hyphen is better than two hyphens)."

      You really think one hyphen is better? or is better than

      I did many search, so far i never see a example with one hyphen domain name ranked at top.

      Hey Miller,

      Thanks for a good question. In Illinois, the search for 'find cell phone numbers' brings the 1st result as This has over 68 million results and over 150,000 phrase matches. I've seen many other examples.

      I think the reason why you're not seeing many of those is because people use that format of EMDs relatively rarely.

      But you pointed out something very good. What I wanted to say was 'fewer the hyphens - better it is'. I've seen many people say this. Will edit the original post to reflect that.

      Thanks again for a good question.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3642100].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author seye
        @chucky how do we know product to promote on black fridays or are there some product that are black friday oriented.would love your insight on this.nice thread bro

        Originally Posted by Chucky View Post

        Good question. But I really don't want you to take my word on this. This is why I said "I suggest you look at the examples I have given and make an intelligent decision as to what you feel suits best for your particular situation." The answer I'm giving you below is NOT complete because I haven't done the other aspects of kw research for this phrase OK?

        Let's see if I can give a good answer. There are 2 things here. First you need to see if 'best colon cleanser' or 'best colon cleansers' have a higher search volume (competition analysis etc.). If the latter has a higher search volume, I would go for that even if the competition is little bit tougher.

        Would I go for (adding an S at the end) OR ?? In my opinion it won't make or break things depending on which one you choose as long as your other on page or off page SEO are on target. Given my current capacity in SEO, I would go with the non-hyphenated version and my sticky post would be if I'm targeting the singular version of the kw.

        Hope that helps. Nobody can (or should) give you a concrete answer without for example testing 10 domains of each kind with similar competition and then creating similar off page SEO strategies. If only one does that kind of testing can he say OK I can clearly say that A is better than B after my tests!

        Hey Miller,

        Thanks for a good question. In Illinois, the search for 'find cell phone numbers' brings the 1st result as This has over 68 million results and over 150,000 phrase matches. I've seen many other examples.

        I think the reason why you're not seeing many of those is because people use that format of EMDs relatively rarely.

        But you pointed out something very good. What I wanted to say was 'fewer the hyphens - better it is'. I've seen many people say this. Will edit the original post to reflect that.

        Thanks again for a good question.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3643382].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author giseo
          great thread.

          a couple questions though.

          when doing link building how many links do you build to get the site where you want it? do you set daily, weekly goal numbers?

          and how long does it take for your sites to get on the first page at least? how long do you wait?

          Tired about blogging about tedious subjects like blue widgets and four slice toasters? Learn how to have fun and profit blogging about a continually growing massive multi-billion industry. Find out how to do it for only $5 here!

          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3643644].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author Chucky
            Originally Posted by seye View Post

            @chucky how do we know product to promote on black fridays or are there some product that are black friday oriented.would love your insight on this.nice thread bro
            Good question! Since I'm not going to tell you exactly which ones I sold I did a Google search and found this one Top-selling products on Black Friday 2008 | ZDNet

            It's for 2008, but I'm sure if you search more you'll find best sold stuff in 2010 etc.

            Good luck!

            Originally Posted by giseo View Post

            great thread.

            a couple questions though.

            when doing link building how many links do you build to get the site where you want it? do you set daily, weekly goal numbers?

            and how long does it take for your sites to get on the first page at least? how long do you wait?
            The number of links is highly variable depending on whether you grab the EMD or not and the competition. I have had sites hitting 1st page (note #1 position) with nothing more than bookmarking and within 3 weeks! But then again I have sites nearly 3 years old and still on 2nd page with over 4000 links (of course this is not the typical 5 page site for promoting Amazon products).

            It's really that variable.
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3644778].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author JRCarson
              Great thread Chucky!

              I wanted to point out (because it happened to me!) that you do NOT want to have the word "Amazon" or any other trademarks or product names in your domain name. If you do this, Amazon will drop your account, keeping all accrued earnings without warning. It's kind of hidden in their TOS...or I am dumb and didn't see it...either way...

              I luckily got my account back and will get accrued commissions, but lost a real money maker, and it goes to show that EMD's aren't always the way to go (I'd be wary of brand names).

              Just my two cents. Nice thread! Keep it up!
              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3645205].message }}
              • Profile picture of the author Chucky
                Originally Posted by JRCarson View Post

                Great thread Chucky!

                I wanted to point out (because it happened to me!) that you do NOT want to have the word "Amazon" or any other trademarks or product names in your domain name. If you do this, Amazon will drop your account, keeping all accrued earnings without warning. It's kind of hidden in their TOS...or I am dumb and didn't see it...either way...

                I luckily got my account back and will get accrued commissions, but lost a real money maker, and it goes to show that EMD's aren't always the way to go (I'd be wary of brand names).

                Just my two cents. Nice thread! Keep it up!
                Wow thanks for sharing your experience and congrats on getting it back. Fortunately, I never tried to put Amazon in my domain name. I learned my lesson with "LEGO". I shared that story somewhere on page 2 when someone asked about product names in the domain name.
                {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3645620].message }}
              • Profile picture of the author lukyjoe
                Originally Posted by JRCarson View Post

                Great thread Chucky!

                I wanted to point out (because it happened to me!) that you do NOT want to have the word "Amazon" or any other trademarks or product names in your domain name. If you do this, Amazon will drop your account, keeping all accrued earnings without warning. It's kind of hidden in their TOS...or I am dumb and didn't see it...either way...

                I luckily got my account back and will get accrued commissions, but lost a real money maker, and it goes to show that EMD's aren't always the way to go (I'd be wary of brand names).

                Just my two cents. Nice thread! Keep it up!
                I'm in Colorado too but since last year when Amazon stopped taking affiliates from Colorado I abandoned the idea of Amazon product sites. But I see you managed to keep your account, would you mind sharing how did you keep it?
                Thank you
                {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3650858].message }}
                • Profile picture of the author JRCarson
                  Originally Posted by lukyjoe View Post

                  I'm in Colorado too but since last year when Amazon stopped taking affiliates from Colorado I abandoned the idea of Amazon product sites. But I see you managed to keep your account, would you mind sharing how did you keep it?
                  Thank you
                  I was dropped in March of last year (like all the other Coloradans) and that's when I started making good money finally!

                  So it was kind of a slap in the face to say the least, but it took 2 hours to set up another company in another state (using a relative's address as the company address) and swap out all the links.
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  • Profile picture of the author katem
    Thank you for sharing your experience and honest input here!

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  • Profile picture of the author jmorris18
    Hey Chucky , I just sent you a PM. I look forward to your reply.


    Jason Morris

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  • Profile picture of the author Rukshan
    Subscribed to this superb thread. I will spend more time here and gain the knowledge


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    • Profile picture of the author ddBoom
      Hey Chucky... I'm curious which writing service you use or if anyone else out there can recommend one?
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  • Profile picture of the author b.super13
    Hi Chucky,

    Do you have that excel spreadsheet where you have everything that you mark down for each site?

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3648725].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Chucky
      Originally Posted by jmorris18 View Post

      Hey Chucky , I just sent you a PM. I look forward to your reply.

      I'm a bit behind on my PMs... getting too many of them will check out!

      Originally Posted by ddBoom View Post

      Hey Chucky... I'm curious which writing service you use or if anyone else out there can recommend one?
      I use Odesk. I have like 5 writers I think. I send them an email whenever I have something for them. If you've never posted a job at Odesk before, first look at how other experienced people do it (rates, conditions etc.). That way you don't run in to some of the unforeseen problems.

      What I usually do is, I say I'll give you a test rewrite of about 150 words and I'll pay 50 cents for that whether I like it or not. If I like it, you get hired, if not, you only get the 50 cents

      Originally Posted by b.super13 View Post

      Hi Chucky,

      Do you have that excel spreadsheet where you have everything that you mark down for each site?

      Yes I have, I looked at them the other day and they look very incomplete. I may brush 'em up sometime soon and post 'em. But it won't happen for a while I'm afraid. There is still a long way to go with the off page SEO part. Sorry it's getting delayed.

      I've got to do stuff that earn me money as well sometimes
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  • Profile picture of the author quintonboyer
    I tried getting to #1 for a few keywords, and then dropped to page 3+ after a few months. Oh, and stay away from using trademark names in domain. All that money that you make cannot cover the lawsuits if companies do bring it up lol.
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  • Profile picture of the author ocd
    Wow, this is very impressive. This a GREAT thread!!! I read for about 30 minutes, bookmarked it and will study it over the next 4 days.

    What I'm finding terribly disturbing is all of the basic SEO mistakes I've made since Oct/Nov. What's nice is going back and editing all of those little (really HUGE) mistakes. Now I'm gonna take what I have recently learned, blend this and go crazy.
    The link of great joy and happiness...but this one? This is the one that all window cleaning companies in the free world are inspired by. Hey, where did the sarcasm font go?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3651378].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author anwar001
    Very very comprehensive and useful information, specially for newbies. Keep up the good work. I am impressed that you are sharing all this for free here and not selling it as a wso. Good work.
    Get Hundreds of Super Targeted Traffic in Any Niche from Facebook - 3 Step Organic FB Marketing

    25 Guidelines For Massive Affiliate Success - Whether you are a beginner or an expert, read these principles and refer back to them many times
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  • Profile picture of the author Bryan V
    Originally Posted by Chucky View Post

    Because this post ... was not allowing me to add more smileys etc. ... I have posted this section on page 3

    Thanks for the great guide Chucky. You're putting a ton of effort into this!
    You even had to kick a child out of the room for one of the recordings.. lol.

    Maybe the final step will be you revealing your real name.
    Perhaps an attic I shall seek.
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  • Profile picture of the author imuniqseo
    grate video tutorials thanks for this thread awesome work thanks again
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  • Profile picture of the author y2kam
    great guide, thanks!
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  • Profile picture of the author ddBoom
    Just launched my page a little over 24 hrs ago. So far only 1 page indexed and it's a "no follow" page! What gives? How can a no follow page get indexed? rss n XML site map are clean and no follow properly coded.

    Also about how long does it typically take for all pages to get indexed? Should I wait to backlink until they are indexed?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3659642].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Chucky
      Originally Posted by pack12 View Post


      Maybe the final step will be you revealing your real name.
      I know I will have to.... one day.... who would want to believe an invisible man with no name-no credibility

      Originally Posted by ddBoom View Post

      Just launched my page a little over 24 hrs ago. So far only 1 page indexed and it's a "no follow" page! What gives? How can a no follow page get indexed? rss n XML site map are clean and no follow properly coded.

      Also about how long does it typically take for all pages to get indexed? Should I wait to backlink until they are indexed?
      Well you asked it to be 'no followed' which means page rank will not leak to the page; however that doesn't stop it from being indexed. If you don't want it to be indexed (TOS, Privacy Policy etc.) you will have to add a 'no index' tag as well.

      This is a tool I have used in the past to get my pages indexed quickly.

      Profit Instruments: Quick Index Tool

      I don't use it anymore because I'm not in a big rush to get 'em indexed. The above tool should help you. If I remember right, you can do this for internal pages as well (not 100% sure though). The other option is to post a link on a high traffic forum - like the WF/WF blog entry. I'm not referring to profile links, I'm talking about signatures in posts made on high traffic threads
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3660101].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author ddBoom
        Originally Posted by Chucky View Post

        I know I will have to.... one day.... who would want to believe an invisible man with no name-no credibility

        Well you asked it to be 'no followed' which means page rank will not leak to the page; however that doesn't stop it from being indexed. If you don't want it to be indexed (TOS, Privacy Policy etc.) you will have to add a 'no index' tag as well.

        This is a tool I have used in the past to get my pages indexed quickly.

        I don't use it anymore because I'm not in a big rush to get 'em indexed. The above tool should help you. If I remember right, you can do this for internal pages as well (not 100% sure though). The other option is to post a link on a high traffic forum - like the WF/WF blog entry. I'm not referring to profile links, I'm talking about signatures in posts made on high traffic threads
        Thanks Mr.C I'll give both of those a try.

        I'm chomping at the bit to get this first site off the ground.

        Do you typically wait till you're index before back linking from ezine? I'm assuming we want our properties to look as natural as possible...
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3661282].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Chucky
          Originally Posted by ocd View Post

          What I'm finding terribly disturbing is all of the basic SEO mistakes I've made since Oct/Nov. What's nice is going back and editing all of those little (really HUGE) mistakes. Now I'm gonna take what I have recently learned, blend this and go crazy.
          Hey just because you have done something differently it doesn't mean it is wrong. This is my way of skinning the cat; it's not the only way; it's also probably not the most efficient way; and I'm not guaranteeing my methods are error free.

          Good luck!

          Originally Posted by ddBoom View Post

          Thanks Mr.C I'll give both of those a try.

          I'm chomping at the bit to get this first site off the ground.

          Do you typically wait till you're index before back linking from ezine? I'm assuming we want our properties to look as natural as possible...
          I do wait a while (a month or more) to start aggressive link building. The idea is not for the site to get indexed, but for the site to 'age'. But this is TOTALLY my opinion only. People like Steve Aylor (BLE guy) will strongly disagree with me and say that they will build 2000 links 2 days after the site is launched and nothing happens.

          When I did that, my sites went in the sandbox (or in to an ultra long Google dance) more often than not. So I just don't do that anymore. I would build 1 or 2 authority links (like Digg - easier than EzineArticles) and wait a while before I go crazy with links.

          Hope that helps!
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3663522].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author ddBoom
            Originally Posted by Chucky View Post

            I do wait a while (a month or more) to start aggressive link building. The idea is not for the site to get indexed, but for the site to 'age'. But this is TOTALLY my opinion only. People like Steve Aylor (BLE guy) will strongly disagree with me and say that they will build 2000 links 2 days after the site is launched and nothing happens.

            When I did that, my sites went in the sandbox (or in to an ultra long Google dance) more often than not. So I just don't do that anymore. I would build 1 or 2 authority links (like Digg - easier than EzineArticles) and wait a while before I go crazy with links.

            Hope that helps!
            Thanks again... I've read about spacing it out as well plus the type of back link makes a difference too... I just wasn't sure if you waited till you were indexed or not before starting to build. Thanks for the tips...

            Oh, and that pinging quick index service you recommended... it still works well... my main domain got index in a matter of an hour after i used it...
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3663600].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author joinmyclub
    great post! I will try this one!
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  • Profile picture of the author shaunchu
    Hi Chucky,

    Well done and congrats for your great achievements!!
    Your contents are awesome and there are many tips that I can pick up from you.
    I will follow your thread closely )
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3661542].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author jmbare
      Wow, wow, wow. Chucky, this is great information. I can take this and run with it. Great information for noobs like myself. Thank you for sharing, I greatly appreciate it!
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  • Profile picture of the author appie
    Really great advice this will inspire people!
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    • Profile picture of the author mrfusion
      Truly inspirational. Thanks for taking the time to write this.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3663962].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author giseo
    how many sites you have to get to the income you are at right now?

    Tired about blogging about tedious subjects like blue widgets and four slice toasters? Learn how to have fun and profit blogging about a continually growing massive multi-billion industry. Find out how to do it for only $5 here!

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    • Profile picture of the author Chucky
      Originally Posted by smlover View Post

      gotta have Thanks to your post first then read. Glad to see your sincerity
      Originally Posted by northseo View Post

      This is a very nice guide thank you for sharing it with everyone here
      Originally Posted by shaunchu View Post

      Hi Chucky,

      Well done and congrats for your great achievements!!
      Your contents are awesome and there are many tips that I can pick up from you.
      I will follow your thread closely )
      Originally Posted by jmbare View Post

      Wow, wow, wow. Chucky, this is great information. I can take this and run with it. Great information for noobs like myself. Thank you for sharing, I greatly appreciate it!
      Originally Posted by appie View Post

      Really great advice this will inspire people!
      Originally Posted by healingoasis View Post

      Great guide, thanks!
      Originally Posted by mrfusion View Post

      Truly inspirational. Thanks for taking the time to write this.
      Thank you guys. It is comments like yours that encourage me to go on. But for it to be truly worth, you guys really need to TAKE ACTION and may be post something like "My first 5 figure day, 6 figure month and 7 figure year"

      Originally Posted by giseo View Post

      how many sites you have to get to the income you are at right now?
      I think I have like 80 domains and out of them I have websites on about 50 out of which about 10 sites bring 95% of the money. It's the 80/20 rule: 20% of what you do brings in 80% of the $$. For me, it's more like 95/5 rule.

      Most of the 'failures' (or lessons learned) are not because they don't rank, but simply because I picked the wrong market/keywords. I have sites as high as #2 for phrases with > 2000 exact searches/month that earn me like $10 once every 2 months. That's why I stress the importance of selecting the RIGHT MARKET right from the beginning. The right market and the right buying keywords are essential for your efforts to be fruitful.

      On a regular month, I don't earn 5 figures. That's only during Christmas as of now. On a regular month, my main income is also not from Amazon. It's from CJ and CB. The commission you get from selling physical products is way way less compared to informational products on CJ and CB.
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      • Profile picture of the author tayuyaa
        Originally Posted by Chucky View Post

        On a regular month, I don't earn 5 figures. That's only during Christmas as of now. On a regular month, my main income is also not from Amazon. It's from CJ and CB. The commission you get from selling physical products is way way less compared to informational products on CJ and CB.
        Hi Chucky,

        Where do you find info products on CJ? I thought it was only a site with physical products etc....
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        • Profile picture of the author MaineCoon
          Chucky, I can't thank you enough for this... I really do.

          I have questions for the content:
          Do I write 5 articles focusing on the main keyword? or 2 for main keywords and 3 for the 3 2nd keywords?

          So I use only main keywords for the article title?
          The 3 2nd keywords is only to use in the article 6 times (2 for each)?

          Thank you!
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      • Profile picture of the author giseo
        Originally Posted by Chucky View Post

        I think I have like 80 domains and out of them I have websites on about 50 out of which about 10 sites bring 95% of the money. It's the 80/20 rule: 20% of what you do brings in 80% of the $$. For me, it's more like 95/5 rule.
        thanks. roughly the same for me i found. until my two top earners get banned by google.

        back to the drawing board ...

        Tired about blogging about tedious subjects like blue widgets and four slice toasters? Learn how to have fun and profit blogging about a continually growing massive multi-billion industry. Find out how to do it for only $5 here!

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  • Profile picture of the author FabianSmith
    Wow It's an huge an amazing post, i like it
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  • Profile picture of the author Rukshan
    Hey Chucky

    How do you reduce the risk with Adsense? Anything special


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    • Profile picture of the author Chucky
      Originally Posted by blog8491 View Post

      Hey Chucky<